Part 1: The Black Flag Flying

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"Ahoy Kenway," Adewale says, "What are you doing?" He asks, wondering why the Captain of the Jackdaw was sitting on the edge on the poop deck, on the aft. Edward was just adoring the view. The water looked glassy when shined upon by the moonlight, behind it, was the white wake trail of water the ship left.

It was probably around midnight, maybe eleven or ten.

"Just adoring the sight of the West Indies I guess," Edward sits up, turning to face Ade, "How are the crew?"

"Asleep as a whale, " Ade responds, "I've posted several lookouts on deck, there's been a heavy fog bank straight ahead of us," Ade points in front of them, seeing a wall of mist straight ahead.

The Jackdaw was cruising at a slow pace. She rocked gently in the calm sea as they slowly made their way to Nassau. They were sailing back from Tulum, the Assassin hideout in the Caribbean. Master Kidd had just introduced Edward to the Assassins, where the two had somewhat of a rough encounter to say the least.

Below deck, the men were fast asleep. After a long day of pulling halyards and making knots, they deserved a rest. Some played games, such as cards. While others wrote to their diaries, and read books, though most probably couldn't read.

The Jackdaw wasn't being steered by Edward this time.

A lookout stood on the bow, using his spyglass to scan any possible hazards that might pass by. The fog was making it much harder to see farther though. They weren't in the fog yet, but they were going to sail in it regardless.

For a while, nothing popped up, no islands or shapes. Just plain blue sea. The Jackdaw was slicing through the waves, with white waves forming near the bow as it pushed onto the water.

However, when looking through his spyglass again, he for a brief moment, spotted a shape in the fog. It disappeared just as quickly though, only appearing for a second.

The lookout's eyes widened at the sudden shape. Afterwards a sea of questions blew through his mind.

Was it a ship? An island? Why did it disappear? What was hiding in the fog?

He began to shrug it off, just ignoring it for a while. Although the same shape appeared in the fog once more for a second time. This time, only showing for about a couple of seconds before disappearing.

Alright, the lookout had enough, and he walked over to the Captain to report his suspicions.

Edward and Ade were in the midst of discussing things, ranging from James Kidd and the Assassins, to their hurricane escape in 1715 a year prior.

"Damn it to all, even to this day I still can't believe we survived that Hurricane!" Edward exclaims, "You weren't much of a pout that day, especially with a sword," He compliments, and Ade chuckles lightly.

"That makes the two of us I guess!" Ade jokes, but as soon as they laugh, the lookout grabs their attention by kindly acknowledging his presence.

Edward shifts his gaze, "Yes lad? What is it you need?" He asks.

"Cap'n, I've been spotting a large shape in the fog not too far from here, but it keeps disappearin' over and over," He explains, "It's been too long now."

Edward's eyes turn to one of sudden seriousness. Shapes in the fog? I mean it could mean anything, maybe an uncharted island?

He feared mostly of a ship. Specifically an enemy ship at that, as the empires of the world weren't to fond of pirates and their deeds.

He motions to Ade to stay, "Alright, I'll check it out," Edward says.

The lookout and Edward walk over to the bow, to the spot where he was standing. Edward took out his spyglass, uncorking it and peering through the hole as he scanned.

"What direction did you see it?" Kenway asks, looking through his scope.

He points to the direction with his finger, "Over there, about five points to the starboard, a shape Cap'n."

Edward switches his gaze on the spot in the fog, where he only saw just fog for quite some time. Three minutes had passed, and three turned to four, and to five.

Still, no shape or sign of anything. Edward puts back his spyglass.

"Must've been an uncharted island or reef, as it there doesn't seem to be anything there, sorry lad," Edward says, and the lookout gives a slight frown.

"But you did your duty, and all suspicions should be reported on board the Jackdaw," Edward gives him a pat in the shoulder, "It's been a long day lad, go under for some rest," He says kind hearted.

The lookouts saddened look shifts to one of relief and joy as rest was beginning to be more valuable than booty.

"Thanks sir!" He exclaims, and he walks on below.

