26) Celebratory Dinner

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I busted through the door of the Hokage's office, stomping in angrily, in my ember state.

"Hey (Y/N)! Where's Kakashi? Wait... What happened?!" Minato Sensei asked as I angrily made my way to him, slamming both fists on his desk, making his assistant jump. Minato Sensei had a look of concern on his face.
"(Y/N)-" I cut him off.

"How dare you!!"I yelled angrily.
"You!!"I yelled, pointing at his assistant, who looked at me with wide eyes.
"Get out." I said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I don't-"

"I SAID GET OUT!!" I yelled ruthlessly, scaring him, as he looked over to Minato Sensei, who nodded at him to leave. Minato Sensei got out of his chair, and tried to talk to me. He went to touch my shoulder, but I backed away.
"Don't. Touch. Me." I said, and he raised an eyebrow, holding his hands up defensively, staying in his spot, as I released myself from ember state.
"How could you?!" I yelled in frustration.

"I'm afraid I don't understand-"

"Oh cut the shit Minato!!! You know exactly what I'm talking about!!" I yelled, and he looked at me completely baffled. He sweated nervously, as I walked up to him and started poking his chest.
"You went behind my BACK AGAIN!!" I yelled, poking him hard. 
"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY SENSEI!! AND BE ON MY SIDE!! BUT NOOOOOOOOO YOU HAVE TO BE ON THAT SILVER HEADED DOUCHE COOKIE, EVERY DAMN TIME!!" I said, violently jabbing his chest with my fingers. All of a sudden Kakashi busted through the door.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled at me, making my head turn towards him.

"I'm about to kick your ass Hatake!!" I yelled angrily.

"(Y/N) calm down!" He shouted at me.

"Oh hell no!!! NOW IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!!" I yelled out, as I went to run towards him.

"Oh no you don't!" Minato Sensei said, as he grabbed me by my shirt, pulling me back.

"Once I get free, I'm going to rip your ear off and stick it so far up your ass, you'll be able to hear, me kickin' your ass Hatake!!! LET ME AT HIM SENSEI!! LET ME AT HIM!!" I yelled out, as Minato held me back.

"Kakashi! What's going on with her?! What did you do?!" He asked, as he gripped on my waist to stop me from running towards Kakashi, and hitting him. I was arms were flailing around.

"I asked her to be my girlfriend." He said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Let me at him Sensei, I'm going to make sure he wears his ball sacks as ear muffs!!" I yelled, as he held me back, and Kakashi gulped.

"Language!!" Minato scolded me as I growled.

"I'LL USE WHAT EVER FUCKING LANGUAGE I WANT TOO!! NOW LET ME THE FUCK GOOO!!" I yelled, looking up at Minato with angry eyes.

"What else did you do Kakashi?!" He asked worriedly.

"All I did was ask her to be my girlfriend!!" He said defensively, sweating.

"YEAH HE DID!! AND YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE HE DID?!" I growled angrily, before Kakashi gave a closed eye smile.

"Well that's would help me come up with a solution to the problem!" Minato said sternly.

"HE... Was really happy when I told him yes!" I said all happily, before I busted out laughing. Minato Sensei looked down at me confused, before he let me go, and I fell on the floor in a fit of giggles. Minato chuckled awkwardly.
"S-Sensei your f-face..." I said, crying from laughter, clutching on to my stomach. Kakashi even let out a few chuckles, as Minato stared at the both of us confused.

"Does someone want to explain, what exactly I'm missing here?" Minato asked, as I laughed harder.

"Well, that red faced, laughing loser on the floor over there, is now officially my girlfriend..." He said chuckling. Minato nodded, as I slowly started to calm down, and wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Whew, I haven't laughed that hard since this morning!" I said, as I slowly got off the ground standing up. Minato walked over to the desk, and sat on it, crossing his arms.

I've been hard since this morning. Kakashi thought to himself, as he chuckled.

"I'm going to need more of an explanation, as to why you were livid not even thirty seconds ago?" Minato said confused.

"Oh that? I just thought it would be funny to plan this, like you helped Kakashi plan getting me to be his girlfriend." I said, smirking.
"And because he's my boyfriend he went along with it, because he likes me a lot ya know?" I said, and Minato shook his head.

