37) Lizard Tongue

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"Next time have someone else get these two horn dogs." Asuma says, as soon as we walk into the Hokage's office, making me gasp.

" First of all, I can't believe you just said that to father!! Especially when YOU came into MY apartment without MY knowledge!! And second of all, at least I'm brave enough to actually get some." I copped back, making him scoff. Kakashi stared at the two of us intensively.

"You don't even know what goes on at my place." Asuma grumbled.

You want to embarrass me? Two can play at that game!

"I don't even want to know Asuma! Besides, choking your own chicken isn't exactly getting it." I said, smirking as I noticed a blush rise on his cheeks.

"Enough you two!" Dad says, with a disgusted, embarrassed, and horrified expression.
"I don't want to hear about my children's... errm... Extracurricular... Activities." He said, his face red in embarrassment.

"Lord Third, if I may intervene... Why are we here?" Kakashi asks, his words breaking the tension like a knife.

"Ah yes. We've gotten important intel on Orochimaru's potential whereabouts. I've been informed that he is currently in the hidden cloud village, slowly making his way towards the Hidden rain village, which means, you three are going on an important mission." He says, making Asuma and I gape in shock.

"But sir, is taking (Y/N) with us, really safe? Let alone a good idea?" Kakashi said, making my head snap his direction.

"Is taKIng (y/N) reALLy sAfe?! LEt aLONe a gOOd iDEA?! What the hell does that even mean Kakashi!?" I snap at him, making him nervous.

Does he not trust me?! Does he think I'm going to hurt him?! Hmpft, I'll show him a good fucking idea, when I-

"W-what I meant was the last real mission (Y/N) and I had together... Orochimaru's henchmen tried to take her to his location. He wants her, for who knows what purpose? Taking her there... It's a risk."

"I see, I do suppose that does raise some concerns." Dad says, and I grunted in annoyance.

"Are you implying that you're not strong enough to protect my little sis?" Asuma joked.

"Asuma shut up!" I hissed, slapping him upside the head.

"Hey!" He gasped, as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Don't hey me! You deserved it. I've had it up to here with you and your comments today! Get over it! And for the record I don't need anyone to save me!" I growled.
"As for you Kakashi, you act as if I haven't learned a single thing about myself, let alone these abilities that I have, and how to control them. I am a grown woman, who can damn well handle herself, or die trying." I said annoyed, glaring at Kakashi.
"Father, I am more than capable of doing this mission, you have more important things to be concerned over." I said, crossing my arms.
"But what about Naruto?"

"Forget about Naruto, what about my sanity! You two go at it like rabbits!! They-"

"Asuma!!! Shut the hell up!!" I yell in embarrassment, as Kakashi let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his head.

"Naruto will be fine (Y/N). If it's not my own eyes watching over him, it will be one of my most trusted comrades. He's in good hands. I promise." He said, as I let myself relax a little.
"Now I do, however, have some rules. Orochimaru... He is not to be underestimated. He was my pupil, and a legendary Sannin at that. Your mission is to pinpoint his location, and under no circumstances, do you engage contact or attack. Locate only, understood?"

"Yes sir." We said in unison.

"And no hump dancing either please!" Asuma said drastically, making me blush.

"Hump dancing? You mean s-"

"Don't you dare say it!" He gasped.
"I don't want to think about my little sister getting it on with anyone. I'd like to think that you're still my weak little innocent sister thing, that I can manipulate. Not some sex induced semen demon." He added making me gasp.
"If I have to hear or witness anything, Orochimaru will be the least of your worries."

"Weak? You may be my brother, but I can kick your ass into next Tuesday, Asuma." I said grumpily.

"(Y/N). Asuma. Enough." Dad scolded us, in embarrassment.
"Please... For the sake of this embarrassing conversation, Kakashi, (Y/N)... Please no, as Asuma would say... No hump dancing." He added making Kakashi shrink in embarrassment.

"Y-yes S-sir." Kakashi said nervously, gulping.

"Shouldn't be a problem. Personal feelings aren't condoned during a mission. Let alone be a good idea." I said, looking towards Kakashi, who looked at me wide eyed, before a frown tugged on his lips under his mask.

"Someone's in trouble..." Asuma chuckled, as I snapped towards him.

