68) Apologies

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"What's your name?" Ibiki said as I let out a soft snort.

"Really?" I sighed in boredom.

"It's protocol (Y/N)." He replied as I nodded.
"We can do this the easy way, or the fun way." He replied as I rolled my eyes.

"You would be the one to call it the fun way." I said as he chuckled.
"Let's not be coy over it, you also hope you get to do it the fun way." I replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"True, though I'll feel a little remorse, only because I consider you a comrade." He said as I chuckled.

"I'm touched." I replied.

"Name?" He responded as I looked up at him.

"(Y/N) Sarutobi... Well, it might be Otoko now, I don't really know? We've never really discussed it... Um... Yeah... (Y/N) Sarutobi Otoko I guess." I replied with a soft chuckle.

"Do you know why you're here?" He asked as I looked up at him.

"Because I enjoy being in a contraption that keeps my whole body, except for my head trapped. Oh the fear of being tortured for answers really kindles the loins, ya know." I replied sarcastically.
"Yes, I know why I'm here."

"You're lucky I like you." He said with a chuckle, as I sighed. I looked over at Kakashi, who just sat back against the wall looking at me.

"Sorry. I've been on edge. I've seen what happens on the other side, I'm not used to being in the contraption." I said as I looked up at Ibiki.

"Well as long as you cooperate, there shouldn't be an issue, as you know."

"Yeah but you like to torture, I see it in your face."

"True, however I've been ordered to cut you some slack. Unless you refuse to answer."

"By who?" I replied in confusion, as I looked over at Kakashi.
"That's never stopped you before."

"Be honest with me, and I'll be honest with you." He said as I sighed.
"Now, why don't tell me what you remember?" He said as I nodded.

"Well, I remember my fight with Lady Tsunade, and my fight with Kakashi." I said with a frown, as I looked at Kakashi, who looked at me for a second before looking back down, crossing his arms.
"I remember leaving on the mission with my brother. I remember Hidan and Kakuzu. I remember having Hidan in my grasp. I could have easily killed him, but I was trying to save my brother. I remember threatening to kill all three of them."

"Asuma included?"

"Asuma included." I clarified.
"I didn't want to, but I knew if worse came to worse, I had to do what I had to do." I said with a frown.
"I remember trading Asuma, for myself after that. I knew I was able to overthrow Hidan, I was sure I could take down Kakuzu as well. So I offered myself as capture, in the exchange the others be left alone. They were going to follow that deal, but Asuma followed us. He tried to kill Hidan, before I could, which resulted in Asuma's death."

"And you didn't try to escape?"

"They stuck me with a needle before I could do anything. I passed out pretty quickly after that." I said sadly.
"I'm sure the mission reports would have told you that."

"What was in the needle?"

"(Y/N) repellent?" I joked.
"I don't know." I said as I groaned.
"Hurt like a son of a bitch though." I said with a breathy laugh.
"It felt like a burning sensation went through every inch of my body, and it made me have a lack of chakra." I said, as Ibiki jotted some notes down.
"I should say it practically took it all away, or at least that's what it constantly felt like."

"I see." He said as he looked down at me.

"When I woke up, I was in some place. And I remember the members of the Akatsuki. I remember their leader threatening me with torture if I didn't join them, but we all know me and my sarcastic mouth." I said as Ibiki nodded.
"The torture began. First with the aquatic asshole Kisame Hoshigaki; he water boarded me, then tried to drown me completely, but would stop before I passed out, of course." I said as I noticed Kakashi stiffen.
"Eventually, he gave up, and I was sent to my room. The kid was next... Deidara, the one we thought Kakashi killed. He didn't do anything to me, except ask me to join. Though he didn't really care if I joined or not. He was alright I guess. It was a shame he was the enemy though." I said as Ibiki and the others watched me.

"You were meant to be tortured and yet he did nothing? Who would pass up such an opportunity?" Ibiki said as I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously not you." I said as he nodded and winked.

