Chapter - 1 The Demon meets his Angel

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A/N : 35 Votes??? Just for the teaser?? OH my!! Somebody hold me in place I am jumping up and down . Thank you so much for the love ppl <3 This story was written as few shots I will be adding few things and  it will be longer than the original but still only few shots. Those who have already read this no spoilers please. Enjoy the story.

We all have heard about Angels and Demons from time immemorial, but have we ever thought how they came into existence!? Are they real or just some stories spun by bored and imaginative people!? Have we ever thought how they really look like!? We have always imagined Demons having two horns above their heads and a tail.. Whereas Angels have a Halo above their heads and wings.
Now we will get to see how they really come into existence!!

A small boy is seen playing with a ball in a Park.. He sees a Rs.5 coin
Boy: who would have left this here!?
*Picking up the coin*
Voice 1: That person will come back searching for it leave it there.
Voice 2: Hey, come on just take it and keep it with you, you can buy balloons, Chocolates, yummy treats!!
That boy listened to the second voice and kept that coin in his pocket .
After a while a small boy younger than him came looking for that coin..
Voice 1: See I told you that person will come looking for it..
Voice 2 : Hey buddy just don't mind, let him search and walk away..
But as fate said, he was caught by his parents!! So he gave back the coin and was asked to say sorry..
Voice 1 : Accept your mistake Apologize!
Voice 2 : No, don't you dint make any mistake you just took it because it was lying there..
That boy ran away from there without apologizing..

Years later that small boy grew up to be a teenager not any other teenager a hertthrob of all the girls and demon for all the boys, He even got a nickname 'Demon.'

In college,
Freshers day..

A boy is seen waiting for his friends and he seems to be a bit nervous.
Someone taps on his shoulders, he turns and sees a guy wearing black shirt half tucked in and half out of his blue jean.. That guy looked handsome just like a prince any girl would fall for him..
Guy: Hey, are you new here!? You seemed to be nervous
Boy: Yes of course, sir, I am new here.
Guy: So why don't you dance and jerk off your nervousness!?? Come on guys, play some music!! ( Dinka chika dinka chika plays)
That guy was forcing that boy to dance.. He heard a voice saying , "STOP THIS NONSENSE!!!!!"
He turned back and he had the shock of his life!!!
He said "Woooooow!!! Phoolon Jaise Chashmish, kya tum hogi meri kishmish!??"
That girl was irked by his stupid comment..
She called out, "Come Ronnie lets go, this guy seems to be an Idiot!!!"
Now that guy got irritated, he was about to say something by that time someone called him, "Hey Abhi come, let's go yaar, that side there are so many people to bother around!!"
Abhi said, " I am coming Nikhil" *Walks away with Nikhil*

Freshers were welcomed into a hall and The Principal gave a welcome speech to the freshers...
Freshers were Entertained by many of their seniors, they performed to welcome their juniors. It was time for Abhi's performance everyone started cheering Abhi Abhi Abhi...

That girl got irked hearing that she was about to leave, but at that time Abhi spoke, "Hey Chashmish (People wearing specs) this one is for you and started singing...

Everyone started saying pretty women by the time he finished the song looking at her. All she could do was shake her head and leave the place but...

A boy came and said, "Hey Pragya you became Pretty women so soon."
Pragya said, "Come on Purab stop it!" she was about to hit he ran away and she ran behind him.
Abhi felt jealous, he heard a rough voice saying, 'You need to take care of that guy' ( He was on stage and he dint hear any of their names).

A girl came running jealous saying, "Abhi so who am I!? If she is a Pretty Woman!??" Abhi said, "Come on Tanu just a song that's it calm down." He says to himself, 'Have to get rid of this chipkali (Lizard) first' *he was smiling sheepishly* Tanu saw this and asked, "Are you planning to do something!?" Abhi said in a high pitched voice, "What!? Nothing of that sort baby, come, let's go."

Abhi reached home and in his room, he sat on his bed.He heard a gentle voice saying , 'You love her..' He asked, "Who that Chashmish no way but she looks like an Angel may be she is really an Angel."A voice is heard saying, "Beta (Son) You reached home!? How many times to tell you not to speak to yourself!?" Abhi said, "Dadi, just chill, it's ok to speak to ourselves sometimes." Dadi (Grandma) asked, " So how was the freshers party?" Abhi said, "It was good Dadi" *Grinning splitting is face in two*

Dadi said, "Something has happened, I can sense it!" Abhi said, "No Dadi nothing happened" and again was smiling like an idiot!! She asked, "Tell me, how is your girlfriend Tanu!?" Abhi said, "Please Dadi how many times to tell you, don't mention her as my girlfriend . I hate that chipkali."*making faces* Dadi left from there smiling at him.

The next day when he entered college, someone bumped into him from behind while running past him,that guy said sorry and kept running. A Rough voice said, 'How dare does he do something like that to you!? And he is that same guy with that Chashmish go get him go.' A gentle voice (which was heard in a very feeble manner) said, 'Don't do this Abhi.' Abhi who was very angry ran behind him got hold of him and started hitting him black and blue. Pragya who came just then saw this scene and was very angry over Abhi. Abhi who saw Pragya stopped hitting that guy.. Pragya came near him slapped him across his face and said, "Come Purab let's leave" who was injured badly. Abhi heard the Rough voice saying, 'Why dint you do anything when she slapped you!?' The gentle voice said, 'You love her that's why you don't hurt her.'

Whose will Abhi listen to ? The gentle feeble one? Or the rough and loud one??

 Keep thinking till next weekend. Till then BUBYE

 A/N: Tomorrow will be updating 'The Warrior Princess' ppl interested in kingdom stories can check it out. And will be adding few pictures later  ;)

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