60) Hard to Face Reality: Lemon

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The following chapter is rated 18+ for mature content. If you don't like it, you can skip over it, but I don't recommend skipping the whole chapter!

"So, have you been enjoying yourself yet? I'm sure it's been a little overwhelming seeing everyone in a day, and trying to remember everything." Komorebi said as I sighed, before smiling softly.

"It's fine... I'm sure I'll get used to it some how." I said softly, as she gave me a warm smile. Suddenly a man came over to us, and pulled Komorebi to the side, as they began talking for a few minutes before he headed off. I raised a brow as she came back to me.

"What was that about?" I asked as she sighed.

"Sekushī." She said as I looked at her confused.
"Actually, do you think you can do me a favor?" She asked as I nodded.

"What's up?"

"Do you think you could go get Sekushī for me?" She asked as I looked at her in confusion.

"Uh sure... Who's that exactly?" I asked, as she chuckled.

"I figured you would have met him by now" she said as I shook my head.
"Well he is shy...He's the guy plays Itachi Uchiha!" She said as my eyes widened.


"Are you okay?" She asked in confusion as I nodded.

"Uh, y-yeah! Just excited to finally meet my favorite Uchiha!" I said in fake excitement as she giggled, not catching on. 

Maybe I should be an actress.

"Well perfect. He isn't needed on set, but Bamì needs him." She said as I cocked my head to the side.

"Bamì?" I asked as she giggled.

"The costume tailor. He's the guy that was just here!" She said as I nodded.

"Oh, okay. So uh, Sekushī... Find him, and tell him to see Bamì?" I asked as she nodded.
"Got it!" I said.

You're mine Itachi. I'm going to kill you myself.

"Wait, where is his room again?" I asked, as Komorebi giggled.

"Go down this hall, past the food table at the end, and make a left, and he will be in the room right after Riku's, which is Hidan's, if you didn't know." She said as I sighed.

"How could I forget." I said sarcastically as I walked away while she giggled. I walked down the hallway, and passed the food table. I stopped in my tracks and looked back at it, when I noticed the array of pastries and dishes, and right next to that was the eating utensils. My eyes scanned over the butter knives, as I smirked to myself, and grabbed one.
"Well it's no kunai." I said to myself, as I placed it in my back pocket.

But it can do for now.

I continued to make a left at the end of the hall like Komorebi told me to, when I heard a familiar cackle.


"Oh I'm going to enjoy killing the bitch!" He said excitedly, as I furrowed my brows together.
"Im gonna!! Ah no... I'M GONNA!!" I quietly opened his door.
"Oh, no that's not good enough. Hmm." He said before he cleared his throat.
"OH, I'm going to enjoy killing the bitch!!" He said with another cackle, before coughing up a lung.
"Dammit Hidan, why do you have to be so obnoxious? You're so strenuous on the throat!" He growled, before starting his lines again. I rolled my eyes, and shook my head, as I quietly closed the door before making it next door to "Sekushī's" room.

Okay how do I want to do this?
Itachi! I know I'm in a genjutsu so get me out of this now?!
No that seems like a push over.
Okay, how about get me out of this now before I-
Why am I rehearsing this? Just go in there and kick his ass!
One simply does not kick his ass, especially without power while on his turf.
Yeah! Especially with that flimsy butter knife in your hands.
Whatcha gonna do with that? Butter his buns?
Get the hell out of my head.

I rolled my eyes, and knocked on the door persistently, as I waited for someone to answer. I stood their for a minute before Itachi opened the door. His eyes suddenly widened, before I smirked.

"Look I don't know who decided to let fans in here, but I'm tired of getting-" I suddenly grabbed him by his cloak, slamming him against the wall, before pushing the door shut with my foot.
"What the he-"

"Shut up!" I hissed.
"You better listen now, and listen real fucking good." I growled as I held the butter knife up to his throat, as he gulped.
"I don't know what fucking game you're playing, but it ends now." I spat, as he looked nervous.

