46) A Past Mistake

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"So let me get this straight? The Hokage of the Hidden Leaf village sent two ninja, and three children to protect me?" Mayori asked, with an eyebrow raised, before letting out a sharp sigh. Naruto let out a grunt, as his eyes began to twitch.
"I guess the old man really has gone senile." He muttered, making Kakashi awkwardly chuckle, while I just stared the man down.

Mayori Kazu was definitely a gorgeous man, not as gorgeous as Kakashi, but he was cute, there was no denying that. He had shaggy blue hair that nearly touched his shoulders, and these caramel brown eyes that resembled mocha coffee. There was a light scar that was above the right corner of his lip, as well as one on the side of his neck. He had a sharp jawline that could cut even the sharpest shuriken in half. He looked strong, like he didn't need any escorts or body guards. Any ninja would be intimidated by his appearance, but I've taken down men bigger than him throughout my life. After all the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

I watched as he looked over at Kakashi, before looking at me. He smirked at me before winking, making me look at him weird, and heat rose to my cheeks.

Oh great, he caught me staring... Now he's gonna think that I like him...

"What are you looking at?" He asked cockily, as I gave an awkward laugh and Naruto let out a growl.


"HEY!" Naruto shouted angrily, while pointing at Mayori.
"Who are you calling children?! You see this headband?!" He said, using his thumb to point at his forehead protector.

"Yeah, what about it?" Mayori asked unimpressed.

"That means I'm Konaha's best shinobi! And that I'm one step closer to being the future Hokage!" He said, as I bit my lip to stop the smirk that was coming to my face.

"Right... I'm sorry." He said with a warm smile making Naruto look at him confused. He walked over to Naruto and put his hand on his head, ruffling his hair in an obnoxious way.


"Two kids and a little brat, is much more fitting." Mayori copped back. Naruto went to charge at Mayori.

"WHAAAAAT?! WHO YOU CALLING A LITTLE BRAT?!" Naruto asked in anger, as Sasuke and Sakura got closer to him, showcasing his lack in height.
"LISTEN HERE YOU BLUE-" I quickly grabbed Naruto and covered his mouth, as he struggled around in my arms, trying to get words passed his covered mouth, as I let out an awkward laugh.

"Naruto, your job is to protect the client, not try and attack him." I said in a scolding tone, making him look up at me and grunt before calming down. I removed my hand from his mouth, let him go, and watched as he glared at Mayori.

Wow... He actually listened...

"No please, I would rather enjoy hearing what the little runt has to say." Mayori said with a chuckle, while crossing his arms in amusement.

"THAT'S IT!!!" Naruto yelled before trying to charge at Mayori again. I quickly grabbed Naruto's wrist, pulling his back against my front side, to tighten my grip around Naruto's mouth, while he struggled to break free.

"I do apologize Mayori Kazu!" I said quickly, as I clamped my hand on Naruto's mouth harder. I leaned down to Naruto's ear.
"I know he's kind of jerky, but you need to calm down. Ignore him Naruto; he's just trying to make you angry." I whispered, before standing straight up again.
"What Naruto was trying to say, is that Lord Third knew exactly who to pick for this mission. Kakashi and I are former captains of the Anbu. I guarantee you'll be safe with us. I also asked for our students to come along, in hopes to train these three into becoming the most certified future leaf shinobi. I don't want to come off arrogant but you are in very capable hands sir." I said, as I let go of Naruto who huffed.

"Isn't that right, Naruto?" I asked who just crossed his arms angrily.

"Whatever." He mumbled quietly, as he stood in between Sakura and Sasuke, while I ruffled his hair.

"I see." He said, as he rubbed his temples.
"Oh well, what's been done, has been done. It's too late to change recruitments so you guys will just have to do."

"You guys will just have to do." Naruto mocked quietly, earning a slap to the back of the head from Sakura.

"Naruto! Shut up!" She whispered, as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Well anyways, I shall finish getting my things together. Should I bring along a few extra guards since your Hokage doesn't believe I can carry a few plans and details by myself?" He asked, I went to speak up, but Kakashi interrupted me.

"Trust us, that won't be necessary. Like (Y/N) said, escorting you will not be a problem." He said, as he put away his book.
"I doubt anything would happen to you, but if we were to be attacked, you would be safe." He said with a closed eye smiled.
"After all, it's not you they want. It's the plans you're holding." Kakashi added.

"Alright." He said, before looking and me and chuckling. I raised an eyebrow, before he turned around and walked away. I looked over to Kakashi who raised an eyebrow at me, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I thought he'd be more..." I trailed off, thinking of what to say.

"Nice?" Sakura asked.

"Weak?" Sasuke added, making Naruto grunt.

"Something like that." I said, as I looked over to Kakashi, who had his nose stuck in his book.

"Well, I don't like him." Naruto grumbled, crossing his arms, somewhat pouting.

"Well, sometimes we have to deal with people we don't like. It teaches patience-"

"Can't I just... Teach him a lesson?" He interrupted, as I shook my head.

"Unless it's one of the lessons that I'm sure you slept through at the Academy, no you can't teach him a lesson." I teased, making him blush.

