51) Yamato's Here

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"You heard me." Lady Tsunade said, as she moved her stack of books and paper work over.
"Your mission is to relax... Naruto will be home any day now, and I have a feeling you're both going to need all the energy you can get. I want to see his abilities first hand." She added, as we raised a brow.

"And how would you like us to do that?" Kakashi asked.

"Simple. Team seven vs their Sensei's in a battle of your choosing." She said with a smirk, as I chuckled.

"I think I have an idea." Kakashi said, looking over at me as I smirked.

"The bell test." We said in unison making Tsunade smirk.

"Then it's settled...Except, we will give them till sunrise. I have a feeling, you'll both need the longer time limit." She said, as I smirked.

"Game on."

*       *        *

"I can't believe he's finally home!" I said excitedly as Kakashi gave a closed eye smile.
"Do you think he's grown any?" I asked.
"Oh I wonder what he looks like?!"
"Oh, I hope Jiriaya didn't get him into those stupid pervy books!" I added, as Kakashi looked over at me. Kakashi and I were sitting apart, each of us on opposite sides of the window, leading to the Hokage's office.

"H-hey! These books are not stupid! They are purely a work of art!" Kakashi said defensively, as I chuckled.

"They are literally porn, with a love story." I said, as he rolled his eye.

"Erotica." He corrected.

"Oh I'm sorry, erotica, with a love story." I teased, as he chuckled.

"I don't see why you claim to hate the books." He said with a smirk to his voice.

"I don't understand why you would come to the conclusion that I like the books?" I said in confusion.

"You're always using them as role playing techniques in the bedroom." He said, as I blushed.

"Idiot! Shhh!! We are right outside the Hokage's office!!" I whispered, as my face flustered.
"Bedsides, I only do it cause I-" I was cut off by Naruto suddenly stepping out of the window, and faced Kakashi, only allowing me to Naruto's back side. I stood up quickly.

"So Naruto you went and got all grown up." Kakashi says.

"Kakashi Sensei!" He says happily.

"Hey! Don't forget about me." I teased as Naruto turned around, and saw me, standing behind him.

"(Y/N) Sensei!!" He said, giving me a hug, making me smile.

"My, you've sure grown Naruto..." I say, as he smiles and nodded.

"Yep! I sure have! I know all kinds of cool jutsu now! I could probably even beat you!" He said, making me snort, as I placed my hand on his head, ruffling his hair.

"Kakashi? Maybe. But me? Well, we'll have to work on that!" I teased with a smile.

"Hey!" Kakashi whined.

"You're on Sensei! Oh, Kakashi Sensei, before I forget!" He says, pulling out a book from his backpack.
"I got you a little present!" He says cheerfully, as he hands a book over to Kakashi who gets too giggly inside.

"No way!!!" He says excitedly with a school girl girl.
"Is that... Is that really?!" He says with shaky hands as he picks up the book.

"The first new issue make out series in three years! It's pretty boring if you ask me, but I know you like this stuff so.." He said, making me giggle.

Master Jiriaya would hate to hear that. Glad to know Naruto wasn't easily corrupted.   I thought with a giggle.

"So whatcha get me?" I teased, as Naruto's eyes widened, as he began to awkwardly chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I uh... haha! My happiness and joy to see my favorite Sensei?" He said, as I chuckled.

"Hey!! Again right here!!" Kakashi said again as I giggled.

"Oh hush! Let the boy talk about how I'm his favorite!" I teased, as I slung an arm over his shoulder.
"Just as it should be! He's grown up now, his head on straight!" I teased.
"Just read your book!" I added, as Kakashi looked down, at the book in his hands.

Kakashi slowly began to open the book as his voice raised three octaves, giggling and googling like a little school girl, making me roll my eyes.

"Calm down, this is no time for foolishness Kakashi!" Lady tsunade ordered, as I giggled. Kakashi closed the book, and got up.

"Well... So are you my opponent?" Naruto asked Kakashi.

"Well, you're half right." He said, as we walked back into the building.
"As to who my opponent will be, it's Naruto and Sakura, the two of you, against the two of us." He said pointing at me.

"Now wait a second, I didn't think you'd need me to beat some kids, I figured you could do that all on your own." I said, crossing my arms.
"I mean last time, you had me just sit there and look pretty, remember?" I said, as he sighed.

"You still won't let that go?" He asked, as I patted his shoulder.