"Someone's gonna get their ass kicked in five point three seconds, if he doesn't shut up." I growled.

"Enough!!..." Dad said, before clearing his throat.
"Now, pack your things. Your mission begins in thirty minutes. You're dismissed."

"Yes Lord Third." We say in unison, heading out of the office.

"I didn't mean to put you in the dog house Kakashi. Sorry man." I heard Asuma whisper, before he made his way out of the building.

"(Y/N)... I-"

"Save it Kakashi, it isn't really a good idea to talk to me. I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now." I said, as I walked towards my apartment, leaving a sulking Kakashi behind.

* * *

"I think it would be a good idea to start thinking about setting up camp soon. We are close to the Hidden rain village, and we don't want to make ourselves known." Kakashi said, making me scoff and roll my eyes.

"You're sure full of those good ideas today, aren't you?" I snapped back, making Kakashi glare at me.

"I'm just saying it would be a smart decision to camp where we are inconspicuous, instead of risking the chance of making ourselves known to Orochimaru." He said, and I rolled my eyes, before looking up towards the colorful sky.

Unfortunately he's right...  The sun is beginning to set...

"Yeah well, I think we should get an inn at the Hidden rain village, and stay inconspicuous within the village grounds." I said, crossing my arms.

"What do you think, my awesome, cool, amazingly annoying, yet roguishly handsome big brother, that loves me enough to agree with me?" I asked batting my eyelashes, acting innocent to my brother.

"(Y/N), you-"

"I what?! Mr. My name is Kakashi and I know it all?! I-"

"Okay. I don't know what the hell your problem is but you-"

"My problem is that I-"

"Dammit!! Enough you two!" Asuma groaned, walking in between Kakashi and I, before turning around to face the two of us, while continuing to walk backwards.
"Both of you need to fix whatever problem is going on here! Because I am not, and I mean am not, going to deal with two foolish teenagers during this whole mission!!" He said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm eighteen. I'm an adult." I said, crossing my arms.

"Eighteen. What's that last half? Teen. As far as I'm concerned, until you turn twenty, you'll be considered a teenager to me. Sorry to break that to you kiddo." He said, making me snort.

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm raising a child, living on my own, and I get sent on dangerous missions all the time, like an adult." I said, making Asuma smirk.

"It's adorable that you think I'm gonna cower down to your teenage attitude (Y/N). Want to be an adult? Start acting more mature. Both of you." Asuma stated matter of factly.
"Kakashi, I agree with what you were saying earlier, and I know your intentions were in (Y/N)'s safety. But, you also need to realize that my little sister is a strong young woman. And I know for a fact, as much as I hate to admit this, if it came down to it, she's gonna be the one that saves both of our asses in the end." Asuma said, making me smirk.

"Exactly." I said, crossing my arms again in satisfaction, as we continued walking towards the Hidden rain village.
"I knew I could count on you big brother." I said, wrapping one arm over his shoulder in victory.

Yeah you put that in your Wheaties and suck it Kakashi.
Well that's not very nice is it?
Just shut up and let me feel satisfaction. He shouldn't have doubted my capabilities in the first place!!

"But (Y/N), that also means, that you need to understand that he wasn't wrong either." Asuma said to me, making my eyes widen, my mouth opened in shock.

I know... He wasn't wrong... He was thinking about my safety... I just can't stop being angry...

"Exactly." Kakashi said, mocking me, making me glare at him. I let out a 'hmpft' while unwrapping my arm from Asuma's shoulder, crossing my arms again.

I take that back, I know exactly why I can't stop being angry at him, he's got to get the last damn word. Two can play at that game Kakashi. Remember who you're dating.

"Orochimaru does want you, for who knows what purpose. And quite frankly I don't want to find out. Kakashi is your boyfriend; he loves you as far as anyone can tell. He wouldn't say anything to degrade you or your status. He was just a worried boyfriend, and I can admire him for that. You need to quit being stubborn, and learn to let that go." He said, as I looked down at my moving feet.

"Y-yeah well...." I said before looking back up.
"I'm not taking orders from a boy who can't grow more than three chin hairs." I copped back smirking, making even Kakashi chuckle.

