22) Moonlight

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"You've been awfully quiet, and smiley since we left the Hidden Rain Village." Kakashi said, as I smiled at him. I watched the sun finally disappear, leaving us walking in the dark, using the moon to light our path.

"Well duh, lesbihonest here." I said playfully, causing Kakashi to raise an eyebrow.

"You mean let's be honest?" He asked, and I giggled, shaking my head.

"I said what I meant to say Kakashi. You know, I have to thank you, for making me realize just how much of an in the closet lesbian I really was." I said giggling, and he looked at me in shock.
"I may have to take Koi on her offer, don't you think?" I teased, as his face turned red.

"Well- I- uh- but-" he started stuttering, making me bust out in a fit of giggles.

"I was just kidding Kashi!" I said laughing hard, as he looked at me like I was crazy.
"Even if ninety percent of your face is covered, you somehow managed to have the most priceless facial expression I have ever seen in my life." I said giggling, making him role his eye, reading his book again.
"How can you even read that thing in the dark?!" I asked him making him chuckle.

"Do you know you're an annoying brat?" He mumbled.

"And you're a stupid rude jerk!" I responded back, before I ruffled his hair, making him smirk.

"And to think this stupid rude jerk, was about to offer to pay for us to stay at an Inn tonight, with hot springs, about five minutes away from us. But now, I'm starting to think, the cold, hard ground sounds more sufficient." He said, with amusement in his voice, as my smirking face slowly fell.

"Ha ha... Did you think I said stupid rude jerk?! No no no! In fact, I said smart kind jerk." I said, rubbing the back of my neck, while he chuckled.
"Awe come on Kakashi, I'm tired! We've been walking for hours now! Besides, you owe me a relaxing night at the hot springs." I said, and he chuckled.

"Is that so?" He asked amused.

"You had Koi pester me, and annoy me, for nearly two days straight!! Yes, I think you owe me it!" I stated.

"It wasn't that bad, you even got a little kiss for it! I would never complain about getting kissed by girls." He said, making me roll my eyes.

"Of course you wouldn't, you pervert! And I'm flattered she actually liked me instead of you! It's nice to be appreciated for once." I said jokingly, as we walked up to the Inn. He grabbed the door, and opened it for me. I smiled at him.

"See, I appreciate you enough, to be a gentleman." He said and I giggled.

"Well thank you, Kakashi." I said and he nodded.

"You're welcome." He replied before we walked up to the man at the desk.

"What can I do for you two?" He asked, and I smiled at him.

"Yes. We would like a room with two beds, if that is possible?" Kakashi asked, and I looked at him.

"I'm sorry, all the two bedded rooms were takin about two hours ago... All we have available is rooms with one bed, if that's okay. And if not, I can give you locations to the next nearest Inn." He said, making me smirk.

I'm more than okay with that. Now I don't need an excuse for Kakashi to hold me close. Hehe.

Kakashi looked at me, and I shrugged my shoulders. He looked at the man before nodding.

"We'll take a room then." He said, as he paid for the room. The man handed Kakashi the key.

"Please enjoy your stay with us, this evening." He said, before we nodded and found our room, walked inside, and set our stuff down.

"I can take the sofa, and you can have the bed (Y/N)." Kakashi said, as I fell back on to the bed.

"Kakashi, you're fine. We are close to being adults. We can share a bed, and it not be a big deal." I said nonchalantly.

"If anyone is close to being an adult, it's me." He said playfully, as he laid down next to me.

"Oh hush! You're only a few months older than me." I said, and he laughed.

"Talk to me when you're an adult." He said playfully and I pushed him off the bed. I started to laugh, until he grabbed my hand as he fell, making me fall on top of him. He started to laugh, as I started to blush.
"You look a little red (Y/N). Do you have a fever?" He teased, and I whacked his head, making him laugh.

"You think it's funny you jerk?" I asked, as I went to pull down his mask, and he quickly flipped us over, so he was on top of me, holding my arms down to my side. I looked at his face, before looking lower, only noticing that I only managed to uncover his nose.