"What in the hell are you talking about? Huh? What do you want? An autograph, a picture, or something? Geez lady, you could have just asked nic-"

"Get me out of here. Now!" I said in anger, as he looked at me in confusion.

"T-the door is o-over there..." He said pointing to it nervously.

"Stop being a smart ass, and get me the fuck out of here!! You know damn well what I am talking about Itachi!" I spat, as he shook his head.

"I- I'm a-afraid I don't." He said softly, looking almost petrified.
"I-I don't even k-know who you are!!" He whimpered as I scowled.

"Cut with the act Itachi! I'm serious!" I spat in anger, as I pushed him into the wall again as his eyes widened.

"He's just a character in a show! I swear!" He cowered down, as I growled.

What if by chance... All of that was a lie, and this is your home, and you do just have amnesia?

"Please don't h-hurt me..." He said softly, as I clenched my fists and lowered the butter knife.
I let him go, and took a step back, as I stared him down, as he shook softly.

"I'll give you my wallet, or whatever... Just stop..." He said as I frowned.

"Dammit." I growled, as I slammed my fist against the wall.
"Dammit. Damnit! DAMNIT!!" I said as I kept hitting the wall.

"Are you crazy?! I should have security come in here and-"

"Please just shut up." I said in annoyance as I slid down against the wall.
"This just can't be true... It can't be..." I said softly, as my stomach churned.

"You're right, it can't be true." He said as I looked up at him.
"Tell me (Y/N), have you learned your lesson yet?" He asked, as I glared at him.

"Do you think you're funny Itachi?" I asked, in annoyance as softly smirked in amusement.

"You threatened me with a butter knife..." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah well what else was I supposed to do?" I asked rhetorically, making him put his hand to his chin.

"Ask nicely?" He responded as I let out a grunt.

"You're kidding right?" I asked, as I crossed my arms.
"So now you're a sarcastic comedian? Doesn't suit your murderous tendencies."

"I had you going there for a second." He said as I sighed.

"Yeah... Whatever." I said as he cocked his head to the side.

"You're not putting up too much of a fight right now." He said as I placed my chin on my knees.
"That's unlike you."

"What's the point?" I asked, as he just looked at me.
"I'm in your genjutsu. I could give you the fight of my life right now by waisting all of my energy, but I know I'll lose, so what's the point? If you really want a good fight then allow me to have my powers back." I said in annoyance.
"But I know that's impossible, because you're a coward." I added, as he sighed.

"And after all I did for you." He said as my head shot up.

"What? What the hell did you do for me huh? Put me in a world where for the past week I've been confused and questioned everything I knew from my own life?!" I asked, as he just stared at me.

"I allowed you to see a world where everyone you claimed to love was still alive." He said as I sighed.

"And you took away the love of my life while doing so." I said pressing my chin back on my knees.

"I don't quite understand you (Y/N)." He said as I sighed.

"The same could be said about you Uchiha."

"Why don't you pretend to be with the Akatsuki? You'd get your powers back, and probably have better means of killing us all, and escaping." He said as I let out a grunt.

"Oh you're so smart. Never would have thought of that at all. Never." I said sarcastically.
"I'm not going to go against my word. I promised people I would never join the Akatsuki. And that's what I'm going to do. Even if it kills me."

"I see." He said as I just kept looking at the ground.
"I can see where you're coming from." He said making me let out a bitter laugh.

"You're kidding right?"

"I am not." He replied.

"I'm talking about honoring my people. Taking care of those whom I love. My main priority is to keep them safe, then if I can, get back to them. How would you know about that?" I asked as he sighed.

"You lack attention to detail." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh like what? That little piss poor episode of you killing your clan to save the Leaf village? I have a very keen eye when it comes to details, I don't however believe in bullshit." I said as he sighed.

"How much longer do you think you could last in this world? Days? Months? Years? Decades? How long would it get you to learn your lesson?" He asked as I furrowed my brows.

"What lesson?!" I asked in annoyance.

"Did you know that the sharingan can give you a life span of memories in a mere second? I'm sure Kakashi would have told you that." He said as I growled.

