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Make... the... pain stop...




At least... save... the humans...


The good doctor had murder in his optics as he went towards the other mech. Grabbed their friends arms to stop him and hold him in place. The two talked at once to calm him as Ratchet glared at the mech. The other Cybertronian smirked slightly as he watched them, amused by their anger. This only added to the doctors rage and he fought to get to him. Optimus had the others watch the mech as he walked over to his friend.

"Ratchet, you can't allow yourself to commit an unforgivable act." He said seriously and the doctor looked at him.

"Optimus, he harmed-"

"What is more important at the moment, old friend? Taking a life or saving one?" He asked and the medic let his words sink in. He nodded slowly in understanding and sheathed his blades.

The other two slowly let go and watched him return to the computer to free the sparkling. He silently hoped he wasn't too late or that he'd kill her in the process. The Prime turned back to the mech and furrowed his optic ridges. He needed to face justice  but they couldn't just lash out. He glanced to the cons who were still out and had the team look for anyone else. They searched for a few minutes then went back to helping Ratchet.

They worked carefully and slowly as they unhooked the sparkling, hoping they could save her. Ratchet whispered quietly and muttered soothing words to her as he worked. No one said anything nor did they bother telling him she probably couldn't hear him. She was soon free and he gently pulled her out as he held her close. Setting her on the berth he worked on healing any wounds she had. Bumblebee watched quietly and looked around after a moment.

"Hold on.... we were all in the computer, right?" Smokescreen asked and frowned. "I mean our minds were." He clarified. They nodded slowly, knowing this by now. "And a few of the people in the... game... weren't real. They were fellow Cybertronians that had fallen in battle eons ago, correct?" He asked and they frowned.

"What's your point, soldier?" Ultra Magnus asked.

"Where are the kids?" The speedster asked seriously. "We never said anything about them while we rebuilt Cybertron for their safety. So unless he dug into our helms and our minds, they're here." He glared darkly. The others were silent and Wheeljack huffed.

"We know they're back on earth." He said seriously and waved his servo dismissively. "They're safe there on their home world." He scoffed as if the idea was ridiculous.

Optimus knew they were both correct, Smokescreen on his assumptions and Wheeljack on his fact. If the children were here, they wouldn't survive long. Then again. He turned to the mech and stared at him intently.

"How did you create the programs to look like our human comrades?" He asked calmly. The other looked at him and stared in turn.

"What makes you think they're programs?" He smirked darkly as he watched the Prime. All Kaon broke loose. The team started yelling and demanding to know where they were while others searched for hidden rooms. The mech just stared at Optimus with a smirk on his face plate.

"Silence!" Magnus boomed and everyone fell still. "Time is sensitive and we don't have an opportunity to be wasteful. Look with purpose and search with your helm on right. The humans will die at this point if we react incorrectly. Fixit, scan the building for more rooms." He said seriously and glanced to the Prime. He didn't respond and just stared at the other Cybertronian before him. The others started looking as Fixit scanned for a brief moment.

"Hound- Pound- Found it!" He cried and typed quickly. "It's behind a false computer but is still connected to the main one. You should be able to access it through there." He said and hit a button. Something beeped and they looked up as a wall moved to reveal another room. Optimus glanced to the commander who nodded once and entered with Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Arcee.

In the center of the room was a berth with Prowl on it, he had his helm open and his processor wired to the wall. There were three tubes in. The wall that held the three children, but they were older. They were unconscious in a liquid and had wires in them and an oxygen mask on their faces.

The boys were wearing some kind of grey shorts and Miko had shorts and a crop top. Jack was missing a leg from the knee down. It looked fairly recent, and he was covered in scars. Miko had a scratch over her face and her left eye and also had a few scars on her side. Rafael was missing an arm at the shoulder and had a nasty scar on his back. The team stared blankly at the scene and Wheeljack peaked in to see. He stared then his optics widened and he whipped around.

"You no good spawn of the pits!" He roared and rushed towards him, no one caught him in time as he slammed the mech into the wall and started hitting him with all the rage in Cybertron.

Sideswipe and Strongarm struggled to get him off and had to get help from Bulkhead. The wrecker picked up his friend and pinned his arms to his side as he practically hugged him. Once the smaller wrecker was calm and the other mech was cuffed to the wall, they turned back to the room. Ratchet had finished with the sparkling and let her rest. He then went to see what he could do to help the children.

"By the All Spark...." he gasped quietly as he stared in surprise. He looked around and saw a Space Bridge built into the wall. He must have known somehow. The medic stood there for a moment and looked over to the others before he worked on freeing Prowl.

"The air is toxic to them and will kill them in an instant. We need to either find away to fill this room with oxygen and seal it, or we need to find something to put them in until they can get home." He said seriously and Fixit left with his team to the main room to work on that project.

The others left the room to get the Elite Guard while the others kept an optic on the criminal. Ratchet silently worked on Prowl as his servos shook. He was so angry he couldn't think straight. After a few minutes he managed to free Prowl and repaired what damage had taken place. The bot groaned as he opened his optics. He stared blankly the his optics widened as he sat up.

"At ease." Optimus said gently and set a servo on his shoulder plate. "Allow your systems to adjust for a moment." He said and the bot sighed shakily as he nodded.

Ratchet was now staring at the children blankly as he tried to figure out what to do. He frowned deeply and started typing, the first thing was to run diagnostics and check their health. It didn't take long for that and he worked on having the system remove the wires from the children. He felt as though everything had to be done as if he was walking on glass, the humans were far more fragile. The doctor stared at their wounds and feared the worst, that this insane mech had done this to them.

"We're going to fill this room with oxygen until we can get something more moveable- useable- suitable." Fixit informed and Ratchet nodded slowly.

Team Prime stayed in the room and were sealed inside, Ratchet felt that they would need to see familiar faces so they didn't feel as threatened when they woke. They waited for the air to be a hundred percent oxygen before they proceeded. Once everyone knew what to do and got into position, Ratchet carefully opened Miko's tube and very gently pulled her out. He then went to the wreckers and set her in Bulkheads servo.

"Give her a few minutes to wake up." He said seriously and they nodded, the medic had removed the mask once she was out. He sighed shakily and went to Jack, who was simply the next one over.

Once Jack was removed from his prison, Ratchet carefully handed him to Optimus, since Arcee wouldn't be able to hold him, and didn't want to. She was a little overwhelmed by the situation. The Prime held the fragile human in his servos and stared at him blankly. He glanced over each of his scars and finally on his missing leg.

"Raf..." Bumblebee whispered sadly as he looked at the young man in his arms. He didn't know what to do for him.

Ratchet searched through the computer again as the children started to wake up. He hoped to Primus that their injuries happened before they were brought here.

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