"So let me get this straight." He said in a stern tone, making me look at him,as he crossed his arms.
"You dared, to come into MY office." He said in ascolding tone, and I gulped.
"Disrupt MY schedule."He said taking a step towards me, as I laughed nervously. "Used disrespectful language in my office." He scolded, as Kakashi and I began to sweat nervously. "Just for your own amusement?!" Minato yelled, as I quickly ran behind Kakashi, using him as a human shield.

"H-hey Sensei, don't be mad at me, it was all Kakabaka's idea!!" I said, holding a scared looking Kakashi in front of me.

"So much for protecting me... H-hey wait a second!! No it wasn't!! She the one who told me to go along with it!!" He said defensively, and I gasped.

"I did no such thing! He's lying!!" I said, smirking deviously, behind him. I gave his butt a little pinch, making him jump.

"H-hey what was that for?!" He asked concerned.

"Looks like you just bit by the lying bug!! You're a liar liar pants on fire!" I said playfully.

"What are you five?" He asked not amused and I giggled.

"I'm actually six, thank you very much!" I said, sarcastically and he rolled his eyes, smirking under his mask.

"You act like your two." He replied sounding amused, and I gasped over dramatically.

"Me?! You're the one who-"

"Enough!!!" Minato Sensei yelled, making the two of us jump, with terrified looks on our faces.

Sensei must be angry... I've never heard him yell at us... The only time I've seen THAT look is before he kills his enemy...  I gulped at the thought.

He suddenly started laugh, making Kakashi and I looked at him confused.

"See,it's not so fun when you're the one who's being scared is it?" He askedamused, crossing his arms, giving us a closed eye smile, while letting out alittle laugh.

"But I will say, it is quite fun being the scary one!" He said awfully chipper, and I moved out from behind Kakashi.

Old man's got jokes huh?

"Man Kakashi, you should have seen your face, someone was a chicken!" I joked, and he glared at me.

"Says the one who hid behind me, for protection." He copped back, letting out a sigh.

"You're my boyfriend now, you're supposed to protect me no matter what, you silly nilly!" I said, smirking, as he just stared at me.

"Brat." He said, and I giggled.

"Jerk." I copped back playfully. Minato Sensei came behind the both of us, ruffled our hair.

"You two remind me of myself and Kushina when we were your age." He said letting out a little chuckle.
"Before you know it, you'll be living together, and eventually getting married." He teased and we blushed.
"But that will be a while from now!" He said, making us chuckle.
"Speaking of! Why don't you two come to my place tonight for a celebratory dinner?" He asked giving a smile.


"Oh Minato Sensei, you don't have too!" I said kindly.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want to intrude." Kakashi added, and I nodded.

PLEASE MAKE US GO IM STARVING!! I thought to myself, before my stomach growled, making the two men laugh at me.

"None sense, it wouldn't be an intrusion since I offered. Besides, Kushina is the one who decided to do it, and is already cooking it. And we all know, you can't tell her no." Minato said, giving an awkward chuckle. I nodded remembering the different times that she's threatened to hit him with a frying pan, for telling her no. I couldn't help but giggle.

"You're right." Kakashi and I said in unison.

"Well then, that would have been awkward if I would have said no to Kakashi then huh." I said giggling, and Kakashi looked at me.

"You're so into me, you wouldn't have said no." He said nonchalantly, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Technically you're the one that's always going to be into me." I said innocently, though I was hinting at our future sex life. He looked at me wide eyed, and I gave a smile.
"Besides, you said so to me last night, you liked me when I liked someone else, so there was totally a possibility I could have said no." I said added, covering it up.

"But would you have?" He asked, smirking, and I giggled.

"No, of course not." I replied and he smirked.

"Well, even if you would have said no (Y/N), we would still have wanted you both over. We have some news ourselves!" He said making us raise an eyebrow.

"What? You found out Kakashi is going to be the next Hokage?" I joked, and Minato chuckled.

"Kakashi or you, could both be potential candidates for Hokage, if you wanted to be. But, you'll have to wait and see tonight!" He said.

"Oh come on Sensei, you can't leave us hanging!!" I whined.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my work. When you two leave, will you ask my assistant to come back in?" He asked, as he walked back around the desk, taking a seat.