"Not even in your wildest dreams." I said as I let out a giggle.
"What Kakashi means is, you and Sakura will be going against Kakashi, while the rest of us sit back, looking pretty... Amused as we watch Kakashi get his ass kicked." I teased, as Kakashi raised a brow.

"Who said I'm gonna-"

"Naruto has been training with Master Jiriaya for two years, while Sakura has been with Lady Tsunade. I love you Kakashi, but my bets on our kiddos." I said playfully.

"Well, it's nice to know I have a loving and supportive girlfriend on my side." He said sarcastically as I giggled. 

"Aw, don't be upset." I said walking over to him, pinching a cheek playfully.
"I just meant, if these two can't beat you after all their hard work, then we might have failed as Sensei's." I said, as he nodded.

"This year will show us your future status. Sakura, it's time to show that your training with me wasn't a waste of time." Lady tsunade said, as she nodded.


"So should we get started?" Kakashi asked, making everyone look at him.

"But..." Naruto said.

"Okay you're right. You just got back, I'll give you a chance to rest first." Kakashi said almost tauntingly.

"Huh? I'm not tired! I'm ready to go right now!" Naruto said, as Kakashi chuckled.

"No, you take it easy, I'll meet you at the training grounds. So long." He said, before he suddenly disappeared.

"Huh? That's odd, he seemed in a bit of a hurry." Shizune said, making me chuckle.

"Ha... Chicken." I said with a giggle, making everyone look at me.

"I have a pretty good idea why." Lady Tsunade said, as I giggled.

"Make Out Paradise." We said in unison, as Naruto and Sakura's eyes widened.

"That explains everything..." they said in unison as I chuckled. 

"Well I better go check on my idiot of a boyfriend. You two do me a favor?" I said looking at both of them.
"Kick his ass." I said with a giggle.
"Or else I'll have to hear about it, and I don't ever like to be wrong." I said with a closed eye smile.
"So don't make me wrong." I said, allowing my eyes to glow, making Naruto and Sakura gulp.

"Yes ma'am!" Sakura said, as Naruto nodded quickly.

"Y-yes (Y/N) Sensei!" He said nervously as I smiled and ruffled their hair.

"I know I can count on you two!" I said cheerfully, as I made my way to the window.
"See you two later!" I said, before I jumped out, going to find Kakashi.

*         *         *

"Where the hell is he?!" Naruto yelled in frustration, as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Honestly I have no clue! I checked everywhere for him! Him and that damn book." I said, as I rolled my eyes.
"I'm sure he'll be here soon." I said with a sigh, as Sakura sighed.

"Leave it to Kakashi Sensei to always be late." She added.

"Yeah! I thought he would have grown up a little!" Naruto added, as I chuckled.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!" We heard Kakashi say as he popped up on the fence.
"There was a helpless old lady and-"

"OH GIVE US A BREAK KAKASHI SENSEI!" Naruto and Sakura yelled in unison making Kakashi's eyes widened, as I crossed my arms and smirked. He jumped down next to me and laughed awkwardly, as I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Ya know, when they kill you, for every time you've ever been late, I'm gonna laugh." I said with a smirk, as he rolled his eye.

"You guys ready?" He asked, as he held his book in his hands.

"We've been ready." Naruto mumbled grumpily, as I giggled.
"It's been a while since I've been here." He said, as Kakashi raised a brow.

"Right! This was the spot for your first training lesson wasn't it?" Kakashi asked, as I watched the two frown.

"It was squad seven..." Sakura said sadly.

"The three of us together..." Naruto added, as they both went to the sat on the ground, calling out for Sasuke in sadness.

"I think... I think you might have broken them..." I whispered.

"It seems Sasuke's name is taboo for these guys..." he replied as I nodded. Kakashi looked at me, before pulling out the bells, allowing them to shake in the wind, catching their attention.

"Huh?" Naruto said, as they both got up.

"Alright. Show me how far you've come." Kakashi demanded.
"After all you haven't given up on your sasuke, have you?" He taunted.

"What? Not a chance!" Sakura said as Naruto nodded.

"What do you think I've been training all this time for?!" He said triumphantly, making me smirk, as Kakashi gave a closed eye smile.

That's my kiddos.

"The rules are the same as before. Do whatever you can to take these bells from me." Kakashi said, as Sakura squeezed her gloves.
"I don't care how you do it, just get these bells away from me." He added.