"You leave my three chin hairs out of this. They are manly." He said frowning.

"Whatever. Let's just camp out here, like he said... I'm tired." I said, placing my stuff down on the ground.

Maybe he'll ease up now, that I went with his plan.

"Sure thing your highness." Kakashi said sarcastically.

Or fucking not.

"You know what, fuck off Kashi." I said annoyed, making Kakashi's eye widen, before he looked at the ground for a few seconds. Asuma let out a groan.

Okay I know that was rude...
You should apologize.
Yeah? Well you should shut up.
You do realize I'm you right?
Whatever just... Get out of my head.

"Do not make me force you two to face each other nose to nose! If I hear one more petty ass comment from either of you, I'll tie you both together against that tree over there, so you have no choice to make up! Don't test me." Asuma said, making myself feel a wave of nostalgia, of a memory from many years ago.

* * *

"I am Obito Uchiha, of the powerful Uchiha clan! I'll be stronger than you'll ever be!" Obito said angrily.
"Kakashi you just wait until my sharingan awakens." He threatened Kakashi.

"I thought everyone in the Uchiha clan, was supposed to be elite. So you really shouldn't have to rely on that. You should be great already." Kakashi said, striking a nerve in Obito.

"W-what?!" Obito growled.

"THAT'S IT!! I've about had it!!!" I growled.
"Minato Sensei? Will you please cover your ears. My language is about to be very colorful." I said, and he raised an eyebrow.

"(Y/N)." Minato Sensei said in a warning tone.

"Okay you two need to just suck each other's dicks already, and then put on your big boy panties, and stop this useless fighting!!" I said in an annoyed tone.

"(Y/N)!!" Minato Sensei scolded me.

"Sorry Sensei, but they bicker worse than a married couple!! Just stop acting like a couple of pansies. Kakashi you're a Jounin now! Act like it! And Obito, I know Kakashi is being... Well Kakashi, but he is our team captain, and you have to treat him like such. You're a chūnin now; you need to act like it. I don't care if you're a Jounin, Chūnin, or still in diapers! I will slap you both silly, if you don't quit this pointless bantering! If I so much as hear another un-encouraging word from either of you, I will tie both of you together, so you'll be forced to have your noses touching." I growled, and they looked at me wide eyed.

* * *

I smiled to myself at the old memory of team Minato.

"Little do you know Asuma... I used to tell Kakashi and Obito a similar threat." I said, looking between the two them.

"Well at least you had your head screwed on back then. Just... Fix it you two. I'm tired of playing the role of father, that's not my job." He said.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find us dinner, and I'm gonna take a piss. You two are in charge of camp. Set it up. And please, don't kill each other... I'm rooting for you two... team.... Sarukashi? Or I guess it would be Otokashi. Go team!" He said walking off, leaving Kakashi and I to set up the tents. We both looked at each other, and I frowned lightly.

Kakashi began to work on a tent, while I worked on my brother's tent. When I was finished, I began to work on gathering fire wood, and started the fire. I looked over and noticed Kakashi grabbing his sleeping bag, setting outside of the tent.

"What are you doing?" I asked, making Kakashi look at me.

"So she speaks to me now!" He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, and let out a heavy sigh. I began to rub my temples.
"I'm sleeping out here tonight." He said, as he rolled it out on the ground, and I shook my head.

"You don't have too..." I said quietly, making him look at me in slight shock.

"You're mad at me, and I don't want to add more spark to the flame. It's probably best for both of us, to just sleep in separate locations tonight. I'll stay outside the tent, and keep watch." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said, walking over to him slowly. I engulfed him into a hug, and squeezed him tight.
"I'm such an idiot, I'm so sorry." I said, as he hugged me back.

"I shouldn't have assumed you couldn't handle something. I'm sorry." He said, kissing the top of my head, through his mask.

"Yeah well, I shouldn't have snapped at you for it. You were trying to protect me. I've been such a bitch to you today, for no reason." I said, letting his scent engulf my nose.

"To be fair, I've been a dick back to you...." He said.

"I'll forgive you, if you forgive me?" I asked and he nodded.

"I love you (Y/N)." He said, making me smile.

"I love you too Kashi... Can you sleep with me in the tent tonight?" I asked him, receiving a closed eye smile in return.

