Pressure Points

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We have been walking for a couple hours now, but I kind of lost track of time to be honest. We are in Paris, France, so we are getting closer to the hospital. Ever since the tunnel I have been so jumpy, my nerves are all over the place. Usually I don't have a lot of anxiety, but right now I kind of do.

"I'm starving" Alfie says as he walks up to some food on a outdoor table, and takes a bite out of it, "ew" He says in disgust and throws the food. I did not even get a good look at what food he found, but I'm sure it was gross

"Well find something soon, Alf" I say as I feel my stomach start to grumble, it was very loud and I feel my cheeks heat up wit embarrassment.

After walking for a couple of seconds I hear something in French play out loud, I don't catch like any of it, but I do catch it saying evacuate, "Whats she saying?" Alfie asks

"I think she's saying its not safe. She's telling people to..." Monty replies but I finish, "Evacuate" He nods at what I said.

"Whats that?" Penny asks as she points to the walls being covered in missing people pictures, kind of like the ones I found on my way to go get Alfie and Darwin- Jesus that feel like forever ago.

I walk up to them, "I know what it is, they're notes from people hoping to find someone. Or just missing people posters" I say as I look at some of the pictures on the wall, its so sad. There was one of a little kid with her mom, and drawings around them.

"Or hoping to be found" Alfie says.

"Maybe there's one from Mum and Dad" Penny says and starts to look hard. I glance over at Monty who is looking at Penny with a sad look on his face, then he looks down at the floor. I have a feeling that their mum and dad did not leave them one.

Alfie goes to pick up a piece of paper on the ground, "What you doing?" Monty asks

"What does it look like? I'm writing a note"


"Because if something happens to me, there's a small chance my mum and dad might find out one day." He starts to write a note to his parents, and Monty glances at me for a moment before he himself starts to write a note to their parents.

I watch as everyone starts to pick up a piece of paper and starts to write, I feel a gaping hole in my heart. Even if I wrote a note there would be no one to read it, my dad is probably drunk as a skunk. Or hell, even dead.

I try to not care, and I act like I don't. But its hard to not have a mum, and a dad who hits you and does not care about you. I wish that right now I would be writing a note to my dad, but I am just standing awkwardly watching everyone write a note.

"N-nothing's gonna happen to us." I clear my throat, "We're gonna find Casp. And then were gonna fuck up some mother-fucking aliens" I say sternly keeping my eyes focused on the ground, "Pen, how much further to the hospital?" I glance up and ask her

"Umm, just another 10 kilometers" she replies

"Its gonna be dark real quick" an idea pops up in my head and I focus my gaze on Monty, "How far till your parents place?" I ask him

"Not that far" he replies

"Okay, well we'll hold up there for the night and then crack on at sunrise." I say starting to walk the way to Monty and Pennys parents house.

"Do yo think there'll be food?" Alfie asks, and I look at Monty, "Please tell me there will be some, my stomach was growling like a fucking monster a little while back" I say to myself

"Well, I guess we'll find out" Monty says.


After about 5-6 minutes we made it to Monty and Penny's parents place, "This is it" Monty says as he stops right in front of it. Jesus his parents are rich as fuck, there house is huge.

I start to walk into the house, it looks even bigger on the inside than on the outside, "Holy fuck" I mutter as I look at the things in their parents house.

"Must be up here somewhere" Monty says as we walk up the stairs.

"Monty, I wonder how come Mum and Dad never let us come here before" Penny says

"This don't look like the kinda place that allows kids" I mutter as I look around, still mesmerized.

We get to the top of the steps, and Monty walks into a room, "This is your parents place? But its, like, cool" Alfie says as he looks around his parents house.

"Look! That chairs like a swing!" Penny says as she runs to one of those little swinging chairs, then the hops on it.

I look around the house, but my eyes stop at something: through the doors I see a fucking water bed, a fucking water bed! I mean why the hell is there a water bed in this kids house?