"How about I get my shadow clone to hit him, just once? That will show him." He said, making Kakashi sigh.

"Don't be stupid." Sasuke said, making Naruto growl.
"He looks like he could easily pummel you, though it's not hard to." He added with a smirk.

"Yeah Naruto!" Sakura said.
"Sensei?" She added making Kakashi and I look at her.

"Yes Sakura?" We said in unison, before looking at each other.

"Mayori doesn't look like he needs assistance... He looks strong, so why are we helping him... I just don't get it?" She said, and I lightly smiled at her.

"Well, what he has in his possession is very valuable information. If he were to go alone to the Leaf village, he would more than likely be attacked. That is why Kakashi and I normally take on these kinds of missions. The more people protecting the valuables, the more likely it is for the enemy to not attack." I said.

"Wait, then why was Lord Third only going to send you?" She asked.

"Well according to Mayori's file, he's even stronger than he looks." I said, earning wide eyes from the three kids.
"In fact, he's considered to be so important, that his name is just an alias, given to him by the Tsuchikage. Only the Tsuchikage knows of his true identity."

"What? What are you talking about?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"It's similar to the Anbu. They have many aliases to keep them protected. The identity of the real Mayori, is information that's so enclosed, it would take a very strong, and very smart person to figure out his true identity. Mayori is a name used by many of their Anbu, in the Hidden Stone Village, in order to confuse potential threats. This is why people know so many different stories of Mayori Kazu." Kakashi added.

"So this guy is a big deal huh?" Naruto asked, and I nodded.

"This guy is the real deal Naruto." I stated, making Naruto and Sakura gulp.

"This is why he is guarding the information, and why we are guarding him." Kakashi stated, putting his book back in his pocket.

"Well, wouldn't the enemy expect this and plan an ambush?" Sasuke asked, and I nodded.

"If the enemy is truly smart, then yes Sasuke, it's more probable that they would plan an ambush." I said, making his eyes widen for a second, before going back to normal.

"WHAT?!" Naruto gasped loudly.


"If there's an ambush, what are we supposed to do?!" Naruto asked in fear.

"Simple. We fight." Kakashi said making Naruto and Sakura gulp.

"What, don't tell me you guys are scared of a couple of bad guys?" I teased.

"N-no..." Sakura said, while Naurto shook his head, and Sasuke was in thought.

"The Hokage isn't stupid... He wouldn't just let any of us walk blindly into an ambush." Sasuke stated.

"You're right." Kakashi replied, as I nodded.

"Wait, what's going on?" Naruto asked in confusion, before I ruffled his hair.

"The Hokage and the Tsuchikage have been devising a plan that will confuse the enemy. We will be escorting the real Mayori, while ten other people pretending to be Mayori, will be escorted to the Leaf Village as well. They of course, will return after he is safely with us in the village." I said, as I watched Kakashi stand next to me.

"This is to lower the odds of us getting attacked." Kakashi added, as I nodded.

"And higher rates of a successful mission." Sasuke said, acknowledging that it all made sense to him, as I nodded.

"Precisely." I replied, getting an amused noise from Sasuke.

"Wait... I'm confused... So is Mayori his real name?" Naruto asked in confusion, earning a sigh from all of us.

"No Naruto." I said, as he scratched his forehead in confusion.

"It's just an alias, remember?" Sakura replied.

"Right! Uhhh...What's an alias again?" Naruto asked, earning sighs from all of us.

* * *

An hour has passed since we left the Hidden Leaf village. Kakashi was slightly ahead of the rest of us, while I was two feet behind the others. Naruto was going on about the dream he had last night, where a giant ramen bowl tried to eat him. I took a deep breath, and looked up at the sky, watching the birds' fly, before looking back ahead of me, cautious of my surroundings. I noticed Mayori was right in front of me, telling Naruto to be quiet because he was being annoying.

I wonder why he is so... Insolent? He looks intimidating yes, but he has such a kind face. I wonder if he-

"You do know staring is considered rude?" He said, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"It's okay though. If I were you, I'd stare too."

"W-what?" I asked in a slight panic, before calming down.
"I wasn't-" he gave me a look.
"You got it all wrong-" I cut myself off with a sigh.
"Egotistical much?" I asked, making him chuckle.

"Hey, if you got it, flaunt it. Am I right?" He asked, and I raised a brow.

"And what is it that you got exactly?" I asked, as I looked at him in amusement. He let out a small chuckle.

"Enough to make you stare. But don't worry, you're not the first, and you most definitely won't be the last." He said, as I shook my head.

"I'm so honored to know humble men like yourself." I teased.
"By the way, it's my job to keep an eye on you." I added as he chuckled.

"It's okay, I get it." He teased, as I rolled my eyes playfully.
"I like you. You've got spunk."

"Hmm, my boyfriend likes my spunkiness too." I stayed with a smirk as his eyes widened, before he started laughing.
"Huh? What's so funny?" I asked in confusion as he wiped a tear from his eye.

"You my dear are fantastic." He said, as I raised an eyebrow.


"No offense, but I don't go for girls like you." He said, as I looked at him.

"But you just- Wait! What does that mean?" I said, slightly offended.