"I think it's quite funny, brat." He said huskily, making the most intense eye contact in the world with me. I bit my lip, as my heart stopped. The room was silent, you could practically hear our hearts beating.

I wish I could kiss you again Kakashi.

My stomach started to rumble, making him look down, before laughing.

"You should have told me you were hungry... I can go get us some food." He said, as he started to get up.

Food wasn't really on my mind at the moment. Stupid stomach.

He held his hand out for me, and helped me up, as he pulled his mask back up over his nose.

"I'll be right back, you stay here!" He said, as he walked out of the room before I could protest. I let out a heavy sigh. I sat there for a few minutes, fighting with my brain, before I couldn't contain it anymore.

"Okay, I can't do this!! Who does he think he is?! That he can just be like, oh let me look at you all intensely and make your heart go boom boom boom!! Oh let me pull you on top of me and then flip us over!! And when you think it's over, it's not; in fact I'm gonna make it even worse for you by speaking in my sexy low voice!!" I said ranting to myself out loud.
"You make me want to be bad Kakashi Hatake... Dammit, you stupid jerk." I mumbled.

"Who's a stupid jerk now?"

"Yooo- Oh hi Kakashi." I said blushing, as he leaned against the doorway.

Crap how much of that did he hear?

"I brought our food up here, if that's okay?" He asked, taking his headband off, handing me a bowl of ramen, as I licked my lips excitedly.

"Awe man Kakashi, you're the best!" I said, digging into my ramen, as he chuckled at me.
"What did you get?" I asked him, with my mouth full, making him chuckle.

"Miso soup with eggplant" He said making me scrunch up my nose.

"How is just soup and an eggplant fulfilling to you?" I asked him, as he rolled his eye.

"I asked for them to add salt-broiled saury, but apparently they don't have that." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Awe, you poor baby how will you ever live?" I asked, as he chuckled.

"I don't know the world just may end." He said teasingly, as I giggled. I turned my head, and noticed he was finished with his food.

"H-how do you d-do that?! You know, if you would just show me your face, you could actually enjoy the flavor of your food for once." I said somewhat playfully.

"Why do that, when I can keep you guessing what's under my mask. I find that more amusing." He copped back and I groaned.

"You're no fun." I said grumpily. I waited until Kakashi wasn't paying attention, to take my chopsticks and pick up the last few noodles that I had in my bowl, blowing on them, to cool them down.

"Hey Kakashi?" I asked.

"Wh-" I cut him off, by throwing my noodles across his face and mask. I busted out in a fit of laughter, closing my eyes, clutching my stomach. The moment I opened my eyes, Kakashi was staring at me, right in front of my face.

"Ahhh!!" I yelled, flying back in fear. It was his turn to laugh at me.
"Stupid jerk." I mumbled, I said getting up, walking to the bathroom, throwing the containers away, and grabbing a towel.

"Where are you off too?" Kakashi asked me.

"I'm going to go soak in the hot spring! Don't miss me too much." I said playfully, as I left him in the room. I headed down to the changing room, stripping myself of my clothing, and headed outside to the hot spring. I realized it wasn't a community spring, when I read the sign that said ladies only. My face was instantly hit and surrounded by the steam, when I slid the door open, and my muscles already anticipated the hot water. I set my towel on the rack, standing there completely naked, and alone under the moonlight. I stepped into the hot water, sending shivers up my spine. I let out a quiet moan of relief, as the hot water crawled up my body. I moved down to the end of the spring, engulfing my body from the chest down. My bare breasts, covered barely by the water. I closed my eyes, letting the relaxing immense.

I'm surprised no other women are here.

I heard the door open, and I frowned to myself.

I guess I spoke too soon.

"May I join you?" I heard a male voice say, making me yelp, and go farther under the water. I opened my eyes and saw Kakashi standing there in nothing but a white mask, and a towel. I bit my lip, as the heavy fog, and his towel, blocked me from seeing any lower that his V-line.