"Yes sir." Kakashi and I said in unison, as we walked out the door.

"You can go back in now." I said, smiling sweetly at Minato's assistant, who looked painfully afraid of me. He walked passed us quickly, and shut the door.
"Well... Someone was scared of little ole m-" I was lightly pushed against the wall, with a hand placed over my mouth. Kakashi stared at me with hungry eyes, while I stared at him in shock.

"Did you think I was just going to let what you did slide?" He asked me, as I looked at him confused.
"First your little stunt this morning. Then you use my body as a human shield, and you accuse me of lying. Then you pinch my ass, and hint about us having sex last night. You're being naughty (Y/N)... Very Naughty. It's like you want me to punish you." He whispered lowly into my ear, making shivers go down my spine. He uncovered my mouth, and pinned my arms to the wall, above my head.

"Kakashi... If someone sees us, we'll-"

"You should be more worried about what I could do to you." He growled seductively in my ear, making my core tingle, as I bit my lip hard.

"Oh yeah?" I questioned, my voice lightly cracking and he nodded.

"Hmm." He said before he kissed on my neck, that was covered by my shirt, making me bite my lip harder. He chuckled before his hot breath hit my ear.
"Just remember, you're mine now baby. Last night, I made love to you, but if you make me mad, I'll fuck you senseless." He said sternly making me feel heat in between my legs.

Promise? I thought to myself smirking. He let out a chuckle.

"Oh yeah (Y/N), I promise..."

"W-Wait you heard that?" I asked embarrassed, and he nodded. He brought a hand up to my face, caressing it.

"You have no idea, what I'm going to do to you, the second we are alone, behind closed doors." He innocently in my ear, as his hand went from my face, down south, groping my core in the hall way, making me moan quietly.
"Shhh, if we were caught, we'd be in so much trouble." He said, before he kissed my lips, hungrily, making me sigh at the contact. He sucked on my bottom lip, as his free hand, squeezed my boob, making me groan.
"I love you." He said, before pecking my lips, pulling away from me completely as I looked at him confused. He started to walk away, and I bit my lip.

"W-Where are you going?" I asked quietly, as he chuckled.

"I'm going to get some food, and if you're coming with I'll get you some too!" He said, still walking away.

A man truly after my heart. I smiled to myself, and thinking about how lucky I am.

That sixteen year old jerk is all mine.

"H-hey! Wait up!!" I yelled out, as I made my way to Ichiraku's, hand in hand with Kakashi, for lunch.

*     *      *

"Kashi do I look okay? I feel like I should have changed out of my ninja gear." I said blushing, as I rang the doorbell to the Namikaze household.

"I think you look amazing.... So does your ass." He said, before he grabbed my butt, making me jump.

"You pervy jerk!! Don't do that in public!!" I whispered, as I heard someone coming to the door.

Cheeky little shit...

"You didn't say that earlier today..." He mumbled, smirking to himself.
"Think of that as just payback for earlier today." He said, giving a closed eye smile to me, before Kushina opened the door.

"(Y/N)!! KAKASHI!!" She said, before pulling us both into a bone crushing hug.

"C-can't b-breathe..." Kakashi and I said in unison as she giggled.

"Oh sorry you two!! It's just, I haven't seen you guys in forever ya know?!" She said, blushing.

"You just saw us other day." Kakashi mumbled, making me elbow him in the shoulder, causing her to giggle.

"Well I feel like I haven't seen her in a while, so shush!" I said, and Kakashi rolled his eye.

"Come in!! The food is already on the table!!" She said, and on cue, my stomach growled as we made our way to the table.

"Oh thank goodness! Kakashi has been starving me to death all day today!" I said playfully, making her giggle.

"What?! I bought you lunch!" He said confused.

"Yeah that was hours ago!" I teased back, as Kakashi sighed.

Minato finally showed up, and gave Kushina a hug from behind, as well as a kiss on her cheek. My heart suddenly melted from the puke approved couple.

They are so cute!

"So... How about we eat!" Minato said.

"You don't have to tell me twice!! This looks amazing!!" I said, licking my lips. I went to grab my chair, but Kakashi suddenly stopped me. He pulled out the chair for me, allowing me to sit down, before pushing my chair back in.

