Spread The Love

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Hello and welcome lovely humans! Times are different nowadays and often we forget to be positive to ourselves and others. So, today I have a challenge for you!

Tag one or more wattpad users and tell them one positive thing. It can be about how they made a difference in your life or it can be just a simple compliment.

If you were tagged then keep the chain going ❤
Note: You can choose to make separate comments for each user that you tag or you can do a group compliment/tag.

The goal is to remember and remind people that even in the darkest times (yes, Cupid just made a Winter pun) there is always room for love.

In the bottom of the chapter there will be a bolded "With Love" phrase. You can add a comment to it.

Feel free to respond to others and remember to keep the interactions light-hearted and positive. You can keep the conversation going for as long as you want.

For this challenge, everyone's a winner really.

If you have any questions, ask away and Cupid will answer.

With Love~

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