Chapter 1: Landing

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It was a typical day in Dubai, with the sun shining brightly and the hustle and bustle of the city in full swing. But suddenly, the mood changed as news of the airstrikes by the US Navy and Air Force spread throughout the city.

After Tomahawk Cruise Missiles we're launched, destroying Key SAM Locations. F/A-18s from the USS George Washington, along with other aircraft US Airbases within Nearby Nations, even in the UAE And Saudi Arabia, however, these were limited due to the fact these bases were under attack.

Soon after, B-2 Bombers and other Bomber aircraft began dropping Payloads on the many targets. Originally it was planned to bomb the entirety of Dubai to send a message, however many said this plan was too much, Even Barrack Obama said it was too much. However, it didn't stop Dubai from being untouched.

Bombers targeted key locations within the City of Dubai. Mainly government and military targets. However, it didn't stop any Civilian deaths.

As the dust settled, it paved the way for the arrival of US Marines.

Location: Somewhere Above UAE
US Marine Expeditionary Force 3
Marine Division Recon

It's been a week since the Operation started, Both UAE And Saudi Airspace we're in full control of the US Military, thanks to Air Dominance, so far Tier One Operators we're first to deploy, Navy SEALs, Delta Force, You name it. But now it's time for the regular troops to bring in the heat.

Brian can be seen silently staring blankly into the floor of the C-5 Galaxy, looking at his tan boots and MARPAT Trousers as he was silent.

"Sully, what's the matter with you, you didn't speak since we got back after LA."
A voice called out Brian only looked up to see one of his friends, Cpl. Jake Howser. "Shit man, you didn't hear?" Another one of his friends, Lance Corporal Sam Diaz calls out. "His sister died in LA man, she was just Twelve I think..."
"Shit? Damn..." However says as Brian looks around, seeing everyone either also staring blankly at the ground or staring at him with pity.

Brian only nods in silence as he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder. He looked up to see Major Hector McKenzie. The major was known for his kindness amongst the troops as he showed a face of sincerity and sadness.

"...I'm sorry for your Loss, Private Sully...We all are." The Major said as he looks up to the Marines in the plane.

"...But listen here and closely, those bastards, will pay. Did they attack our home, our way of life, and our families, and they think they will not pay a price? Well, guess fucking what! They haven't met the fucking United States Marine Corps yet!"

The Major yells as everyone looks up to the Major. "Those fucking Saudis and Arabs think they are safe, well let's put a boot up their fucking ass Marines! Los Angeles will never be forgotten, 9/11 will never be forgotten, and Those bastards will never forget the United States Marine Corps raining lead down on their asses while they pray for Allah to come to rescue them! Well, guess fucking what, Allah is on our side now boys! All of you are Marines! The Greatest Weapon in History! And we will not let them FORGET!"

"OORAH!" Everyone in the C-5 Galaxy shouts as the lights turn red, Brian watches the cargo door open as the Marines all stand up with their parachutes and gear, as they look out to the night sky, they were greeted with more C-5 Galaxies flying in the night skies as they secured their gear one final time, doing a final check, as Brian breathes heavily. All he had in mind was his Sister, he couldn't attend the funeral, but he will make sure, she will be avenged.


As the Crew chief yells, the Marines began rushing out of the C-5 Galaxy, the wind blowing against them as the parachutes opened, they were instantly greeted by the sight of Dubai, Tracers flying everywhere as the Burj Khalifa was seen in the distance.

As the Marines hit the ground on the sandy floor. Brian quickly stood up and began packing his Parachute before unpacking his gear. As he stood up and looked around, he flipped down his NVGs on his helmet as he sees other Marines regrouping. He quickly rushes toward a nearby group of Marines, belonging to his Company as Lt. Franklin Poroza notices Brian. "Glad to join the action, Sully, alright listen up one more time Marines. We are to push forward Jebel Ali South while Alpha Company pushes through North. There we will regroup towards the Police station along with Charlie and Delta Company. We don't know how many of these goddamn Adajies Survived, but we must be careful and watch our fire, Local Military blocked, and Non Combatants from fleeing, a way to reduce Heavy Support like Hogs or Bombers. Understood."

"Yes sir." They all responded as Brian Looked at his M4 and inspected it before getting tapped on the shoulder as he turns to Diaz. "Yo, Hombre, you good Amigo?" Diaz asks as Brian softly nods. "Hey man, if it helps, you ain't Alone, My Sister died in LA Too," Diaz says softly as Brian looks up at him. "...I'm sorry," Brian says as Diaz raises a first bump. "Let's get those Adajies man, Over?" Diaz says, offering to do their classic fist bump as Brian softly smiles. "And Under." He says, first bumping Diaz.