"You know me well." He teased as I shook my head softly.

"I believe Itachi Uchiha was next... I swear there was someone before that... But I can't remember..." I said as the room got silent, and Kakashi stared at me. I looked at him, as Ibiki spoke up.

"We'll have Inoichi look through your mind, after I learn the details of Itachi's methods." He said with a smirk.
"I'm sure he gave you no mercy." He said, as I stared at Kakashi.

"Itachi took my world and turned it into a twisted fantasy. Old comrades that I once knew were alive. The ninja world I knew didn't exist, and I faced heartbreak more than enough while under his jutsu."

"Seeing his track record, I'm surprised he let you off so easily." He replied as I snapped my head towards him.

"He made me believe that Team Seven and Team Ten came to my rescue... He made me believe that I had finally had the chance to reconcile with my lover, and he watched as I-" I suddenly stopped and looked down, blushing.

"As you what?"

"I think I'll take a pass on that one. I seem to have spoken too much." I said in embarrassment, as Ibiki looked over at Inoichi who nodded and stepped forward.
"Wait... Wait!" I said as he stopped.
"Uh... You really don't wanna see that." I pleaded, as he looked at me.

"It's an interrogation (Y/N)." He replied as I tried to clear my mind.
"Besides I've seen many things in this line of duty, it can't be that bad." He replied as I blushed harder. His hand went to my head and he closed his eyes.

"I beg to differ." I replied before I suddenly felt as if I was in a trance. I could feel him inside of my head for moments before we both came back to clarity. Inoichi removed his hand, and cleared his throat as his face turned red. Ibiki rose a brow as Inoichi looked over at Kakashi for a mere moment before shaking his head.

"Well?" Ibiki asked as Inoichi blushed harder.

"Uh, there seems to be a part of her memory blocked, this is why she... Can't remember pieces. The memories are their, but not even I can open them..." he trailed off blushing.

"Why in the hell are you blushing like a little school girl?" He asked in confusion, as Inoichi's and my face turned red.

"I stand corrected." He said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, and cleared his throat.
"Seems (Y/N) and Kakashi most definitely made up..." he said as he blushed harder.
"They were getting down and jiggy with it..." he added as I blushed.

"Why did you have to say it like that?!" I asked in confusion and embarrassment, as I mentally face palmed myself.
"We're adults here, just say we fucked against the tree." I said as I looked ahead at the ground.

"You could have just said that in the first place!" Inoichi said.

"Or I could have kept that to myself, thank you very much!" I replied defensively.

"So you fornicated with Itachi in the woods?" He asked as I shook my head. I didn't dare to look over at Kakashi.

"No! At first, when I found out it was all apart of his prowess, I thought he did that to me." I said as they looked confused.
"He just uh ... He watched... As I... Well you know... With a figment of my imagination..."

"Such a shame the kid was a rouge ninja, he would have done just great here." He said with a chuckle.

"Thanks for your concern, I'm fine thanks for asking."

"You may continue." He replied as I sighed.

"I have to say, I'm greatful for his jutsu. His jutsu was the whole reason I decided to truly fight back.

"And why is that?" He asked in amusement as I chuckled.

"It reminded me why I left in the first place, to protect the ones I loved. I started losing hope after a few weeks. His genjutsu pulled me out of that." I said as he nodded.

"Would you have agreed to join if-"

"No. I would have found a way out."

"You said you were losing hope."

"I was, but I-"

"So wouldn't that have made you feel lost? Made you want to lose control? We know how you get when you're angry." He stated.

"I was lost. I was scared. I was angry. I found my motivation to escape. Even if it was the last thing that I-"

"I don't believe it. You're hiding something. So you weren't mad that no one came to your rescue? Surely that would have made you think about getting back at the village for revenge."

"I would never attack the village. I love-"

"Just like your swore you wouldn't leave it?" He lectured.