"Kakashi..." I hissed out, as he removed his towel and quickly got in the water before I could see anything.
"It's not a community spring." I said, blushing hard, as he moved closer to me.

"Is it not? I didn't notice." He said teasingly.

He came here on purpose. Well... I'm not complaining...

"Well, no one is here, and I'm already in..." He said in an 'I did this on purpose' voice.
"But if you're not comfortable, I can leave." He said, looking at me, and I shook my head.

"The waters great, you can stay. But don't complain to me, when you get kicked out." I said playfully, as he sat next to me. The water going up to both of our necks. He gave me a closed eye smile, and I smiled back, before I leaned my head back against the edge of the hot spring, staring up at the moon.

Kakashi bit his lip under his white mask, as he watched the moonlight and water dance along (Y/N)'s skin. He mentally cursed to himself, when the bubbly water blocked the rest of his view.

You're so mesmerizing. He thought to himself, thinking (Y/N) was more beautiful than anything he has ever seen in his life.

"The moon is sure beautiful tonight, isn't it Kakashi?" I asked him, as I watched the night's starry sky above us.

"Yeah... So... Beautiful..." Kakashi said, never taking his eyes off of her. Words couldn't describe how he felt about (Y/N) in this moment. He wanted nothing more than to give in to his head. To show her, himself in the fullest. If he could have it his way, he'd have his way with her right now, to make love to her then and there, in that moment. (Y/N) drove him crazy in ways he could never understand. He wished he could just tell her how he felt, but the fear of rejection, of losing her completely, held him back.

"Kakashi? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him shyly, blushing. He stopped staring, and got a little closer to me.

He felt a lump in his throat. Just tell her you idiot. He thought to himself as he couldn't help but laugh at himself.

"Dammit." He mumbled.
"I have to tell you something right now. And I need you to listen to me, and not say one word until I'm done. Do you understand?" Kakashi asked somewhat demanding, and I looked at him with a serious look.

"What's on your mind Kashi?" I asked him as he gave a closed eye smile, but nothing came out. I reached over and put my arm on his shoulder.
"Are you okay? You're never this tongue tied... I'm worried." I said, making him chuckle. He grabbed my hand, and took it off his shoulder, intertwining our fingers together, making me blush. He closed his eye, before he opened both eyes, allowing me to see his sharingan.

This must be serious...

"You're right, the moon is pretty, but if I'm being honest here (Y/N), it pales in comparison to you." He said making me blush.

"K-Kakashi." I said, staring at him.

"I mean it (Y/N)... The way the moonlight shines on your hair, in your eyes, on your body... I've never seen something -no- I've never seen someone, as beautiful as you, in my life." He said, getting closer to me. I felt my heart race faster and faster with every word he said.
"I know I'm taking a risk here by saying this, but I really like you. So damn much (Y/N). I suck at telling anyone about my feelings so bear with me." He said, chuckling.
"I like everything little detail, from your annoying attitude, to that gorgeous, beautiful smile of yours. Your laugh drives me crazy. I know I'm taking a risk here, but I feel something for you (Y/N), more than some silly crush, way more than just a comrade." He said, as I stopped breathing, feeling as if my heart could explode at any second.
"And maybe... Maybe I'm wrong, but I think you feel it too." He said getting closer to my face. I stared at him in shock. I stared into his eyes, alternating back and forth, then down to his white mask. I bit my lip nervously.
"If you don't feel the same, then you can tell me, and we can act like this never happened. Everything will stay how it is, and we can just talk about something else. You'll still be my comrade, and nothing with change. You have my word." He said, never leaving my eyes.
"But." He added, huskily, as he let go of my hand, and caressed my face with both of his hands, rubbing my cheek bones with his thumbs.
"If you feel the same way, even in the slightest, I want you to take off my mask, and look at me, and see me for myself. I won't hide from you again. You can have me, for however long you want. But just know, if you take off my mask, I will not hesitate to kiss you, until we are both gasping for air." He said, and I bit my lip.
"The choice is yours. But I can't keep ignoring how I feel." He said, as I stared into his eyes. He let go of my face, and waited patiently for my decision.

