63) The Great Decision

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"But Pein-"

"Konan, that is enough. She made her choice, so I allowed Hidan to make his. She brought this upon her self-"

"Yahiko wouldn't have wanted this. He would have wanted her to join, but not like this." Konan said as Pein sighed.

"Those who have broken the rules, or betrayed us, have been punished by death. Would you have wanted that to be her fate instead?" Pein asked, as she took a deep breath.

"I understand that this is frustrating, but try to see it her way. I can understand her rebellious attitude." Konan insisted.
"Us taking her away from what she loved, is no different then getting Yahiko taken from us. I know we need her, but instead of the pointless torture and hurting her, just leave her be. She stays with us, but locked in her room or something. I couldn't even begin to imagine just being alone with Hidan is like, and the fact that she was forced to endure that." Konan added.

"You're sympathy will be mistaken for weakness." Pein said as she sighed.

"It's only sympathy because if anyone would understand us, it's her." She added, as he raised a brow.
"Think about it Nagato..." She said as he glared at her.

"You are not to use that name." He demanded, as she took a deep breath.

"Sorry, Pein." She said with a sigh.
"She knows what pain feels like. She's no different from us. She has no mother, no father to go home too. She has no blood relation left to her. They were all taken from her. All she has is that Kakashi of the Sharingan, and the nine tails jinchuriki along with a few fellow comrades, but she's been a victim of war, and has lost loved ones just like us."

"Why do you defend her?" He asked as she looked at him with confusion.
"(Y/N). Why do you defend her? She has done nothing but been your enemy." He stated as she sighed.

"It's what Yahiko would have done." She stated as he sighed.

"Yahiko would have done anything for this peace that we are seeking. I will not stop until we complete his wishes. Victim of war or not, (Y/N) is needed according to Madara, and that is what I plan to give him. I'm doing this for our family,not hers. I'm doing this for Yahiko." He stated, as he sat at his desk.
"Call in the others. Before Hidan and Kakuzu head out, I want a final meeting with (Y/N)." He stated as Konan frowned.

"What are you going to do to her if she disagrees?"

"Simple. I'll leave her in Madara's capable hands."

* * *

I haven't been the same since... I guess I can't complain. I did bring this upon myself.  I shouldn't have willing gone with the Akatsuki, but I did, and that shall be my burden to bare.  I can't sleep, every time I try too I just see his face...Him... The things he did. I was prepared for the worst, yet somehow he made the worst even more unpredictable and unbearable.  I feel guilty. If I ever faced Kakashi... How would he feel? I don't even want to think about that. I feel disgusting, and broken. I know I said I wouldn't break, not under the likes of him... But that was too much.

"(Y/N), you need to eat." Konan said, as she walked in with another bowl of ramen, that I was destined to let go to waste again.

I don't know why she bothers. She knows I won't speak, and she knows I won't eat. At this point, if they won't kill me, then I'll just wait for something else to.

I mean really, what's the worst thing they could do at this point? Kill me? I don't want to leave Kakashi or the kids, but if my power is so important to this plan, maybe it's better just to end it myself. No power, no plan right?


After my time with Hidan, I woke up in my bed, alone, but not tied up. For once I was resting freely on my bed, well as free as I could be due to current events, and the continuous shots.

It plays in my mind like a broken record. Why did my body not listen to my brain. I feel so guilty, and so damaged physically and mentally. The wounds on my stomach and thighs patched up in some weird attempt to heal them. My body was sore, and I just felt so broken, and such an idiot.

Konan let out a soft sigh, as she sat on the bed next to me. At this point, I didn't even bother to move. They took everything away from me, so what's the use?

"You need your strength for the meeting." She said as my body slightly shook.

It couldn't have been more than twenty four hours since he...

I felt a horrid feeling in the pit of my stomach, as I swallowed the lump in my throat, squeezing my eyes shut at the horrid pain that followed.

"Go." Was all I could muster, as she frowned.
I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath. kept swallowing the lumps in my throat, as I felt the need to cry.

