Newt makes a friend

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Newt was bored, because all he did was play games on his FishPad, so he had no friends.

"I will make a friend!" Said Newt with confidence.

The TV turned onto his favorite channel family gill.

Newt sat back down because it was a new season and he absolutely could not miss it!

Then an add came on.
'Buy a friend for only $999.99 today!' It said.

"Gasp! That's under $1000!!! So cheap!" Exclaimed Newt.

He bought a friend.

His friend came the next day because he bought special shipping for only $199 more!

Newt opened the box.

A fish-like thing swam out.

"I'm Minno!" Said Minno.

=^= Newt was not impressed.

So he called return shipping.

"Hello I need to return a defective friend!" He demanded.

"Please hold!" Said the operator.

Newt held.

And held.

And held.

Until he decided to suck it up and take the defective friend.

"I like TV!" Said Minno.

=^= Newt was still not impressed.

But he turned on the TV anyways because he was bored and sad he had a defective friend.

'Buy happiness for only $999,999.99 today!!!' Said the commercial guy

"I will!" Said Newt.

He bought happiness because it was under $1 million! So cheap!

Happiness came the next day.

Apparently happiness comes in the form of a sea cucumber named Sue.

"I WUV YOU!!!!" Said Newt.

Sue was silent.

"Sue...?" Asked Newt.

Sue was silent.


Sue was silent because, well, sea cucumbers can't talk according to Nemo.

But neither can Newts so I guess Sue just felt like being silent.

Sue & Newt broke up.

"My happiness is also defective!" Said Newt over the phone.

"Ok, who cares?" Said the operator.

"You were supposed to, and I WANNA REFUND ;0;!!!!!" Cried Newt.

"Annnddd????" Asked the operator.

Newt got off the phone and sat back down with his defective friends.

He was happy.

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