32) A Choice

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"Yes (Y/N)?" Kakashi asked, and I frowned.

"Do you know if something is going on with Kardama?" I asked him, and he raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" He asked concerned.

"I don't know... He hasn't really be himself these last two weeks... Ya know?" I said, biting my lip.

"I don't think I understand what you mean. I'm sure he's fine (Y/N)." He said with a slight chuckle.

"It's not funny Kashi." I said frowning.
"He's been distant for a few weeks now. It's like he's been trying to avoid me..." I said sadly.
"You don't happen to have anything to do with that hmm?" I asked him and he looked at me wide eyed.

"What? No! I told you already, I'm sure he's alright. He's probably just having a few off days. Not even Kardama can be so chipper all the time." He said and I frowned, making him sigh.
"Cheer up babe, I hate when you're upset." He said kissing my forehead, before getting up and putting clothes on.

"Where are you going?" I asked him and he smiled.

"To watch over Kushina." He said and I sighed.

"How much longer do you have to do that?" I whined, as he chuckled.

"I'm sure she's due any day now." He said, and I giggled.

"I wish she was due today! I want to meet little Naruto! I need a new man in my life, because you're always leaving me." I teased and he chuckled.

"Don't you think he'd be a little too young?" He teased back and I giggled.

"Perv, I just meant, I'm tired of all of you. I'm ready for a fresh face." I said, and Kakashi playfully pouted.

"How could you be tired of this face?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Conceited much?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"I have the right to be as conceited as I want (Y/N). After all, I do have the hottest girlfriend in the world." He said, pulling me out of bed, and into his arms. He kissed my forehead.

"I think you picked the wrong profession Kakashi. Why be a great shinobi when you should have been a professional ass kisser instead." I teased and he gasped.

"I'd prefer to kiss that sweet little-"

"Whoah... Slow your roll buckaroo." I giggled, and he chuckled.

"I love you (Y/N)." He said, kissing my forehead one last time, putting his mask over his mouth, before walking towards my bedroom door.

"I love you too." I said following him, shutting it, so I could get dressed. Once I got dressed, I headed out of my bedroom, accidentally running into Kardama in the process.
"Oh! I'm sorry Karda!" I said, and he nodded.

"As am I... I'll watch where I'm going next time. Many apologies." He said, as he started heading downstairs. I followed him, and grabbed his wrist before he could head out the front door.

"Hey? I was thinking... Maybe we could go train together? It's been a while since we trained..." I said, and he shook his head.

"Unfortunately I have business to attend to today." He said and I frowned.
"But... Maybe when I'm done... We could... If you're up to it?" He asked and I smiled.

"Oh I'll be up to it." I said, and he nodded.

"I'll see you later then. Goodbye (Y/N)." He said, pulling me into a quick hug before heading out of the door.

You should see where he's been going lately...
No I really shouldn't that's a disruption of his privacy...
Since when have you ever cared about his privacy (Y/N)...
Ah! Put a sock in it!!
Don't you want to know why he's been a avoiding you?
Sometimes I hate being me... Let's do it then.

I quickly and quietly followed Kardama around the village, and realized that he was sneaking into the Forest of Death.

What business does he have here?! I thought to myself, as I slowly went in the forest behind him. After five minutes of walking, Kardama froze in his tracks, before letting out a heavy sigh. I quickly hide in the trees above him.

"You shouldn't be out here (Y/N)." He says in a disappointed tone. I jump off of the tree and land on the ground in front of him.

"I could tell you the same thing Kardama. Why are you in the Forest of Death anyways?" I asked him as he looked at me with a glint of worry in his eyes.

"Look," He said, putting his hands on my shoulders.
"You need to get as far away from here, and me, as possible (Y/N)." He said worriedly.

"Kardama but why?! What did you d-"

"Do not ask questions. You turn around now, and you go back into the village. Where it's safe. You need to stay away from me. Please just go." He begged me and I shook my head. He let out a frustrated sigh, and removed his hands from my shoulders. He turned his back to me, and kept walking.

"Not unless you come with me. I don't know what kind of trouble you're in Kardama, but you're not going through it alone." I said, putting a hand on his wrist, stopping him.

"Who said I'm in trouble?" He asked, as I rose an eyebrow.

"I may be young, but I'm not stupid Karda..." I said, making him sigh.