"Keep his name out of your fucking mouth."

"Is that a threatening tone? Shouldn't a shinobi always keep calm?" He almost taunted.

"You need to sh-"

"Did you know he's here?" Itachi interrupted, as I just stared at him.


"Kakashi." He said as my eyes widened.

He can't be.

"Whatever." I said in annoyance, as I rested my chin back on my knees.

"I sense them. Kakashi... Naruto... There's six more coming closer and closer with each second. Wouldn't it be a pity if I killed them?" He asked as I growled.

"I don't know what fucking game you're trying to play now but I am sick and tired of- Itachi?" I was cut off by him suddenly staring at me in shock.

"H-how?" He grunted as I watch blood slowly seep out of his mouth.

"You left your guard down." I heard a familiar voice say as I gasped.
"What the hell did you do to (Y/N)!" He yelled.

"Kakashi!" I said, as I stood up quickly. I stared at Itachi, as the faint voice spoke again.

"Sakura! Release (Y/N) from the genjutsu. Kiba, Naruto, Shino, and Hinata you keep a look out for anyone else in this hideout. Sai and Yamato, I want you to check around the base. Your priority is to protect yourselves and get out of here." Kakashi said, as my heart raced.

"Got it!"
"Yes Kakashi Sensei!"
"Let's go then!" I heard the voices say.

"Release!" Sakura's voice said, as I was suddenly jerked to reality.
"(Y/N) Sensei!" She cried out as she hugged me.

"Sakura! Now is not the time! Get her out of here!" Kakashi demanded, as Sakura wiped her tears.

"Yes sensei!" She said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me up.
"C'mon Sensei, we need to go now."

"What about Kakashi and Itachi?" I asked worriedly, as Kakashi stared Itachi down. His hands suddenly exploded with lightning, as he spoke up.

"Don't worry about me. Get the hell out of here. I'll finish Itachi myself." He commanded, as I nodded, before we headed off.

*        *        *

"(Y/N) Sensei!" Naruto cried out as he gripped my body tightly, hugging me. I was tense for a moment, but hugged him back, my eyes slightly watery. Sakura joined in on the hug, as I hugged them both.

"I'm so sorry you two." I said faintly, as their grip only tightened.

"Why did you leave us?" Naruto asked almost heart broken as I bit my lip. The two kids pulled away, as I looked at them both.

"I didn't mean too. I tried to be a hero, but not everyone can be saved." I said softly. Their solemn faces indicated that they knew who I was talking about. I looked at the others, and smiled softly.
"Thank you all." I said, earning a bark from Akamaru, as I pat his head, rubbing behind his ears.
"I owe you guys my life." I said softly.

"We're just happy you're safe now." Hinata said, as I smiled at her.

"Kakashi Sensei!" Naruto yelled, as my head spun to see him five feet from me. His stern cold look suddenly softened when met with eyes.
"What happened to Itachi?" He asked as we all looked at him.

"He got away." He stated with disappointment in his voice, as he slightly sulked.

"That's okay." I said, making him look at me.
"We are all here in one piece. That is all that matters to me." I said softly.

"What did they do to you?" Naruto asked, making Sakura slap him upside the head.

"Naruto you idiot!" She growled as he whined and gripped his head.

"Ouch! Sakura come on!!!" He cried out as I couldn't help but sigh in relief.
"It was just a question!"

"You don't just ask that!!"

"It's okay Sakura." I said, as everyone looked at me.
"What happened to me in there was nothing I couldn't handle." I said, as she sighed.

"But Sensei, your face looks really beaten up." She said, as I looked at her confused. She went through her bag, and pulled out a small mirror before handing it to me. My face looked bruised, and there was dry blood in the corner of my mouth and nose. One of my eyes had black around it, and my lip looked a little too swollen.

"Ah this? This was nothing!" I tried to play it off with a laugh, as everyone else just looked at me sadly. I slowly stopped laughing, and sighed.
"They tried to get me to join the Akatsuki. Of course I said no, and this was the result of that." I said pointing at my face, as they stared at me.
"But like I said, we are all here now and that's all that matters to me."

