Chapter 4 - Angels and Demons Within Us ?

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A/N: Hey ppl!! You must tell me right if I am posting the same teaser again? Anyway this story will end in the next weekend. So just one more chapter to go.

He took his bike and drove to that place mentioned in that message. It was a dark and secluded place with just a bulb above giving minimum illumination.
Abhi asks, "Who are you!??" (He couldn't see clearly )
The figure standing in front of him says, "I am you!!" ( Ha ha ha ha ha)
Abhi gets shocked to see himself in front of him!!!

Other side

Pragya wonders, ' where he went, he dint inform me.'
She heard a voice saying, "Don't worry, he will be back."
She turned towards that voice and gets shocked.
( It's a split screen where both Abhi and Pragya can be seen)
Both Abhi and Pragya ask simultaneously to that figure standing in front of them, "Who are you!? You exactly look like me!!!"

( It's a split screen where both Abhi and Pragya can be seen)
Both Abhi and Pragya ask simultaneously
to that figure standing in front of them , "Who are you!? You exactly look like me!!!"

This side ( Pragya and her look alike)

Her look alike replies, "That's because I am you." Pragya *Confused state*, "What!? I don't understand anything I am you, what do you mean!??"Her look alike replies, "To tell you clearly I am just a reflection of your deeds Pragya. I am an Angel." (Don't imagine Angel in a pure white dress, imagine the Angel just looks like Pragya but you can see some sweetness in her face) Pragya who is still in a confused state speaks to herself, " Who is this girl? looks exactly like me and speaks stupid things who is she!?" There was a reply, "What she says is right she is just your reflection."

Every time she hears the same voice, but this time it dint come from within her but from her look alike. She was shocked and
asked her look alike, "What does this mean!? You are me !? Like the voice which used to guide me every time that was you!? So you are my Angel counterpart!?? So whatever I used to hear from my childhood was true!? Angel and demon counterpart exists within us!?"

Her Angel replied, "Yes, my dear, you are right." Pragya asked, "But I heard Angel have halos above their head and wings too, you don't have any." Her Angel replied, "I told you I am just a reflection of your deeds halos and wings really!? I don't know who cooked up stories like that." Pragya said, "Fine, whatever, let it be, I have a doubt. Angel said, "Yes, please."

Pragya asked, "How did you know that Abhi will be back, I mean you were saying it like you know what will happen next." Angel replied, "I know because you strongly believe he will be back." Pragya asked, "So if I just believe he will be back, he will come back!? How is this possible!?" Her Angel replied, "Whatever happens to us is because
of our thoughts, Our thoughts become our action. If you strongly believe in something it will happen definitely."

Pragya who couldn't contain her doubts within herself asked, " If you are here? Where is she?" Another Pragya appeared beside the Angel Pragya who looked cool and hot at the same time and said, "Oh! Please for the Devil's sake, listen to me at least now." Pragya was shocked to see another apparition looking exactly like her.

The other side( Abhi and his look alike)

Imagine Abhi's look alike with a guy wearing a shirt which is open and you can see a sculpted figure with blood shot eyes and angry look.

Abhi asked him, "Who the hell are you!?" His look alike replied, "Yeah, I belong to hell and have come to take you to hell, Come with me."
Abhi was shocked and at the same time couldn't believe something like this to happen. Abhi again enquired him, "Who are you!?" His look alike replied, "I am the reflection of your deeds. I am your demon
counterpart ha ha ha ha ha" ( laughing loudly).

Abhi then remembered he had heard this voice somewhere , then it hit him, he was so angry that he barged towards the demon, but couldn't do anything since he wasn't able to touch him. Simultaneously Pragya tried to touch her Angel but she wasn't able to do.

( Split screen)

Both questions, "Why can't I touch you!?" And the reply they got was, "I told you I am just your reflection, just like a shadow of yours."

Abhi asked his demon, "If what I have heard in childhood is true, then there must be an Angel counterpart too why am I not able to see my Angel counterpart!?? I used to hear another voice too, why is it so
quiet now!?" The demon replied, "Because you completely destroyed your Angel counterpart with your suspicions towards Pragya who believed you even when nobody believed in you..."

The Angel counterpart of Abhi came from behind him (Imagine Angelic counterpart of Abhi looking exactly like Abhi but gentle in nature) and
said, "Who said I was completely destroyed!? I am still alive his love for Pragya ( pointing towards Abhi) kept me alive." Demon was shocked to see the Angel standing beside Abhi..

The other side ( Pragya , Angel and Ms.Demon)

Angel asked Pragya, "Do you remember the first time when you listened to me!?" Pragya said, "I think I remember when I was a small kid playing in the park." Angel replied, "Yes and do you know who that boy
was!?" Demon version of her said, "Oh! Yes! She wouldn't listen to me at all, she was such a loser. Oops! Still is" * Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha*

FB begins...

A small girl is seen playing in the park, she notices a boy taking something from the ground when she tried to see what it was she saw something shining in his hand. She thought to herself, "What must be that shining stuff!? Then said to herself never mind Pragya keep playing." Later she sees another boy searching for something on the ground. Pragya asked, " Hey boy, what are you searching for!?" That boy replied, "For my Rs.5 coin which my mumma gave me, it's missing" he was on the verge of crying.