I start to walk over to it and I push my hand into it, it feels so weird. Its like the bed is made of jello, I look back at Monty with a huge smile on my face, "You should totally com-" But I stop myself when i see the picture he is holding, with no smile on his face. He looks sad, so I walk over to him.

"You alright?" I ask him, glancing at the picture he is holding and shining his light at. Its a man and a women, smiling in a picture, they look happy. I always wished that was what my family would have been like, happy.

"Yeah" He mutters, I nod my head and start to walk away. But I glance back at him putting the picture of the man and the woman face down on the table, why did he do that?

"come on, lets see if there's anything to eat" Monty says, I start to feel the feeling of hunger creep up on me again, so I walk to the pantries.

I look in the pantries, "Fuck yes" I mutter as I pull out some canned food, I mean it's probably not going to be the best food on the planet- but hey, food is food.

"I got some biscuits" Alfie yells out as he shows me the box he found, "nice" I smile, "Lets gather all we can and put everything around the table" I say as I bring the food I found onto the table in front of Penny who is still swinging on her chair.

"You like that chair?" I ask her

"Yeah I do, I have always wanted something like this, but Mum and Dad always said no" She looks down sadly, then perks back up, "But I have one now!" She smiles at me, and I send her a smile back.

After a couple of seconds Alfie comes over to me and sets a couple boxes of biscuits down on the table, "That's all I could find. But its better than nothin" He says to me, "Its more than I thought we would find, thanks"

We all sit down and start to eat the food, I start to feel more energetic than I did before because I have not eaten for a day or two.

"This what bougie people have for dinner? Like little bites and things?" I ask to no one in particular

"No, its what bougie people have for dinner when they don't actually wanna have dinner." Alfie responds and we laugh at that, just for a couple seconds it feels like my worry's are like bubbles floating away.

"Its just like camping" Penny starts, "You know, I've always wanted to go camping, Like, real camping. Not in the back garden, but, like, a proper adventure in the wild" Penny says

"Well, this is definitely fucking wild, and we are on a adventure. Sounds a lot like camping to me" I say to Pen. I am eating my food super slow, because I want to savor all that I can. I also heard somewhere that if you eat slower you get more full, I have no idea if that's true or not- but why not test it out?

I look at Penny who is starting at the ingredients to the crackers, "Whats wrong with it?" I ask her

"There's peanut butter in these crackers." She replies

"What, are you allergic to peanuts or something?" Alfie asks, that would really fucking suck.

"No, my mum is, were not allowed to have them in our house" If their mum was allergic to peanuts then why was there peanut crackers? I start to feel my heart sink as realization floods through me, their mum was never here- It had to be another woman,  "Monty, do you think mum and dad are here in Paris?" Penny finishes

He does not respond, instead he just looks sad, he gets up and walks away, "I'm sure well find them soon, Pen" I give her a small smile.

I look over at Alfie and he gives gives me a confused look, and I shake my head. I set my food down, and I get up, "You alright?" I quietly ask him

"Brilliant" He snaps back as he leans against the door glaring into space.

"You barely ate anything, trying to get that good swimsuit body?" I say sarcastically at the last part, but he did not even crack a smile.

"I guess I'm not that hungry for stale crackers" He says blankly at the ground, I start to frown a little.

"More for us then" Alfie says and Penny laughs, "You sure?" I ask Monty once again, and he just glances up at me once before gluing his eyes on the ground again.

I feel my heart sink just thinking about how sad and mad Monty is feeling right now, and his sister does not even know. I mean how could Penny know, she is so young.

I walk away from him to give him some space, "You guys leave any more for me?" I ask and put a fake smile on my face.

"Nah we ate it all" Alfie laughs and hands me a couple crackers, "So, you excited about tomorrow" he asks me.

Remember when I said about two minutes ago about how it feel like all of my worries were like bubbles floating away? Well now its like one of those bitch kids just popped all my worries, and they are real again.

"I'm fucking nervous, I mean I'm super excited to see him after all this time, but I-I'm just nervous" I say truthfully and look over at Alfie, "Nervous about what? Its Casp" he says.

"And what if Caspar's not there?" Monty asks, jesus way to kill a mood, "Hm?" He continues.

