35) Eighteen

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"Are you awake little Naruto?" I cooed, as I looked over and saw bright blue eyes looking over at me. He gave me a cute smile, and reached for me out of his crib.

"Nom Nom, nom noms." He said, as I giggled, getting up, taking him out of the crib. While holding him in my arms, I ruffled the blonde hair on his head, as he giggled, before letting out a loud yawn.

"You just woke up kiddo! You can't be tired! Nom Noms or sleepy time Naruto, you can't do both you goof." I said, as he giggled.

"Nom Noms!!" He said excitedly, jumping up and down in my arms as I smiled, carrying him down the stairs.

"Who needs to work out, when you can just hold a baby instead?" I teased, as I kissed his cheek, making him squeal in happiness, as his hands grabbed some of my hair to play with it. I made my way over to his highchair, and set him in it, before walking over to the fridge and pulled out an egg. "How does an egg sound little man?" I asked.

"Egg, Egg!" He chanted over and over again, making me chuckle.

"I was beginning to wonder when you and the kid would wake up." A voice startled me from the kitchen table. I snapped my head over to see Asuma smirking at me.

"Oh! Asuma you scared me!" I said making him chuckle.

Déjà vu, is that you?

"What are you doing here Asuma?" I asked, as he smirked.

"What, are you not happy to see your big brother?" He asked with a smile. I shook my head, holding back a smile as I made my way over to him, and hugged him tightly with one arm, holding Naruto in my other.
"Now (Y/N), I know I moved out of the house about a year ago, but I think you need to remind Kakashi that you can never go wrong, if he shields his dong." Asuma teased, making me whack him upside the head.

"And you wonder why I don't miss you, and your annoying persona." I teased back and he gasped, ruffling my hair.

"I know, I was just trying to be funny little sis." He said, before kissing my cheek, before poking Naruto's cheek, making him giggle. "I actually came here to do some stuff." He said, as I raised an eyebrow.

"Like what?" I asked as he chuckled.

"Like watch Naruto here, while you go upstairs and get ready for the day." He said, as I raised an eyebrow
"And of course to tell you, my favorite little sister happy eighteenth birthday!" He added, making me smile.

"Okay... I'm pretty sure I'm your only little sister but thank you Asu... Really...But there's no need. I can watch over Naruto." I said, as Asuma shook his head.

"I'm afraid you can't, seeing as I'm getting paid to do this." He said, and I raised an eyebrow.

"You're getting paid?" I asked, as he nodded.

"I do believe I said that." He said, as he began to push me out of the kitchen. "Now go get dressed!" He said, and I frowned.

"But Naruto's breakfast!" I said, as Asuma chuckled.

"I'll fix him the egg (Y/N). The longer you refuse to listen to me the longer you deprive the kid of the best damn egg he'll ever have in his life. Now shoo!" He said, as I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"Alright I'm going!" I said, as I ran upstairs, and got dressed and ready for the day as quickly as I could. When I came back downstairs, I saw Naruto laughing, and I smelt something awful.

"It's not funny kid." I heard Asuma say, as I leaned against the doorframe, leading to the kitchen. I saw Asuma struggling with a burnt egg, and I smirked.

"Hmm... Either Naruto made a stinky poo poo, or you burnt something." I teased, as I crossed my arms, watching Asuma throw the burnt egg away. "Best egg he's ever had huh?" I added, as he scoffed.

"Shut up." He mumbled, as I giggled, heading over to the fridge to get three eggs.

"Step aside loser, and let me show you how a pro does it." I said, as he sighed, and moved over, as I began to fry the egg.

"When did you get so good at mom things?" He asked, as I smiled.

"Well, I've been taking care of Naruto for almost three years now. I've had practice. When did you get so bad at cooking?" I asked, as I flipped the three eggs, and set them out to cool. I put two eggs on a plate and handed them to Asuma, and got Naruto's egg and gave it to him.

"Thanks." Asuma said, as I smiled.

"No problem." I said, smiling at the two. "Now, you wouldn't happen to know where my silver headed pirate ninja would be, would ya?" I asked,getting a glass of water, as Asuma chuckled.

"Pirate huh?" Kakashi asked out of nowhere, making me nearly jump out of my skin.