"Well I'm glad to see that the two love birds are a-okay." Asuma said cheerfully, making Kakashi and I jump. We looked over and saw him holding a stick with three dead fish on them. He separated them, on three different sticks, before setting them in the fire to cook.

* * *

"Fuck babe I'm g-gonna..." Kakashi trailed off.

"Kashi..." I gasped quietly, as I released around him, making him groan, before he pulled out releasing on my stomach. Both of us a panting mess.

"I love you so much (Y/N)." He said, before I started giggling.
"What's so funny?" He asked amused.

"You have a cute orgasm face, it's like—" I said before mocking his face, making him chuckle.

"Oh yeah?" He said slightly amused, as I nodded, our foreheads touching, as I look into his eye, pressing my lips to his again.

"Oh Kami!! You guys are the worst people to go on a mission with!!" I heard my brother cry out making me giggle.
"I hope you two used a condom... Actually, on second thought, don't answer that." He added.

"I love you Asu!!" I called out, to the other tent.

"Yeah yeah, whatever... For the love of a brother, stop playing cucumbers and papayas, and go the fuck to sleep!!" He said, as Kakashi and I chuckled, as Kakashi and I cleaned ourselves, before snuggling together.

"I love you Kashi." I said, giving him a final kiss, making him smile, kissing my forehead.

"I love you too (Y/N)." He said, as we slowly fell asleep.

* * *

"Ohhhhhh (Y/N)...."

Hmm? Who the hell is that?

"Come to me (Y/N)..."

I open my eyes to look at Kakashi who is sound asleep, arms wrapped around me.

"Mhhmm Kashi?" I whisper lightly, making him stir in his sleep.

"W-what is it babe?" He says groggily.

"Did you hear that?"

"Mhmmm... (Y/N)..." He said before yawning, pulling himself away from me. He turned over, so his back was against mine.
"We're in the woods... Probably a...  Fish or something... Go... Go back to—" He slowly trailed off, before he fell back asleep, making my groan.

A fish? They don't talk. Let alone say my name... Dumbass.... Stupid Kakabaka.

"Ohhh (Y/N)..." I heard the voice say, making me jump lightly. I got out of my tent, and walked over to Asuma's, opening it.

"Asuma... Are you awake?" I asked, hearing him groan.

"I am now... What do you want?" He said grumpily, making me groan.

"Never mind Mr. grumpy pants, go back to sleep." I said, before closing his tent again.

Fine, I'll just figure this out myself.

"Come on (Y/N)..." I heard the voice say, making me shudder, as I slowly began to follow the voice through the woods, with a kunai in my hand. After minutes of walking, the voice stopped leaving me confused.

Maybe I'm dreaming?

I pinched myself hard.

"Ouch!" I hissed in pain.

I guess not... What the hell? Am I going crazy?
Well you do talk to yourself, so yeah.
Dude, shut up!
What?! I'm in your head, I technically didn't say anything.
Oh whatever!

"You okay there child?" I heard a voice ask, making me snap my neck towards their direction.

"I'm fine?" I said more as a question, than a statement.
"Were you the one calling for me?" I asked confused, making him chuckle.

"Indeed I was." He responded, making me tense up.

"Who are you? And what do you want?!" I asked looking at the person in the shadows.

"Mhmm I'd like to think a future friend my dear." He said, his voice slightly cynical and maniacal sounding, sending shivers down my spine.

"Can't be friends with a stranger, so again I'll ask you, what's your name?" I asked in a more serious tone, gripping the kunai in my hand tighter. He suddenly hissed, and his tongue slithered back and forth as he licked his lips.
"The fuck you supposed to be?! A lizard?!" I said, my eyes widening.

"I prefer a snake." He hissed, stepping forward.
"Orochimaru my child." He said, stepping out into the opening, as my eyes widened in shock for mere seconds, before I glare at him.

"Oh... Sorry lizard tongue." I said, making him hiss.
"So you're the infamous Orochimaru everyone goes one about?" I said, taking a step back from him, as he comes closer to me.

"I'm flattered." He said, letting out another chuckle.

"You shouldn't be, it's not too kindly."