"Well thank you Kakashi." I said blushing, and he gave me a closed eye smile.

"You're welcome." He said, and I kissed my hand before slapping his face lightly.
"What was that for?!" He asked confused.

"It was a love slap. It had my lips on it and everything." I said, making him roll his eye, and let out a sigh.

"Ah, young love." Kushina said, looking at her husband, and I blushed.

"Ah, lots of food!" I said excitedly, as we started to eat.

After about thirty minutes of small talk, and stuffing our mouths, we were completely miserable and didn't want to move.

"So, what was it that you guys wanted to tell us Sensei?" Kakashi asked, and I nodded.

"Oh Yeah! What are we celebrating on your guys' behalf?!" I asked excitedly. Kushina and Minato looked at each other with happy faces, with a slight shade of pink dusting over their cheeks.

"Well... I've decided that I'm stepping down as the Fourth Hokage!" Minato said excitedly.

"WHAT?!" Kakashi and I yelled in shock.

"But Sensei..." Kakashi said.

"You can't... Who would be a better Hokage than you?! I mean, I know I call you old, but you're not that old!" I added, making the two chuckle.

"Oh Minato, be nice to the kids!" Kushina said laughing.
"He's just kidding you two!" She added giggling.

"But I did have you two going there for a second." He said smile cheekily.

"Ha... Old man's got jokes. I lied, you're a grandpa now, just for that!" I teased, as he raised an eyebrow.
"Now what is it really? I'm getting nervous!!" I whined.

"Well..." Minato said, looking over at Kushina.
"The truth is..."

"I'm pregnant!! Ya know?!" Kushina said excitedly, and I looked at her wide eyed, before calming down.

"Wait, this isn't another joke right?" I asked, as she shook her head.
"Wait... You're really pregnant?!" I asked smiling wide, as she nodded.

"I'm going to be a mother ya know!!" She said happily.


"OH MY GOODNESS!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!" I said excitedly, accidentally cutting off Kakashi.
"THIS IS SO COOL!! Oh!! You have a little child thing in your tummy!!" I said, giddily.
"Oh!!! I love babies!!" I added, and Minato chuckled.

"It's a baby, not a dog (Y/N)." He said, and I snapped my head at him.

"First trick I will teach it, is to hit you!" I said playfully.
"Do you guys know the sex?! What about a name?! Oh if it's a girl name it after me!! I'm so cool!!" I said, as the two chuckled.

"I think she might be more excited for this baby, then you are Kushina..." Minato whispered, as she giggled.

"Actually it's a boy, and we have a name for him already!" Kushina said and I smiled.
"His name will be Naruto." She said, and I smiled even wider than before.

"He's named after one of my favorite pieces in ramen?! I'm going to love this kid!! Oh!!! Can I baby sit him!! It would be so cool ya know?! Because Sensei, you baby sat me!! And now, I can baby sit your kid!!! It's a full circle." I said excitedly, and he smiled.

"Of course you can, though I'm afraid if you do, we may not get him back." Kushina said, and I giggled.

Kakashi watched as the two females started to talk back and forth, about the future plans for little baby Naruto. He couldn't help, but stare at (Y/N) in absolute awe, watching how excited and happy she was. But more importantly, just how cute she looked when talking about this baby. Even though he wasn't big on the idea children or having any for that matter, she's the only reason he would ever let the idea pop in his head. (Y/N) carrying his child one day, was enough of an idea to make him smile.

Minato Namikaze let out a small smile as he notices the look Kakashi is giving to (Y/N). It's the exact look, he gives to his beautiful wife, and mother, of his child. It was in this moment he truly felt like he had his own little family, just the five of them together. He knew that Naruto, would be his official son, but he looked at (Y/N) and Kakashi, as his own children already.

"Isn't that right Kashi?!" I asked Kakashi excitedly, as he broke out of his daze.

"Huh? I'm sorry, what was it?" Kakashi asked embarrassed, as Kushina and Minato giggled at him. I rolled my eyes.

"Pay attention Kakabaka! I said, we can help teach little Naruto jutsu's and stuff!" I giggled, and he nodded.

"Yeah..." He trailed off, as he smiled to himself. Minato let out a little chuckle.