"W-what?" I say a little more on the quiet side.

"You all talk like you're so sure he's going to be there. But you don't know. I mean, this could all be for nothing" he looks at me

"Why are you saying this?" I say with a slight hint of anger towards Monty

"Cause it's the truth, innit?" He asks us and none of us reply, why is he being so bitchy about Caspar coming back? What an ass.

"I'm going to bed" He mutters and quietly glanced at me before walking away, "Bitch" I mutter to myself and Alfie hears and agrees with me.

"Well on that note" I pause and glance at Alfie and Penny, "I'm going to bed" I get up, and walk over to the water bed that I was playing with earlier.

I take off my shoes, and go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the the mirror, what if Monty is right? What if this has all been for nothing, "Fuck" I mutter aloud.

I start to feel my head pounding, I feel myself start to sweat, "Fuck not now" I mutter to myself. I start to feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, shit. But before I could do anything, I feel everything spinning around me and I fall to the ground with a loud thud.

I snap my eyes open, and as soon as my eyes adjusts to the light I realize that it's not a vision that I'm having- its one of those trances that Caspar puts me in.

"Caspar!" I scream out, I look around me and there is these weird black walls on both side of me so I can only to forward of backwards. It starts to feel like the walls are glitching, and I start to feel a little dizzy, "Caspar? If you can hear me we are almost here to get you!" I yell out once again.

I start to feel my head pounding in my head, "Why don't you answer me?" My voice cracks a little, and I hold my head in my hands. I lean against the walls and sink down to the floor, and I feel tears come down my face.

After a couple of seconds I hear this weird noise come from behind me, and I snap my head up, "C-Caspar?" I call out, but I can barely stand up I feel all dizzy and shit, "Caspar?" I mutter, but then I get jolted back into reality when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

I let out a little yelp of surprise, and sit up fast. But I wish I did not do that because I start to feel dizzy again, "You alright?" Monty asks me, and I turn my head his way and focus my eyes on him.

"Y-yeah. Fine" I hold my head in my hands, what the fuck is happening to me. I'm fucking done with it.

"How long was I out for?" I ask Monty, when I am in these weird trances time is weird. For me it could be a minute or two, but in reality it would be a hour or so.

"For about a hour. Everyone was asleep- but I could not fall asleep." He makes eye contact with you, "I came in here because I thought I heard someone crying or whatever- then I saw you on the floor on the bathroom and tried to wake you up from the vision. It was a vision right?"

"Yeah- yeah it was a vision" I lie

"So, uh- why could you not fall asleep?" I ask him as I lean against the wall across to Monty in the bathroom, so I am sitting across from him. He does not answer and pulls out the a picture of Montys dad and his Mum.

"Thats not your mum in the photo, is it?" I quietly ask him

"No, yeah, thats my dad. But the woman....That ain't mum" He glances at the picture with both anger and sadness in his face, "Monty-" I start but he cuts me off.

"My dad used to tell us he was going to Paris for business. Now I know what business he meant" He clenches his jaw and glares at the picture.

"Thats so fucked up, I'm so sorry" I say to him

"Its not that he just cheated on mum. Its how happy he looks. Like he really loves her. You know, I used to think my dad didn't love anyone, but the truth is he just didn't love us." He says numbly

I start to make eye contact with Monty, "I'm sure your dad loves you. He probably just doesn't know how to say it"

"I don't know if he did, if he ever did" he mutters

"Of course he does. How could he not?"

He looks at me and smiles a small bit, "thanks. Even if you are just saying it" He mutters the last part

"I'm not just saying it, I don't just say shit like that. I mean yeah, I say random shit all the time, but not random shit like that. I mean it" He lightly smiles and makes eye contact with me, "anyway..."

"So, what was this vision about Anyways?" He asks me

I clear my throat, "N-nothing important" I glue my eyes onto the ground and start to subconsciously play with the bracelet on my wrist.

"Your lying" He says to me

"How did you know" I laugh a little.