"If we aren't prepared to kill you," Naruto said.

"Then we won't get the bells." Sakura finished.
"We know." She said cockily, as I smiled, crossing my arms.

"You know Kakshi, you might wanna put your game face on... I don't think they came to play around today." I teased, as he nodded, and put his book away.

"I have a feeling your right." He replied, as he looked at the kids.
"You have until sunrise tomorrow." He said, as Naruto tightened his headband.
"I should probably stay on my toes... Because this time..." He said, lifting his forehead protector off his eye, showcasing his sharingan.
"It's a whole new ball game. It's serious." He finished.

"You guys seemed to talk the talk! But can you put your money where your mouth is when you have too?" I challenged, as Naruto nodded.

"Hell Yeah!" He said as I chuckled.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get some good seats to this show!" I teased, as I jumped into the trees next to Master Jiriaya, Lady Tsunade, and Shizune.

"I have a feeling, this will be a good battle." Master Jiriaya said, as I smirked.

"WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!" Naruto yelled as he charged at Kakashi Sensei.

*       *       *

Kakashi and I walked with Naruto and Sakura through the village, as Naruto Sakura and Kakashi talked about last nights match.

"Well, I'm not over the hills just yet... In fact, I worked out this incredible new justu, you have to see it to believe it. You-" Kakashi was interrupted by Naruto, whose stomach growled.

"Man I haven't had a bowl of Ichiraku ramen since I've been back to the village." Naruto said, clutching his stomach.

"Come to think of it, I have been pretty hungry since last night's match." She said, as Naruto nodded.

"It's settled then. Let's go to Ichiraku's!!" Naruto yelled excitedly, before running away with Sakura following him.

"Ohh.." Kakashi whined, as I looked at him.
"I miss when they were younger and were in awe with every thing that I did..." He complained, making me giggle.

"Oh..." I playfully pouted, mocking him.
"You poor baby!" I said, as I pinched his cheeks.

"Is the cheek pinch necessary?" He asked in embarrassment.

"When you act like a baby, I'll treat you like one." I teased, as we got closer to the ramen shop. From the distance we could see Naruto and Sakura waiting on us, and I smiled.
"I can't believe you lost because of your damn book." I teased, as he let out a nervous chuckle.
"Though I've got to admit, they've both grown Kakashi... Sakura... Wow, I'd hate to be on the opposite side of her punch." I said with a nervous chuckle.
"And Naruto... He's definitely still that same little kid, but he's gotten smarter. I mean, not even I would have thought to spoil your book as a technique to win." I said, looking at Kakashi, who cheek was slightly pink.
"I'd sure hate to see what would happen if it was my life vs the books spoiled ending on the line." I teased.

"Aw, come on (Y/N). We all know what I would choose..." He trailed off.

"Yeah." I responded.

"The book." We said in unison, as I gasped and hit him playfully in the arm.

"Asshole..." I muttered as he chuckled.

"Hey Kakashi Sensei!! (Y/N) Sensei!! C'mon!! You're buying us Ramen for beating you right Kakashi Sensei?" Naruto asked with a giggle, making me snicker.

"Yeah Kakashi Sensei, you buying them ramen right?" I teased, as he gulped.

"Well uh, you see, I have to do the new unit dossier for the new squad, so unfortunately... I'm out!" He said as he disappeared, making me chuckle and role my eyes, before running up to the kids.

"C'mon, I'll buy the ramen." I said as we walked into ichiraku's.

"Alright!" Naruto said happily, as he hugged me.
"I knew there was a reason you were my favorite sensei." He added, as I ruffled his hair.

"Just for that, you can have whatever you want!" I said as he smiled wide.

"Thanks (Y/N) Sensei!!!" They both said unison.

*        *       *

"Why the long face?" Kakashi asked, putting his book down, as I laughed nervously.

"I may or may not have offered Naruto and Sakura to all you can eat Ramen..." I sighed, as he chuckled.

"You didn't..." He replied as I nodded.

"Oh I did..." I said whipping out my frog wallet, opening it, and turning it over, allowing absolutely nothing to fall out.

"Oh (Y/N)..."

"It's not my fault! You left and I felt bad, then Naruto said I was his favorite Sensei and yeah!" I replied.

"What am I going to do with you?" He asked, and I sighed.