"Oh well, you can't please them all, my dear. Besides, I quite enjoy people fearing me." He replied.

"If you think I fear you, then you are sadly mistaken." I copped back, making him smile.

"You mean I don't send shivers down your spine? You don't have a single ounce of uneasiness in that young, small, frail body of yours?" He asked.
"We are in the middle of the woods my dear, far away from your precious boyfriend and brother, I could kill you where you stand before you even had the chance to blink." He said, an underlying hiss leaning his mouth. I took an unnoticeable deep breath, as my eyes pierced into his inhuman ones, shaking my head.

"I've been through worse than the likes of you. Besides, I'm sure if you wanted to kill me, you would have done it while I was sleeping. My guess, from the previous failed attempts to capture me in the past, as well as getting me here, you need me for something. So no, I don't have an ounce of fear." I said, making him slightly angry, before he smiled again.

"Oh little one... So naive... Even your precious Kardama feared me." He said, striking a nerve.
"Oh boy... You seem tense dear." He teased, and I growled.

"You shut up." I said angrily.

"You know (Y/N), I always have eyes everywhere... I know all about your little rendezvous in the woods, Kardama's death, and the precious death of your beloved Sensei..." he chuckled, making me clench my fists tightly.

"I SAID SHUT UP!!" I screamed out, lunging towards him, but quickly fell to my face, when he moved out of the way.

"I believe your father requested that you do not engage in attacking me, my child." He said with a sinister laugh.

"Yeah, well, dad's not here, and you piss me off." I said, getting up wiping the dirt off my face.

"I'd watch that tongue youngling. I'd hate to cut it out." He said.
"Besides, you're a smart one; I came here for a mere proposition."

"Like I'd ever agree to anything you said." I growled, crossing my arms.

"I think you might just... agree." He said smiling.
"My eyes have told me, that you, the masked man, and Zetsu aren't on the best of terms as of lately." He chuckled.

"They killed the people I cared about; of course I'm not fucking on the best terms with them."

"And I assume that you have a vengeance... To avenge your friends, am I correct?" He asked, and I uncrossed my arms, as he walked closer to me.

"So what if it is..."

"You know (Y/N)... People don't understand... People like us..." he trailed off as he got closer.
"Those friends of yours they want me for reasons you can't even imagine my child, I too have a... vengeful agenda. Well, for now." He said as I squinted my eyes towards him.

"They're not my friends. Now get to the point, or I'm taking you down now." I growled.

"Quite fierce you are... You see my child, you want to avenge for your fallen, but you are still too weak to defeat them." He said.

"I'm not weak." I growled.

"If you were to come with me, I could help you obtain power you could never even dream of... To take them down without breaking a single sweat." He said, peaking my interest.

Something doesn't sit well with me here...

"Yeah? Well you're powerful; you could do it on your own." I said, as he started walking around me. I kept my eyes on him.

"This is true, but even I am not powerful enough... But with you my child... We could be unstoppable..." He said in my ear, making me shiver. I jumped forward, and glared at him.

"I already have my partner. And I don't work well with others if you haven't noticed, so no thanks. I'm smarter than you think." I said, and he smiled.

"Did you know he was in love you?" He asked, and I faltered.

"What? Who? Kakashi?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Not whom I'm talking about. Surely you read the letter?" Orochimaru said, and I looked at him confused.

Letter? What letter?!

"Kardama my dear child." He said, and my eyes widened.

"W-What no he didn't." I said clearing my throat.

"Hmm... Surely you have that little letter in your pocket. Take a look, maybe then you'll take my offer more seriously." He said and I frowned.

" I lost that letter, the night of the attack." I said, as he licked his lips, making me cringe.

"Ah yessss." He hissed, as he pulled out a folded up piece of paper, and handed it to me.

"What's this?" I asked in conusion.

"Go on my child, open and read it. Don't worry, I won't attack just yet." He said.

"Real assuring." I said sarcastically, as he leaned against a tree, urging me to open the letter. I opened the letter, and realized it was the exact letter I had lost three years ago.
"H-how did you get this?!" I asked in frustration, as he chuckled.

"Like I said my child, I have eyes everywhere" He said, licking his lips, as I looked down at the paper in my hands.

He wasn't in love with me... right?