"You're not my type." He stated matter-of-factly.
"Don't get me wrong, you're very beautiful, and under different circumstances, it might have been a different story but I already have my lover." He said, and I nodded.

"Oh good... Whew! I thought you were going to say I was too ugly or not girly enough or something offensive." I said, as he laughed again.

"On the contrary (Y/N). Being girly enough is definitely not one of my priorities." He said jokingly.

"Oh so you're gay." I teased as a joke, and he chuckled.

"Yes." He said, making me look at him.

"I was just kidding."

"I'm not." He stated and I looked at him.

"Wait, you're really gay?"

"It would seem that I did say that. Is that a problem?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No! Not at all, that's really cool actually." I said, as he nodded.
"You just didn't seem like you-"

"I know... So who's the lucky guy?" He asked as I looked towards Kakashi.

"Well, if he's the lucky lad, then you might just be the lucky one instead." He said, as I raised an eyebrow.


"He's got a nice ass. And judging by his character, and shoe size, he must have a big-"

"Whoah! There are kids right in front of us! And didn't you say you already have someone, big guy?" I asked, interrupting him, making him smirk.

"I was going to say big shoes... Besides, there is nothing wrong with a little looking." He said with a wink as I shook my head with a giggle.

"I guess you're right."

* * *

"ALRIGHT LET'S GO!!" Naruto yelled at Mayori, who raised an eyebrow in amusement as he set his backpack down on the ground, after we finally decided to rest for the night. Mayori played a hand in making Naruto so riled up by calling him an 'annoying little pipsqueak.'

"Naruto. Just let it go already." Sakura whined, as Sasuke nodded.

"Loser." Sasuke mumbled under his breath.

"OH SHUT UP SASUKE!! I'll take you both on and win!!" Naruto cried out, as I rolled my eyes.

"Give me a break kid." Mayori sighed.

"I don't like you!" Naruto copped back.
"There's something off about you and I'm going to find out what it is. Believe it!" He said pointing at Mayori.

"Naruto." I groaned.

"And you think you're a bundle of sunshine? Believe me, I've already had to deal with you more than I'd like to." Mayori said with a light chuckle, causing Naruto to cross his arms in annoyance.

"Pft, Whatever." He said, sitting down on the ground.

"There's no time to sit just yet." Kakashi said, pulling the blonde headed ninja back up.
"We've got a camp to set yes? Surely you didn't think the adults were going to do all the work, while you sat around like a bump on a log did you?" Kakashi asked, making Naruto gulp.

"What?! Of course not! Of course not!!!" Naruto said quickly, sporadically thrashing his arms around in a panic.

"Good. Then you won't mind getting some wood for a fire." Kakashi replied back, with a closed eye smile, making Naruto groan.
"Sakura and (Y/N), you two can set up camp, and watch over Mayori. Sasuke, you're going to learn how to catch dinner with me." Kakashi said, as we all nodded.
"Alright then, let's go."

* * *

We all sat around the fire, finishing our dinner, as we all took a deep breath.

"That was good." Sakura said, as I nodded in agreement.

"Eh, it wasn't as good as last night's food." Naruto said, licking his lips, earning a smack on the back of the head from Sakura.
"IT WAS STILL GOOD!!" He yelled in pain.

"You dobe! Kakashi Sensei and Sasuke caught that dinner for us, so be grateful!" Sakura said, giving Sasuke the googly eyes.

"Yeah... So grateful..." Naruto grumbled, earning a glare from Sakura, causing him to sweat, and shake his hands in the air in a stopping motion.
"T-thanks Sasuke! And Kakashi Sensei! Ha ha..." I couldn't help but chuckle as the scene unfolded.

"Ah yes, it was alright." Mayori spoke up.
"Sure it's nothing like back home, but it will do." He added, making Naruto roll his eyes.

"Well, seeing as the mission isn't over, it's best to catch as much sleep as we can. We have a long day tomorrow. So (Y/N) and I will take turns watching over you guys tonight, and we shall leave bright and early tomorrow morning." He said, as I nodded, and Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke got into their sleeping bags.

"I can take the first shift." I said as Kakashi shook his head.

"I'll take the first shift, so you can get more rest." He said as I nodded.

"Are you sure?" I asked as he nodded. I gave him a soft smile and nodded back, before kissing his covered cheek.
"I love you." I whispered, as he gave me a closed eye smile.

"I love you too." He whispered back, pressing his covered lips to mine quickly.

"We are right here you know." Naruto said.

"Naruto shut up!!" Sakura said, throwing a twig at Naruto.
"I think it's so romantic. Right Sasuke?" She asked, making Sasuke turn his back towards her.

* * *

I laid my head down, and closed my eyes, tossing back and forth, doing anything I could to fall asleep, but it almost seemed helpless. I finally decided to give up on sleeping, and decided to sit up. That was when I realized that I was already standing up, and I couldn't move. When I opened my eyes, I was in a place that was unfamiliar to me.

"I love fucking pain, so don't waste your breath." Someone whispered in my ear, making me jump, sending shivers down my spine.

Wait...What the hell happened?! I was just at camp...

"Who the hell are you?! Where's Kakashi and the kids?!" I asked, as I tried to reach for a kunai, but couldn't move.
"Why in the hell can't I move?!" I asked angrily, as I tried to go into my ember state.

