The King is dead

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~the middle of the night in Elsie's dream

My eyes open, and it looks like I am in my room. The familiar smell of crack head filly my nose, and I scrunch it up in disgust.

I walk to my door, and unlock it, and open it in one quick move. I have learned to do that from years of practice.

As I look at my surroundings I see a man who Is sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand, and smoking. I roll my eyes and realize that it is dad, and just as I am about to close my door he says, "Elsie, get your ass over here right now"

I stand in my place for a moment, shaking, and reluctantly move forward towards him. As I was standing right in front of him, and before I could do anything to defend myself, he reaches out and grabs me.

I try to scream, but he covers my mouth with his hand. He repeatedly hits me over and over again. I think that I deserve this, after what happened with mom. But I know deep, deep down that I really don't.

Tears start streaming out of my eyes, and the pain is crawling all over my body. I can't take it anymore, he is not stopping. He is just pounding and pounding on my body and I cant do anything about it.

I look up at him, as his fist looks like it is about to slam hard in my face, I feel like I am being shaken.

My eyes fly open and I look at my surroundings, my face feels wet from crying. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I see a body hovering over me. As soon as my brain registers that information, I flinch violently and start to quietly sob.

He person that was hovering over me starts to cradle me in their arms, but I recognize the sent of this person holding me. I realize that it is Caspar, oh my god, its Caspar. He cannot be seeing me like this.

But honestly, right now I cannot even seem to care, I am too frightened by my dream to even care that he is here right now. I silently cry in his arms a little bit more.

After a couple minutes of us sitting like this in that position, I start to settle down. I wipe my eyes and look at Caspar, I can almost see his face through the darkness.

"Thank you Casp, you don't know how much I needed that right there" I say almost quieter than a whisper, and with a hint of embarrassment. I think he could sense the hint of embarrassment in my voice though.

"Hey it's no problem, no need to be embarrassed." He stops and pauses for a couple seconds, "hey.. if you don't mind me asking, what was it that you dreamed about that made you- c-cry?"

My whole body stiffened at that question, even if i was gonna tell him, I cannot tell him right now. I think he could tell that I got nervous at that question, "Hey its alright if you dont want to answer, but just think about it, ok? If you want to talk, I am here for you I promise"

See, this is why I love Caspar. No matter what the situation is, he always cares about everyone. This is why I have a crush on him, well, he is also cute- but that's besides the point here.

" thanks for calming me down, can we talk about this in the morning though? I am tired" He nods and starts to lay back down. And before I even think about it, I lay back down too, but I put my head on his chest.

I wiped my tears a little bit, but then I felt someone's hand, that had to be Caspars, grab mine. I don't pull my hand back towards me, and I lightly squeeze his hand. I can almost feel him smiling right now even though I don't quite see it.

After a couple of seconds I start to find myself falling back asleep to the sound of Caspar's conforming breathing patterns.

~In the morning~

My eyes flutter open, and I let out a huge yawn. I did not sleep well last night, after I woke Caspar up from by bad dream I had like a hundred of that dream repeated.

I lift my head up from Caspars chest, feeling butterflies erupt in my stomach. I smile to myself as I look down at Caspar sleeping, he looks so peaceful. His hair is perfectly messy, and he just looks so relaxed.

Just looking at him makes me relaxed, but then all my worries flood back into me again.

The dreams I had last night made me stiffen, and it is making my palms and forehead start to sweat.

I wish my family was normal, I wish it was like one of the other girls in our school.

They are always talking about how both of their parents are taking them somewhere fun, both of her parents was out for a date last night.

I'm so fucking done with his perfect some peoples life are, I can't deal with it anymore.

That's why I think I am so close to Caspar, we both had family issues. He does not really know most of the issues, but I think he is starting to uncover some things on his own.

I feel so alone, I just want someone to know. But I don't want people to think I am being annoying, of being a fucking wimp.

Sometimes it's just easier to pretend you're ok, even though you are breaking.

I get jolted out of my thoughts when I feel someone hand on my shoulder, I look at the person who pulled me out of my thoughts.

I looked in their eyes and I felt a warm sensation flow through me knowing that it was just Caspar. I smile at him.

"Good morning" he says in a raspy voice, "Hey, I want to talk to you about something.."

I look at him in a way that says, 'go for it' and he says, "so I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but why were you crying last night?"

I suck in a big breath, and let it out. I feel everything in me not to tell him, but I feel like I need to tell him. I have been hiding this secret of mine from him for years, its only fair if I tell him.

I feel a tear start to wonder it's way down my face, and I feel Caspar's soft hand wipe it off of my cheek. At his comforting touch I start to sob more.

So I did what I thought I needed to do, I spilled everything and started to sob even more while doing it. But I did leave out the suicide part, I am not gettin into that part of me yet.  I don't know why it took a bus crash to tell him everything, but it did.

After I finished telling him everything, he grabbed me an pulled me into the biggest hug I have ever had. I felt a hundred pound lift off of my shoulders.