"(Y/N) Sensei?"

"Yes Sakura?"

"May I heal your wounds?" She asked, as I looked at her nodded.


"After you healed her wounds, I think it's in our best interest to get as close to the Leaf village as possible." Yamato spoke up, looking at Kakashi and I who nodded.

* * *

"Everyone did a good job on this mission. I am very proud of all of you. Yamato and I will keep watch for the first part of the night." Kakashi said as the kids nodded.

"Then we will switch out, so get as much rest as you can. We'll leave bright and early to get back to the village." Yamato added, as everyone nodded, and headed to their blankets around the fire. Kakashi began to walk away, I just sat where I was, staring into the fire, as millions of thoughts ran through my mind.

How did we escape so easily?
Am I still in a genjutsu?
No. Not any more. I can't be.
But then why did he let us go?
What's the Akatsuki's next move?
Whatever it is, them getting Naruto is out of the question.
What happens when I go back to the Leaf?

"You should be getting rest too you know." Yamato said, making me jump.
"You've been staring at the fire for thirty minutes now." He said as I sighed.

"I won't be able to sleep. Not until my mind is cleared and I know everyone is safe." I said, earning a chuckle from the wood style shinobi.

"Typical of you." He said, as I just looked back at the fire.
"What did they do to you (Y/N)?" He asked as I sighed.
"You were beaten up pretty badly."

"Nothing I couldn't handle." I said softly.
"Annoyed me more than anything really. They did more emotional damage than physical. Though it didn't look like that." I said with a chuckle, as Yamato frowned.
"It was all a mind game. All of it. And yet there so many puzzle pieces that doesn't seem to connect either. Like how in the hell did we escape so easily? You're telling me no one was in that base. That they let us go? It doesn't make sense."

"Knowing the Akatsuki, it's probably a ploy for a bigger scheme. I know you just got back, but I have a feeling there's no time to rest. Not until this is all over." Yamato said as I nodded.

"I figured that. I think they let us go with out a fight on purpose. Maybe to get Naruto and I at the same time? They know I'm not going to join... So maybe they are allowing me access to dig a bigger hole for myself. Yamato... What if they threaten to kill you guys?!" I started to panic.

"None of us will let that happen (Y/N). Besides, you'll have an advantage." He said as I rose a brow.
"In the reports it said that you lost the ability to use your powers right? Have you been able to since then?"

"No. They kept giving me this shot that keeps my powers under wraps. I've been trying to activate my ember state for a few hours now, so I guess it's still the shot's affects." I said as he nodded.

"Well, as soon as we get back to the Leaf, you'll go under an examination to see if there's any under lying damage. I'm sure you'll get your powers back in no time. Then you'll have an advantage over the Akatsuki." He said, as I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Your optimism is always refreshing Yama." I said as he smiled.
"I need it sometimes." I mumbled.

"I noticed you and Kakashi haven't said much since we got you back." He said as I sighed.

It's because he hates me.

"You know he missed you." Yamato said as I looked at him.
"I've never seen Kakashi the way that I did while you were gone. He looked so... I can't even begin to describe it. I'm surprised he didn't attack you lovingly once he got you back." He said as I sighed.

"I didn't mean to hurt him... Nor Naruto or Sakura, or anyone for that matter. I just wanted to try and protect my brother." I said as he nodded.

"He knows that. And so does everyone else. Though I'm not sure how the village thinks about it. I can't promise you that there won't be a punishment for leaving (Y/N)." He said as I sighed.

"I know. But whatever it is, I'd rather face that ten-fold, then to lose anyone else." I said sadly. Yamato placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked at him.

"Look, I think you should go talk to Kakashi. I'm sure he hasn't said to much because he-"

"Hates me?" I interrupted.


"Then why has he been avoiding me Yamato?!"

"He hates himself." He said as I looked at him.