"Kakashi? While the women are planning who knows what, I'd like to have my own talk with you. Come with me." Minato said smiling, standing up, as the two decided to leave the room, while (Y/N) and Kushina talked about baby things.

"What is it Sensei?" Kakashi asked, slightly nervous.

"I was hoping to ask you for a favor. Can I assign you to keep an eye out on Kushina, for the next few months? Just until she has Naruto?" Minato asked Kakashi, as his eyes widened.

"Well, I can't really turn down an order from the Hokage, so I guess so." Kakashi said, and Minato chuckled.

"This is true, glad that you understand!" Minato said playfully.
"But aside from that, I was going to give you some tips I learned on how to keep a woman. It will do you a great deed, if you keep this in mind." He said and Kakashi nodded.
"First off, the woman is always right. Even if she is wrong, she is right. Do you understand?" Minato asked and Kakashi nodded.
"Good. Second off, food. A full partner, is a happy partner. Now from the past experience I've had with (Y/N), from babysitting, to just getting her ramen after missions, that girl can eat. So, if you think she's full, she's probably not." Minato added and Kakashi shook his head.

"I'm dating a mess aren't I?" He asked, and Minato chuckled.

"She is definitely something else. You'll have your hands full, but she can be one of the sweetest girls, I have ever met. But, when she's mad, you know how she is. So be careful. Try not to ever make her mad. You guys are in the puppy love stage, so fighting won't happen yet. But remember, every couple fights, it's just up to you on how it ends." He said, and Kakashi nodded.
"Of course, I do have to add the don't break her heart statement. A woman's heart, no matter how strong they are, is very fragile when it comes to the people they care about." He added.

"Are you going to beat me up if I do something on accident?" Kakashi asked, and Minato chuckled.

"No, but she will." He said, making Kakashi gulp, and laugh nervously.

"And a final thing... I saw that look in your eyes, when (Y/N) and Kushina talked about the baby. I know that look, it's the same one Kushina and I give each other. I know you care about (Y/N). And quite honestly, I won't be surprised if a few years down the road, we are having a celebratory dinner for you two, on having your own kids one day. Just not any time soon, okay? You guys just got together last night, so I'm going to act like the concerned parent and say no children, or baby making for you two just yet!" Minato said somewhat playfully, making Kakashi blush, and shake his head nervously.

Well... It's a little too late for that... Kakashi thought to himself.

"Don't worry, I don't want children any time soon Sensei. We are just kids ourselves, after all." Kakashi said, as Minato ruffled his hair.

"Good. Now why don't we go back to those two beautiful women out there, though I doubt they even noticed we left." Minato said making Kakashi chuckle, and they headed back, and listened to the two overly chatty women, for about an hour.

"Well thank you for the food. And again, congratulations you two." I said hugging Minato Sensei, and Kushina.

"Yeah, congrats again Sensei, Kushina." Kakashi said, as we headed out the door.

"Oh! Before I forget, tell little Naruto that I can't wait to meet him! I'm going to be the best role model for him, believe it!" I said, before Kakashi and I, started to walk away, hand in hand.

"You're crazy you know that?" Kakashi said to me, making me giggle.

"Whatever you say, Kakabaka!" I replied.

"Will you stop calling me that, it's embarrassing..." He said grumpily, and I ruffled his hair.

Kushina and Minato smiled, watching the young couple, as they walked away into the night.

"I can see it now ya know?! They are gone be married one day, and (Y/N) is going to come to me asking for advice on babies. And I'll get to take care of their kids with Naruto one day, ya know?!" She says smiling wide, looking at her husband, as soon as Kakashi and (Y/N) were out of view. Minato pulled her in for a hug, kissed her forehead.

"I can see it too." He says, as they pull apart, and close the door.

On the way back to my house, I tripped on a rock, and Kakashi caught me in his arms.

"You didn't have to trip, I already knew you were falling for me." Kakashi said smirking under his mask, and I shook my head.

"That makes no sense! Because obviously, if I'm already dating you, that means everyone and their momma's, know that I have fallen for you, you idiot... But you're my idiot." I said kissing his cheek, which was covered by his mask.

"That's fine, this idiot can just go home, and not give you a goodnight kiss." He said smirking under his mask, as we walked up to my house.