"Hold me and love me?" I asked, as he moved the covers to our bed over, so I could crawl next to him and rest my head on his chest.
"So how's the new book?"

"Oh it's amazing! Ariko had a dream where Normani wasn't his girl anymore, and she loved Koda,  and it made him realized how much he cherished her." He said, as I giggled.

"You're such a sap." I said as he chuckled.

"I prefer the term, hopeless romantic." He said, as I giggled.

"Obviously, if I was in Ariko's position, I don't think I'd miss you at all." I teased, as he snorted.

"Whatever you say." He said as I giggled. He ran his fingers through my hair, playing with it.
"I know you'd hate to see me with another woman, just like I hate the idea of you being with another man."

"Hmmm." I said, in agreement.
"Though I am curious... Hypothetically if we never knew eachother, who would you be with?" I asked, as he chuckled.

"Hmmm... I'm not sure... Let me ponder ALL the options." He teased.

"I was going to say no one, but just for that comment, I'll leave you for Jiriaya." I said nonchalantly. Kakashi raised his head up to look at me.

"Jiriaya? Really?" He asked confused and I chuckled.

"What? You learn a lot about a person in seven years Kakashi! Besides, he writes your pornographic books, it's gotta even make you a little curious?" I stated and he chuckled.

"Erotica." He replied as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I said with a laugh.

"Well I guess it wouldn't be all that bad, not as good as me, but I think you should do it." He said playfully and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Wait what?"

"I say, actually leave me for Jiriaya! I can't say I'd be mad about it."

"W-wha? You must be joking?" I said, and he chuckled.

"I mean, if you did, that means you'd probably end up in the next icha icha book, and I mean I'd just love reading the series even more after that." He said and I rolled my eyes, giggling.

"But wouldn't you rather have the real thing?" I asked and he smiled.

"Well of course, but you were speaking hypothetically." He stated.

"But you just said to leave- ah never mind." I said with a sigh, when he smirked at me.
"So then hypothetically who would you be with? Guy? Or Tenzo? Remember him? Y'all used to be close! OH or maybe that other guy from the Anbu... Uh wasn't his name like Arika? Or something like that... Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you went after Asuma... I've seen ya'lls weird bromance moments, sometimes I question if your keeping it in the family... Oooh, now I'm curious!" I said excitedly.

"Did you just assume that I would be gay, if I wasn't with you?" He asked raising an eyebrow, and I giggled.

"Maybe." I said playfully, and he rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Oh then definitely your brother, he's so much cooler than you!" He teased as I giggled.

"Wait- Hey!!" I whined, as I playfully pouted.
"I'm so much cooler than Asuma."

"Ehhh..." He said with a giggle, as I pushed his arm.

"That's fine, Asuma can suck your dick from now on." I said, making him chuckle.

"You know, if you want the truth, I don't think I'd leave you for anyone else. If I didn't have you, then I'd rather just be alone." He said.

"Well that's not how you play the game Kakashi, I wouldn't leave you either, but we were speaking hypothetically." I said and he smiled at me.

"That's the thing (Y/N). I can't see myself with anyone else but you. You're the only person in the world that I know, who understands almost everything about me. I don't know another person, who is as kind, gentle, caring, sexy, beautiful, hot, strong, and as perfect as you. No one can compare to you, not even if they tried. So hypothetically, if I couldn't have you, I wouldn't want anyone. You're all I really need to be happy (Y/N). I love you more then you'll know." He said, and I smiled wide.

"Kakashi..." I said, before I slammed my lips to his.
"I love you too."

"Hmm yeah?"

"Yeah." I replied as he smirked.

"Show me?" He asked, as I giggled, before kissing his lips.

"You're such a Cheeky little shit."

*       *       *

I groaned in annoyance, as I heard someone banging on my door.


I groaned, as I rolled over hitting my alarm.

"(Y/N) SENSEI!!"

"Why won't my damn thing shut off!!!" I groaned, as I kept hitting it. I heard Kakashi yawn.

"It's because it's not the clock. It's the number one hyperactive knuckle head ninja." He said, as I yawned, before groaning.


"(Y/N) SENSEI!!!" Naruto yelled again as I sighed, before getting up, and threw on some shorts and a my T-shirt from the ground, before walking down to my door. I opened the door, wiping my eyes to see Naruto's eyes widen.

"OH GOOD YOU'RE AWAKE!!!" He yelled making me flinch.