"Kakashi! You scared me!" I said, as I glared at my brother. "Thanks for the heads up."

"Is he a pirate because he likes the booty?" Asuma asked amused, with a mouthful of egg, as I looked at Kakashi who was smirking.

"No. It's because he only has one eye." I said, making Asuma choke on his egg.

"I have two eyes." Kakashi said, as I giggled.

"Yeah, but only one of them is yours." I said, before taking a drink of my water.

"Now that's not how you get birthday sex." Asuma said, making me choke on my water.

"Asuma!" I scolded, as I had a mini coughing fit. "Don't say that in front of Naruto!" I said, looking over at Naruto, who was staring at the three of us.

"Ah he's just a baby, it's fine." Asuma said, looking over at Naruto."Right Naruto?" He asked, as Naruto looked between Asuma and I over and over again. He let out a cute smile.

"Sex! Sex! Sex!" Naruto chanted, as my eyes widened, and Kakashi chuckled.

"Naruto no! Asuma I'm going to kill you!!" I said, as Asuma awkwardly chuckled.

"Oops?" He said, as I groaned. Kakashi suddenly picked me up and carried me bridal style out of the kitchen.

"I think that's our cue to leave." Kakashi said, as Asuma ran behind us to shut the door.

"Oh and remember if he's got no protection, don't use his erection!" Asuma shouted, before slamming the door shut.

"Asuma!!" I yelled, as my face went hot.

"You're cute when you blush." Kakashi said, as my face grew hotter.

"Oh you shut up!" I said playfully, as he chuckled and set me down. "Where do you plan on taking me Hatake?" I asked, as he chuckled.

"Patience is a value, that you still struggle with don't you?" He asked, as he grabbed my hand and we walked through town.

"I was just curious because I wanted to stop by and see Sensei." I said, as Kakashi nodded.

"Want us to stop there first? Then we can get some ramen?" He asked, as I nodded.

"Yes please."

"Okay beautiful, let's go." He said, as we walked to the Shinobi Memorial Grounds.

*     *      *

 "You know Sensei, when I was younger, and you were eighteen, I'd always compare you to an old grandpa. I never truly realized how young you were then. How young you still are. You always teased me, saying that you couldn't wait to poke fun at me for becoming the old age of eighteen. And though, I would roll my eyes and act annoyed, you don't know how bad I wish I could hear you calling me a grandma right about now Minato. I'm finally an adult Sensei, and I wish you could be here to celebrate with me, with us, the rest of my family. I miss you Sensei and you too Kushina. I miss you so much. I hope you guys and Rin and Obito and even Kardama are doing well, and training all the shinobi up there... I promise I'm trying really hard to make sure that Naruto is happy and healthy. But I would like to say that whatever words he learns from Asuma tonight, is not my fault... I love you guys so much." I said, as tears slowly stung my cheeks. I felt Kakashi's hand on my shoulder, as he kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sure Minato Sensei and Kushina wouldn't want you crying. In fact, Kushina is probably saying quit crying (Y/N). No one should cry on their birthday ya know?" He said, giving his best Kushina impression, making me chuckle.

"You're right." I said sniffling, wiping my eyes from the tears.

"I love you." Kakashi whispered.

"I love you too Kashi."

"Want to go get some ramen?" He asked, as I smiled.

"Yes please." I said, as we began to walk to Ichiraku's ramen shop.

*       *        *

"Thanks again old man!" I shouted out, before belching. After eating multiple bowls of ramen and feeling completely and utterly gluttonous, Kakashi and I slowly made our way out of the shop.

"That was lady like..." Kakashi said playfully.

"So is me shoving my foot so far up your-"

"It looks like it's going to rain..." Kakashi said, as I looked up at the sky and saw dark clouds rolling in quickly. Kakashi pulled out an umbrella out of his backpack, and I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I'm always prepared." He said, and I kissed his cheek.

"It does seem like it huh?" I replied, as he grabbed my hand and we walked around the village quietly, taking in the scenery, and the occasional birthday greetings from friends. We made our way over to the park, where we laid down in the grass, and watched the gray clouds get darker. I eventually felt a rain drop hit my nose, and I giggled. Kakashi looked up at the sky.