Why can't I release it?! What the hell is going on?! Was I kidnapped?! Who the hell is this guy?! Why does he have a blurry face?!

I started to thrash around; trying to break free from whatever was binding me down. The man just laughed a haunting cackle, making me angry.

"What the hell is so funny to you huh?! Let me go now!" I tried to say with force.

"I don't feel like it." He replied back cockily, making me angrier.

"You won't be alive to feel anything if you don't fucking let me go you sadistic ass wipe." I growled.

"Such a little potty mouth you have (Y/N)... You kiss your mother with that mouth?" He asked jokingly.

"I suck my boyfriend off with that mouth, you stupid douche cookie." I copped back.

"Boyfriend huh?" He asked amused.

"Kakashi of the Sharingan. If you don't know the name, then I suggest you better fucking remember it, because once he realizes I'm gone he'll-".

"You act like I give two shits, about your boyfriend. He isn't here right now, is he? Besides, I'm immortal bitch, and I think I should teach you a fucking lesson for talking back to your Master." He said, as he grabbed my chin, yanking it so I'd look at him.
"Don't you get it; you don't have a name to me. You don't own anything you stupid bitch. You're just a fucking toy that I'm going to break into little pieces, until you agree to join us." He said in a soft calming voice, and I growled.

"Go to hell!! I'm not joining jack shit so just let me go!!" I said thrashing against my tied hands. He got close to my face, but I still couldn't see him clearly enough.

"Oh well, it's been a while since I had some real fun with a bitch." He said, as he licked up the side of my face.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me!!" I growled in anger.

"I like it when you struggle." He said, as I felt his hands grab my side.

"S-Stop... P-please..." I said softly as he slowly took a kunai to my clothing.
"S-STOP!!" I cried out, as he just laughed.

I jolted awake when I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I began to freak out.

"It's just me! It's just me." They whisper shouted, as I looked up to see my boyfriend.

"K-kashi?" I asked out of breath as he nodded.

"You were having a bad dream I think?" He said with an award chuckle.
"Are you okay?" He asked as I took a deep breath, and nodded.

"What time is it?" I asked, as he looked up at the moon.

"It's probably been two, maybe three hours." He said, as I sat up and stretched.
"You should try and get another hour of sleep." He said in a concerned voice, and I shook my head.

"After that dream I just had, I don't see myself going back to sleep. How about I take the shift from here?" I asked.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No baby, I'm alright." I said, as I felt him kiss my cheek.

"Oh Sakura... That tickles hehe... We can't get caug-" Naruto mumbled in his sleep, before snoring again, making Kakashi and I look at each other before giggling to ourselves.

"Goodnight Kakashi." I said quietly.

"Goodnight (Y/N)."

* * *

We've been walking for a few hours, and not much has changed from yesterday. Kakashi is still leading us; while I'm slightly behind everyone else. Naruto is going on about a new dream he had last night, where he was getting chased by a man-eating bowl of ramen, who wanted to devour Naruto for eating his brother. Sakura is still seamlessly trying to get Sasuke's attention, while he is trying to not be annoyed by anything the others are doing. And Mayori is trailing slightly behind the three kids, trying to get Naruto to shut up.

Something has been bothering me recently. I've noticed an odd trail of water puddles along the path that should be completely dry. I decided to quietly keep an eye on things, and not cause too much of a scene, unless I felt as if we were in any immediate danger. I didn't think too much of it as another hour went by, but at one point, I did feel an unknown chakra presence slip up, allowing me to know one thing, we were being followed.

Kakashi suddenly made his way back towards me, as I nodded at him lightly allowing him to know that I could sense the presence too.

"Hey you guys?" I asked, earning everyone's looks at me.
"Remember formation A?" I asked, earning nods from the three children.
"Good. Get in it now." I said with a closed eye smile.

"Wait, what?" Naruto asked in confusion. Kakashi and I looked at each other, and nodded.

"You heard me Naruto. Formation A, now." I replied, as the three jumped around Mayori.

"What's going on?" Sakura asked in confusion.

"We are being followed, so protect Mayori." I said, as Kakashi and I grabbed a kunai and turned around quickly, throwing it into the trees. Suddenly a man appeared in front of us.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" I asked, as the man just smirked.

"What? You mean you two don't remember me?" The man asked, as Kakashi and I looked at each other in confusion, before back at the guy. He let out a disappointed sigh and shook his head.
"The name is Ryo." He said cockily, as I raised an eyebrow.

"I have absolutely no idea who you are." I said, as Ryo looked at me with such disdain.

"Really? You too?" He asked, as Kakashi awkwardly chuckled.

"Am I supposed too?" Kakashi asked.

"Can't say it rings any bells. I guess you just weren't someone worth remembering." I said, almost sarcastically, earning a growl.

"I wouldn't be so sarcastic with me; I'll definitely be someone you all remember now." He said, as I squinted my eyes.

"And what is that supposed to mean exactly?" I asked, as he chuckled.

"You really don't remember me?"

"I said no, didn't I?" I replied back.

"Well how about Rin Nohara? Remember her?" He said, making my heart stop.