"Well why wouldn't I be? It's not like I was sleeping or anything." I said, as he looked at me.
"What are you doing here Naru-" He barged into my apartment.

"We need to find Kakashi Sensei! Grandma Tsunade needs us to-"

"What's all the commotion about?" Kakashi asked, comming down the stairs, fully dressed, making Naruto suddenly stop talking and look at the two of us.

"Kakashi Sensei, why are you coming out of (Y/N) Sensei's room?" He asked.

"Oh... I get it..." He said with a smirk, as I raised a brow.

"No need to say a word, The pervy sage told me all about this... I guess I should be calling you two the pervy Sensei's." Naruto added, making me blush.

"It's not what it looks like uh- Listen- I-" I tried to come up with an excuse, as Naruto giggled like a little school girl making me sigh.
"I'm going to kill Jiriaya." I mumbled, as I sighed.

"What was it that you needed Naruto?" Kakashi asked, as he looked at him.


"I need to change first, but I'll meet you there." I said as he kissed my forehead, before following Naruto.

*       *       *

"What?! What do you mean I can't go?!" I asked in confusion, as the words left lady Tsunade's mouth. When we went into the Hokage's office, we were interrupted, by a member of the cipher core, telling us that the Kazekage had been captured by the Akatsuki. Lady Tsunade quickly made the decision that Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura would go to and get intel on the sand village, since they were the closest, and this was an emergency case. That was until I realized that she totally disregarded my name. When I asked her why my name wasn't mentioned, she proceeded to say that I would not be accompanying my team.

"I have another mission in mind for you. Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura will focus on retrieving Gaara, while you'll be doing something else." She said, as I raised a brow.
"You and Jiriaya will be-"

"Hang on, why can't I go with my team?" I asked as she sighed.

"With the Akatsuki on the hunt for both you and Naruto, it's best that Kakashi only have to watch over one of you, while one of you stays in the village where it's safe." She said as I raised a brow.

"I'm going to ignore the fact that you don't believe that I, a grown woman, a shinobi since the age of eleven, trained not only by the third Hokage, but master Jiriaya for seven years, can handle myself against the Akatsuki." I said with my arms crossed as she sighed.

"Still as arrogant as ever." Iruka said, making me snap my head at him.

"Still as annoying as ever." I said in a mocking tone.
"No one asked for your opinion Iruka, so I suggest you can it." I snapped.
"Lady Tsunade if you're so concerned over the safety, then Naruto stays here, where it's safe-"

"Hey! What? No way!" Naruto butted it.

"Shut up you idiot!" Sakura scolded, while grabbing Naruto in a head lock.

"Enough!" Lady tsunade boomed, making all of us get suddenly quiet.
"My decision is final (Y/N)." She scolded.
"You will stay here for this mission, and as a Jōnin of the hidden leaf, you're obligated to follow my orders." She added as I sighed.

"Yes, Lady Hokage." I said sadly, as she nodded.

"As I was saying, Team Kakashi, you will be reporting intel on the Hidden sand. The Kazekage has been captured. They have requested our back up. Back them up, and give them whatever help necessary." She added, as they nodded.
"(Y/N), you will have a mission with Jiriaya, intel will be giving when he arrives."

"Yes ma'am." I sighed. 

* * *

"Guy, what in the hell happened?" I asked in confusion, as I watched my overly tired boyfriend, on the back of my overly enthusiastic friend.
"Is Kakashi fine?! Where are the kids?!" I asked in worry, as he laughs.

"Don't worry your precious little heart (Y/N)! They are all fine my dear friend!" He says with thumbs up.
"These kids need more practice today, seeing as they couldn't keep up with my youthful spirits." He said, making me awkwardly chuckle.

"No one can keep up with your youthful spirits." I mumbled.
"You know Kakashi, I never thought I'd see you getting a piggy back ride from Guy, but I can't say I'm disappointed." I said with a chuckle, as he just quietly sighed, before getting put into a hospital bed.

"Anything for a dear rival!" Guy added, as I chuckled.

"Honestly, if I ever need a piggy back ride, Guy-"

"I'll be more than happy to assist!! Anything for my dear rival's special lady!" He said, as he sing sang special lady, making me chuckle.
"If you'll excuse me, I must assist Lee in running laps around Konoha!" He added before running out of the room, leaving Kakashi and I alone.  