"If you don't quit interrupting me, I swear I'll-"

"You'll what (Y/N)?" He challenged with a chuckle.

"Maybe you should take it easy on her." Kakashi intervened, getting off the wall.

"This is an interrogation, not a daycare center Kakashi." He snapped before looking back at me.
"You don't like it, then get the hell out." He added.
"Inoichi." He stated as he nodded and placed a hand to my head.

"We just need to make sure you're back for the right reason." He clarified as I felt him digging through my mind.
"So let's just take a look." He said before he watched the many times I doubted myself.

What's the point of fighting a battle you're destined to lose? Kakashi hates you, they all do, you betrayed them all.

Shut up.

If they really cared about you, they would have been here to rescue you. But they don't care anymore do they? Traitor.

Shut up.

I bet Kakashi has found someone else by now, loving them, telling them about how he fell in love with a girl who turned out to be a traitor.

Shut up, that's not true.

You know (Y/N), why fight anymore?

Because I need to get home to the people that-

You think they still love you after you left?

I left to save my brother.

And did that work out for you? Such a failure.

Get out of my head.

Why would the Akatsuki still want you? You're weak, pretty soon they'll be bored of you. You're nothing special, and once they see that, you're a goner.

I said get out of my head. This is hopeless. I'm never going to get out of here.

I rocked myself back and forth, looking around the lightly dimmed room. I bit my lip as I noticed the rope behind me around the bed post. I looked up to the ceiling and saw a pipe, as I let out a soft sigh.

Well, there is one way out.

No, don't think like that. Just get out of my head.

Don't you remember what you used to do when Obito and Rin died? Didn't it feel so good?

Stop it.

I mean, you're no use to them dead.

I made a promise to Kakashi.

And yet he promised to always protect you, but where is he now?

You shut up.

Make me.

Inoichi left my mind and sighed.

"I would have killed myself before joining." I said looking at Kakashi who stared intensely at me.
"My anger and hatred wasn't for this village. It was at myself. Not for leaving, but being careless and thinking I had the advantage. I underestimated the enemy and I paid for it. I'm sure after this I'll pay for it some more. My goal has always been and always will be to protect this village just like my father did. I wasn't old enough to protect my village back then, but I'm old enough to protect my home today." I stated.
"Or die trying..."

*       *       *

"Don't you think this is a bit much?" I asked as some of Konoha's best ninja stood around Kardama and I. I looked down at my handcuffs and chuckled.

"If it were up to me I'd have your ass thrown into our jail cells, or maybe even Hōzuki Castle for that matter." Tsunade said, as I sighed and crossed my arms.
"And you, would go right with her."

"Well, with all due respect Lady Tsunade, you are the Hokage after all. It is up to you, but apparently something is holding you back." I said as she sighed.

"Leave us." She said as the ninja left one by one until the door was closed.
"As the Hokage, there are many things I must think about. And there are discussions that are held, and things I must do to equal a balance of integrity and the village." She said as I rose a brow.
"As the Hokage, I believe that your actions cannot go unpunished." She said as she stood up and walked towards me.
"As a mentor however, and a person who understands your position, I can't help but think about how I've been in your shoes once before." She said before looking at Kardama.
"And you." She pointed at him.
"Last time I checked, you were considered a traitor to the Hidden Leaf." She stated.

"He's not one of them anymore Lady Tsunade. He's one of us." I said as she closed her eyes in annoyance.
"He died for that reason. I think that proves his loyalties enough."

"The results of both of your interrogations is very suspicious. You can't remember half of your memories with the Akatsuki." She said to me.
"And the back half of your memories are a blur as well. Why is that?" She asked Kardama.

"The Akatsuki take no risks when it comes to its people. We would have been killed. Used, but killed in the end. There's only so much they tell us, only so much that we are allowed to know." Kardama spoke as she rose a brow.

"Back then, you were able to deceive the Leaf Village once. Whose to say you're not here to do it again."