"I-I'm sorry I never told you about this before. I just always felt like you would think I am a freak or something." I say truthfully in his ear.

He lets me go and says softly, "Nothing that you could do would make me think you are a freak, I lo-" before he could finish I scrunched my nose up, now that I noticed, it smelled like a actual rats ass.

"What the fuck, it smells bloody foul In here" I stand up, and grab Caspar's hand and follow the strong stench.

We both walk slowly, and I get there before Caspar and what I see makes my jaw fall open.

I stop quickly and feel Caspar bump into me, "H- h- he..." is all I can about get out, before I push him in front of me to see Mr. Edwards.

I can hear Caspar say, "He's gone" is all he says before he goes and starts to wake everyone up. I cant even move, I mean our only adult is fucking laying right there dead! I mean he never really did anything down here anyways, but it was almost comforting having a adult down here.

But now he is dead, and the only person here that is in charge is fucking Monty. Everyone starts to say things round me but I cant even think to listen, I mean our teacher is fucking laying there!

Caspar goes back down towards Mr. Edwards and feels his cheek, "he's cold" I roll my eyes and say, "Yeah, no shit Sherlock, he is dead" I say trying to sound sarcastic, but it comes out dry.

But everyone just stares at me unimpressed, and confused at why I said he is dead, because no one knows yet. and I muttered a quick sorry before looking back down at my hands.

Sometimes when I am scared, mad, or any emotion I just start to try and be funny. It does not make me feel better, but sometimes it gets a laugh out of people, and that's all that matters.

" He's- he- h" Is all Caspar can get out before I have to step in, "He's dead" I say dryly. Everyone goes still and gasps at that information.

After a couple moments we all gather around outside. People are saying their last words to him while I just stare blankety at the ground.

"No one's coming! We're fucked" I laugh at that a little but, yep we really are fucked.

"Shit the fire's out" Alfie says, "we're completely alone" poppy says, yep we are. And I will say it again, we are totally fucked.

I hear someone open a bag of crisps, and another person screaming help, "Will you quit it" I snap, "We've tried that one thousand fucking times, screaming for help is not going to do anything." I say to him clearly annoyed. He stops screaming and gives a quick nod.

"Sort him out, bruv" I hear Monty mutter

"One bag a day!" I hear Montys friend say to the guy who was munching on chips. "What the hell man" he says back to him

"A day? How many days will it be until we die?" Darwin says

I laugh sarcastically, "Well at this rate, not very long"

"It's been a day. Nobody's dying unless I say so." Monty being Monty replies back to me and Louis

"Well your "unless i say so" is not working because" I point over to where Mr. Edwards is, "Someone is already dead." He is about to say something back at me before he gets cut off.

"And, look, if we can't eat, we have go to, even if it is like 100 miles to the nearest Tesco! We have to get help and tell someone!"

"Look! We said we'd stay"

"Till when? How do we know they're gonna find us? They'd have come by now." No one is coming for us, I hope no one is still holding on to that bit of hope.

"We stay here!" I roll my eyes and walk up in front of Monty, "Cant you get it through that tiny fucking brain of yours? We cant stay! He died because we stayed!"
Again, I point back to where Mr. Edwards is.

"And brov, you are not in charge of us. Because I did not vote last night. And it dont take a fucking genius to know that I sure as hell am not voting for you" I say confidently towards him.

The boys start throwing rocks at me, and people are yelling at them to stop. I walk up to them and about to throw a punch, Caspar says, "i take it back!"

He locks eyes with me, " I take my vote back for you. So if me and Elsie vote no for you, your out." I smile at him and start to walk over to Casp.

Monty starts to slowly walk back to us, "It's your fault we're down here, remember? Just like it's your fault your moms in a chair" My heart stops at that comment that he makes, and it reminds me of myself. It's my fault my moms dead, but not his fault his moms in a chair.

I feel the anger rise up in me and he starts to push my buttons more, "Oh im sorry was that a secret? Oh, and I almost forgot" He locks eyes with me and grows a evil smile, "Just while we are on the subject, It's Elsie's fault her mother is dead, and her dad is a abusive ass hole. You don't think I did not hear your little rant to ghost boy this morning?"

All the anger in me comes out, and I sprit towards him and tackle him to the ground. Repeatedly punching him in the face, mostly for what he said about Caspar- but I hate him for revealing my secret out to everyone too.

I feel a couple tears flowing down my face, and I get yanked up by someone- well someone's. I assume it is Caspar and Alfie, I can get out of Alfie a Darwin's grip, but when it is Caspar and Alfie I cant.

But that does not stop me from screaming at them to let me go, "Caspar why don't you go up there and beat the fuck out of Montgomery Burns why he is on the ground?" I say angrily at him, I did not mean to sound mean to him, but I am just pissed off.

After a couple of seconds, Burns gets up and starts to finish what he was saying, "Yeah, these little wankers just watched while their mothers got fucked up. I mean hell, one turned into a crip, and another one died!"

Everyone just looked at us with their jaws open, and I started to get really embarrassed. It really was my fault, god I hate myself. I'm such a fucking pussy.