"Kakashi, what happened?" I asked as he sighed.

He proceeded to tell me how Gaara was captured by the Akatsuki, and was killed. He told me how a lady by the name of Lady Chiyo sacrificed herself to bring Gaara back, as well as the new intel on Sasori of the red sand, who was killed by Sakura, and Lady Chiyo. He told me how Naruto chased after the other member, who's name was Deidara, and how he was able to get away due to Kakashi's weakened state from overusing his Sharingan.

"I should have fought harder to go. We could have stopped him." I growled, as Kakashi shook his head lightly.

"There's nothing you could have done. It kept me relieved knowing that you were here safe." He said with a faint smile.
"I still haven't quite put together the purpose of the Akatsuki wanting the nine tails inside of Naruto, but after seeing what happened to Gaara, I understand that we aren't facing an easy opponent. And I don't want to find out what their plans are with you." He said, as I placed a hand on his, letting my thumb trace his knuckles.
"I know that I need to train Naruto, and I need to be around you, because if something ever happened to you I'd-"

"I'm right here Kashi, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I'm safe, I promise." I said softly.
"I know you care about me, I love you for it, but remember I knew exactly what I was risking the second I took my shinobi vows." I said.
"The Akatsuki won't get me, not without the fight of their lives at least... But let's not focus on that okay? Don't worry about anything right now except for getting rest." I said, as I kissed his forehead as he sighed.

"Alright." He said, with a closed eye smile, as I giggled.

"Good boy." I teased, as I ruffled his hair making him groan.

"You're lucky I lack energy." He said as I raised a brow.

"You threatening me, Hatake?" I teased as he chuckled.

"I don't make threats." He teased back, making me giggle.

"Go to sleep you jerk."

"Okay brat." He said as he closed his eyes with a smile on his face. As soon as Kakashi was asleep, I kissed his forehead before getting up and making my way to the Hokage's office, to talk to her about allowing me to go on missions with my squad from now on.

"Lady Tsunade we need to talk." I said, as I opened her door without knocking, making her, Shizune, and a member of the Anbu black ops, stare at me. Lady Tsunade let out a sigh, as she folding her arms under her chin.

"What have I told you about knocking before barging in?" She asked as I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Well, I never did it with the third Hokage, or the forth Hokage... So I can't say this will be the last time either..." I said with an awkward laugh and closed eye smile.

"Sometimes I believe your worse than Naruto." She grunted, before sighing, as I smiled.

"Well, he is my student after all." I added.

"None the less, I guess your timing couldn't have been better. I needed to have a talk with you anyways." She said, making me raise a brow.

"If it's about the intel mission, yes I'm more than capable of taking the kids with me, without Kakashi." I said as he looked at me in confusion.

"How did you even know about that?"

"I ran into Sakura on the way here. Anyways, the Akatsuki are starting to get on my last nerve and I- What?" I asked as I watched Lady Tsunade shake her head.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that." She said, as I sighed.

"And why the hell not?" I asked in annoyance, crossing my arms.

"(Y/N)!!" Shizune yelled, as I rolled my eyes.

"Do not use that tone with me." Tsunade demanded, making me frustrated.

"Team Kakashi is my team too!! I'm sick and tired of staying back and being worried sick about those kids and Kakashi!" I argued back.

"You are to listen to me! You do not make the orders! And You will not be going on the intel mission with Naruto and Sakura."

"You're not sending those kids on their own." I said defensively.

"Well if you'd listen, I already have that covered." She said, looking over at the Anbu member who was still standing in the room, with a hand on the back of there neck, rubbing it.

"No." I immediately said.

"But you don't even know who it is." She said annoyed.

"I don't care. I knew the anbu well enough to know that there is no one there, that I would trust with my kids." I said crossing my arms.

"Not even him?" She asks, making me look over at him.

"I don't even know who he is." I stated as she nodded.

"For this mission, he is to be called Yamato. Do you understand?" She asked, to me and him, as he nodded, and spoke up.

"Yes Lady Tsunade." He said, as she nodded.

"Very well, you can unmask yourself now, Yamato." She said, before looking at me.
"Yamato, (Y/N). (Y/N), Yama-"

"Tenzo?" I asked with a smile, as I looked up at the man who had once been shorter than me.
"Is that really you?" I asked, as he sighed.

"I really don't want to be called that." He said, as I giggled.