I skimmed through the pieces I read previously.

I am telling you this now, because I've realized over the past few months, that I have fallen for you. I feel as if you have the right to know. You changed my heart.
You may think that I was the one teaching you, but in reality you were the one teaching me. And maybe, just maybe, if I would have found you years earlier, our stories could have been different. But in all honesty, this is how my life deserved to come to an end. Those who do bad things, will have something worst for them before their demise. My final lesson for you, which I hope you remember. No matter what, promise me you'll trust no one. No one new anyways.
I hope that one day, you'll forgive me, but then again, I don't deserve your forgiveness. I do not know where I'll head too when I pass, but I do know one thing. I'll always be by your side, in spirit. I love you (Y/N) Otoko. Thank you for saving me.
~ Kardama Otoko

My eyes widened, as tears welded in my eyes.

"I- d-didn't.... H-he... I-" I looked into Orochimaru's eyes, as he moved towards me.

"He knew he wouldn't live to see the next morning, so he wrote you that warning and put himself in peace." He said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"If you come with me, we can give you that peace as well my dear... No one else would have to die. How much do you love Kakashi?" He said making my head snap his direction.
"He means nothing to me, but you my dear. He'll be the next thing that walking plant and damned masked man will attack I'm sure. And I'm sure that's not something you'd want. I can ensure his safety for now, if you choose to come with me." He said, as I looked at him.

Could I really leave everything behind...?

"Don't you want to be an avenger? I could help you my dear. Only if you help me." He said, and I frowned, as he made his way around me, behind my back. I could feel his evil smile from the back of my head.
"Don't you want to be stronger?" He asked and I sighed.

"You bring a fair bargain..."

"Of course, you help me, I'll help you dear." He said, and I frowned.

"But I'm going to avenge my way." I said, quickly stepping away from Orochimaru, making him look at me angrily.

"You stupid child." He hissed.
"No matter, I'll get what I want." He added, before his neck stretched out quickly, as he bit into my neck hard, making my cry out in pain. He pulled away, and I suddenly felt a burning sensation go through my body, making me scream out in agony. My body fell to the ground, as I squeezed on to my head hard, screeching noises filled my mind, as my body felt as if claws surged through my body.

"W- what d-did y-y-you do t-to me?!" I gasped in pain, as he stood before me, kneeling in front of me, as I felt something surge through my body. I looked at my hands, and saw black markings slowly crawl up half of my body.

"You should be thanking me my dear... I just gave you a taste of what you could be." He chuckled.
"You shall have more power now, and when the time comes, you'll one day find me to obtain it all." He said darkly, as I started to feel woozy.
"Anger and rage that will be your best friend my dear... Feed into it, and you'll have strength you couldn't dream of my child." He hissed in amusement, before he licked my cheek, making my eyes widen.
"Hmm, all of that anger and hatred... Tastes divine." He said, before laughing.

"(Y/N)!!!!" I heard a voice in the distance.

"(Y/N)!!!" I heard another voice.

"Seems like our time will be cut short my dear.... But you'll know where to find me, wherever the fire is fused." He said, before turning into a snake, disappearing in the woods. I tried to get up, but I felt slight weak, as the black markings slowly disappeared.

"(Y/N)!!! What the hell happened?!" Asuma said, running to my aid, with Kakashi right behind him.

"Are you okay?! What in the hell are you doing out here?!" Kakashi said in a worried tone.

"O-Orochimaru..." I said lightly, making my brothers and Kakashi's eyes widen.
"He... He w-was here."


Hey guys!! Happy new year!!!  I hope 2019 is YOUR year!!!

43 k!!! HOLY COW THIS KINDLES MY LOINS. IN SEPTEMBER I ONLY HAD 600 views!! This is so crazy. I love you guys so much!!!

What did you guys think? What do you think is gonna happen to (Y/N)?! Or what about that second part of Kardama's note? Now she knows his full truth.

You guys Rawk!!!!

And now a dad joke from your friendly neighborhood Author Chan:

How did Barbie make herself a boyfriend?

With a kenjutsu.

Ba dum tsk!!

Peace out Kakashi Scouts ✌🏽

Posted: January 1, 2019

Edited: March 6, 2019

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