"Ahhkkk! My eye!" He said, sitting up quickly, as he rubbed his eye, trying to see out of it again after a raindrop hit it.

"Hey! That's exactly what you said when you lost your eye." I said, before I busted out laughing.

"Oh yeah?" He said, before he threw himself on top of me, making me groan in pain, before he began to tickle me, making me scream and laugh.


"Are you gonna still make fun of my eye?" He asked, while he stopped tickling me as I nodded.

"Yes!" I cried out, making him begin to tickle me again.
"KAKASHI!!!" I cried out in laughter.

"OKAY- OKAY I- HAHAHAHA I'LL S-STOP HAHAHA!" I laughed, as he chuckled, and he stopped, as I tried to catch my breath.

"You're so beautiful." He said, looking into my eyes. I could feel it starting to sprinkle.

"I probably look like a monster seeing as you just tickled me until I cried of laugher, you jerk." I said playfully, with him still hovered over me.

"Are you kidding brat? Your laughter, red-faced and all, is so beautiful to me. I hope I marry you one day." He said, making my eyes widen, and my cheeks burn.

"I- I hope so too..." I said shly, as his eye widened, and he got off of me. He got off the ground, and held his hand out for me to grab. I took his hand and he opened the umbrella, allowing us to begin walking without getting wet.

"I have a gift for you." He says quickly, making me jump.

"W-What?" I asked, making Kakashi chuckle.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know if this was the right time, but it's your birthday, a-and I have a gift for you... I-it can wait until a-another day, I just didn't want you thinking I didn't get you anything." He said, and I giggled, kissing his cheek that was covered by his mask. It was starting to pour, and I cuddled closer to him.

"Kakashi, you really didn't have too. I mean you paid for my meal, that's more than enough." I said as seriously as possible, making him chuckle.

"You're excited aren't you?" He asked and I nodded swiftly.

"Okay yeah!! You caught me!" I said letting out a giggle.
"What is it?!" I asked making him chuckle. Kakashi suddenly dropped the umbrella and picked me up quickly, bridal style, making me gasp.

"Kakashi! I'm gonna get wet!!" I whined, wrapping my hands around his neck, causing him to snort.
"You know what... Forget I said that." I add, making him chuckle.

"You know (Y/N)," He said suggestively.
"It wouldn't be the first time you were wet because of me." He says coyly.

"Keep using that smart mouth of yours Kakahead, and I'll make sure that I'll be as dry as the village hidden in the sand, from now on." I said, and he chuckled.

"What are you, like five? Kakahead? Really? That dumb name again? I thought we moved passed this?" He says and I smirk.

"You're right, I'm so sorry Kakabaka." I replied smirking, making him grunt.

"I think that's even worse. You know (Y/N), you're really hurting my feelings." He teased.

"You should build a bridge, and get over it." I said, before I kissed his cheek.

"Mhmm. Kiss my lips and I just might." He said, biting his lip under his mask.

"Now sir, I'm far too vain to kiss in the rain." I teased and he chuckled.

"I won't stop you at just a kiss babe, feel free to make-out with these lips for as long as you want." He said, and I chuckled.

"Oh really now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, as he nodded.
"Show me that birthday present you got for me, and I might just do that." I said and he smiled under his mask. He took off his forehead protector and I looked at him funny.
"A forehead protector? You shouldn't have Kakashi." I said playfully and he rolled his eye.

"Put it on, so I can rock your socks off with my gift." He says playfully.

"What? You gonna take me against that wall near the trash bins? Oh so romantic." I teased and he stiffens, before scoffing.

"Just put the damn thing on (Y/N)" He says, making me giggle.

"Yes sir." I said; as he bent down to grab the umbrella, before walking with me in his arms.

"And you claim you're an adult now." He teased, and I roll my eyes, before putting the thing over my head, tightening it around my eyes.
"Besides, I wouldn't fuck you near a trash bin, that's unsanitary. But even if I did, you'd still be wrecked." He mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked as he chuckles.

"I said we are here." He says, setting me down on the ground.
"Hold this for me real quick." He added, making me hold on to the umbrella, as he shuffled around.

