1) First Day Jitters

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"Come on Y/N, you need to get going, for your first day at the Academy!" My mommy said, calling for me from down stairs.

"I'm coming mommy!!" I yelled out, as I ran down the stairs.

"Hurry (Y/N), or you and Asuma are going to be late!" She said, as she held the door open for me and my big brother Asuma.

"Sorry mommy." I said, making her sigh. She got on her knees and kissed my forehead, before ruffling my hair.

"Good luck today (Y/N), I know you're going to make us proud." She chirped up, and I smiled.

"I'll be just as good as big brother! I promise." I said to mommy, making her and Asuma smile.

"I know you will." She said, before kissing my big brother's forehead, making him scrunch up his nose.

"Ah mom!!" Big brother whined.
"I'm five years old! I'm a man now!" He said. "And I'm too old for kisses." He added, making her smile at him.

"A man is never too old for a mother's love!" She said while ruffling his hair.
"Now go you two!" She said chuckling to herself, pushing us out the door lightly.

"Here (Y/N)." Asuma said getting down, in front of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"Just jump on." He said, as he picked me up and put me on his back. Once I was comfortable, he gave me a piggyback ride through the village.
"Are you ready to become an awesome ninja, just like me?" He asked, as I giggled.

"You're not a ninja yet Asu... You just started last year." I said, making him he grunt, as he walked through the village.

"Hey! That just means I'm one step closer to becoming the greatest shinobi the Hidden Leaf Village- no- that the world has ever seen." He said pointing to himself proudly.

"You're already the world's greatest shinobi in my eyes big brother." I said, hugging the back of his neck, making him smile.

"And one day you will be too." He said, and I gasped.

"You really mean that big brother?!" I asked excitedly, making him chuckle.

"Well of course I do! You are my little sister, and the daughter of the third Hokage after all! The will of fire pumps through our very veins!" He said, making me smile wide, as I hugged him tighter.
"E-easy there (Y/N), I can't breathe!" He said, making me lighten my grip on him.

"Oh... Sorry big brother." I said giggling as we walked up to the front doors of the academy. He set me down, and I instantly grabbed his hand, as we began to walk through this scary place. We finally made it to a classroom, and he let go of my hand.

"Well, here we are." He said, as I looked inside at all the kids.

"Are you coming with me?" I asked, as he chuckled.

"Nope! I have a different class then you." He said.
"But, I'll see you at lunch time! And if you happen to move up in the ranks, you'll eventually be put into my class." He said, as I nodded.

"A-asu... I'm scared..." I said frowning, and he got on one knee to look me in the eyes.

"Hey, don't be scared (Y/N)." He said ruffling my hair.

"But what if nobody wants to be my friend?" I asked him and he sighed.

"You'll make friends, I promise." He said putting his hands on my shoulder.
"Just go up to someone, and say hi! It can be that simple." He said, as I frowned.

"But what if-"

"No butts. Remember what dad always tells us?" He asked as he took a hand, off my shoulder.
"That they are behind you, just like all your worries should be. You'll be fine, just keep looking forward, and don't be stupid." He said and I frowned.

"I'm not stupid." I sassed back, as he chuckled.

"I never said you were stupid. I just said don't be stupid (Y/N). And listen, if any boys give you trouble, let me know. I'll handle them." He said as I nodded before giving me a hug.
"You'll do fine. I promise. Now go to class." He said lightly pushing me, causing me to nearly trip into the classroom.

My eyes widened, as I looked back and saw Asuma was already gone. I gulped, as I looked around saw so many different kids, already sitting down in seats. My eyes wandered around, as made my way around the room to find an empty seat. After a few seconds, I finally saw a girl who had brown hair with purple markings on her face. On one side of her there was a guy who had black hair and goggles on his head, and on the other side of her was an empty spot, so I decided to walk up there.

"H-hi..." I said softly, making her head turn my direction.
"M-may I sit with you?" I asked quietly, looking down at the table, scared of what she would say.

"Yes!! Of course! Here!" She said excitedly, pulling out the chair for me to sit in. I looked up at her smiling, before sitting down next to her.
"You have really pretty eyes! I wish my eyes were as pretty as yours!" The girl said, staring at me, making giggle.
"My name is Rin Nohara! What's your name?!" She asked, smiling wide at me.

"M-my name is (Y/N)... Sarutobi." I said smiling back at her, and she squealed.

"Oh!! Do you want to be best friends?!" She asked me and I nodded.
"Yay!! Now I have two best friends!!" She said making that funny noise again.
"This is Obito." She said, before she turned over to the boy with the goggles and started pulling on his jacket.
"Obito!! Obito!!" She said trying to get him to look at her. I watched, as Obito looked at this other boy, who had gray spiky hair and a scarf that covered his mouth. He looked mad.

I thought only old people had gray hair?

Obito finally looked at her, before looking at me raising an eyebrow. My face felt warm for some reason, and I couldn't help but stare at him.