"Why?! I'm the one who left,  not him. He has every right to hate me with every bone in his body." I said, earning a chuckle from Yamato.

"But he doesn't. He hates himself for the last words you two shared before you were taken away. I think that's why he's scared to face you. He's scared you hate him just as much as he hates himself."

"Well he shouldn't, because everyone should know I love him more than life itself." I said as he sighed.

"Which is why I think you should go talk to him." He said grabbing my hand, and pulling me up.
"I'm not going to be mushy gushy with him. That's your job after all." He said with a wink.
"He's four kilometers, ten o'clock." He said, giving me a push. I let out a soft sigh, and couldn't help but smile.

"Aw you mean you don't want a kiss from you captain Kakashi?" I asked with a tease before I ran through the woods trying to find Kakashi. I looked around and finally saw spiky silver hair in the distance.
I slowed down, putting my hands in my pockets, as I finally was beside him.

"Hey." I said softly, as he continued to look forward at his surroundings.

"Hi." He replied, as I frowned.

"Kakashi... I..." I bit my lip, and hugged him from the side, making him tense up, before relaxing into my arms. He moved his arms and wrapped them around me, as I squeezed him tighter.

"I missed you." I said softly, as he rested his chin on my forehead.

"You shouldn't have." He said, as I shook my head.

"Don't say that Kashi, don't even think that. Because I missed you too." I said, as I pulled away and looked at him.
"I shouldn't have left. You had every right to say what you said." I said as he shook his head.

"No. I didn't. I had no right. I abandoned you. You needed my support and I left you alone. What if you would have died?! I wouldn't have been able to live with myself." He said, as I grabbed his face and made him look into my eyes.

"Well I didn't die."

"But they hurt you. And I didn't protect you. You needed me and I couldn't save you. I just kept thinking over and over again how I not only failed you, I failed to keep my promise to Obito." He said as he grabbed my hands.

"Don't you dare say that Kakashi Hatake." I demanded.
"Do not make me slap some sense into you, you stupid idiot." I said sadly.
"I got hurt because of my own stupidity. But you and Yamato, and those kids saved me today. You're right, I needed you, but you did save me in the end." I said, as I saw his eye slightly water.
"So stop being a jerk to yourself, and be happy just like I am to be right here with you again." I said as I placed my forehead on his. I rubbed his covered nose with mine, before giving him a small smile.

"You're a brat. You know that right?" He asked, as I smiled bigger.

"Yeah? And you're a stupid jerk." I defended, as his smile appeared under his mask.
"I mean, here I am, hopefully still your girlfriend... Right?"

"Did you really have to ask that? Nothing in the world would stop me from thinking you're my girl." He said with a wink, as I giggled.

"Well then, do your girl a favor, and kiss her? She missed you." I said, as I slowly moved his mask down.

"Well, I missed her too." He said huskily, as our faces got closer together.

"Show me?" I asked, as my fingers went through his hair, our lips barely touching.

"Your wish is my command." He said, as he smashed his lips against mine, making me moan in pleasure. My arms wrapped around his neck quickly, as he lifted me into his arms, causing my legs to wrap around his waist. He pushed me up against a tree, as his lips met my neck, making me groan in pleasure.
"I missed the noises you make." He whispered in my ear, as he bit my neck, soothing the heated flesh with his tongue. His hands gripped my waist as I ran my fingers through his hair, giving it a light tug, making him moan into my mouth.

"Kashi." I gasped as I began to grind against his crotch.

"Yes baby?" He asked softly, as I kissed the sweet spot on his neck.

"Fuck me." I whispered in his ear, sending shivers down his spine as he chuckled.

"Be patient." He growled, as his hand slipped into my pants, rubbing me through my under wear. I let out a heavy breath, as his fingers slid inside my underwear, and inside me, as he fingered me quickly. I moaned his name louder than I meant to, causing him to slam his lips back against mine.
"Be quiet. We don't want anyone to catch us, right princess?" He asked has his fingers thrusted in me faster.