Pragya now understood what that shining piece the other boy had earlier in his hands. A voice within her (soft and gentle) said, "You know what happened stick to the truth, help that small boy get his coin back." Another voice (bit harsh) said, "Why do you mind, let the crybaby go mind your own business." But she listened to the gentle voice and said, "I will get your Rs.5 coin don't worry."

At first she thought of approaching that boy, but she was a little bit afraid seeing his huge structure. And again that gentle voice said, "He seems to be tough guy so better approach his parents." The rough voice said, "Oh really!? Miss. Not so smart listen to me mind your own business, if he comes to know that you complained to his parents, he is gonna bash you real bad."

The gentle voice interrupted and said, "Always stick to the truth, no matter whatever happens, if you stick to the truth you will gain strength to face any trouble." Another voice (Harsh and coarse) said, "Oh! Please this weakling would never get any strength, believe me. She is such a loser, never listens to me at all." She was confused at first and became determined recollecting the Gentle voice's words. She approached his parents and told them what happened and was standing beside them. Her parents called her and she had to leave from there.

FB ends

Pragya asks her Angel excitedly, "Who was that bad boy!?" Angel replied, "That it was none other than Abhi himself.. Pragya exclaimed, "What!???" Ms. Demon replied, "What! What!? I told you, don't interfere you never listened to me now enjoy the consequences." Pragya was startled when she heard the word 'consequences' and started wondering what that could mean right now.

The other side(Abhi and his counterparts)

The demon said, "Well then I will tell you a short story of how you hated a girl so badly at a very young age! Do you remember when you were a child what happened!?"

FB begins

After Pragya left from there Abhi was confronted by his parents and was asked to give the coin back and say sorry. He gave the coin back reluctantly and asked, "Who told you!? That small boy pointed towards Pragya." Abhi made faces at her back. His parents laughed seeing his

And they asked him to apologize to that boy, but instead he ran away towards the road and crossed it. His parents ran behind him without noticing a lorry coming towards them and met with an accident. He was shocked by the turn of events and was hospitalized for few months.

After he recovered from the trauma he said to himself, "You girl (Pragya) I am coming for you." But as fate has decided his Dadi(Grandma) took him to another city for a change of mind and returned back only to join college. By that time he forgot everything about that girl.

FB ends..

Abhi asked, "What about that now!? And why did you remind me of that now!? (in a sad tone)" Demon said, "Just to tell you that you met that girl." Angel said, "No, no don't listen to him Abhi he will spoil your mind." Abhi (in anger) asked, "Who is she!? I want to kill her now literally."

Angel said, "Abhi that was an accident that girl is not at all responsible for that act. It is because you ran away from them, it was your mistake that you dint listen to me back then. If you had listened to me, you would have not lost your parents.

It was his plan (pointing towards demon) to make you vulnerable and listen to only him." But Abhi insisted on knowing who was that girl. Demon replied, "It's your weakling , I mean your Chashmish." Abhi was shocked to hear this.

The other side ( Pragya , Angel and Ms.Demon)

Pragya was laughing after hearing what her Angel had said. But Angel became sad and said, "There is more to that part. You would have known from Abhi that his parents passed away in an accident, Do you know when and how it happened!?" Angel narrated what happened after Pragya left. Pragya was in tears after listening to what happened to Abhi's parents back then. She started crying more vigorously, saying, "I am responsible for what happened to his parents right!?"

Her demon counterpart mocked at her saying, "See, this is what you did to him. Do you think he will love you the same way he loved you earlier? Do you?" Angel consoled her saying, "That she just stood by the truth and she is not at all responsible for whatever happened." Pragya said, "Indirectly, I am responsible right?" Her demon counterpart again mocked at her, "Of course, not just indirectly, directly. If you had listened to me at that point this wouldn't have happened."

Angel replied, "No Pragya don't do this to yourself, you are not responsible, it happened because he dint listen to his Angel at that time. And as usual don't listen to her, she is poison which is trying to slowly kill you." Pragya looked at her Demon counterpart who was smirking at her and said, "Am I really responsible for his parent's death?" Her demon counterpart shrugged and said, "Yes, you are don't listen to her, listen to me at least this time. You can avoid further humiliation, he might even want to kill you, you know?"

Angel continued consoling Pragya and thinking of an idea how to console her. Finally, Angel got an idea to console her and said, "Do you know how Tanu met her end you need to listen to this in order to know why I am saying you are not guilty of what happened to Abhi's parents back then." Pragya said, "Ok tell me why Tanu did so!?" Her demon counterpart intervened and said, "Oh! Please don't she is trying to convince you otherwise. Don't listen to her you will face more and more troubles because of that."

Pragya was left pondering, 'Would he want to kill me after knowing the truth? Why Tanu killed herself? Is it Abhi's mistake? Or hers? I am so confused now.' She again heard voices within her saying so many things which made her cry even more and sat down, holding her both ears trying to block those two voices ringing in her ears.

The scene freezes with enraged face of Abhi and his counterparts, and Pragya and her counterparts.

A/N: Ok ok! Calm down will be back with 'Warrior Princess' soon

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