"Well for starters, when you lie or get uncomfortable you start to stutter a little bit, then usually glue your eyes on the ground, and then you play with the bracelet on your wrist. Am I right, or am I right?" He says sarcastically at the last part.

"W-well then" I stutter a little, and I mentally slap myself in the face. This lie is not looking to good for you right now.

"See, you just did it right there." He points out and I feel my cheeks heat up, "What was your vision about?" He asks again.

I clear my throat, "Well it was not really a vision, it was a trance. After Caspar 'died' he started to send me into these trances, and I just had one. Its like he is trying to connect with me, but I just cant quiet find him. But this one was weird, I felt like I was literally dying, my head hurt like fuck and I felt dizzy and shit."

"Shit" He mutters in response, "You alright?" He looks at me with worry in his eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say, "I feel like I cant feel him anymore, its like he is getting further away from me. Not closer, which makes no sense because we are getting closer. But whatever I guess" I mutter the last part, "I dont know what these mean, but I'm starting to think you are right. Maybe we came all this way for nothing"

"Yeah, I just said that because, you know, I was pissed about my dad."

"Don't mean your wrong" I mutter

"Hey" he looks at me, "we're going to find Caspar. He's out there. I'm going to find him. And when we do, everything's gonna be different"

"Thanks Monty," I smile, "even if your just saying it, thanks"

We stare at other for a couple more seconds before I clear my throat and break the silence, "I-sorry for bothering you. I'll let you get back to bed" I stand up, and Monty stands up with me.

"You weren't bothering me, It was kind of nice to just talk" he looks down at me and says

I smile, "yeah it was, goodnight" I walk out of the bathroom and flop down on the water bed.

"Jesus, is that a waterbed?" Monty looks back at me and says

I start to laugh a little, "it surprised me too, here come sit on it. It's actually so fun for no reason"

He walks up to the bed and sits on it, "wow that's fucking weird" he mutters

"I know, right?" I start to laugh a little now, but I put my hand over my mouth because I'm being to loud.

"Alright, goodnight now"

"Night" I watch as he walks out, I am so glad it's dark in the room right now because I am sure my checks are getting red.

I start to get under the sheets of the bed, and I close my eyes. After a couple of seconds I start to feel myself fall asleep.


"You sure this the right place?" Monty asks as we make our way into the hospital.

"Well, it's the address of the transfer order" I say walking through the hospital doors, I feel a shutter go through my body walking in.

I know it's not the same hospital as the one back in London, but just seeing a hospital makes all the memories flood back into me.

I shake the feeling off, "Casp, you here?" I call out into the empty hospital

I shine my light on the walls, shit. It's fucking abandoned, what if he's not here.

"So, what do we do now?" Monty asks

"Search for him" I respond

"The whole hospital?" Penny wines a little

"Yeah, this place is massive, man" Alfie says agreeing with Penny

"So we'll split up. Cover more ground, yeah?" I say

"Casp!" We all call out, "hello?" I yell

I speed walk through the halls, "Caspar! Please tell me you're here!" I scream out, but the only response I get is the silence of the hospital halls.

"Frick" I mutter

I shine my light on everything I see, hoping that it could be a sign of life, "Casper?" I keep yelling

"Come on Caspar, give me some sign. I came all this way, please give me a sign" I say to myself

"Oi! I think I found something" I hear Monty's voice echo through the halls

I sleepwalk over to the direction of his voice, "look what I found" Monty says as he shows me the records of Caspar being here.

"I-It's here" I look at the records, it has his name, and everything about him. It's really him, it's really him.

"We must be close" Monty says and I smile brightly, we're gonna find him. After months I am going to find my best friend.

"Guys" Alfie starts, "what?" I ask as I walk over to him. He is flashing his flashlight at a bunch of dead bodies

"Well that's-that's refreshing" I say as I gag a little at the smell of the dead guys.

"They must have stayed back to protect something"

"Or someone" I say as I go through the door that the dead bodies are in front of.

"Please be in here Caspar" I say to myself

I walk into the main operation room, it looks fucking deserted.