"Well that was fast." I said, as he grabbed my arms and led me inside somewhere.
He removed the blind fold from my face, and I looked around in confusion.

"Where am I?" I asked, looking back at a smirking Kakashi, closing the door.

"Well miss, I'm eighteen and I'm an adult now" He said mocking me.
"You are officially in your new apartment." He stated, as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"W-What?" Kakashi kissed my forehead.
"Hey wait! I don't sound like that!"

"Of course you don't." Kakashi said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"Don't worry, Lord third knows about this, in fact he's the one that set it up. Asuma, Kurenai, Guy, and a few others helped get your clothing and other things here, while we were still out and about." He said, as I bit my lip.
"Now you finally have your own place." He said, making me smile wide.

"I love you."

"I love you too princess." He said, gripping on to me tightly, before making me walk backwards into the kitchen. He turned me around quickly so my back is again his chest, his arms wrapped around waist, and I noticed a surprise on the table. Four pink flowers, and a single Red rose in a vase next to the picture of team Minato, along with a few letters.


"I know it's not much, but I figured Minato Sensei, Rin and Obito would have wanted to celebrate your eighteenth birthday today. The pink flowers are Alstroemeria flowers, they stand for friendship. The letters are from me, Guy, Asuma, Kurenai, and your father. And the single Red rose stands for love, something I know the all of us can agree on... Loving you." He said before kissing my cheek. He let go of my waist, and I spun myself around, my hands gripping on to the front of his shirt, as I smiled up at him.

"I have never loved someone, with the amount of love, which I have for you Kakashi Hatake. You're so cheesy, but you know just the right things to say." I say, squeezing his body into a tight hug.

"I'll love you more than you'll ever know." He responds, hugging me tighter, before pulling away.

"I think you should probably pull your mask down kiss me right here, right now." I said, and he chuckled, pulling his mask down slowly.

"You think so?" He asked and I bit my lip nodding. He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on my lips, before pulling away, staying close enough for me to feel his lips still on mine.
"Happy birthday baby." He said, before slamming his lips to mine, lightly pushing me against the end of the table, making me groan. One hand traveled to my back, pulling me closer, as another hand went to the back of my neck deepening our kiss. We pulled away for a second, to catch our breaths, as his lips began to work on my neck.

"Kakashi w- wait, where's Naruto?!" I asked in a panic, and he chuckled as he sucked on the sweet spot on my neck, making me suck in a sharp breath.

"Mmmh... Asuma was going to watch him for the night... So you don't have to play faux mother tonight." He said into my neck, making me roll my eyes.

"You did it so you could have sex with me right?" I asked and he chuckled, pulling back and looking into my eyes. His hand traveled up to my cheek, as his thumb rubbed across my face, as my arms wrapped around his neck.

"Hmm, I did it so I could spend time with you on your birthday, no matter what you wanted to do." He said, giving me a cheeky smile.

"Is that right?" I said, raising an eyebrow, and he bit his bottom lip lightly.

"Well, it is your birthday, and birthday sex is the best sex... But sex with you is something I'll never get tired of, but something I could wait years for." He added, and I chuckled at him.

"Hmm... Well then... Why don't we break in the new apartment. See if the new bed can handle us?" I asked, biting on my bottom lip, and his hands, traveled to my ass, quickly lifting me up so my legs wrapped around his waist, making me laugh.

"Well then miss (Y/N), your wish, is my command." He said, as he carried me up the stairs, for a very long night of birthday sex.


Heyo sorry I'm lateo!

I love you guys so much. I hope you liked this chapter. I've been working on it for days now because of my stupid body pains. But I'm glad it's finished. Shit is going to start soon so don't think you're in the clear. This isn't the beginning or even nearly the beginning of the end. So be prepared.

34 K!!! Wow... wow wow wow! But I'm so grateful, not for the reads, but for the love and support and friends that I have been making on this journey. You guys truly make my day.

And now a dad joke from your favorite friendly neighborhood Author Chan:

What did the porcupine say after kissing the other porcupine?


Mwahaha I'm so funny.

Stay thirsty my friends.

Peace out Kakashi Scouts! 🏽

Posted: November 16, 2018

Edited: March 5, 2019

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