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In a small hamlet nestled deep within the crying forest, lived a young girl named Himera Zaphero. She lived with her parents and twin young brothers named Greeco and Lattero Zaphero that both so mean and naughty. Of course because they are belong to Azonal Realm, they are Fascismos denizen so, they used to be a bad and sinners.

“Are all her belongings ready?” her father Taroon Zaphero suddenly asked his worried wife. He was referring to Himera, who was playing in their expansive backyard. “Just finished,” Herminia Zaphero replied and nodded.

The husband gave his wife a quick pat on her white horn. “Enough, I don’t want to see you cry anymore,” he said, but Taroon Zaphero was trying to hide his pain. They needed to let go of their child because it was time for her to go to Omphalos; the Central Island to study and mold her true self. It was time for Himera to discover herself and learn what destiny had in store for her.

“She’s different.” The wife touched her horns and began to sob again.

“Stop it, Herminia! We’ll all be in danger if the palace guards see you!” Her husband was mad and afraid at the same time. “Still a season of drought. Travelers nearby might hear us,” he added.

They secretly taught their children to be good denizen even though they were in a place where they were free to harm and kill creatures at any time they wanted. The inhabitants in Azonal Realm was a sinners, they don’t value their denizen’s life, they’re unbothered killing co-existing, they are devious and evil.

“Our child will be picked up this afternoon, let me handle this. This is the last time,” she said. “What if she grows up as an Alay, we will never see her again, Taroon.” Herminia let out her pain.

“I’ve let you be, Herminia, all this time. I listened to you. You wanted our children to be good beings, right? And we succeeded. Himera will be a good being in Omphalos, and there she will have the chance to change her destiny for good, and she will be taken to the Demesne Territory,” he said. “So you need to be strong because we might never see our child again. She has a good heart. She can’t even harm an insect,” added Taroon, the patriarch.

Herminia released a bitter smile, wiping her tears and turning her attention to their twin sons, Greeco and Lattero. They were playing freely and chasing each other on their spacious balcony go through empty tavern. The twins were six years old, so in just two years, they would also be separated from them. The fate of a parent on Planet Quattuor is so painful. There is no certainty whether they will be able to be with their children or if their paths will be completely separated from them.

“Hush. Stop now. If Himera ends up in the place of goodness, she will live there freely and fearlessly. Believe me. She will be accepted wholeheartedly by my family there,” Taroon reassured his wife, his sadness still evident in his eyes.

“Thank you, my husband.” Despite her shoulders slumping, she tried to be happy for their eldest child, who was still playing in the forest near their backyard.

“Himera! Hurry up, the ship to Omphalos is about to leave, and if you miss it, you’ll be thrown to Frozen Island,” her mother threatened. She held back her tears of sadness. “Be careful there, my child. Remember that no matter what life awaits you, we are here for you and your family,” her mother gently reminded her, though the tone of her voice was clearly sorrowful. Himera remained silent, just gazing at her mother.

Himera resembled her mother, both of them having the same brown skin tone. She was wearing an outfit similar to her mother's, a vintage dress; the attire in the Azonal Realm. Her slightly curly hair was a reddish-brown hue like her own. Herminia was a beautiful woman because she had royal blood and was once a princess but because she disobeyed their Kingdom first rule-- her family abandoned her and she become a lowly Fascismo.

“Mom, please take care always,” she said as she held her mother’s hand and quickly walked away. Herminia just glanced back at her and smiled sweetly before they encountered Taroon, her father, carrying Himera’s luggage. The guards were intimidating, so they hastened their pace towards the carriage. Taroon gave his daughter a tight hug as they reached the carriage waiting for her.

Taroon whispered, “Control your mind or else it will control you.” Himera nodded in response to her father’s words, not that she didn’t understand them, but it felt like a different person was standing before her now. Her father's horns turned crystal white. She was surprised, but it seemed like no one else saw it. Only her. She quickly ran to the carriage as her ride was already calling out, and they even released a loud curse, so Himera ran towards it, with no chance to catch a glimpse of her twin sibling.

‘All the things you taught, I will bring it with me. My Father and My Mother, trust me. I’m going to change my fate, our fate and every creatures destiny!’ Himera whispered to herself, tears falling from her eyes. She secretly longed for her family, but she needed to stay strong as the real battle of life was about to begin. She need to face her own destiny in Central Island and wait for her final judgement. She want to solemnly study about the Planet Quattuor and every detail about how she possibly change it.

Himera Zaphero possessed a heart full of curiosity and a mind brimming with imagination. Himera days were spent exploring the meadows, woods, rivers  searching for something she desires. Her father Taroon told a story about magical forest but obviously that forest is just a dreams. Since kid Himera eager to spend her time with natures, she try to rummage their dangerous places for hidden treasures and magical creatures but she’s always disappointed when she got home. No found atleast an evidence for that thing. Her father was a liar.

Today, she don’t need her parents to persuade her to believe what her father said before because she finally found something she couldn’t believe. This day, super hot afternoon, while wandering through a river, Himera stumbled upon a peculiar blue stone lying amidst in deep dirty water. It’s bluish surface shimmered in the sunlight, and something unable to read engravings adorned its edges. She didn’t notice, the blue stone flicker when she first touch it. Innocent looking girl Himera was amazed of it, she feels intrigued, she picked it up and put it in her secret pocket. She had no idea what kind of amulet is that.

She’s happy to go home with her treasure but when she’s approaching their home, she forget her treasure because her mother hurriedly run towards her. She need to hurry, the Kings follower and palace guard looking for her. She forget that today was a moment of farewell to her family. She’s going to Omphalos Island;

A places of knowledge and skills.

An island of dreams and hope.

An island of freedom.

An island of final  judgement.

The Island of freedom.

In the Azonal Realm, they have a law that makes life difficult for those coming from the Demesne Zone and entering their realm. Their existence is not accepted in their world, the mean and evil denizens also look down on the Pietas who end up in their territory. However, when Fascismos end up in the land of Pietas territory, they are more easily accepted by the inhabitants there. They are given a place to live and treated as equals.

A hierarchial government has never changed since then, and no other clan has ever managed to ascend the throne. The worst territory is led by their corrupt leaders. Crime, killings, and oppression are rampant. The denizens are like demons, they worship money and power. Devious denizens are dangerous because they control you and manipulate your mind to become one of them, to become a Sinner. Their goal is to conquer the minds of every denizen of the planet Quattuor.

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