"Look, this unfortunately is something I have to do on my own. So I suggest you turn around, and go, before it's too late. Please (Y/N) just for once, listen to me..." He said slowly straining his voice.

"Is that supposed to scare me away?" I asked and he sighed.

"It should." He said sternly.
"Please just go...I can buy you more time this way."

"What in the hell do you mean more time? You're not making any sense Karda... Please, stop being so distant. Tell me what's going on! I can help you through this." I said calmly, putting a hand on his shoulder. I look him dead in the eyes, and noticed that there was a look that I couldn't quite make out. Kardama let out a long sigh, before taking my hand off of his shoulder.

"Just trust me..."

"What's bothering you? I need answers. I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on. If you tell me, then I promise I'll leave okay?" I said and he looked away from me.

"Nothing is wrong. Now go home."

"You're lying. I can feel your heart beat remember?" I said annoyed as he gave a halfhearted smile.

"If lying to you is what I have to do to save your life, then that is what I am going to do. Now get out of here, before I make you leave." He said angrily. I was about to respond when another voice cut me off.

"She will be doing no such thing Kardama." The voice said, making Kardama's eyes widen.

"(Y/N) get out of here. Now!" Kardama scolds, and I shook my head.

"Who the hell are you?!" I yelled, looking for the voice.
"Show your face, you coward!" I yelled, looking around, trying to sense another chakra. All of a sudden, the man jumps from the trees.

"Nice to finally meet you (Y/N) Otoko." He says slowly, making me shiver. I stared the man down.

"Who in the hell are you? And how do you know my name?" I asked, as the dark half of him chuckled.

"Zetsu." Kardama growls. Zetsu ignores me completely, and looks over at Kardama.

"We didn't actually believe you would bring her here. We figured we'd have to force her out. Seems you weren't as useless as we thought." He said to Kardama, making him growl.

"You know this Venus fly trap?" I asked confused, and Kardama sighs and nods.

"Please just go... I'll hold them off as long as I can." He says going into his shadow state.

"I'm not going anywhere until I get answers. And I better get them pretty quick, you know I have a short fuse." I said showing Zetsu my ember eyes.

"I'll explain everything later, please just go before it's-"

"You'll do no such thing. If you leave (Y/N), your precious little Kardama here, dies." Zetsu says, making me look at him in anger.

"Now listen here you over ripe celery stick, if anyone is killing anyone, it's going to be me ripping you in half. So I suggest you Start. Talking. Now." I growled.

"You're very pretty." The white one says.
"Shut up you imbecile." The black one growls.

"Don't make me ask again." I growl, and the black one chuckles.

"Fine, your friend Kardama here, works for us." The black one says, making my head shoot over at Kardama.
"You see, our boss has plans, and unfortunately for you, we need you, for it to be successful." The white one says.
"So we sent him, to get close enough to you, so he'd earn your trust, and you would willingly come work for us. And if that didn't work, then he was to force you, to come with us." The black one added.

"You're lying... H-he's lying... Right?" I asked full of confusion.

"I need you to listen to me. You need to get-"

"Were you really going to do that?!" I asked in anger.

"Please (Y/N), we don't have time for-"

"ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!!" I shouted. He let out a sigh.

"Yes... But that was before I-"

"I trusted you... I TRUSTED YOU!!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.
"My family trusted you... My Sensei... Kakashi even... He started to like you... I trusted you, I fought for you... My father gave you a home and you just...You betrayed us... You betrayed me." I said sadly.

"(Y/N) I-"

"No you shut up. You don't get to fucking talk, unless I speak to you." I said, cutting him off.
"How were you going to force me?"

"(Y/N) please, don't-"

"HOW?!" I spat, making sure to keep my eyes on both Zetsu and Kardama who were now considered my enemy.

"I-I" He let out a sigh.
"If you weren't going to come willingly... I was instructed to kill the ones you loved... Starting with Kakashi. But then I got to know you (Y/N), I had a change of heart... I couldn't do that to you."

"You lied to me before, for all I know, you're lying to me now. I'm going to be sick." I said feeling slightly woozy.
"Listen here, the both of you, cause I'm only going to say this once. You're coming with me, to the Hokage, whether I have to force you myself or not is up to you. I suggest you save yourselves the trouble. I won't hesitate to kill you. You're BOTH my enemy now, and as far as I'm concerned, traitors to the Hidden Leaf." I said coldly.