"H-how do you-"

"I guess I shouldn't expect you two to remember me, seeing as you three were just young brats when we first met." He said with a smirk.

"Who's Rin?" Sakura asked, as I bit my lip.

"That was their comrade." Ryo said, making me growl at him.
"The key word was." He added with a smirk.

"You shut up. Now." I growled.

"What? Has your memory sparked yet?" He asked with an evil glare.
"I'm really excited to see the look on your faces, when all the apparent complicated pieces come together." He said, as I tried to think back.

"Everyone was killed that day." I stated, and he shook his head.

"Everyone but me." He said with a chuckle.

"That's not possible." I said looking at Kakashi.
"Right?" I said, thinking.

"Since you're failing to remember all of the details, I'll give you a hint... A dead man tells no tales." He said, as my eyes widened.


"Oh yes!" Ryo said with a maniacal laugh.
"You finally remember now, don't you?"

"Sensei? I'm really confused here, what's going on?" Naruto asked.

"Sensei? They made the two of you clueless brats sensei's? Oh that's priceless." He said, and I growled.
"I can understand why you were one girl, but your friend over here? Kakashi of the sharingan. Are you sure those brats of yours are safe around him? After all, he did murder your-"

"YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!" I screamed in anger, as he smirked.

"(Y/N) calm down." Kakashi said, as I shook my head.

"I refuse to hear him talk about you like you're some monster."

"He wants to get under our skin. Just remember our mission. Stay focused on the mission." He responded, making me take a deep breath.

"Right... You know what Ryo, I do remember you." I said with a chuckle.


"Yeah, if I recall correctly you were a lowlife, spineless, baby back bitch, who would rather live life as a coward, than die a hero with your own squad." I said, making him angry.

"YOU TELL HIM SENSEI!" Naruto yelled.

"Naruto shut up, before you get us killed!" Sakura scolded.

"Well I can see you haven't lost that smart mouth of yours." He spat, and I gave a closed eye smile.

"Quite afraid you're just going to have to get over that. Now that introductions are out of the way, what the hell do you want?" I asked, as he smirked.

"You know what I want... I need those plans that Mayori Kazu is holding so carelessly in his possession." He smirked.
"I'll need him too, and of course, killing the rest of you would just be a bonus." He stated, as I raised a brow.
"Nothing personal kiddos, just orders."

"OH YEAH?!" Naruto yelled.

"Naruto, don't." I scolded.

"Jokes on you!! This isn't the real Mayori!" Naruto said to Ryo who just smirked.

"Naruto!" Kakashi yelled.

"What? Didn't you say that we were protecting the real Mayori, by watching over a fake one, while the other one was with another group?" Naruto asked, as I sighed and slapped my forehead. Sakura groaned, and Sasuke slapped Naruto upside the head this time.

"Shut up loser." He hissed.

"Is that brat serious? Does he really think I'm dumb enough to believe that? I'm not dumb you know? I know all about the other teams led to hopefully prevent you guys running into trouble. What do you think I've been doing all this time? Sitting on my ass?" he asked.

"Probably." I said sarcastically, as he growled.

"Well you're wrong." He snapped, squinting his beady eyes at me.
"I've been killing you all off, one by one." He said, making Kakashi and my eyes widen.
"The fun part about it all was, I knew I didn't have too, I knew they were all decoys." He added.

"Then why waste your time? You could have just done what you came to do and then been on your way."

"But where's the fun in all of that?" He asked, making me growl.

"So what? You're a little less dumb then you used to be. You want a cookie? How are we supposed to believe that one bit?" I asked, as he smirked.

"Simple. I work with Orochimaru. I know everything I needed to know. And I knew that if the Third Hokage had Kakashi of the Sharingan and the Otoko of the hidden leaf together, protecting that man-" He said pointed at Mayori.
"Then he must be the one I've been looking for." He said.

"You can't kill me you know. He's been on my trail for years." I said, talking about Orochimaru.

"Oh I forgot, you haven't heard the news yet huh?" Ryo asked with a chuckle, making me raise an eyebrow.
"He's got his eyes on a new prodigy. Someone very similar to you actually, that is, if he manages to live till then. So I don't have to worry about not damaging you." He said with a sinister smirk.
"In fact, I can have all the fun I want."

"Damaging me?" I asked with a scoff.
"I did you a favor by letting you live last time, that's a mistake I will never make again." I said, putting away my kunai, crossing my arms.

"Why are you putting away your weapons?" He asked in confusion as I smiled.

"I beat you last time with my bare hands; I think I can do it again. Kakashi, stand down, this one's mine." I said, as Ryo smirked.

"I should be offended that you mock me. Though, I actually want a challenge. I know for a fact the two of you together, won't defeat even a tenth of my abilities." He said, as I smirked. I let my eyes glow, and I suddenly shot a golden glow from my hands, that he easily dodged.
"You didn't really think I was gonna fall for that again did you?" He asked, and I smirked.

"Can't blame a girl for trying." I said, as I ran towards him with my kunai, and we began to battle it out, slashing the air, trying to hit each other. I managed to knick his cheek, before I bounced back with a smirk. He reached up to his cheek, and swiped the blood with his finger, before putting it in his mouth.