She placed the new bowl on the bedside table, replacing the old one that had yet to be touched.

"Please eat... Something." She said as she headed towards the door.
"Do it for the ones you love." She added.
"We'll be having a meeting soon. So I'll be back when it's time." She finished, as she opened the door, leaving me to my own thoughts. The tears finally released themselves, as I just stared at the locked door. I suddenly felt mortified, everything hitting me at once.

It had been a month and there was no word of anyone coming for me. It had been a month since my brother died, and the last time I saw anyone's face. I was sure that I would have heard something about Naruto, but not even he attempted to come to my aid. Then again, maybe it's what I deserved. I did leave him, and the others. I hurt them I'm sure, and now I'm paying for it ten-fold.

I looked over at the bowl of ramen, still piping hot. I couldn't help but think of all the times I took Naruto and Sakura out for ramen. I even thought about Sasuke, and how much I did miss him too.

"What am I doing?" I mumbled to myself, slowly becoming angry.

How could I think such horrible things. If anyone was going to fight his way for me, it was Naruto. He never gives up on anyone, no matter how wrong they are. So there's no way in hell he gave up on me. So why am I giving up on them?

Konan is right, I need my energy. I need to make it home back to those kids. I need to make it home back to Kakashi.

I grabbed the bowl of food, laying it in my lap, the heat making me shiver. I looked down at it for a moment, before forcing myself to take the first bite.

For Team Seven.

*         *         *

Konan came into my room, a quick smile appeared on her face as she noticed the food was gone. She looked back over at me, and frowned slightly, as I just stared at the door.

"I'm glad you ate." She said, as she made her way towards me.
"Pein has called a meeting, so I know you know what that means." She said, as I let out a soft sigh. I allowed her to tie my hands up, and escort me to Pein's office. I kept my head low, and my moments slow.

On the way there I saw a smirking Hidan, who made my heart full of hatred, and yet fear. Konan opened the door, and sat me down into my normal chair, before tying my arms to the chair.

"Pein's patience is growing very thin, Miss
(Y/N). Sending you with Hidan yesterday was a prime indication of that." She said as I continued to stare forward, not saying a word.
"He's allowing you one last chance to be apart of us. After that, he's going to have to take more desperate measures, and I'd hate to see that." She said before walking towards the door.
"I'll go get Pein, I just hope you choose wisely." She said before heading out the door.

Just like clock work, one by one, members filed into the room, staring at me.

"Shit, Hidan, what the hell did you do to her?" Deidara asked looking at my bruised, cut up face and busted lip.

It must look as bad at it feels then.

Hidan entered the room with a proud smirk on his face.

"Showed her the way of Jashinism of course." He said with a wicked giggle.

"Wow Hidan, I knew you wouldn't go easy on (Y/N) but..." White Zetsu said.
"This is Hidan you're talking about. I'm surprised he didn't kill her." Black Zetsu chimed in.

"You're all too soft on the bitch. You want to get a stubborn mule to change its mind, you have to get physical." He added, cockiness wreathing from his voice.

"Stubborn mule? I'm surprised she hasn't talked back to you Hidan. You really did a number on her, didn't you? You're awfully quiet today (Y/N)." Kisame said to me, as he watched me.
"What? No shut up with some lame fish joke at the end? You really did learn how to muzzle the poor girl." He said with a chuckle.

"Come to think about it, Tobi has been awfully quiet too. I can't ever get him to shut up, yet I haven't heard him say a word since yesterday." Deidara said, as everyone looked over at Tobi who was just standing in the corner.

"Well I enjoy the quietness." Kakuzu exclaimed.
"Those two manage to give me a headache every time they open their damn mouths." He added.

"What's wrong with you Tobi?" Itachi asked as Tobi just sat on the ground.

"Nothing." He said softly, as I couldn't help but just stare at my feet.