"I mean, surely nothing could have survived" Monty says

I walk up to something on the ground, it's the brain monitor thing that Caspar wore 4 months ago back at the London hospital

"Fuck" I start to feel a single tear swirl down my face.

"We'll keep looking" Alfie says

"No, you said it. You said it" I start to feel myself breaking a little, "nothing could have survived here, nothing" I say numbly.

"We'll figure out something" Alfie says, trying to assure me.

"What are we gonna figure out, Alf? What are we gonna fucking figure out?"

"Last night, in my dream, he didn't answer. He didn't fucking answer me, you know what that means? He's gone, he's fucking gone!" I kick the closest thing to me, which was a desk.

"This is all fucking bullshit, all of it" I say angrily and I clench my fists, "All cause of me. I risked our lives. I-I made you leave, you were all safe! I got Darwin hurt, all for nothing. Nothing"

"Don't talk like that" Monty says as he walks up closer to me, "You were right to bring us here, you were right to look for him" he continues

"Stop" I say with a mix of anger and sadness in my voice, "just fucking stop"

"Look, there's no blood here, yeah" Monty says ignoring me, "Caspar's out there. And we're gonna find him"

"And what if he's dead? And there's not fucking point to any of this" I choke in my tears, "A-and what if everyone, y-your families what if all of you were right? And I just wanted to believe it, cause if some stupid fucking dreams. Like some busted old Walkman proves something"

At this point, fuck it, honestly. I feel tears come down my face but I don't even dare to wipe it, "Im sorry for wasting all of your time" I walk past everyone and on my way out of the room I kick another couple more things out of anger.

"Elsie" Monty says and I stop and turn
around, "No matter what. I'm glad I came with you"

I just feel so numb and broken, I don't even care anymore. I walk into Monty and he surround me with a hug.

"I'm so sorry" I cry into his arms, he just holds me in his arms in response.

After a couple more seconds I pull away from the hug, and I start to make my way out of the room.

I honestly have no idea where I am walking, but Monty walks up besides me and I grab his hand. I feel him hold mine back and just for a millisecond I feel happy, but then sad and pissed again.

"I-I'm glad you came too" I whisper to him

"Wait" Penny says and both me and Monty stop and turn around.

"What it is, Pen?" I ask

"Can't you hear that?" She says, and I stand still and listen. I hear a weird tapping of some sort, and I feel hope flutter up in me and a jolt of adrenaline runs through me.

I walk over to a door, "h-hello? Anyone there" I ask

The tapping continues and I jolt forward to open the door, "Elsie," Alfie puts a hand in my shoulder, "are you sure about this"

I don't respond and I turn around and rush through the door, "hello!" I call out, I hear the tapping getting louder, I feel my heart beating faster

In the room there is a hospital bed, and a person sitting on the floor. I shine my light on the person, "Casp" I feel my heart and everything around me literally stop. It's like the whole world just stopped, even the tapping.

The boy turns around, and I see his face, "Holy fuck" I say and I run up to him and surround him in the biggest hug I have ever given someone.

I feel Alfie's arms on me too as he hugs both me and Caspar, I feel Caspar literally fall into me as I still hold him into a hug.

We sit him down onto the hospital bet, "mate, I thought you were gone. What are you doing in here?" Alfie asks

Caspar pauses for a second, "I don't know. After I woke up...I could hear them all around me, they were so loud, so I- I hid" he relies

"You hid? From the aliens?" Monty asks

"I can't remember" he says confused, at that moment I feel something is off with him.

"I missed you" I say to him, Caspar smiles at
me, "I missed you so much" I repeat myself

"It's good to have you back though, man. Honestly" Alfie says

"Monty, it's all going to change now. Isn't it?" Penny asks Monty

I pay my attention towards Caspar, "Hey, Casp? So what do we do now?"

Ello guys!!!!!!! How are you today? I'm pretty good, I hope you guys are good too! I hope you all liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment. And after I finish this fan fic I think I am going to do a Percy Jackson(Walker Scobell) fan fic! I hope you all have an amazing day or night!!


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