"I'm afraid that's not what is going to happen." White Zetsu said, and I snapped my head towards him.

"Oh yeah?! Want to try me? Case you haven't noticed, I'm a lot stronger than I fucking look cabbage patch." I said making black zetsu chuckle darkly.

"That may be true brat, but we have something you don't have..." he says, making me cock an eyebrow.
"An advantage." He said cockily. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain that made me fall to the ground. I started feeling dizzy, as Zetsu laughed evilly. I felt my world slowly becoming dark, and I looked over to see Kardama, who had fallen to the ground in pain too.

"K-Kardama..." I whisper as my eyes felt heavy.

"I- I'm so sorry (Y/N)." Was the last thing I heard before I closed my eyes.

* * *

Where am I? I thought to myself, as I slowly watched the sun go down. My eyes squinted in pain, from the sudden brightness. I opened my eyes again, shielding them from the sun, when I realized where I was.

The training tree? Why am I here?

Memories flooded back in a sudden rush, as I remembered everything that previously happened.

Kardama was struck down too, but why? He worked for them? Is he okay?

I tried to move, but my body felt weak, almost limp, before I felt a shooting pain in my right side. I groaned as I looked down, and noticed a bloody bandage wrapped around my abdomen. I clutched my side, and hissed in pain when I felt a slight rip.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You'll open the wound, and bleed out. And I can't have you dying just yet." A voice said making me jump. I looked up to see a man in a cloak, with a hood, sitting on the tree branch above me. He stared at the sun.

Why does that look so familiar...? Vegetable man was wearing one too... Who the hell are these guys?!

"Who are you? Where's Kardama?!" I spat, before he jumped down coming face to face with me. I notice he was wearing an white mask with stripes, which swirled into a hole where his eye would be.

"You shouldn't worry about anyone but yourself. You look horrible." The man says chuckling. His voice was slightly deep, but faltered here and there.

"Says the one who's wearing a mask that looks like a zebra's butthole." I clapped back, and he chuckled again.

"You truly are a spit fire aren't you?" He said, caressing my cheek.
"You haven't changed a bit." He cooed, and I suddenly had the strength to grab his wrist quickly, squeezing it, and pull it away from my face.

"Don't touch me." I growled, as he puts his hands up in surrender.
"What do you mean I haven't changed?! Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"I've been watching you for a long time now (Y/N)."

"Because that's not creepy." I said sarcastically.
"What's with you and the walking Aloe Vera, being so obsessed with me anyways?" I groaned.

"It's called being observant." He states.

"Whatever. Just answer my damn questions, before I kick your ass." I said annoyed and he chuckled.

"If you wanted to kick my ass kiddo, you would have done it by now." He said.

"Maybe I'm just in a nice, kind mood today." I said.

"Or maybe you're too weak at the moment to do anything." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm afraid I cannot give you all the answers you are looking for. But I'll give you enough information to make a choice. I am a man of honor after all." He said, and I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"You call yourself an honorable m-"

"I suggest you bite your sarcastic tongue of yours, or else I'll leave you here with absolutely nothing, except for a choice with dire consequences on each end." He said darkly, and I bit my lip in frustration.

"Okay." I said blankly.

"I have been watching you for years now (Y/N). And I must say, I'm quite impressed. You've grown into quite the woman if I must say so myself. Though, I must admit, I never really pictured you as the Kakashi kind of girl. But I guess, when you lose the ones you truly cared about, settling down for second best is-"

"How do you... Jealous much?! Fucking Creep. Kakashi wasn't second best you fucking-"

"Ah ah, did I not I tell you to bite that sarcastic tongue?" He said, and I growled.
"I'm feeling quite lenient today, in a nice, kind mood, as you called it? So I'll let this small comment slide, don't expect it to happen again." He said darkly.
"As I was saying. I am a part of an organization that wants to bring eternal peace to all. Of course, sacrifices must be made in order for such a plan to work. Which is where you come in. Your power is special, and it's nothing personal (Y/N), but in order for there to be peace, you'll eventually have to die. Either way it's going to happen (Y/N), it all really just comes down to how much blood needs to be shed before the time comes. Which is why I am here, giving you a proposal." He said, and I bit my lip.

"What exactly are you proposing?" I asked, and he caressed my cheek again.

"I will give you approximately twenty four hours from now, to make a decision." He said.

