Shadows and Hramony part 1

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It had been a month since you had first arrived, you had become known as a very helpful and caring individual. the fact that you where something they had never seen nor heard of before didn't really bother them, you had to answer a lot of questions along the lines of "how can you use magic without a horn" or "how do your hands work" but you answered each question to the best of your ability. somewhere along the line you started helping dash with her weather jobs, clearing clouds and such, she was always happy to see you, excited even. same went for Fluttershy when you helped her take care of her animals, Pinkie when you helped her with party stuff, Rarity when you delivered clothes for her, even applejack when you helped out around the farm. but how ever the time drew nigh as this was currently the 29th moon since you had arrived, tomorrow was the summer sun festival, the resurfacing of the elements of harmony, and the return of Nightmare moon. you were once again sleeping on a cloud, inside your head you stood before Harmonia.

Harmonia: Time draws nigh....

Y/n: I know......... and I'm ready.

Harmonia: I have full faith in your ability... before you go let me give you your element.

Her horn glows as she floats a necklace to you.

(Imagine black diamonds instead of regular diamonds)

Y/n: a Silver ornate cross decorated with black diamonds. I like it..... * you put it on*

Harmonia: I knew you would when I created it. one more thing before you go. while forging it i had decided to make its own element.

Y/n: Really, it's not apart of the Harmony set, Why?

Harmonia: *sighs* the elements of harmony, while effective in solving problems, has a serious  flaw. they need to all be together to activate. so i constructed yours to work without them. The element of Darkness can be activated by your own will.

Y/n: Really?! well Harmonia, It'll be an honor. 

Harmonia: Like i Said I have full faith in you.

You then begin to wake up.

Harmonia: now go Y/n, and protect Equestria.

you woke up on the cloud you were sleeping on and you felt something hanging on your neck, you looked and found the brand new element of darkness and smiled. just then you had remembered that the mayor had to see you for something important for today. you flew to town hall and entered her office. and are met with the mayor of ponyvile, Mayor Mare was a earth pony mare you met a few days after you got to ponyvile. she was warm and welcoming to you just like most of the other ponies were. and agreed to try to get you housing in ponyvile, but despite her efforts you still have yet to receive keys to a home of any kind. she had a light grayish amber coat, a light cornflower bluish gray mane and tail with a lighter streak, moderate phthalo blue eyes. she was wearing glasses and a white neck collar with a teal ribbon underneath. and her cutie mark is a tan scroll tied with a blue ribbon.

Y/n: morning mayor.

Mayor Mare: Good morning to you Y/n. how are you today?

Y/n: just peachy, thank you for asking.

Mayor Mare: Good,  anyway, as you already Know, today is the day of the Summer Sun celebration.

Y/n: I know, the entire town is Helping set up. and so far it looks amazing.

Mayor Mare: *chuckles*  well i hope you don't mind, but i sorta volunteered you for a small task.

Y/n: i don't, what is it?

Mayor Mare: Well  I just received a message from the royal castle that the representative will be coming in just an hour. so i volunteered you as not only a representative of ponyvile, but a guide as well.

Y/n:  a representative, Why choose me? I'm not even a pony.

Mayor Mare:  While That may be true, you are one of the most helpful and kind individuals to live here, and on top of that, the abundance of odd jobs you've taken over your time here have you familiarized with our beautiful town.

Y/n: Well then in that case, I'll be honored.

Mayor Mare: Good then, Her name is Twilight Sparkle and She'll be arriving by a chariot being pulled by two royal Pegasus guards, So you should see them by the entrance of ponyvile. 

you nod as you begin to leave.

Y/n: I'll get right on it.

(Time skip brought to you by Twilight hooking an unamused Y/n to a machine for tests)

You waited by the entrance of ponyvile with your hands in your pocket. listening to music on your air pods.

Eventually you see a gold Chariot being pulled by two royal Pegasus Guards in the air as they land in ponyvile. Then its passengers, witch just so happens to be a purple unicorn mare and a baby dragon, step off and thank them for their service

The unicorn mare has a pale, light grayish mulberry coat, a dark sapphire blue mane and tail with moderate purple and brilliant raspberry streaks in them, she shared the same eye color as you, and her cutie mark was a pink-six-pointed sparkle surrounded by 5 small white sparkles. the baby dragon was basically purple and green.

Y/n's Thoughts: that must be the representative, welp time to introduce myself.

as you take out your air-pods and approach them you can't help but overhear their conversation.

Twilight: She said to check on preparations. I am her student, And I'll do my royal duty, but the the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends.

Spike: Maybe the ponies in ponyvile have interesting things to talk about. come on, Twilight, just try!

Just then pinkie walked up to twilight and twilight tried to greet her.

Twilight: Um... hello.

Pinkie then let out a really long Gasp Before jumping up into the air and zoomed off over the two surprising them.

Twilight: Well, that was interesting all right.

Y/n: *chuckles* Well that's Pinkie pie for ya, it's always interesting when she's around.

Twilight and spike turned and stared at you with wide eyes, Twilight couldn't help but stare at you, she had not seen anything like you from the absolutely ridiculous amounts of books she had read. What puzzled her the most though was your halo, to her it seemed to be encased in a dark aura which danced in a flame like manner, and on top of that seem to have no physical mass. Spike was staring at your black diamond studded cross and was puzzled by it's odd shape, to him it looked like a fancy jeweled T. 

They had both however snapped out of their curiosity to the sound of you clapping your hands.

Y/n: Ummm.... Anypony there?  

Twilight: Uhhhh.....

Y/n: O......k...... Well I'm Y/n, would you be Twilight sparkle, By any chance?  