"Good, everyone is here." Pein said, as he and Konan walked into the room.
"We have only five more tailed-beasts to capture. Deidara and Tobi, you two are to find and capture the three tails. Kisame and Itachi, your mission is to retrieve the four tails. Zetsu you already know what you're to do. Hidan and Kakuzu, I have given you the list of what we need in order to work on the eight and nine-tails." Pein said as everyone nodded.
"Konan and I have our own duties to fulfill."

"What about (Y/N)?" Itachi asked, causing Tobi's head to move slightly.

"Where she ends up, solely depends on her answer." He said, as he looked over at me.
"(Y/N)?" He asked as I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"Do you have an answer?" He asked as I took a deep breath.

"I'll join." I said defeated, looking down at my knees. 

"Wow Hidan, you really did train her!" Kisame said in almost an awe as I growled.

"Glad to see you could finally agree to our terms." Pein said, as he looked at me.
"Since I don't trust you just yet, you'll be with Konan and I. And you'll still be given the shot." He said as I just stared at the ground.
"It's not too bad, you'll soon learn that." He added, as I just didn't move. 
"Hidan, untie her." He said as I just stared at my legs.

"What? Why me?!" He whined.

"Because I ordered you to do so." He proclaimed as Hidan sighed, and walked close to me, causing me to flinch. Kisame threw him a Kunai, as he began to cut my hands and arms free from their bounds.

I let out a small smirk, before I kicked him as hard as I could in the balls, making him groan and fall to his knees. I quickly punched him in the face, grabbing his head and slamming it into my knees, making him groan and a loud crack was heard.

"You fucking bitch!!" He screamed as he covered his bloody nose, going to swing his kunai at me, but it was suddenly blocked by someone's body.

"T-tobi!" I said in shock, as Kakuzu grabbed ahold of Hidan, holding him still.

"Now why would you do that (Y/N)?" Pein asked slightly amused.

"What? He touched me without permission. I was just simply returning the favor." I growled in annoyance, earning a chuckle from Kisame.

"Guess you really didn't muzzle the mule, did you Hidan?" Kisame asked in a taunting way.

"Shut the hell up!" Hidan spat in anger, as Pein dismissed the group.

"I want you to tend to Tobi's wounds. Since you did cause the problem." He ordered, as I sighed.

* * *

"Tobi hold still!" I said in frustration as he kept moving every time I tried to grab on to his cloak.

"No!" He whined as I sighed.

"Come on Tobi! Just let me help you!" I said in annoyance as he ran to the other side of the room.

"Tobi doesn't deserve your help!" He cried out as I took a deep breath, before running after him around his room.

"You idiot! You're bleeding! And your wound could get infected!" I said, making him sigh.

"It doesn't matter! Tobi didn't help you when Hidan was hurting you!" He said, making me freeze.
"Tobi should have helped you! But he didn't! He just ran to Konan for help! Tobi said he wouldn't let you get hurt, a-and he did!!" He cried as I just stared at him.

"Tobi stop." I said, as he shook his head and cried like a baby.


"Tobi!" I yelled making him stop his wailing. He just looked at me. I walked over to him and grabbed ahold of his wrist.
"It's okay." I said as he just stared.
"You got Konan for me, right?" I asked as he nodded.

"I-I even fixed your wounds! Well I tried too anyways." He said rubbing the back of his neck, with an awkward chuckle.

"You tried to get help. That's all that matters I guess. So just stop your crying, and please left me help with your wounds. You're getting blood everywhere!" I said as he sighed.

"Okay..." He said softly as I let out a small smile.

"Thank you. Now I need you to take off your cloak." I said as he made a weird noise.

"How scandalous." He said playfully as I rolled my eyes.

"Easy there swirls, I have a boyfriend remember? Now just do it." I said with a small laugh as he giggled.

"Yes ma'am!" He replied as he unzipped his cloak and set it to the side. I examined his wound, the blood seeping through his shirt, indicating exactly where the wound was.
"Like what you see?" He asked, making me blush.