"Well get to it." I snapped.

"If you chose to agree, without a fight, then you can meet me and Zetsu at the top of the waterfall that you are oh so familiar with." He said, as my eyes widened.

He was there too?

"What the hell?! You were-"

"This entails you come alone, and you join my organization until the time comes for you to die for the cause, it's quite simple really." He said and I furrowed my brows.

"And if I choose not too?" I asked.

"Then blood must be shed. I'll personally make sure to it that everyone you care about dies. Starting with Kardama. If you fail to show up, he dies tomorrow." He said.

"You act as if I care what happens to him." I stated, and he chuckled.

"I know you (Y/N), you care. You two share a special bond remember? Doesn't the Otoko weaken if they lose their counterpart?" He teased and I growled.
"Surely you wouldn't want to lose the only ties you have to a clan. But... If you don't care, it's no matter. He'll die, and I'll just move on to the next one, Kakashi Hatake." He stated.

"You wouldn't dare." I growled.

"Oh, but I would. You see, I have... Unfinished business with Kakashi myself." He said, as he tightened his fist, before releasing it.

"And whatever could that be?!"

"If you fail to come to the meeting spot alone, then I promise you I will make sure that by the time I'm finished with your precious Kakashi, he'll be begging for death."

"You touch him, and I won't hesitate to kill you where you stand." I threatened.

"You'll be too weak to do it, just like you are now." He said, and I growled.
"After Kakashi, I'll attack and kill every last member of the Hidden Leaf Village, and then take you. So I think, you meeting us tomorrow is easier right?" He said and I tried to move but I couldn't.

"You're a monster." I said sadly.

"A monster wouldn't give you a choice. Let alone give you enough time to say your goodbyes. I could just take you now, and lock you up until the time comes." He suggested, and I sighed.

"If I go... If I agree to this... No one gets hurt? Kakashi will live?" I asked and he nodded.
"Fine. I'll be there... Just go." I said defeated.

"You're a smart girl (Y/N), I knew we could come to a reasonable agreement." He said ruffling my hair. I glared at him, but felt sadness in my heart.

"Whatever..." I mumbled.

"Oh and (Y/N)?" He said, as he stood up. I looked up at him, as he cocked his head to the side.
"Don't make me regret not taking you now." He said, before he suddenly disappeared.

What am I going to do?

* * *

"What did I tell you (Y/N)?" He asked me as I gasped in pain. I watched in agony, as I pulled and tugged on the chains that I was connected to. I felt blood trickle down my nose and mouth, as the masked man chuckled evilly.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I heard a familiar voice shout in anger.

That can't be... Please no... I slowly looked up, and saw Kakashi tied against a chair, and I gasped.

"K-Kakashi?" I said in a faint whisper.

"It's okay baby. I'm going to get us out of here, I promise." He said, glaring at the masked man. I bit my lip as I took in Kakashi's face. His hair was limp, hitting his face. His left eye was swollen shut, his right eye bruised badly. His lip was severely busted, and his nose was dripping of blood. My eyes watered knowing that the love of my life, was in pain, and it was all my fault.

"I'd never make promises you can't keep Hatake." An evil chuckle broke my train of thought. I felt my hair being yanked, before my head was slammed against the cement wall behind me. I groaned in pain, as my vision was slightly blurry. I could hear Kakashi growl, as he tugged hard on the ropes.

"I'm going to kill you." Kakashi growled, as the man chuckled.

"Is that so?" He teased, as I slowly saw him pull out a kunai, and twirl it around his finger.
"You know Kakashi, I'm growing quite bored of you now." He said, as he stood behind Kakashi. My eyes widened, as I cried out.

"PLEASE DON'T!! I'LL DO ANYTHING!!" I cried out as he yanked on Kakashi's hair, pulling his head back, so he's facing the ceiling. He held the kunai to Kakashi's throat, taunting me as I thrashed around, trying to break myself free of the chains.

"Anything hmm?" The man teased, as I cried. Kakashi growled and grunted in anger.

"Y-yes..." I said slowly, as the man kept the Kunai to his throat.
"P-please... I'm so sorry... I won't fight... I give up!! P-please just let him live." I cried.

"Oh (Y/N), I love when you pathetically beg." He said, giggling almost.

"P-please..." I whimper, as he let out a sharp sigh.

"I'll be okay (Y/N). I love you." Kakashi said, his voice slightly faltering.