"Aw poo..." I said frowning, making him pull me into his arms, for a warm hug. Kakashi pulled down his mask, and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I think you missed my lips Kakashi." I said slyly, making him chuckle, as he held me tight.

"I love you." He mumbled against my forehead, and I smiled.

"I love you too... More than you'll ever know." I mumbled into his chest, that I was oh so desperately trying to cuddle into. He let out a chuckle.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked and, I nodded, before pulling away.

"Yes." I said giggling, before he pecked my lips.

"Okay then." He said, heading his own way.

"Oh wait Kakashi?!" I whisper shouted, and he turned around.

"Yes (Y/N)?" He asked, and I smiled.

"I almost forgot! I've been meaning to give you something, but we are always on a mission or you leave before I can remember. It's in my room, so you should come get it." I said, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Wait? Why can't you just get it, and bring it back down to me?" He asked confused, and I sighed.

"Because, that requires me to go up and back down the stairs. And let's be honest here, we all know when I'm not on duty, I'm pretty lazy." I said giggling, and he nodded.

"Yeah, I guess that's true." He said shaking his head. I grabbed his hand, and pulled him into the house quietly. I pushed the door closed, and noticed that all the lights were out.

Everyone must be asleep.

"So which way is-" I quickly threw my hand over Kakashi's mouth, my back lightly hitting the door.

"Shhhh!!! Whisper okay? I think everyone is asleep. If my dad found out I had a boy in the house, he'd skin me alive. Even if it's just you, getting your present." I whispered, giggling to myself, as I let his mouth go.

"Sorry, which way is your room?" He asked quietly. I bit my lip, and pulled his jacket, so I was against the door, with his body against mine. I quickly slammed my lips against his, as he froze for a second, before kissing back. His hands found my hips, as he squeezed them, making me smirk into the kiss. I licked his bottom lip, and he opened his mouth, letting our tongues fight for dominance. He moved his hands further down, to grab my thighs, picking me up, as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He started to grind his hips against me, causing friction between our legs. I pulled away from his kiss, my lips slightly swollen, as he began to attack my neck.

"Upstairs... Second door on the right." I whispered to Kakashi, as he started to head upstairs quietly. Our lips attacked each other's again, as I lightly tugged on his hair. He quickly opened my door, walking in the room before, shutting the door carefully as I attacked his neck. He let out a quiet throaty moan, when my hand started grope his cock through his pants. He thrusted himself into my hand, as I chuckled. He carried me over to the bed, and laid me down, hovering himself over my body, as I took my long sleeve shirt off, and laid it next to me. Kakashi stared at my tits, covered by my bra, as he bit his lip.

"You're so beautiful." He said, staring lovingly into my eyes, making me smile.

"That's so sweet of you babe, but I don't want sweet Kakashi right now baby, I need you." I said, pulling his shirt towards, making him smash his lips against mine again, before he started kissing down to my chest.
"Kakashi?" I asked breathlessly as he looked up at me.

"Yes?" He asked, and I smiled.

"Remember earlier today, when you said what you would do to me?" I asked and he smirked.

"No, I'm afraid you'll have to remind me." He said playfully.

"Don't play coy with me Hatake, please..." I tried to say demandingly, but faltered.

"I don't know what you're talking about (Y/N). You'll have to remind me." He said slyly and I sighed.

What would Jiriaya's book do?

"Are you going to fuck me Hatake? Or am I going to have too?" I purred.
"Wait... I think I said that wrong... Oh geez... I'm sorry..." I said giggling, making Kakashi chuckle.

"Well, you were a virgin yesterday, I'm not expecting you to know much." He said, and I gasped, and hit his arm, and he laughed.

"Shhhh!!" I said quickly covering his mouth, and I giggled.
"So were you loser!! And besides, at least I didn't say, will you have the sex with me anymore." I said, as Kakashi's hands slowly made their way into my pants, rubbing me outside of my underwear, and I tried hard not to moan.

"Technically you just did." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you going to make fun of me?" I asked, before I grabbed his shirt, pulling him down to face me, as his hand snuck into my underwear, feeling how wet I was.
"Or are you going to be a man, and fuck me senseless?" I asked him, and his eye widened, before smirking at me.