"I was checking for your wound." I said as he giggled.

"I know." He said.

"You're awfully chipper for a guy who's been stabbed." I said.

"It hurts, but I'm used to it." He said as I nodded.
"I deserve it anyways." He added making me frown.

"Okay now listen, because my mom senses are tingling and I'm only going to say this once since we are technically...  Frenemies? I don't need you to fight my battles. Yes I asked for your help, and no you didn't physically help me. However, you got Konan so in a sense you did help me in the best way you could. Hidan is a twisted fucker, and you probably did the best thing since I'm sure you might not have been able to handle him. No offense..." I said as he sighed.
"You took an actual kunai to the stomach for me today, so really you did save me. But don't say you deserve it. I don't care who the hell you are, no one deserves that. Except for maybe Hidan. Yeah he deserves it. But he'll get what's coming to him, especially if he manages to find Kakashi and tell him. And if I know my brother and his team like I think I do, he's practically a dead man."

"Aren't you supposed to be with the Akatsuki?" He asked as I chuckled.

"Yeah, but Itachi's little genjutsu gave me an idea. I won't go down without a fight." I said with a bit of confidence.
"Okay, now either take off your shirt, or lift it up. I need to be able to fix the wound."

"Now you'll have to buy me dinner first!" He said with a giggle.

"Tobi! Just do it, you idiot." I said, rolling my eyes with a snort.
"I'm supposed to be the sassy one so stop taking my thunder." I teased, as he lifted up his shirt slowly, up to his chest.
"Holy shit!" I gasped, as I looked at his body.
"Tobi what happened?" I asked in confusion.

"I got stabbed remember, silly goose!" He said as I rolled my eyes.

"I know that you ninny! I meant, what happened to this half of your body...?" I said as I touched the right side of his body, making him flinch.

"Don't do that." He said, his once chipper voice went down an octave, making me jump.

"I'm sorry..." I said, as I grabbed a cloth.

"It's ugly isn't it?" He said, his voice sounded somber.

"No, it just shows you've been through a lot." I said as he nodded.

"Nothing happened really, I was just injured in battle." He said, as I nodded leaving it at that.

"Will you lay down for me?" I asked, as he chuckled.

"First my clothes and now you want me to lay down, you sure you're not secretly single." He teased, with his non high pitch voice.

"Unless you want to fix this yourself-"

"You're just fun to pick on, I'm sorry." He said as I chuckled. He laid down on his bed, and I sighed.



"Do you think the girl you're fighting for, your reason for being in the Akatsuki, would really want you here?" I asked, as I grabbed some cloth and so alcohol. I began to clean off the blood with a dry cloth.

"I'm not sure." He said, as I nodded.

"What happened to your voice Tobi?" I asked.
"First it was... Well Tobi... and now it's like you're someone else." I added as he chuckled.

"You're prying an awful lot. You know that?" He asked as I smirked.

"And you're being secretive." I added making him chuckle.

"We all have our secrets Miss (Y/N)."

"This might sting a little." I said, as I pour some alcohol straight on his cut. He let out a small hiss under his mask. 
"Sorry." I said softly, as he chuckled.

"Since I'm seen as your enemy, I'm surprise you care this much."

"Blame the mother instincts."

"You're a mother?"

"No, but one day I'm sure I will be. But until then I use idiots who get stabbed for practice with my motherly instincts." I teased, as I dried his cut and pressed down on it, until the blood stopped.
"My team, not that this matters to you, but I see those four as my children anyways. That's why I won't let anything happen to Naruto." I added.

"So then what's your angle? The Akatsuki wants his tailed beast, which mean he has to die. You agreed to join us, so what's the catch?" He asked.

"We all have our secrets." I mocked as he chuckled.
"The blood has stopped it seems, so I'm going to stitch you up okay? If it hurts too bad I'll let you squeeze my shoulder." I said playfully.

"You can't see it, but I most definitely rolled my eyes." He replied making me snort.

"I plan on over throwing the Akatsuki."