"I understand why I am deemed as untrustworthy in your village. If you must lock me up for the rest of my days, then so be it. No amount of punishment will ever equal to my crimes." He said as I sighed.

"We all have choices. And we all have chances at redemption. Give him that chance Tsunade. If I'm wrong... Then you can send us both to Hōzuki Castle." I said as she held the bridge of her nose.

"Shizune, bring them back in." Tsunade ordered as I sighed and looked down. One by one they surrounded us, waiting for orders.
"Uncuff them." She said causing me to look up at her.
"They are allowed their space, however I want twenty four hour surveillance on the two of them until this Akatsuki mess is set straight. Make sure to watch them from a distance. We can never be too careful whose after them." She said as I smiled widely.

"Yes ma'am." They said as she nodded.

"You may leave." She ordered as they left, and shut the door behind them.
"No missions. Not without my permission. No exceptions." She stated as I nodded.
"You both look like hell... I can only imagine what you went through." She said looking at me with saddened eyes. I looked at her in confusion, before there was a knock at the door.

"You wanted to see us Lady Hokage?" Shikamaru said, as he and Kakashi walked through the door.

"Yes. Shikamaru, Kakashi. You both are being assigned new missions." She said seriously as they stood straight and awaited orders.
"Shikamaru I want you to keep an eye on Kardama. He's an ex member of the Akatsuki. Until this mess is straightened out, I need you to keep a very sharp eye on him." She said as Shikamaru let out a sharp sigh.

"What a drag." He said softly, as I chuckled.

"Kakashi, I want you to keep a close eye on
(Y/N). I'm trusting you with this assignment. Do not fail me." She said as Kakashi and I looked at each other, and he nodded.
"No missions for the two of you until I realize I need it. Any questions?"

"Where will he stay?" Shikamaru asked as Lady Tsunade rose a brow.

"With you of course." She said as his eyes widened.

"You've got to be joking."

"I'm as serious as the heart attack you'll get if you dare talk back to me again." She said calmly, making Shikamaru gulp.
"Any other questions?" She asked as they shook their head.

"Wait, I have one!" I said as she looked at me.

"Yes (Y/N)?"

"Why is Shikamaru watching Kardama? Not that I think he couldn't do it! He could. But wouldn't it make more sense for it to be Yamato? If your assumptions were correct, I doubt the Akatsuki would have just let us go... I doubt Shikamaru would want to hang with us constantly. He has his own friends, and would be better suited helping plan for when the Akatsuki pull their next move." I said as she placed her hands on her chin.
"Kakashi and Yamato are always together, and they are the best qualified for it, it would just make more sense. Keeping us together that is. Defense wise of course." I added as she nodded.

"I currently have Yamato on a mission, but I will take your thoughts into consideration.  Until then, Shikamaru will watch over Kardama. Understood?" She asked as we all nodded.
"Good. Then you all may leave. I want them taken back to the hospital for further analysis, and then let them rest." She said as we all nodded and headed out one by one.
"And I mean rest Kakashi." She added, making me blush.

"Come on then, you heard the lady." Shikamaru said as we silently went to the hospital. As soon as we got there, Kardama and Shikamaru were escorted to another sector of the hospital, while Kakashi and I were taken to the room I was in to wait. No words left our mouths, what could we say anyways? I hated the awkward silence, this wasn't how I wanted things to be, but I knew one thing stronger than words. The second Kakashi and I were left alone in the hospital room, I hugged him as hard as I could. There was a harsh pain coming from my body, but I ignored it.


"Shhh. Don't say anything." I said softly.
"Just hold me. Just for a minute." I added as I felt Kakashi wrap his arms around me. He rested his chin on the top of my head.
"Please tell me this is real... That this isn't a genjutsu... That I'm really here, back home." I asked softly.

"Well..." He said sketchily, making me look up at him.
"You're not home yet. You're in a hospital." Kakashi said jokingly, as I snorted.