"I just love the taste of blood, don't you?" He asked, as I looked at him in disgust. All of a sudden he vanished, making me confused.
"Boo." I went to turn around, but he was already behind me, and I felt a power surge through my body, sending me into the trees in front of me.

"(Y/N)!!" Kakashi yelled, as I groaned in pain.

"I'm fine." I said getting up, watching Ryo smirk.

"Why don't you show me that power you had those years ago?! Don't tell me you've gotten weaker? I want to beat you at your strongest. I want to watch you crumble to pieces." He taunted as I tried to remain calm.

"I'm confused, what is he talking about?" Naruto asked, while holding his kunai in his formation they were taught.

"Now is not the time to ask questions and be curious Naruto." Sasuke said.
"We need to focus. If he slips by them or manages to hurt them..." he said, watching all three of the ninja fight.
"Then it's up to us, or we'll be next." Sasuke added, making Naruto gulp.

"You don't deserve me at my best." I taunted back, making Ryo's smirk falter.

"Even after I laid a hit on you?!" He asked in anger.

"Everyone makes a lucky shot every once and a while." I said, earning a huff from him.

"Such an arrogant little bitch." He spat, before he vanished again. He suddenly was behind Kakashi.

"KAKASHI WATCH OUT!!" I screamed before his eyes widened, and his throat was suddenly slashed.

"KAKASHI SENSEI!!" The kids and I yelled in unison, as he watched his bloody body hit the floor. I felt my heart stop for a few seconds, until his body suddenly poofed away, making me sigh in relief.

"I got to say, that was a close one, you almost had me there." Kakashi said with a chuckle, suddenly behind Ryo, making his eyes widen.

"Kakashi Sensei!!" Naruto and Sakura cried out happily, as a smirk even made its way on to Sasuke's face.

"Alright, you caught me." Ryo said, sadly.
"Or did you?" He said with a smirk, as he stared at me. He suddenly vanished again, and ended up in-front of all of us.

"I never remember you being that fast." I said as he smirked.

"What can I say? My boss is-"

"A miracle worker?" I said with a smirk.

"You know, I'm really going to enjoy killing you." He said annoyed.

"I'm not going to let you kill any of my comrades." Kakashi said, as he lifted up his headband, showcasing his sharingan.

Oh shit. He means business now.

"Finally! Is the copycat ninja willing to take me seriously?" Ryo asked.
"I guess I shouldn't hold back either." He said.

"What's wrong with Kakashi's eye?!" Naruto asked in confusion, looking over at Sasuke who looked just as confused.

"H-he can't be a-"

"How have you three never heard about your Sensei's?" Mayori asked.

"Are we supposed to?" Sakura asked as he sighed.

"They both have an equal reputation, known since they were children." Mayori said, as he reached in his backpack and pulled out a kunai as well.
"Kakashi of the Sharingan. The man of a thousand jutsu. Being an Uchiha, Sasuke should know all about that."

"It's one of the most powerful visual prowess'. It can copy any technique once seen." Sasuke said, as he watched the three ninja battling it out.

"Kakashi has quite the reputation." Mayori said, as the four of them watched then three ninja battling hard. Ryo managed to alter his form, allowing him to become more powerful, as his arms became one with snakes, allowing him to almost resemble Orochimaru's forbidden technique.

"(Y/N)" Kakashi said, lightly panting.
"Now is not the time to take him and his threats lightly." He added, as I frowned.
"It's not just us we are protecting." he said before he went back to fighting Ryo.

"Alright fine." I sighed in defeat, as I closed my eyes and focused. I shot my eyes open, going into full ember state, shocking the three kids behind us.
"You got some new tricks huh? Well you're not the only one."

"Bring it on." Ryo said, as I smirked.

Oh it's on now.

"What the hell is that?!" Naruto asked in confusion.
"Why is (Y/N) Sensei glowing?!"

"You really are a clueless aren't you?" Mayori asked, making Naruto growl, which Mayori sighed in response.
"She's a part of the Otoko clan."

"Yeah yeah I know that!! But why is she glowing?!" Naruto asked in annoyance.

"For someone who wants to be Hokage you sure don't know much about anyone but yourself huh?" Mayori asked sassily.

"NIGHT'S LIGHT CRYSTALLIZATION!" I yelled, as I managed to freeze one of Ryo's snake like arms, before hitting it, making it burst into crystals.

"From what I can tell, (Y/N) is very conservative of her powers, and doesn't want to anyone to know of its true capabilities unless it's a fight for her life."

"Aw! You hurt my friend." Ryo said in a mocking tone.

"But why would she do that?! If I had all of that power I'd want everyone to know just how strong I was, so then people wouldn't dare fight me or the village!" Naruto said, making Mayori sigh.

"That would put others in danger." Sasuke said.

"Why?!" Naruto asked in confusion.

"Think about it. This man is an enemy from the past that she let live. He knows the power she possess which is why he keeps telling her to show her true powers. He knows of that power, and he thinks he can beat her. You could be the most powerful ninja in the world and you'll still have people who think they are better. Everyone will want to pick fights with the strongest person. " Sasuke said, making Mayori smirk.

"But who would want to do that?"