"Please... Just let him go..." I whimpered at the masked man. Suddenly, he chuckled before his slid the kunai across Kakashi's throat, making me scream out in agony.
"NO!!!" I cried out.

"Should have thought of that, before you decided to disobey me (Y/N)." He said, as I watched Kakashi's head fall limp. I felt completely dead inside, as I cried out in pain.

My eyes suddenly shot open, as I gasped for air, noticing Kakashi was right in front of me.

"KAKASHI!!" I cried out, as I found the strength to wrap my arms around his neck, not caring of the agonizing pain in my side. I broke down in his arms, as he held me close.

"What happened to you (Y/N)? Who hurt you?!" He asked worriedly, as he rubbed my back, while I continued to cry.

"I-it f-felt so r-real... I t-thought I l-lost you!" I muttered into his chest, as the tears kept rolling down my face into his clothes. He rubbed my back, and held me close.

"Shhh baby, I'm here... I'm right here." He repeated over and over again, kissing the top of my head through his mask, until I calmed down.
"Look at me." He said softly, as I sniffled.
"(Y/N) please look at me." He said, as his hand went to my chin, lifting my face to stare at him. Both of his hands caressed my face, as he gave me a closed eye smile.
"I don't know what happened, but I'm still here. I'm not going away, not anytime soon. You'll never lose me (Y/N). I promise." He said, as I sniffled. I instantly hugged him around his neck, until I felt comfortable enough with letting go of his body.

"I love you." I said softly.

"I love you too." He said, as I let him go, hissing in pain at the wound in my side.
"What happened?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"I'll explain everything later... But first I need you to help me get to the Hokage's office." I said, as he shook his head.

"Oh no you don't. You need to go to the hospital. I can bring the Hokage to you." He said, as he helped me up, carrying me bridal style out of the training area towards the village.

"No Kakashi. Take me to the Hokage first." I said sternly, and he sighed, taking me to the Hokage's office as fast as he could.

"Fine, but I'm taking you to hospital right after this." He said, as we finally reached the building. He carried me all the way up to Hokage's office, before he put me down. I put one arm around his shoulder, as he wrapped an arm around my waist, careful to avoid my wounds. He helped me walk into the Hokage's office, where I came face to face with a wide eyed Minato.

"(Y/N)?" He said confused, before looking at Kakashi.
"Kakashi, what happened?" He asked.

"Lord Fourth," I spoke up, as we stopped right in front of his desk. I closed my eyes and bit my lip, as I let out a heavy sigh.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Today I followed Kardama, to the Forest of Death. He was meeting up with this walking Venus Fly Trap named Zetsu. I don't know why he was meeting up with him, but he realized I was following him. He tried to get me to come back to the village, he begged for me to go back, so I could be safe, but I refused. Zetsu came to us, and told me that if I left, he'd kill Kardama. Zetsu proceeded to tell me that Kardama worked for him. That he was to kidnap me, or convince me to join their organization." I said, and Minato's eyebrows furrowed.

"What organization?"

"I'm not sure sir. Anyways, Kardama told me that if I didn't agree, he was instructed to kill Kakashi, and those whom I'm close to. Kardama told me, that was his mission, but he had a change of heart. Which is why, I assume, he was meeting them in the first place. I told them, that they were considered enemies of the hidden leaf, to surrender or I would use force and if need be, death. I was struck down, before I could get to them. However, before I passed out, I saw Kardama get struck down too." I said, and Minato Sensei looked confused.

"I see. Is that all?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No sir." I said, as I took a deep breath.
"When I woke up, I wasn't alone. There was a masked man, who basically said I had to make a choice..." I said biting my lip, slowly regretting my decision of coming here.

"Go on." He said, as I sighed.

"H-he said, I could meet him at the location Kakashi took me to, to ask me to be his girlfriend. On top of the water fall. Alone. Without a fight, and no one would get hurt. But..." I bit my lip, and took a deep breath.
"If I fought, or didn't come alone, or didn't show up... He would..."

"He would what (Y/N)?" Minato Sensei asked concerned.

"Kill Kardama, then Kakashi, then the rest of the Hidden Leaf village. Sir, I don't know what to do. The village is in danger, I don't want anyone to die because of me sir. I-" I said, scared and he sighed.