"Kashi please." I begged, as his hot breath hit my neck again, making me close my eyes. I leaned my head against the tree, and closed my eyes tightly, when his hand left my pants, and went to my breasts under my shirt.

"Fuck baby, I missed these too." He growled, as he squeezed my breasts making me pant. His hands skillfully went my nipples, his fingers rolling them around, as I bit my lip to stop me from crying out in pleasure. He began to grind against my crotch, allowing me to feel how much he anticipated this as well.

"Kakashi." I growled, as I slammed my lips back against his, biting his lip lightly, tugging on it as I pulled away.
"Fuck me now." I commanded, as he smirked.

"You want me to fuck you huh?" He teased as he worked on pulling my bottoms down. I worked on his pants, pulling them down just enough for him to fuck me. He grabbed ahold of his cock, and rubbed it against me, before pushing his full length into me, making me cry out in pleasure. His hand quickly went up to my mouth, covering it as he sucked in a heavy breath.
"I told you to be quiet." He growled in my ear, as he thrusted fast and roughly inside of me, wasting no time getting to business. I cried out into his hand, as he only smirked.
"We wouldn't want anyone catching us now would we?" He panted as his free hand lifted up my shirt, so he could watch my breasts bounce.

I felt a mix of pain from the tree scratching against my back, to pleasure from the cool air on my nipples and Kakashi filling me up. The idea of someone catching us doing such naughty things in the middle of the woods sent a feeling straight to my core. I lightly moaned against Kakashi's hand as he smirked and pounded his cock inside of me. His head rested on my shoulder, as I felt the coil in my stomach ready to release at any second. I moaned louder and louder into his hand, as my eyes watered from pleasure.

"I know you wanna cum." Kakashi growled into my ear.
"So cum for me." He demanded, as I moaned louder into his hand.
"Come all over my cock." He panted, as his thrusts started to become slow but powerful. Every sharp thrust, made me lose my breath as I finally snapped and clenched around him, making him suck in a deep breath. I tried to break free of his grip as my body spasmed in pleasure, but he just held my body there until I could feel his cum fill me up, making me shiver. He let out a moan, saying my name as he rested his sweaty head against my shoulder while my hands played with his hair. His labored breaths hit my neck, as I looked up at the sky above us. I couldn't help but giggle, as he chuckled.
"What is it?" He asked, as he moved his head away from my neck to look at me.

"I missed you." I said softly, as I pecked his lips. He smirked, as he let go of my legs so I could stand, and he pulled his pants back up.

"I missed you too." He said, as he helped me pull my shirt down, and my pants back up.
"So much." He added before he kissed my lips again. We pulled away, listening to our breaths and the crickets.
"I could do this all night long, and never get tired of it." He said as I giggled and blushed.

"Me too." I replied as he kissed my forehead.

"Then just wait till we get home. I'll have to punish you." He said with a wink as I giggled.

"Do whatever you want to me Kakashi." I teased, making him smirk. 

"Hm, we'll have to go to my place, I'd hate to make your neighbors hate you for screaming so loudly." He said as I smirked.

"You'll have to work hard at that then." I said playfully, pecking his lips again. His hand hand trailed my cheek, before going down to my neck.

"You know what my favorite place on your body is?" He asked.

"Uh, my pussy?" I joked causing him to stifle a snort.

"Hm, I do love that too, but no." He said, as I rose a brow.

"I'm stumped then." I replied as he smirked.

"Your neck." He said, as his finger trailed around the front of my neck.

"I was expecting my ass or something but now you have piqued my interest. What's so special about my neck?" I asked in confusion, as he smirked.

"Well one, I love to leave little marks on it, so everyone knows who fucks you till you can't walk." He said, making me bite my bottom lip.
"It's so sensitive. I could kiss or bite your sweet spot on your neck, and without fail it makes you moan my name." He added, as I blushed.
"But I love when I'm fucking you, and I get to squeeze your neck lightly. Watching you under the influence of erotic asphyxiation, is one of my favorite things." He said as his hand went around my neck.