"Idiot." Sasuke mumbled.
"In order to be the best, you have to beat the best." He added.

"You should be more like this guy kid. He's smart." Mayori teased.

"Why I'm gonna-"

"(Y/N) SENSEI WATCH OUT!!" Sakura cried out, as Naruto, Sasuke's, and Mayori's head turned to see a (Y/N) getting tangled into a group of snakes.

"L-let me go!!" I screamed out, as I thrashed against the snakes that were slowly suffocating me.


"KAKASHI!!" I yelled out, as Kakashi was suddenly grabbed by snakes as well.

"Well would you look at that, two little rats, being devoured by the big snakes." Ryo said sarcastically, as I groaned in pain. All of a sudden, I found myself choking on water. I opened my eyes and realized that I was inside of a water prison.

"(Y/N)!!" I heard Kakashi scream, as I closed my eyes and held my breath, trying to stay calm and devise a way out of this.

"Powerful or not, she won't last long under water now will she?" Ryo said, looking at Kakashi, trying to figure out what to do.

"Naruto!! Sasuke!! Sakura! Take Mayori and run! Now!" Kakashi yelled, as the three kids looked at him in shock.

That's right... Get out of here while you still can...

"But Sensei-"

"The mission comes first! We will be okay! Just go! He's too s-strong for you three... H-hurry! Protect Mayori!" Kakashi yelled, groaning in pain. I opened my eyes, watching as the blurry figments stayed in place. I closed my eyes again, as a burning sensation filled up my lungs.

Is this really how it's going to end? Am I going to die by the hands of this man? If I suck in the water, I will go peacefully, but the question is, do I want to go peacefully? Do I want to leave this world, leaving those three kids to fend for themselves? Do I want to leave this world without telling Kakashi I love him one last time. Am I really willing to let go of everyone I love without saying goodbye? I don't have much of a choice.

I keep my eyes closed, trying to find some way out of this. Any way out of this.

I had to have learned something... Anything...

* * *

"Alright (Y/N), now today I'm going to teach you some of our clan's jutsu, when it comes to defense against the regular types of jutsu." Kardama said, as I nodded.

"But if we are considered so powerful, how come we can't just counter attack with a jutsu like that death strangulation, or dark blazing fire?" I asked in confusion as he chuckled.

"Well, that jutsu uses up a lot of chakra, but it does work in most cases. However, that jutsu originates with a fire- style based jutsu. And a fire's greatest weakness is..?" He asked, as I chuckled.

"I'm fifteen, not five Karda, the answer is obviously water." I said with a laugh.

"Right, good. At least I know you're not totally hopeless." He teased as I gasped.

"Whatever." I mumbled, as he chuckled.

"Using a fire style based justu in water won't work. And using it in other cases can end up hurting you more than your opponent. They are meant to be used when the time is right. First it's best to know what I'm working with. Alright, so what justu type are you?" He asked.

"Ironically enough, fire and water." I said, as he nodded.

"Well that's perfect, then this lesson should be quite simple and quick. I want you to put me inside of a water prison." He said, as my eyes widened.

"Are you crazy?" I asked as he chuckled.

"A little." He teased.

"I thought that's an attack that can't be countered unless you have a partner?" I asked in confusion.

"Just trust me. It won't kill me, I promise. I'll counter it once I'm inside, okay?" He said as I took a deep breath.

"Alright, but if nothing happens and you haven't countered it with in a minute, I'm releasing the jutsu." I stated, as he chuckled.

"Roger that." Kardama replied as I nodded.

"Water style: Water Prison!!" I yelled, and he was suddenly engulfed in water.

* * *

Kardama, I owe you for this one...I thought to myself, as I did the hand signs.
I haven't done this in years, but I hope it works. Electic Ember: Dark evaporcution!!

After the hand signs were complete, I felt a heat and a zap of electricity hit the hand of Ryo's, that was holding the water prison. I heard him release a noise as he released the prison, making me gasp for air as soon as it hit my lungs. I hit the ground with a thump before rolling and landing back on my feet. I looked up to see Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Mayori looking at me with relieved faces.

"What? You thought I was gonna give up to this loser?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.

"THAT WAS SO COOL!! How did you do that?!" Naruto asked in excitement as I chuckled.

"I'll tell you all about it later, but first I need to finish this." I said, as I went to look back at Ryo. His arm went back into a snake formation, as he tried to catch me by the leg. Mayori suddenly through a kunai at it, causing the knife to go through the snakes body before I could fully face Ryo.
"Thanks Mayori!" I said, as he nodded, before I looked full back at Ryo. I noticed Kakashi was still in his grasp, so I ran towards Ryo, throwing an array of shuriken and kunai, giving him the choice of getting stabbed, or letting go of Kakashi. He threw Kakashi into a tree beside him, making him groan in pain. I ran towards Kakashi, dodging on one of the shuriken that Ryo threw my way. He used his snake arm to try and catch me, but that attack was countered by Mayori and Sasuke, who jumped past the others to slice through it, making Ryo hiss in pain, before shooting more snakes at Sasuke and Mayori keeping them preoccupied.

"Are you okay?" I asked Kakashi as he took my hand. I lifted him off the ground, and he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said as I nodded.