"Oh right sorry, Yamato." I teased.
"You sure have grown! You're a handsome young man!" I said, as I pinched his cheeks.

"Do you really have to do that?" He whined, as I chuckled.

"Of course I do! I mean look at you! You're one tall glass of water!" I said making him blush.
"I rememeber when you were a little kid about yay high." I said pointing at my stomach.

"You do realize I'm not that much younger than you?" He asked as I chuckled.

"Well of course of course! Oh! Remember when you had a little crush on me, that was adorable!" I teased, as he blushed harder.

"I didn't!! I- I mean... You..." his face was beat red and I giggled, as he tried explaining himself.

"It's okay." I said with a laugh.
"Besides I-"

"I hate to break up this little reunion but there is a mission we need to discuss." She interrupted.

"Right, I'm going!" I said, as she shook her head.

"You will be staying here in the village. Where it is safe, with Kakashi and-"

"I'm sick and tired of playing it safe!!!" I boomed, as I slammed my hands on the desk making everyone jump.
"Everyone has always tried to get me to stay behind on damn mission for the sake of staying safe! If I wanted to play it safe I wouldn't have signed up to be a damn shinobi!! I've gone on those missions and turned out fine! So why can't I-"

"Last time I checked, you ended up with that curse mark, from Orochimaru, and had to be sent away for years until you could control it. When you could have listened to your father, and not had to leave at all, stayed safe like he suggested." She said, making my eyes glow an ember, as she raised a brow at me.
"I am the Hokage, don't you think I know what's best for this village and its people?" She asked as I let out a snort.

"The only thing you care about is whats the best alcohol to get you drunk in this village." I mumbled.

"(Y/N)!" Yamato whisper shouted, as rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." She said, rubbing both of her temples.
"Just trust me on this one. Yamato is perfect for this mission. His chakra nature is this only thing that can truly hold Naruto back, incase the nine tails decides to come out and play. He's a skilled Anbu ninja, and this will all work to our advantage." She said as I sighed.

"Hopefully." I mumbled.

"I know you want to face the Akatsuki. You will get to eventually, but until then I suggest you enjoy the peace that you still get to have. Anything could happen at a moments notice, so just enjoy whatever you can, while you can." She said as I looked at the ground, clenching my fists.

"Fine. But don't expect me to sit back and play it safe forever." I said, as I walked out the office , and proceeded to stand near the door, with my arms waiting for Yamato to come out. I took a few deep breaths, before Yamato stepped out, and shut the door.

"Oh (Y/N)!" He said with an awkward chuckle.
"You scared me..." He said with a closed eye smile, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm glad your back, but I have a few words for you." I stated, as he opened his eyes and looked at me.
"Those two kids are my pride and joy. You better keep them safe. You're a comrade to me, but you don't want to get on my bad side. Got it?" I asked, as he nodded quickly, when my eyes glowed making him gulp nervously.

"Y-yes ma'am." He said, as I nodded.

"Good. Now let's go. I'm sure Kakashi would love to see you again." I stated as I grabbed his arm and pulled him away with me.


Holy guacamole Batman it's almost been a month since I updated. Yikes 😂

Well this was totally a filler chapter. 
And the next one will be too most likely.
But then we fixin to get lit on the drama, heartbroken, I can do this anymore train.

So like Lady tsunade says, enjoy what you have while you can... cuz a storm is a'brewin mwahaha.

Anyways WE ARE SO CLOSE TO 100k UGH IM EXCITED.... wow. That's so crazy. Only a few thousand to go.... IM SO AMPED YESSSS!!!

For those of you who aren't following me, why not? I follow everyone back so, go for it! Join the dark side I have icha icha...

Also, TheForgottenWaves has a new story! It's a modern Kakashi story and it's hella dope! And I'm not just saying that because she based a character off of me!

tailgate-stars I finally updated so enjoy yourself my grandchild.

MidnightAngel5 I finally updated so now it's your turn mwahaha.

What was your favorite part of the chappie?

What do you think is going to happen?
(You can guess, and to an extent you'll probably be right, but you'll be wrong also. Expect the unexpected ladies and gents. I've been working on this next arc for months.

And now a a meme from you friendly neighborhood Author- Chan:

Honestly I lost my shit to that 😂😂

Anyways I love you guys.

Thank you for all your love and support.

Peace out Kakashi Scouts ✌🏽

Posted: June 16, 2019

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