Out of pure wonder, Edward checked the area where the shape was spotted. just for one last time.

"I doubt it's anything," Edward plays in his mind. Although for him, the result was completely different.

To much of his surprise, the area of where the shape had been spotted was soon flashing orange lights, with it, an accompanying boom of cannons. Edward saw it all through his scope.

"Bloody hell!" Edward curses to himself. He ducks for cover on the ship, "Get down! Damn it get down!" He orders the remaining men on deck.

The whole deck began to shake as the cannonballs grazed the ship's hull, making it shutter. Some shots rippled in the water surrounding the Jackdaw, while some hit the hull.

They were being attacked...

Edward stood up taking out his spyglass and looking to see who fired on them.

A huge ship, probably a Man O' War, appears from the foggy mist. It's sails were rather tattered and black. It's decks were filled with rows of cannons, just like sandwiches. The ship flew the Union Jack, meaning that it was British.

Edward immediately ran his arse to the helm, shoving the other helmsman off of it and grabbing it's grip. He looks over to Ade.

"Ade, we're being attacked! Quickly now! Wake the crew!" Edward orders with a desperate tone as he steers the Jackdaw towards port.

"Aye Captain!" Ade bolts his way below deck, smashing the hatch open as he went down the stairs, "Wake up lads! We have a battle to fight!" He yells, "Beat to quarters!"

The crew were on the floors or in their hammocks dozing off as they heard the yell of their African quartermaster. Some didn't respond quickly enough and Ade kicked them in the stomach to awaken them, or he yelled into their ear. However, some were wide awake, hearing the loud booms of cannon fire.

Another broadside from the mysterious fog ship skimmed the Jackdaw. This time, splinters began to fly, and rigging was beginning to be torn.

By now, all of the crew of the Jackdaw were now awake. Many were manning their stations preparing for the battle looming ahead. However due to the sudden reaction time, many of the crew were off their game, and not preforming to the best of their duty.

In the gun deck below, it was dimly lit and very dark since it was nighttime. Only the moonlight served as a light source, shining white light above them as if it was the sun.

The lack of light only made things harder as the men loading the cannons had no clue what they were loading. Some were able to load their gun effectively, but many were just shoving things in, thinking they were the correct materials.

Instead of a bucket of powder, it was instead the bucket they used to poop and vomit it, and the gooey mixture slushed and clogged some of the cannons.

Swab? Nope, instead it was a wet mop. A cannonball? Nah, it was just some hardtack or stale bread. Somehow even cheese, a hat, and even a book made their way into some of the cannons.

The gun crew on the main deck were able to get their guns loaded properly as they had at least some light. However, they weren't in range yet due to size differences.

The Jackdaw was a brig, and it rarely took any Man O' Wars, especially alone. They could upgrade the vessel if they wanted to, but they lacked any sort of material at the moment.

The fog Man O' War began to turn towards his port side, bringing his starboard cannons to bear on the small Jackdaw. The Jackdaw also got her starboard cannons to bear on the Man O' War.

The two ships weren't too far from one another, but not miles away either.
Due to the larger enemy ship having longer and bigger guns, it kept on firing at pounding at the Jackdaw while the Jackdaw couldn't respond back with their own cannons.

The ship was in pure chaos. Splinters flew around and about as the ship was being utterly beaten by cannon fire, and the rigging and ropes were beginning to get tangled onto the deck, making a huge clutter.

Pools of blood begin to flow onto the top deck as the wounded and dead slowly bled out.
The medical crews were carrying any of those in need of aid down below to the sickbay.

Screams of dying men and wounded filled the smoky air.

"She's not in range yet!" An gunnery officer yells, "Just hold on until we get closer!"

"Ade, I'm bringing us closer..." Edward says to his quartermaster who was now starting to see the situation.

"This is starting to look grim Captain, I advise some caution when f-" Ade was stunned when a cannon ball fizzed the bridge, making him lose balance as the ship wobbled.

"Ade!" Edward asks, "You alright man?"