10 Years ago
Location: Anchorage, Alaska, USA

In a small school somewhere in Alaska, a Small girl can be seen being laughed at while being thrown snowballs and rocks as she cowers in fear in the corner. That's before. "SCRAM!!!!" The kids scream as a young Brian ran passed with a huge stick, scaring the bullies away as he turns to the corner.

"Hi, it's okay, those mean he's are done for good!" Brian says as he reaches for his hand out. A small hand touched it, smaller than his as he helps the girl up, as the girl exits the shadow, he was greeted by a young Arab Girl, with brown eyes, black hair, and a large wound on her cheek that would surely leave a scar on her, possibly made due to the bullies, along with tears in her eyes as she sniffs. She looked at him, with fear in her eyes, expecting a reaction from him.

"...Cool!" Brian says as the Girl looks at him in confusion. "You must be the new student! I'm Brian, Brian Sully! You are?" Brian asks as the girl seemed to be in confusion, about why she was being treated so kindly. "Mariam, Mariam Ahmed..."

She says as Brian looks her up and down before looking at her with a tilted head and confusion. "Why were they bullying you? You look normal, maybe even cute!" Brian says as Mariam smiles a bit before forming a sad one. "I... don't know...They call me stuff like...Terrorist or bomber...I was scared...but you saved me...thank you." She says with a smile as Brian smiles too.

"Well, Do you wanna be my friend? My Nana said to always see everyone as the same person!" Brian offers as Mariam was stunned. Ever since she arrived in the US she was greeted with suspicion, fear, and anger, Brian was the first to show her kindness. Mariam was overwhelmed by this act of kindness as she hugs Brian tightly, crying a bit. "Y-Yes! Thank you!"

She says as Brian smiles. "Come on! Let me take you to the nurse's office!"

After being checked out and patched up, both of them were now seen laying against a tree while waiting for their bus. "So you from the United...United Arab...Em...Emriatez?" Brian Says as Mariam just giggles. "The United Arab Emirates, my family wanted me to receive Western education so I'm here," Mariam says, rubbing her bandage cheek as Brian smiles.

"I just, don't know why you get bullied! Your so cute, funny, and kind!" Brian says as Mariam blushes slightly. "My family says that those Muslims are seeking to harm you cousins say the Yankees are monsters, but you' kind!" Mariam says as both Smile, looking at each other deeply. "...Your my BFF Mariam...I promise I won't hate you or your people."


"Got, Twelve contacts by that roadblock," Diaz says as Brian looks down at his M4s ACOG, seeing the regular Arab troops. They wore very similar MARPAT camo, and we're equipped with M16s or AKs. "I got a shot...let me fucking take it."

Brian says coldly, as Diaz turns to him. "Calm down man, all we know is there's a sniper-" "Got the sniper." However says, looking down at his M14 DMR. "Two blocks down from the roadblock, Right building. Just him."

"Copy that...Anderson, fire your 203 at them, then we advance. Howser, take out that long gun once Anderson fires." "Copy." "Copy that."

After a few moments, a thump was out followed by a shot fired by Howser's M14 as the roadblock was hit. "Engage!" Brian quickly looks down at his Acog and aimed at one of the Soldiers attempting to run towards cover. He quickly squeezes the trigger multiple times, and the 5.56 rounds flew out of the chamber. The first shot missed, however, the second and third shots hit the mark and the soldier fell dead. As he turns he quickly spots one of the Adajies on a Heavy MG. He quickly fired multiple rounds at the MG, 5.56 rounds firing as they hit the mark. "Cease fire! Cease fire!"

The shouts of the ceasefire were heard as Brian and a few of the Marines slowly began advancing after making sure no other Adajies would come Brian looks at the dead bodies. As he turns to his right he sees one of the Adajies alive, but bleeding heavily. Brian's mind went blank as he looked around for a second, he saw that Diaz and the other Marines were securing the body.

He then turned to Adajie, he was young, staring at Brian weekly. "Please.Yankee...H-Help..." The Adajie said in broken English, but then Brian slowly pulled out his Bayonet and approached the young Adajie. "No...Please-" He stabbed Adajie in the neck with all the force he could muster as Adajie started to choke on his blood, as Brian yanked the knife out, he watched the blood pour out Adajie's neck as he tried to scream but all was heard we're quiet Gurgles as Diaz turns, not noticing the Adajie on Brian's side of the roadblock. "Clear?" Diaz asks as Brian nods slowly, as he placed his knife back, he stares at the now-dead Adajie.

"...Fucking Arab."

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