"Well no offense, but that's stupid." Tobi replied making me look at him.

"Careful now, I have a needle in my hand." I teased.
"But, you don't seem like you're too bad of a guy Tobi. I'm sure if I explained your situation to the Leaf, you could join us! You just don't seem like the type to be in a group like this. Naruto would love you I'm sure. That's all you need really." I added.

"I'm afraid that won't happen. I'll keep your secret, I'm truly intrigued to see that play out." He said, as he suddenly grabbed my arm and squeezed.
"S-Sorry." He hissed as I chuckled.

"If I had my powers, I'm sure I could heal you, without this extra pain." I replied, slowly stitching his wound.
"Hmm, there you go." I said as I cut the thread with a small knife.
"I haven't done that in a long time, but it looks great! Should heal up nicely!" I added, as he slowly put his shirt back on.

"Thanks." He said, as I nodded.

"It could have been me, so really thank you." I said, as I cleaned up the cloths and threw them away. He got up, and put his cloak back on before heading to the door.

"Looks like we are even now." He said with a chuckle.
"Now if you'll excuse me." He said as he opened the door.
"Ohhhhhh Deidaraaaa!!!" Tobi said in his higher voice, before he ran out of the room.

"Shut up Tobi!!" I heard Deidara reply making me chuckle.

"Oh come on Deidara! Aren't you happy to see that I am alive after the big mean Hidan stabbed me!" I heard him add, as I rolled my eyes.

You're something else Tobi.

* * *

"So you're Kakashi of the Sharingan huh?" Hidan asked with a smirk, as Kakashi finally decided to get to business. Lifting up his headband to showcase his sharingan to the enemy.

"I am, not that it matters to you." He said as he began to chase the other silver haired ninja up a tree.

"Yeah, but it does to your girl apparently." He said, causing Kakashi's heart to merely stop.

Whatever he says, do not let it get under your skin. You need to remain calm. Kakashi thought to himself.

"You should have heard her." He said with a smirk, locking eyes with Kakashi, who sucked in a heavy breath, as he dodged Hidan's sythe.

"What in the hell did you do to her?" He asked in anger, nearly forgetting his own advice.

"Not much." He said, hiting Kakashi's kunai with his sythe.
"But your bitch is a real screamer! Hadn't gotten to have fun like that in a long time." He said, knowing exactly how to get under his opponents skin. Kakashi's sudden focus wasn't on his comrades, and his friend's students below, but figuring out what exactly happened to (Y/N).

"What did you say?" He growled, as he tried to get close to Hidan, but his clouded judgement only allowed Hidan the advantage.

"Oh don't worry, I didn't get pleasure from fucking her brains out!" He said with an evil cackle.
"Us Jashinists are only allowed pleasure through causing pain. Her cries and pleads for you to help her, her stubborn attitude suddenly broken and weak is what really got me going!" He said sadistically, making Kakashi's heart hurt.
"She begged me to stop, but I just couldn't!" He added.
"It was pure ecstasy!"

Every word that left Hidan's mouth, only broke Kakashi's heart more. The idea of (Y/N) hurting drove him mad, almost insane, as he suddenly felt the urge to become almost animalistic.

"Kakashi Sensei!!!" He heard Ino yell, before he shook his head clear. Hidan's eyes sparkled as he knew that he had gotten the level headed ninja to lose his cool, even if it was just for a second.

"Oh but don't worry, I didn't cum in her. That bitch isn't worthy of Jashin's seed." He added, making Kakashi finally snap, and Hidan knew it wasn't just play time anymore. Things were about to get way too serious.

*         *          *

"What?" I asked in annoyance as Pein just did his work. 

"The plan is slowing going into fruition." He said as I rolled my eyes.
"Though you've piqued my curiosity. Why the sudden change of heart? Wasn't your goal originally to protect that nine-tails brat?"  He asked as he prepared my shot.