"Hey Naruto?!" I yelled out, making his head jerk my direction.
"Think you can summon a few of those shadow clones for me? Remember to stay clear of him!" I yelled as he smiled wide.

"No problem Sensei!!" Naruto yelled excitedly, before a plethora of shadow clones surrounded all of us. 

"Are you serious?!" Ryo shouted angrily.
"Do you really think a few puny shadow clones will stop me?!" He sounded almost hysteric.

"Nope. But it's worth a try." I copped back.

"What is your plan (Y/N)?" Kakashi asked in confusion.
"They need to be protecting Mayori, not helping us." He said, frustrated with my choice of actions.

"Those kids were going to do something if we didn't allow them in the action. Mayori can handle himself. If we take out Ryo, then those snakes will die with him, and I know exactly what to do to take him down. We are going to do it." I stated.

"Do what?" Kakashi asked in confusion.

"How good is your chidori these days?" I asked with a smirk as his eyes widened.

"You don't mean-" I nodded.

"It's our best shot, and we don't have long to make a new plan. Naruto can only make so many clones ya know." I said, as he sighed.

"It's been a while (Y/N), think you can keep up?" He teased, as I rolled my eyes.

"Just don't slow me down Hatake." I said, as my eyes started to glow again.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He added as we began to run towards Ryo.

"Chidori!" Kakashi yelled, as blue electric chakra, went to his hand. We ran even faster, as I allowed my whole body to glow its golden ember.

Here goes nothing...

I grabbed Kakashi's hand allowing my chakra to absorb his electric chakra, turning my glow blue, before aiming my hand towards Ryo, who was too preoccupied with Naruto's clones.

"BLUE ELECTRIC BLAZE!!" Kakashi and I yelled in unison, as I released blue electric fire balls from the palms of my hand, hitting Ryo right into the chest, knocking him to the ground. Kakashi ran past me, as I picked a dazed, and broken Ryo.

"Kakashi now!!" I yelled, as his hand sparked up again.

"Chidori!!" Kakashi yelled, before striking Ryo in the heart, making him gasp in pain. My arms squeezed into his shoulders, as I felt him gasp his final breaths. Blood seeped out if his mouth, as Kakashi pulled his hand out of Ryo's chest.

"That was for Rin... Asshole." I growled into his ear, before dropping him to the ground.  I let out a huge sigh of relief, as I looked at the scene around us. Sasuke, Mayori, and Naruto were a panting mess. We all were. Well, except for Sakura who just looked scared.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked, as they all nodded.

"You okay (Y/N)?" Kakashi asked, as I looked at him and nodded.

"Are you ok- KAKASHI!!?" I yelled in shock, as I caught him from falling on the ground. The kids and Mayori ran towards us, as I stared at Kakashi who was panting.

"I'm sorry... It's just been a while since I-"

"Just take a break." I said, as he looked at me, with tired eyes. He let out an awkward chuckle, as I giggled back.
"Let's all rest here for a few hours, before heading on. You all look like you need it." I said, as Naruto fell on the ground with a loud sigh.

"I don't know why you're being so dramatic kid, you barely did anything." Mayori teased.

"Oh shut up! I just made a lot of those clones!!" He replied.

"I'm just kidding." Mayori said, walking over to Naruto.
"You did good kid, you did good." He said with a smile, sitting down next to him, ruffling his hair.

"Hey quit that! I still don't like you!" Naruto growled as Mayori laughed

"What are we going to do about him?" Sasuke asked, looking over at Ryo.

"He should lay there and rot. But he may have intel on someone, so we need to bring him along." I said, with a sigh.
"I'm really proud of you guys, even though I do recall Kakashi telling you to get out of here."

"And leave you two to fend for yourselves?" Sasuke asked, before huffing.

"Yeah no way!" Naruto added, as I chuckled.

"Well thank you." I said with a smile. Kakashi sat up, and looked at us, before getting up slowly.

"We really should get going. There's always a chance he wasn't alone, and if he really did kill as many people as he said he did, then we might as well be sitting ducks." Kakashi stated, as I nodded.

"Are you sure? I mean you don't look to well." I said.

"I'm fine for now. Let's get everyone to the village first before worrying about me." He said standing up completely. He went over to Ryo, going to pick him up, but Mayori stopped him. He picked him up, and tossed him over his shoulder.

"You look like you could pass out at any second. I can carry the trash." Mayori said, as Kakashi nodded.

"Alright then... Let's go home." Kakashi said, as we slowly made our way back to the hidden leaf village.




I'm just kidding. But seriously it was the worst.

The guys name is Ryo, it's pronounced "rio" or "ree oh".

Sorry for all the jumpy pieces! I was just so stuck on what to do!

What did you guys think?

Thank you for your guys patience. And for offering your ideas! I kind of combined them all to a degree. So thank you again.

Thank you for reading my story too! It means the world to me. You guys have no idea! I can't wait for you guys too see everything that's coming up, because ugh I'm excited.

And now a joke from your friendly neighborhood Author Chan:

What did Jay- Z call his girlfriend before they were married?

His feyoncé



Peace out Kakashi Scouts!!!✌🏽

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