"Uh, who's this?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"This is (Y/N) Sarutobi. Obito, she's gonna be our new best friend!" She said, as I nodded. He smiled at me.

"Oh." He said, before he uncrossed his arms, and smiled wide at me.
"Well then, my name is Obito Uchiha, and I'm gonna be the bestest leaf shinobi in the world." He said pointing at himself proudly, as I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, but my big brother Asuma is already the bestest leaf shinobi in the world." I said crossing my arms, as he frowned at me.

"That's not what you're supposed to say to a best friend." He grumbled, making me look at Rin in confusion.

"He's our friend too?" I asked.

"Of course silly!" She said giggling.

"B-but I thought boys have cooties? That's what my daddy always tells me." I said and she laughed at me, making me frown.
"What's so funny?"

"Hey! I don't have cooties!!" He yelled, mad at me. My eyes widened, before I looked down at the table.

"I'm.. I'm sorry." I said softly, as he sighed.

"Hey, don't be sad... I didn't mean to upset you." Obito said, as I looked up at him, and he smiled at me.

"Obito is cool! He doesn't have any cooties! I promise!" She said laughing, and I smiled.

"Well then...Okay! I guess we can be best friends Obito!" I said smiling at him, and all three of us laughed. I couldn't help but notice that the grandpa boy was looking at me.

"Can I have your attention?" Our teacher spoke up, making everyone get quiet, as soon he made signs with his hands. Next thing we knew, another person, who looked just like him, popped up making all of us look at him in shock. Well, except for the grandpa boy, that my new best friend Obito, was looking angrily at earlier. He just looked bored.

"Hello, my name is Inu. And I am your Sensei here at the academy." He said, before his really cool twin started talking.
"And I am Inu Sensei's shadow clone." He said waving.

Whoa!! That's so cool!! I want a shadow clone!!

"In order become Gennin, you will have to learn how to perfect the art of Shadow clone making. You'll also have to know how to properly fight using shurikan, kunai, as well as other weapons, and master the basics of chakra nature." He said, as we all looked at him excitedly.
"After each lesson, if you comprehend it, you move up in the ranks, until you are finally ready to take your test and eventually graduate the Academy at a Gennin ranking." He said, as we all looked at each other in excitement.

*      *      *

"It's time for lunch! You guys now have thirty minutes to eat, and play." He said making us excited.
"When you get back, we will talk more about the chakra network, and how it correlates through our bodies." Our Sensei said, as we got out of our chairs. Rin immediately grabbed mine and Obito's arm, as she pulled us outside with our lunches.

I'm so glad its lunch time! I'm really hungry!...
I don't like that I can't eat all the time, like I can at home.

"Come on you slow pokes! I want (Y/N) to meet everyone else!" She said, as we ran towards a group of kids, who were sitting on the ground. Once we reached them, we sat down with them.

I guess I can't eat right away, but I'm starving!!!!

"Guys!" Rin shouted excitedly. I looked around and saw my big brother with them.
"This is (Y/N)! She's really nice! And has really pretty eyes, see!" She said making me blush. "And she's mine and Obito's new best friend, so don't steal her from us!" She said with a laugh. I looked up and saw my big brother smiling at me. I smiled back, before I opened my lunch. I looked beside me, and saw Obito looking at me, and I felt my face get warm. I looked back down at the ground.

I'm so shy... What if they don't like me?

"(Y/N)! My name is Might Guy!" A boy with a dark hair said to me. I looked at him, and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink, as he smiled widely, pointing at himself.
"And might I say you're a very pretty girl, with beautiful eyes as youthful and glossy and shiny as the dew in the green morning grass!" He added, making me blush. I looked at him, and saw the green suit he was wearing.

He must like the color green.

"Wait... Isn't the grass always green?" I asked him confused.

"And you're as smart as ever!" He said happily. "I shall enjoy having you around (Y/N)!" Guy said making me giggle. My big brother raised an eyebrow, before giving a quick cough.

"She's also my little sister Guy, so don't get any ideas. Got it? Big brother Asuma said protectively, making Guy turn red and sweaty, before frowning at my big brother. That made Rin giggle.

"Hi! I'm Kureni Yūhi!" A girl with really cool red eyes and black hair said, waving at me with a smile. I waved back at her.

"What's up? I'm Anko Mitarashi!" A girl with really cool purple hair said, as she threw up a peace sign in my direction, while eating a lollipop.

"I'm (Y/N)." I said smiling and waving at her.

"It's nice to meet you (Y/N). My name is Shizune." A girl with short hair said, as she giggled lightly.

"Nice to meet you all too!" I said happily. I looked over, and stared at the grandpa boy, waiting for his name.

"Kakashi Hatake." He said blankly, as he rolled his eyes. I looked at him in confusion.

What did I do to you to make you so rude?

"I told you my name, so stop staring at me." The grandpa boy added, rudely. I just looked at him, as his eyes stared into mine. I gave him a forced smile, before awkwardly waving at him. He just stared at me, making me frown.