"It was... Until I realized that if he really cared about me... If the leaf did anyways, they would have at least sent someone after me for my rescue. It wouldn't have been Naruto, no that would have been stupid. But it would have been someone I'm sure you could have easily taken down... And if so, you wouldn't be quiet about it, I'm sure. But Naruto has always gone out of his way to save people, the second they need to be saved. Thinking about it, I'm putting myself through torture for someone who didn't even try to rescue me... So why bother?" I stated, as Pein looked slightly unconvinced. He set the shot on his desk, as he just watched me.

"I see." He said.
"And just like that, you gave up on everyone? Even your boyfriend?" He asked as I sighed.

"I don't want to give up on him. But it's clear that he has given up on me. According to Itachi anyways." I lied, as he rose a brow.

"And you believed him?"

"Why wouldn't I? Even if he was lying, Kakashi's actions speak louder than his words. If Kakashi was in my place, and I in his, do you really think I would just wait there? The answer is no. I'd come blazing in like a fire, and spread my wrath even if it killed me in the end." I said, staring into Pein's eyes. 

"I see." He said, as he went back to work.

"I just wish I would have understood my comrades loyalties to me, or lack of I should say." I added.
"I don't trust you, or this plan. But if it can help me avenge myself, then fuck everything and everyone else." I stated with confidence.
"They wanted to hurt me, by not coming to my rescue, and trusting me, then I'll give it right back to them ten-fold."

"You sound like your trying to convince yourself." Pein said, as I chuckled.

"The Otoko were always means of destruction, it's time I accept that role." I said as I walked closer to his desk.

"Well that doesn't seem like you." He said as I sighed.

"I'll put up more of a rebellious fight if you'd like?" I said with a chuckle.

"That won't be necessary."

"Good, glad we can see eye to eye then." I said with every step getting closer and closer to Pein's desk. I quickly grabbed ahold of the shot on his desk, making him put his hands up quickly.
"Relax." I said as I help it to my neck.
"I'm just proving I can be trusted for now." I said, as he watched me like a hawk. I flinched as I pretended to put the needle into my skin.
"Fuck." I growled, as I quickly fell to the ground on my knees, pretending to go through that feeling I knew all too well.

For Team Seven.

I pretended to pass out, as I waited for the next plan of action to start. I made sure that the shot was still resting freely in the palm of my hand, as I squinted my eyes open just enough to watch for Pein. He didn't move for quite a while. He left me lying on the floor for what felt like an hour, making me somewhat tired. I couldn't fall asleep however, I needed this plan to work. When he got up, he made his way around his desk to me, as he bent down to get the shot.

"You're truly something else... He was right." Was all he said, before he was close enough for me to strike. As fast as lightning, I grabbed behind his neck, pressing our foreheads together, as I gripped the shot in my hand and slammed it into his neck, pushing its containment's into his body, as he hissed in pain.

"That doesn't feel so good, does it?" I asked in anger, as I watched him slowly flutter in and out of consciousness.
"You were stupid enough to be alone in this base, and to tell me exactly where I was." I said as he groaned.
"Was a pleasure doing business with you, but I got to get home before dinner ya know?" I said as I pushed his limp body away, and proceeded to run out of the office.

Okay shit, where do I go?!
I need to keep an eye out of for Konan too.

I ran around the base, trying to find the exit, as I passed by different doors. After opening a few, I came to a stop, and took a deep breath.

"Please be it..." I muttered over and over again, as I opened the door, getting excited as it lead to the outside world. I ran out of the base like a mad woman, as the rain suddenly began to pour.
"I don't need to make a scene, but I need to get out of here quickly." I said, as I bit into my thumb.
"Summoning Jutsu!" I yelled, as I slammed my hand to the ground.

"Dammit (Y/N)!! It's raining! And you know what the rain does to my fur coat." Yagami whined.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked as he got to my level.

"I need your help Yagami..." I panted as he looked at me.

"You don't look too good squirt." He said worriedly.

"And you sound concerned." I teased.