I chewed on the inside of my lip, and my hands made their way to the back of his head, pulling his forehead to touch mine, as I played with his silver mane, biting my lip. I pulled back slowly, watching has the moonlight caressed his face. I cocked my head to the side, with a look in my eyes, and a feeling I couldn't describe even if I wanted too. He had so much sincerity in his eyes. I looked down to his mask, biting my lip, as both of my hands slowly went to the bands around his ears, slowly pulling his mask away.

I had never been more captivated than I was in this moment. His lips looked so soft, so kissable. He had a small beauty mark below his mouth. He was beyond handsome. Even better than I imagined. I felt my face heat up, as I put his mask on the concrete outside the hot spring.

"Kakashi... Wow." I said softly, my breath completely taken away. I put my hands on both sides of his face, holding his head in my hands. He took his right hand, and met it with my hand, pulling it off of his face, as he intertwined our fingers together again.
"You're so handsome..." I said softly, staring at his face, memorizing every last detail, as he released a small chuckle.

"May I kiss you?" He asked leaning in slowly as I bit my lip. His left hand went around the back of my neck slowly pulling me in as I nodded, our lips nearly touching.

"Please kiss me Kakashi." I said softly, before he smashed his lips against mine. Our lips danced together in harmony under the moonlight. My left arm went from caressing his cheek, to getting entangled into his hair, pulling him even closer to me, smiling into this kiss. He pulled my body into his lap, and I blushed as I felt his member on me. His arms went around my back, letting out chests press together, making me shiver at the contact. He lightly bit on my bottom lip lightly, asking for permission to explore my mouth, which I granted to him. He smiled into the kiss, as our tongues danced together, leaving no spot of our mouths untouched. I felt his fingers run up my back, entangling themselves in my hair. While one hand, slowly dared to move to my chest giving my breast a slight squeeze making me moan into his mouth. I felt him start to get hard under me. We pulled away gasping for air, as our foreheads touched, and the moonlight cascaded over the sides of our faces.

"Wow..." We both said breathlessly in unison. Kakashi looked at me in awe.

"(Y/N), your eyes...They're glowing again." He said, as we pulled our head apart. He slicked my now golden hair out of my face.

"You're not mad that I kissed you, right?" He asked jokingly, yet somewhat nervous, making me giggle.

"Not at all." I said.

"Good." He said, pulling me in for a peck on the lips. He pulled away and I bit my lip.
"We should try to get some rest tonight, we have a long day tomorrow." He said, and I nodded, pulling him in for one final peck, before I got off of him, and handed him his mask. He planted a final kiss on my forehead, before he got out of the water, and went inside to change.


I let my hand touch my slightly swollen lips. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot, before I went in and changed heading back to our room. Kakashi was in the bathroom, so I went laid down on the bed, waiting for him to come out. He soon came out, and laid next to me, and we faced each other.

"You have to be the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life Kakashi." I said, as I put my hands on his face, taking it all in. I pecked his lips, before he laid on his back, and I laid my head on his chest. He started to play with my hair.
"We kissed right? I'm not going crazy?" I asked, as I listened to his heart beat. He let out a chuckle, before kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah, we kissed." He said, as I slowly rested my eyes.

"Good." I said, slowly falling asleep with a smile on my face.

What are you doing to me Kakashi Hatake?


THEY FINALLY KISSED! You're welcome! You're welcome! I hope you guys liked this chapter, as much as I do!! It has to be one of my favorites I've written so far....
WE ARE ONE HOUR AWAY FROM KAKASHI'S BIRTHDAY YALL. SEPT. 15 am I right am I right. Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter as much as I did. I think it's cute!

And finally a special word from your friendly neighborhood Author -Chan: the urge to sing "can you feel the love tonight" is just a whim away... a whim away a whim away.

Peace out Kakashi Scouts!

Posted: September 14, 2018

Edited: February 25, 2019

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