Adewale gets up, rubbing his head as he tries to get his bearings. Soon he manages to regain full control.

"Aye...I guess," He manages to grunt, "Damn cannonball..." Ade mutters.

The two ships were now in a equal firing distance.

The Jackdaw began to fire, though just like earlier, a lot of the cannons were now unusable due to the mismanagement of the crew loading in the wrong ingredients. One of them blew up, killing many of the crew working on that cannon. It pierced and popped a whole new hole on the top deck, spitting splinters everywhere.

Some cannons managed to land hits, though it did nothing to harm the large bulky Man O' War, only piercing small holes or dents.

The Man O' War returned fire with several hits going below the waterline, letting seams of seawater spill below.

The echoing of both ships exchanging fire sounded much like a song.

The Jackdaw was now listing, growing more and more as the battle went on.

Back below deck, the impacts of the cannon balls hitting the gun deck were massive. Men were flown off from their heels as the thin wooden sides of the Jackdaw were penetrated.

The wooden splinters cut and sliced many, making them bleed. but they stood, reloading and firing back with everything they got.

Many bodies were taken below, but just as many just laid where they had died. The smoke of the cannons below deck began to clutter the air.

"Ade, I'm going below deck, take the helm!" Captain Kenway orders, bolting his way out of the bridge and running below.

Suddenly, a ball ripped to where Edward was running to, right below the bridge. It stunned him and sent him flying back, hitting the door to his cabin with his back. His vision was blurred and his ears were ringing.

He kept hearing a voice despite of all of the ringing, "Captain! Captain!" He could hear distantly, although it was right next to him.

"Captain!" A crewmember said shaking Edward's shoulders, and Edward finally regained full consciousness.

"Our rudder has been shot! Come quickly!" He motions, and Edward runs after.

Off in the distance, he saw the mysterious ghost ship, with the starboard side of the stern facing the starboard side of the stern of the Jackdaw. It appeared to just have completed firing a broadside, and was beginning to turn starboard to face the brig.

Edward took out his scope to observe, he looked onto the aft of the Man O' War, trying to make out it's name.

"Prince" It read. The name written and carved below the Great Cabin where the Captain usually stays.

Once more upon closer inspection, it's sails were tattered and messy, and it's masts were immense and huge, probably taller the cathedrals of Germany and Italy.

Also for a Man O' War, it appeared to move quite fast and nimble. It sailed like grace despite it's bulky fat appearance.

"Edward!" He heard a dark voice call, and Edward turned around to reveal that it was Ade.

"What's your plan? Our rudder his gone! Many of a cannons are disabled or not functioning! And we're sitting like lost ducks! Damn it!" Ade slams his fist onto the railing of the ship, "What do we do?" He says, hopeless, looking down.

However, Edward wasn't in the mood of giving up. Nope, not yet, not just yet.

The infamous Captain Edward Kenway had other plans. He was going to get them out of this mess. Edward turned his gaze to the fog.

He thought if they could run for it, they could hide in it, losing the Man O' War inside.

"We'll hide in the fog," He points, "I want every sail lowered right now! Use anything if you have to!" Edward orders.

Kenway looked up, seeing the black flag flying and dancing due to the wind.

He was going to get him, and his crew out of this grim situation.

He curses to the devil he will...

Authors Note:

This is a rewrite!

Still had the same plot to the original, but since that original was my very first chapter, and I've learned so much more these past weeks, I decided to rewrite it.

I like one better though.

We all improve on our old work, it's normal. Seeing things we once saw as great pieces and only to come back later with more experience and think it was somewhat alright is pretty typical if you ask me.

But anyways, thanks for watching lads! I appreciate it as we're nearing 800 reads. Almost to 1000! Woohoo!

As for other rewrites, maybe the chapters "Storytime" and "Nassau Part 2" could be potential candidates, as I feel I could write those better. I might spice up the older chapters I bit so keep that in mind.

If there's anything wrong that you see in the chapter, such as grammar or story, please inform me below. Sometimes I miss stuff lol!

Question: What's the loading process of a cannon in the Age of Sail?

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