"Listen you brat, I can easily leave, you know." He said as I smiled.

"I know." I said placing my hand on his fur, scratching his favorite spot on his cheek.
"But can you help me get out of here first? I'll explain everything on the way." I said, as he sighed, and lowered his body so that I could ride his back.
"Thank you Yagami." I added, as I got on his neck, and held on as much as I could.

I owe you for this, Itachi.

"Let's just get out of here!" He said as he began to scurry through the rain village.

We didn't make it very far before we had a three headed dog on our tail.

"What abomination is that?!" Yagami asked, as he went faster.
"No matter, lets take them down." He said with a smirk.

"We can't."

"What? What do you mean we can't?!" He asked as I frowned.

"I don't have my powers Yagami... Not right now anyways." I frowned.

"Child, you're becoming a headache, making me fight such ugly creatures on my own. Do I look like a weasel to you?!" He asked as I chuckled.

"Of course not Yagami! I just knew you loved me and would protect me, as much as I love you and I would protect you. Bonds and all, ya know." I said as he huffed.

"You're lucky I do. If this was anyone else, I'd throw them to the dogs. Quite literally." He said as he suddenly turned around and shot golden flames out of his mouth, burning the pooches before running faster.

"I'm sorry I'm not much help."

"You owe me a big bowl of leafy greens, and those scrumptious sweet dumplings. You hear me?" He asked as I nodded. I looked back, to see the dogs suddenly spread apart and become a pack of smaller dogs, making my eyes widen.

"Yagami!" I yelled making him look back.

"These pups are becoming quite troublesome." He said as he swatted his long tail, making the rabid dogs fly in the air, before poofing away.
"What kind of summoning was that?!" He asked, before he was suddenly slammed to the ground, causing me to fly off of him, and role in the ground in pain.

I groaned, as I rolled over.

"Get off of me you slime ball!" I heard Yagami boom, as I looked up and saw an chameleon on his back. On top of the chameleon, was a man with the rinnegan.

"Y-Yagami." I groaned, as four people surrounded me. A bald guy, with the rinnegan grabbed me by my neck, making me gasp for air.

"(Y/N)!!" Yagami yelled, as I frowned.

"G-go home Yagami!" I gasped as Yagami tried to thrash around.
"They w-want me a-Alive. S-So g-go home." I muttered, as I felt winded. The man dropped me, as I coughed, and suddenly felt a pain in my neck.
"GO HOME NOW!!" I screamed in pain, as I felt my body fade in and out of consciousness. I saw Yagami poof away, making me feel somewhat relieved.

"You made a very stupid choice (Y/N) Otoko." I heard someone say. With my last bit of strength, I saw Pein, and five other rinnegan users standing tall above me, with a glare plastered on their face.

What do I do now? I thought to myself as I finally faded into the darkness.


I could have kept writing but a girl was like nah, I'll save some magic and wait for the next chapter!

GUYS WE WON THE GENERAL NARUTO ADMISSION!! I'm so excited and happy!!! WE DID IT!!! Ah. AND the_blue_dandelion got first in their submission as well!!! And MidnightAngel5 GOT THIRD LIKE WE ARE FUCKING WINNERS BRO GO US!! Thank you guys so much.

I have so much planned for what's to come, and I think you guys deserve a little treat, so don't worry, there's always light in the darkness! And I will feed you well, I promise!

I love you guys so much. I really do.
You're perfect and beautiful and handsome and gorgeous and gah. I'm getting all gushy mushy, but I do love you guys. Xoxo!

And now a funny story from your friendly neighborhood Author Chan:

When writing "you need to remain calm" on Kakashi's piece up there. My dumbass was like

"You need to romaine calm."

Romaine? That looks a little weird doesn't it.

Romaine? Romaine?

Googles romaine.

It's the damn lettuce 😭😭😭

The more you know. Your Author Chan is a dumbutt!

I love you.

Peace out kakashi Scouts! ✌🏽

Posted: September 17, 2019

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