Well he's not very nice.

"You want to stop acting like a jerk to my little sister Kakashi?" Asuma asked, as Kakashi's eyes widened for a mere second.

"Whatever." He mumbled, before glaring at me.

"Well then..." Rin trailed off, chuckling awkwardly.
"Isn't the Academy so cool you guys?!" She asked, trying to clear the air. Eventually everyone else joined in, talking about how they had big dreams on becoming one of the best shinobi in the world. I listened, but I was more focused on eating my lunch, while Kakashi was too busy staring me down. I felt my face get warm again, so I looked down at my leftover trash.

"I-I'll be back... I'm gonna go throw my trash away." I said, before getting up.

"I'll go with you!" Obito said, quickly grabbing his trash as well.

"Oh, o-okay." I said softly, as we started walking to the trash bin together.

"Hey! I just wanted to say don't worry about Kakashi. He's just a big grouch with everyone." Obito said to me.
"He's usually okay, but I think he's just acting like a jerk, because his dad is on a mission." He said as I nodded.

"Who's his dad?" I asked, as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. Kakashi is just always grumpy when his dad is away." He replied, as I looked at him, and smiled, before I threw my trash away. I turned around to head back, when I bumped into something hard.

"I'm sorry." I said, my face turning red, thinking I ran into Obito.

"Why don't you watch where you're going next time!" A boy growled, and I looked up to see Kakashi. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"You don't have to be such a jerk Kakashi! She said she was sorry!" Obito said angrily, defending me.

"Care to repeat what you just said Obito?" Kakashi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You got a hearin' problem or something? I said stop being a jerk." He said, crossing his arms.

"I'd rather be a jerk, than a useless idiot." He said with no emotion to his voice.

"HEY!" I said angrily, making his wide eyes shoot back at me.
"Don't call my best friend a mean word like that." I growled. His eyes went back to normal as he chuckled at me.

"A mean word?" He asked sarcastically, before scoffing.
"You're in the academy to become one of the elite shinobi of the hidden leaf. Stop acting like a child, and grow up. Or give up now, because you'll never make it. Besides, I was only stating the facts. Your best friend Obito here is an idiot." He said, making me growl.

"Shut up Kakashi!" Obito said angrily.

"I don't feel like it." He copped back sarcastically.

"You're not that much older than me. You can't tell me what to do! Only my mommy and daddy and Inu Sensei can tell me what to do" I stated.
"Unlike you Obito is actually a nice friend and person; you're just a stupid Kaka head!" I said sassily, crossing my arms.

"Kaka Head?" He repeated full of confusion.

"Caca means poop. You're just a mean poopy head!" I said, sticking my tongue out at him, and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm wasting my breath." He said annoyed.
"You'll never be a good shinobi. You might as well call it quits now, before you embarrass yourself even more." He stated.

"Oh yeah?!" I said with watery eyes.

"Yeah." He copped back.
"Should I remind you of the Shinobi Code of Conduct rule number twenty five that states, that a shinobi must never show their tears." He said crossing his arms.
"Like I said, grow up, or give up. The leaf village doesn't need a cry baby to protect them." He stated matter-of-factly, making me mad.

"Well listen here you stupid Kakashi! One day, I'm gonna be a better ninja than you ever will be in your whole life. You'll be looking up to me. I can promise you that!" I growled, as he just raised an eyebrow.

"You might want to start making some new goals (Y/N), because that will never happen." He stated blankly, and I smirked.

"My name is (Y/N) Sarutobi. The will of fire, runs through my body. When I say I'm gonna do something, I do not stop until it happens. Just you wait. My goal is to make sure you know that I'm better than you." I said glaring at him, before grabbing Obito's arm, pulling him with me. I made sure to bump my shoulder into Kakashi's, making him growl, as Obito and I made our way back to the group.

"Like I said, don't listen to him." Obito said, before squeezing my arm lightly.
"But that was so cool!!! I think I'm really gonna like you (Y/N)!" He said putting his arm over my shoulder, as we walked back to the group. I smiled wide.

Why do I feel like this? Maybe Obito really does have cooties... I can't get sick now!! I have to train hard to be better than Kakahead!

Big brother Asuma, raised an eyebrow, when he saw Obito's arm over my shoulder.

"Oi, hands off my sister." He said, making Obito jump, before he pulled his arm off my shoulder.

"S-sorry Asuma." He said, making everyone laugh. Kakashi walked back over to all of us, making sure to send a glare in my direction. I stuck my tongue out at him, before crossing my arms.

Stupid Kakahead!


Hey guys! So for those who read this note. (Y/N) is 4 years old. This is why the thoughts are childish, as well as the way (Y/N) talks, seems kid like. As the book goes on, she does get older I promise 😂😂 just give her a chance, I think you'll find she's pretty awesome ;)
Much love!

(Ps. For as many times as I get called a child, it's sure hard to truly try to bring one to life 😂😂)

Posted: September 3, 2018
Edited: February 20, 2019

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