"Be careful what you wish for (Y/N)." He said seductively in my ear, as his full hand cupped my wet core, giving it a rub. I grinded against his hand, before I sucked in a heavy breath.

"Oh I know exactly what I wish for. So stop talking and just kiss me you stupid jerk!" I said quietly, and he chuckled before his lips hungrily attacked mine. His free hand, went down to my bra, giving it a squeeze, while my hands went up to his hair, pulling it lightly, making him moan into my mouth. This made me moan, and he smirked. His hand in my underwear, and started going to work, as he slid two fingers inside me, while his palm rubbed on my clit.

"Mmhmm Kakashi..." I said against his lips.

"You like that baby?" He asked, as he moved it a little faster.

"Oh yesss..." I said breathlessly, as I closed my eyes, my hands moving down to his covered shoulder blades, letting my nails lightly dig into him.

The way she looks under me, is such an amazing sight to see. Kakashi thought to himself, as he bit his lip, before kissing (Y/N) again.

"Hey, I heard- Oh shit!" I heard someone say, as the light turned on, making Kakashi and I jump. Kakashi quickly removed his hands from my body, and put his mask up, before jumping off of me within the blink of an eye. I looked over, and saw Asuma, who was at the door, covering his eyes.
I quickly threw on my shirt.

"I-it's not what it looks like..." I trailed off, blushing.

"Really? Because it looks like you were having a tongue fest here with Kakashi, and probably about to do other things that I don't want to imagine my little sister doing." He said scrunching his nose.

"Okay, maybe it was exactly what it looks like..." I said, rubbing my neck chuckling awkwardly.

"I think you had enough of my sister Kakashi, you should leave." Asuma said, and I groaned.

"Don't act like you're all innocent Asuma!! I know you and Kurenai have your own little secret meetings." I said crossing my arms, smirking, watching has he blushed.

"I'll go, I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)." Kakashi said, before kissing my forehead, and jumping out my window.

"That's not the point. I'm almost a seventeen year old, what's your excuse?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Um, I'm old enough to go on dangerous missions! I'm a jounin? Besides, technically I have the excuse of you're not actually my blood relative Asu, so you can't really tell me what to do!" I said, and he huffed.

"Wouldn't the old man like to hear that? I wonder what he would think." Asuma asked, and I sighed.

"Asuma don't. Please don't tell dad." I said walking up to him.
"I'm happy okay? I'm exactly where I want to be. Plus you're my big brother, I know you want to protect me, and you can, but just, let me have this one thing please?" I asked him with pleading eyes, and he sighed.

"Alright fine." He said, and I smiled before I squeezed him in a tight hug.

"Oh Asu! You're the best big brother anyone could ever ask for!" I said, and he chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I won't tell the old man, but you owe me one, got it?" He said, and I nodded, as I let him go.

"Got it!" I said and he chuckled.

"Kakashi... He's not forcing you into anything is he?" Asuma asked and I shook my head.

"If he did, you know I'd kick his ass." I said smiling cheekily.

"Just checking. Alright, now go to bed." Asuma said, as he started walking out the door, while I got back into bed.
"Oh, and (Y/N)?"


"Just remember sex is cleaner, with a packaged wiener!" Asuma said, and I gasped, throwing my pillow at him.

"Get out loser!" I said louder and he chuckled.
"Wait! First! Can you toss my pillow back?" I asked and he shook his head.

"You're so lazy!" He said, throwing it back, before leaving the room. I laid my head down, and smiled to myself., as I turned over, and noticed a copy of Jiraya's books on my nightstand.

I guess I could always finish it...


Sorry this chapter is kind of mehThe truth is. I haven't been feeling to good recently... Well actually since June, and I'm trying my hardest to still be out and about and what not! I'm happy and everything, just when my pains hit, it gets really intense.

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter! Thank youguys so much for reading and your lovely comments make my night and day. We areat 3 K reads and I'm just so happy about it! I couldn't do that without you guys! ❤️ so much love.

And a friendly tip from your friendly neighborhood Author-Chan is you probably shouldn't run butt naked while getting chased by the cops.

Peace out Kakashi Scouts!

Posted: September 19, 2018

Edited: February 26, 2019

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