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your started to wake up slowly and saw your were tided up

" why does this seem familiar?"

???"because this is how we met the first time" a femmen voice told them

you look in the direction of the voice and sighed at the presence of your ex

Y/N;"ria" you sighed

she walks out and she looks pissed

"I should kill you" she called and you knew you should be dead

"Then go ahead" he asked as he glared at her 

SHe slaps you hard and starts crying.

You were suprised by what happened.

"Why did you leave me" she asked as she hugs you.

'i had a job to do . It went south and i had to go into hiding" You told her.

She stands up ."how about you join my side and i wont kill you" she told you

You  sighed"Kill me then" You told her

 she sighs and uncuts the rope.

you rub your wrists when issei comes through the door

"Hey rias when can i see your"

You punch him in the crouch and her a loud crunching sound

(skip to 6; 30)

Issei was on the ground

"and we are back in action" You smirk as rias smiled and giggled

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