"This man, will not hurt you, Kardama, Kakashi, or the village. Not under my watch. I am The Hokage after all." He said, getting up, and pulling me into a hug. "We just need a good tactical strategy. Kakashi, you will take (Y/N) to the hospital to heal those wounds." He said, and Kakashi nodded.

"Yes Lord Fourth." He said, and Minato let go of our hug.

"As for you (Y/N). You will rest tomorrow. You are not to go to that location-"

"But Minato! I can't just sit there when this is my pro-" I tried to protest.

"The village will not be in danger. This isn't your fault. For all we know, it could be a trap. I will send out the best shinobi, as well as a few of the Anbu. We can never be too careful. We will have them circle the area, and capture them, and we will interrogate them from there. Kardama will brought back alive." He said, and I nodded.

"What about me sir? What will I be doing?" Kakashi asked.

"You will stay on a longer duty with Kushina tomorrow. That mission is still important." He said, and Kakashi nodded. I sighed in relief knowing my boyfriend was safe.
"Now (Y/N), I mean it, tomorrow you are under orders to heal. If by chance this goes wrong, you're going to need all of your strength. The fairest battle you're going to get, is if you are fully healed." He said in a stern voice, and I nodded.

"I understand sir." I said.

"Good. Now you two, are dismissed." Minato Sensei says, as we nod, slowly heading to the hospital. Kakashi took it upon himself, to carry me all the way there. Once at the hospital, they got the medical ninja team, to heal my body, but they gave me a shot that would help me sleep, and fully rejuvenate my body. They put me in a room, and within a few minutes Kakashi walked in, locking the door in the process.

"Hey." He said, as he sat near the end of the bed. I gave him a small smile.

"Will you lay with me?" I asked, and he nodded, before he laid next to me. I cuddled myself into his body, as I felt his breath on my neck.

"What's on your mind?" He asked and I sighed.

"If the plan doesn't work, I'm scared of what would happen." I replied and he sighed.

"Would you have left?" He asked and I thought about it. I turned over, so I was facing him, and I let my hand pull his mask down, as I let my thumb rub his cheek.

"I'd do whatever I had to do, to keep you and the village alive." I said softly, and slightly frowned.

"I don't want you being reckless for my sake. I am Kakashi Hatake, the copycat ninja after all. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm more than capable of protecting myself. And if by chance, someone is able to take me down, then I don't deserve to live." He said, and I frowned.

"You deserve every right to be here, because I love you." I said, and he stared into my eyes.

"I love you too (Y/N). But please don't do anything reckless. I don't want to lose you, I know I'd lose myself. I don't want to live in a world without you." He said, and I frowned.

"We can't have that, now can we?" I teased and he rolled his eye. I giggled.
"Kakashi? Will you kiss me?" I asked softly, as a small smirk tugged at his lips. He leaned in and planted kiss on my lips, before I put a hand in his hair, pulling him closer to me. His tongue slid across my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth, both of us moaning from the sudden contact. I pulled his hair lightly, as we started to kiss each other more feverishly. Kakashi pulled away, as we both panted from the intensity. He bit his lip, before chuckling.

"As much as I would love to take you right here, right now, in this hospital room. I want you to be healed, and not on medication that's meant to knock you out soon." He said, and I giggled, running my hair through his soft silver hair.

"What? You mean the perverted hedgehog is turning down sexy time?" I joked, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Did you just call me a perverted hedgehog?" He chuckled as I giggled.

"Yeah, you're a pervert, and your hair is spiky like a hedgehogs." I said, giggling.

"You're lucky I love you." He teased, as I kissed his cheek. He kissed my forehead, after I let out a yawn.

"I love you too." I said softly, as I cuddled into his chest, his arms wrapped around me, as I fell asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat.


Wow guys, man oh man I wonder what's gonna happen?! I could be a good person and make it work in everyone's favor. Or I could be an asshole and change the WHOLE game, and fuck everyone up. Yikes... what to do... what to do??

I wanna thank you guys for the love and support ❤️ I never dreamed this book would get awesome readers like you guys!
I love you all.

Question of the day? What's your favorite song? Mine is Sour Patch kids atm. (Check it out if you want)

And now a Note from your friendly neighborhood Author-Chan:

When life gives you lemons... Shove slices in the eyes of your enemies.

Peace out Kakashi Scouts!! ✌🏽

Posted: October 30, 2018

Edited: March 5, 2019

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