Chapter 5 - United we Stand

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Pragya was more worried and said, "Please stop! I don't want to listen to you." *In a mere whisper* Angel asked, "Will you stop troubling her? Please?? *turning towards Pragya* "Do you think Tanu died because Abhi dint accept her and it is his mistake!?" Pragya said, "No my baby dint do anything wrong." Angel said, "Now listen to me this is what happened" and starts narrating, when Tanu saw Abhi for the first time she just fell for the way he looks and how popular he is with everyone around him. She lusted for him, somehow after so many trials she became his friend and she tried to move closer to him if you know what I mean!

But at that time you came into his life and he didn't spend much of his time with her. Her friend gave her a stupid idea which she enacted on her b'day. Her Angel always said, "Don't do this you will end up going to hell" but she never listened to her Angel. She listened more to her demoness and ended up enacting the plan. When she failed in her plan, her demoness gave her another plan like act as if you are going to fall off from the terrace, Abhi will feel pity for you and end up being with you instead of that Chashmish..

So she enacted that plan too, but as you know before Abhi could reach her, she fell off the terrace for real and met her end. Now tell me is Abhi
responsible for her death in any way!? Pragya who was shocked beyond her belief just shook her head 'NO'. Angel asked, "I have another question too! Tell me are you really responsible for Abhi's parents' death!?" Pragya without her knowledge said, " No, I am not responsible it was his mistake." Then she realized what she said and said, "Yeah that's true but Abhi lost his parents at a very young age, I feel pity for him."

Her demon counterpart said, "Well, Well what a beautiful story you have spun! It is amazing to listen to but as you know that's not the truth. Abhi is responsible for Tanu's death and you *Pointing towards Pragya* are responsible for his parents' death." Pragya just turned towards her demon counterpart and said, "Sorry, I won't listen to you anymore. Bye, bye!" Angel controls her smile and said, "I really wanted to hug you, but I can't." Both smiled at each other while her demon counterpart looked at them as though her ship has sunk and she has sunk with it too.

The other side ( Abhi and his counterparts)

"No Pragya can't do this, My Fuggi can never do something like that! She never ever lets me to even harm an ant." Angel said, "You are right, she can never do anything like that." The demon said, "Wait! Wouldn't let you harm an ant? Woo! That was too much buddy, I can't handle this nonsense. Ok, coming to the point, just think how much you missed your parents in every moment of your life!" Demon kept on instigating him against his Fuggi. Angel who was watching this, couldn't take this anymore and said, "You know how you ended up coming here!?"

The Demon said, " No, don't say it, DON'T I WARN YOU ( in a loud ear trembling voice)" But Angel continued, "Abhi listen to me you were the one who called yourself to this place." Abhi was confused and asked, "What do you mean!?" Angel said, "Yes Abhi do you remember when you were admitted to the hospital after Tanu's demise? Once Pragya and Purab came to see you, they weren't allowed inside because you will remember what happened that night and will become unconscious and will end up being in a coma for days to come. But through the Windows, you saw them both.."

FB begins...

Pragya and Purab were walking in the back of the hospital. Pragya was about to slip and Purab held her by her waist. Pragya said, "Phew! that was close, thanks, buddy." He said, "Your baby should have seen this, then I am gone! (Making face like a dead man)" Both were laughing. Abhi was capturing everything on his mobile. That day, at night he left from the hospital without informing anyone and got himself a new mobile phone and a new SIM card. He copied all those pics to the new mobile and deleted them from his own mobile and slept off. Next day morning he felt very tired and found it difficult to wake up. For a few months he was treated intensely and they found changes in his behavior and let him go.

But after that, he started planning against himself, i.e., how to make him believe that Pragya and Purab are having an affair behind his back. So he hired a rogue gave him the new mobile he brought and told him to make calls to a number and gave his own photo and address and said, "If this guy doesn't turn up drag and bring him there." The rogue who was a bit confused nodded ok. He was about to leave Abhi called him and sent a recording to the other mobile which he handed over to the Rogue and said, "Just call and make him hear this recording that's enough!"

The rogue asked, "What if he asked any other questions what to do!?" Abhi said, "He won't ask any other questions, don't worry." The rogue thought to himself, 'Is he trying to make himself come or does he have a twin brother, oh God I am confused now. Anyway, I got a good amount of money. ( He left smiling)'

FB ends

Abhi dint remember doing any of this and was confused hearing what he heard and asked his Angel, "What? Did I really do this!?" His Angel replied, "Not exactly your demon used your unconscious state to get things done." ( Why Abhi underwent treatment intensely was because he was sleepwalking and doing things which he never remembered the next day but after treating him he stopped doing those or so the doctors thought) Abhi asked, "How is that even possible!?" Angel replied, "You were so weak Abhi, he used you." Abhi thought of whatever wrong happened in his life and knelt down shouting AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

(Split screen is seen where both Abhi and Pragya are seen talking to their respective Angel )
Both Abhi and Pragya asked their Angel, "How to get rid of this demon once and for all tell me please!?" Both of their Angel simultaneously said to them, "Actually, it's not possible because we both balance your life like day and night, dark and light. We give happiness and sadness, ups and downs in your life just to balance your life."

Back to Abhi's side

Abhi said, "Oh my God! Pragya must be waiting for me for such a long time. Guys, whatever I am leaving meet you later have fun fighting with each other till then! Bubye (winked and went off)."

Back to Pragya's side

Pragya saw Abhi coming in bike she smiled and turns towards her Angel and demon but both had disappeared. She went running towards Abhi and they both hugged each other (Abhi thought, "Whatever may happen, I will never doubt about you")( Pragya thought, "I will always trust you and shower love which you missed from your parents") They both broke the hug smiled at each other and went towards a cafe. Both of their Angels and Demons smiled at them and disappeared.


A/N: Ding! Ding!Ding! That's the end of this story hope I didn't disappoint anyone with this story ending this way. This is how I wrote it when I first wrote the only change I made was adding Pragya's demon counterpart which I didn't add in the other version published on TU. Hope you guys enjoyed this story. Will be back with either "Lurking in the light of love" or "The Warrior Princess" Till then bubye! Have a great day! Oh, yes forgot to add this : prathi1412 , my instagram handle ;)

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