"That has to be the most unexpected thing I have ever heard you say." I said with a giggle, as he chuckled, letting go of my neck.
"Under any other context, that would be creepy."

"Can I ask you something princess?"

"Of course. What's up?" I asked as he smirked.

"Why did you leave?" He asked, as I looked at him confused.

"To protect my brother... You saw my note right?" As he nodded.

"Yeah, I saw it. In fact, I read it a few times." He said, his playful demeanor changing to a serious tone.
"Do you know how worried I was?" He asked as I just stared at him.


"Do you understand how scared I was that I was going to see your corpse?" He asked, as I furrowed my brows.

"I'm sorry Kakashi-"

"Do you know how worried Naruto and Sakura was?!" His voice raised as I looked at him.
"What if you were dead?! What then huh?!" He yelled in anger, as I backed up.

"Kakashi please calm down." I said slowly, as he began to stalk me like a predator to its prey.

"You don't get to tell me to calm down, after you left us." He said bitterly.
"You put us all through hell by leaving. We thought you were dead!" He spat in anger. He eyed me down, and lifted his headband. He suddenly was right in front of me, as he slammed me into a tree.

"Kakashi!" I yelled in anger, as his hand went around my neck and began to squeeze hard, making me gasp for air instantly.
"K-Kashi... S-stop..." I muttered, as he only squeezed harder.

"You feel this pain coursing through your body?! That's the pain I felt when I read your stupid letter." He said as my hands went up to his hands, trying to claw his arms away from my neck. I gasped and panted for air.
"And that whole time I felt like I had been stabbed in the chest." He growled, as he pulled out a kunai.
"Do you know what it feels like to be stabbed in the back?! To have your heart stabbed over and over again?!" He asked in anger, as my eyes watered and my heart raced from nervousness and lack of air.

"K-Kashi." I gasped as he held the kunai to my chest.
"P-please-" I felt my self getting dizzy, as I could feel the kunai slowly piercing through my chest. I tried to cry out in pain but I only choked on my own air, and slowly on my own blood.

"How does it feel huh?!" He screamed at me, as my hands went limp, before he suddenly disappeared and I was on my hands and knees gasping for air.  My hands went to my chest as I felt no blood, but still felt dizzy. My eyes began to water, as I screamed out in agony and pain.

It was all a genjutsu.

"Well you're not as innocent as I thought you would be." I heard a voice say, as I looked up and saw Itachi.

"You bastard!!" I cried out in anger, as I stayed on my hands and knees crying.

"Are you going to agree to join us (Y/N)?" He asked as I growled.

"Fuck you!!"

"You just did, partner." He said, making my face pale, as I looked at him in horror.

"N-no..." I cried as he sighed.

"I didn't, you had sex with Kakashi, I just had to watch it unfortunately." He said as I bit my lip, and slammed my fist on the ground in anger.
"You know, I don't like having to do this, but you're really leaving me no leeway here. If you don't agree to join us, you'll be forced to deal with Hidan. And trust me, there's a reason why Pein saved him for last before him of course. I'd hate to see you die over this. Just do what I told you, and at least pretend to join the Akatsuki." He said as I growled.

"You can all go to hell." I spat in anger, as Itachi let out a sigh.
"I'll die before joining the likes of you."

"As you wish, but first... There's something I must tell you."


Man this chapter turned out nothing like I wanted it to so forgive me for its high ranks on the shit-o-meter.

Anyways, guys I love you. I've gone through a lot this week, and I just meh. Thank you for always being there. I love you guys. More then you'll ever know.

SEPTEMBER 3rd WAS THE ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THIS BOOK. THATS MAD CRAZY! I've seen some of you here from the beginning. And I've seen some of you here from along the way. I love you guys. Ugh. It's unreal.


Anyways, like I said I love you guys. Man I really can't say that enough. I wish I could hug every last one of you.

And now a funny post your neighbors Author Chan found on the Internet.

Thank you for everything.

Peace out Kakashi Scouts! ✌🏽

Posted: September 8, 2019

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