"I hate you jerk." I said playfully as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too... Brat." He said as I looked up at him. My hands went up to his face, as I just caressed his covered cheeks with my hands. I felt his face snuggle with my hand as I examined his face, and the dark bag that caressed his eye.
"Careful. Your arms aren't in the best condition. I don't want to see you get even more hurt."

"I'll take all the pain in the world to prove that I'm sorry..." I said as his hands went up to mine.
"I'm not sorry for leaving. But I'm sorry for how I left things between us."

"You did what you needed to do. You don't need to apologize. I'm the one who abandoned you when I should have talked it out, and comforted you." He said as I shook my head.
"I was scared that I was going to lose you, and the last thing I ever said to you was words I never meant."

"You were one of my main reasons to keep fighting. If I had one single reason to live, it was you. It's always been you. I can see it in your face, how worried you must have been... How much you all have been, and that's my fault. I'm sorry for that."

"Nah, we were doing just fine until you came back along." Kakashi teased, as I gasped and playfully smacked his shoulder with my good hand causing him to chuckle.
"Cease fire, I was just kidding." He said as he lightly grabbed my hand.
"Are you okay? I mean I know it's been a lot... I'm just worried." He said with concern in his eyes.

"My body may be in pain... But right now, I'm happier than I have been. Trust me." I said with a smile plastered on my face.

"God, I missed you (Y/N)." He said while looking at me with pain filled eyes.

"I missed you too Kashi..." I said softly.

"I'd say prove it, but we are in a hospital room."  He said as I rose a brow.

"When has a location ever stopped us?"

"Since you got bruises, and fractures, and whatever else the doctor said last night." He said scratching his head.
"A bruised rib. Or was it broken?" He questioned as I chuckled.

"I'm gonna go with bruised, it hurts like a bitch, but doesn't hurt like a bitch. Ya know?"

"Of course, because that made sense!" He said sarcastically making me role my eyes playfully.
"Are you sure they didn't steal your brain, and replace it with a pea?" He teased, poking my head softly as I gasped.

"I'm so smart! In fact, I'm smarter than you!"

"I doubt that!" He added making me smirk.

"Oh yeah?" I challenged as he nodded.
"Then I doubt I'll ever have sex with you again!" I said making him gasp playfully.

"You take that back!"

"Why don't you make me?!" I challenged, causing him to quickly got behind me and chuckle before I could even blink.

"I would..." He growled in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I could feel him pulling his mask down.
"But you wouldn't be able to handle it right now." He said, before I felt his lips peck my cheek softly, before walking back in front of me.
"So I guess we'll just have to wait." He said with a closed eye smile.

"Tease." I mumbled as he giggled.
"Can I at least have a kiss?" I asked as he chuckled, pulling me closer to him carefully.

"What's the magic word?" He said as I tried not to laugh. 

"Um... My lips hurt, and only your lips... on my lips...can stop the pain?" I said as he snorted.

"You should probably leave the corny jokes to me."

"Just kiss me jerk!" I demanded as he smiled.

"My pleasure (Y/N)." He said before I felt his lips crash into mine.

I'm really home...


I finally got a chapter done. Not my best work, but eh what can I do huh? It will hopefully get better soon. I haven't edited this yet, so bare with me.

I missed you guys. Life's been crazy man. So crazy.

I love you guys so much. You're like my peas in a pod. I'd like to think of you guys as ticks on my ass, but in the good way? (I've never been good at sweet talking)

Point is I only write this for you guys. I Love you guys.

And now a cute picture that I found from your friendly neighborhood Author Chan's group chat that she was put in because it's too late for me to even think of a pun or joke that you guys haven't already heard before:

Since it's almost Christmas... and I may or may not update by then.

Anyways I love you guys.

I'm always here for you.

And remember T.T.S.T.S.I.M.D.:)


Peace out Kakashi Scouts! ✌🏽

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