"They watched while their moms got beat, they did not even try and help. Did you?" I just back away behind Caspar, and start to hunch over and lock my eyes on the ground why tears fall out of my face.

Caspar curses to himself, turns around, grabs my hand and we walk strait to the cliff. Everyone around us is saying, "Yo where you goin?" And "You all right?" And "Yo Caspar, Elsie? The fuck guys?'

I squeeze his hand and hold my head up climbing the hill to where the rock cliff starts. "Oi, This is fucking crazy, lets do it" I wipe my tears and start climbing.

~about 15 minutes later~

The whole time I am right next to Caspar, making sure I am keeping a eye on him In case he starts to seize or something. After a couple seconds Caspar puts a foot on a rock and the rock tumbles, making him slip.

I quickly let one hand go from the rock I am holding on to and let him take it, he grabs it fast and steady himself again. I let a breath out that I did not know I was holding in.

I start to look down to see everyone is watching us, and I realize that we are really fucking high up. "Holy fucking shit fuck" I say

Caspar looks at me like I am crazy, and looks at the direction I am looking at. "Holy fucking shit fuck." He repeats what I say, and we lock eyes and start to crack up and act like we are not a good 70 feet in the air.

We control ourselves, and quickly start up the rocky hill again. And before no time, we make it up the fucking cliff.

"Are we fucking awesome, or are we fucking awesome?" I say not so sarcastically because I really am proud of myself, and Caspar. I look over the edge and see everyone climbing their way up the cliff following our path.

I smile brightly at Caspar to see that he is already looking at me, and I give him a height five. And then go in for a huge hug that knocks us off our feet. We both fall to the ground laughing like little kids and acting like we just got launched over a cliff not even two days ago.

~Everyone is finished climbing the cliff~

We are all walking silently together and Alfie breaks the silence, "guys, this isn't from the bus" Again i wanted to say my iconic line, of no shit Sherlock. But. Restrained myself, surprisingly.

I walk with Caspar and he stops at a piece of black looking metal, "This must of hit the bus" I nudge his shoulder a little bit, "I fucking new it! It was not your fault, the crash" I smile brightly at him

He mutters a quick yeah and the others hear and say, "No shit, Oi Monty! I think you owe my boy Caspar a apology"

"I don't care" Monty being his usual bitch self says and I roll my eyes and walk over to Darwin.

"Blew out of the sky, ow its still hot" I look at what he is holding and there is steam coming from it, "what do you think it is?" Someone asks Darwin.

"Russians. They've been bombing us" He says and I roll my eyes, "No, its not a bomb genius. It's a satellite"

"Look. Solon panels and everything. This must have geared through the atmosphere" I stare at Caspar and noticed that he has not said a word and just stared off this whole time we have been talking, "You alright? And you forgot this back at the crash." I gave him the notebook he loves.

He grabs it from my hands and starts to frantically look through it, and stops at one of his emo drawings, it looks to be Russian and written in all black scribbles.

"For how long I have known you, I never knew you new Russian-" before I can say anything else he walks off.

I scoff and say, "Fine, just walk off then" I roll my eyes and continue to study the steaming black piece of metal.

I turn around to see where Caspar is walking off to, and he is walking strait towards Monty and Alfie. Shit.

"Hey! Hey! We're going home"

"Nobody's going nowhere" I scoff at the fact that he thinks he is in charge, what the fuck, you were voted out

"There's nothing here!"

"I said we stay here!" Monty retorts back

"Your not in charge. You were voted out" I step in and say in Caspar's defense, "and you steal snacks" said someone else, I laugh a little bit at that one, but hey, its true.

" You've already done your worst" he says as he clenched he fist. I hope they break out in a fight, I want to see Monty get his ass handed to him.

"We'll see about that" Monty says as he pushes Caspar down, well looks like it was the opposite on what I wanted.

"How about we just keep our hands to ourselves for once Monty! It would save you from another ass beating from me" I say as I try and walk towards him, but Alfie grabs my arm and gives me a look to let Caspar deal with it and I nod.

"Says you, I mean you are the one who is always punching me" Monty says back to me, and I send him the finger.

Caspar starts to slowly get up, "i have three older brothers. Bigger than you, a lot bigger. There is nothing you can do, that ain't been done before. And worse" True, I fight people a lot, and tried to play fight one of his brother's. Lets say that was the first fight I have lost, badly to.

"I have always liked a challenge" Monty spats back at Caspar

"How about we go, and you stay here. We can leave most of our problems will be left behind, literally. Problem solved, innit?" I step closer to Monty and say.

"Go. See if I fucking care." Monty replies after a couple of seconds

"Sounds like a plan to me" I say sarcastically and start walking right along with Caspar, and I hear Monty mutter to me, "God your so fucking annoying"

"Oi, where you all going?" He says to us all as we leave him there. I smile and grab Caspar's hand

Ello guys!! It's Valentine's Day! Happy Valentine's Day! And do you like the nickname I gave for Monty, Montgomery burns? Lol, anyways, have a good day!

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