Twilight: Ok first of all, how do you know my name? And second, What it Celestia's name are you!?

She had pointed a hoof at you upon inquiring as to what you were. this was just routine for you, you often had to explain your existence to ponies, always in detail, but making sure to leave out your combat experience. because telling them you've killed countless hellish monstrosities, and are armed always thanks to your soulbound weaponry would probably make them feel uncomfortable with your presence. That and you also you never told anypony that you serve under gods directly, because that would also warrant attention you didn't want.

Y/n: Well miss Sparkle, to answer your first question, I was volunteered by the mayor to be your Guide. And as for your other question, my kind are called Angels, we are bi-peds capable of flight and magic. No, we don't have horns we instead cast magic using our hands primarily. 

You wave your hands slightly, now having her attention you place your right hand upon the ground and run holy magic into the earth beneath you. A single rose grew between your middle and ring finger, you then pluck it from the ground and take a deep smell of it's sweet sent. 

Spike: Ok, but how do you fly?

You had forgotten you had put away your wings while waiting on them, so you made them appear and extended them showing off your black and purple Phoenix Angel feathers. Twilight seemed thoroughly intrigued by this display, she stared at your wings and found them quite odd. you put your wings away and decided to hurry and proceed with the day.

Y/n: Well as much as I love going on about my race, I'm sure you have more important things to do.

And with that Twilight instantly remembered that she had a job to do.

Twilight: Right, this is spike my assistant.

Spike: Hi there.

Spike waved at you with a smile.

Y/n: Hey.

Twilight: Okay, lets get this over with. Spike, what's first on the list?

Spike: Summer Sun Celebration official overseer's checklist. Number one, banquet perpetrations: Sweet Apple Acres.

Y/n: Alrighty then, follow me.

You walked off in the direction of sweet apple acres with your new party members in tow. But however, unbeknownst to you Twilight and spike were having a conversation...

Spike: See Twilight, what did I tell you?

Twilight: Hmmmm...

Spike: Um, Twilight?

Twilight: I don't get it Spike, I have never seen or heard of anything like him before today. A species that unique not being mentioned in any book that I've read whatsoever, just makes no logical sense.

Spike: Twilight... *spike groans* Don't you think your over thinking it?

Twilight: No. Spike, you don't get it. he can use magic but doesn't have a horn, that thing above his head tha, and those wings. Don't you find it the least bit unusual that nothing like him has been mentioned anywhere. I mean, the closest thing that I could use to describe him would be a minotaur, but even then it's not even close.

Spike: Well, when you put it like that....

Twilight: Exactly, it just Doesn't add up.

Spike: Maybe you should ask him? I'm sure he has an explanation. Maybe, its because his kind are just super isolated?

Twilight: I don't know spike, maybe.

And with that the discussion ends abruptly.

You eventually arrive at Sweet Apple Acers where Twilight Meets Applejack and ends up having to sit through brunch with the apple family. You enjoyed yourself and even met some of AJ's extended family, who all took a liking to you right away. One of her cousins even made a joke about you getting hitched to AJ and joining the family, he was immediately hit upside the head by an apple From a very flushed Applejack.

Twilight now slightly in pain from nearly overdosing on apple based cuisine, walked with you until she was drenched in mud, because of Dash botching a landing practicing for the wonderbolts, when she should have been doing her job, Dash attempted to help her by Cleaning her off but made her mane and tail a Poofy mess.Then Dash proceeded to clear the sky 10 seconds much to the amazement of spike and Twilight both. 

Later you guys went to the townhall to check on the decorations, there is where you found Rarity and where you saw spike get a crush on her. upon it happening you recalled Harmonia saying something about a Dragon/Pony hybrid Race Called The Kirin, Shortly Thereafter you were  at the boutique with Rarity in full Fashionista  mode, haven taken care of twilights mane and tail she was happy to find  out twilight was from Canterlot. Twi snuck out when rarity walked off in fear of her appearance being Drastically changed.

Later you found Fluttershy because you knew she was handling the music, and that what was last on the list. Fluttershy lost it when she saw spike, and you found that quite cute. Shortly after you, spike, and Twi left, a few of her birds chirped something to her having to do with you. Whatever it was it made her face go red.

It had been a few hours since the "official" tour ended, and Twilight was still following you around ponyvile. You were currently heading toward the Golden Oak library and by the time you did it had already gotten dark. Twilight had an irritated look on her face.

Twilight:  I cannot believe i wasted my time with a bunch of crazy ponies, when I should be studying alone how to defeat Nightmare moon and convince the princess  of her return.

Spike: (chuckles) Oh really? What about all that time you spent with Y/n? I mean, the tour ended hours ago yet all you have done since follow him around and ask him questions about, well, him.

Twilight: It's called "gathering data"  Spike.

Spike: On what, Because all you know about him so far are: What he eats, what he does in his spare time,  and where he lives.

Twilight: He feeds on both plants and animals, but won't eat ponies or other intelligent life because he views it as immoral. He reads books, likes music, and currently just sleeps on clouds  he finds above ponyvile.

Spike: (-_-)

Spike: you like him don't you Twilight?

Twilights face went slightly red upon hearing this question. She didn't know why but she was defenceive at the question.

Twlight: What, no I.......I mean it's.....He's..... He's just really interesting Spike.

Spike: Suuuurrrre.

Twilight just sighed and trotted up beside you.

Twilight: Hey Y/n...

You looked to Twilight.

Y/n: Hmh.

Twilight: Thank you for the tour around ponyvile, It was..... nice Getting to know you. 

Y/n: Thanks Twilight, and it was great getting to know you too. Hey when you have nothing better to do, wanna read a book with me sometime?

Twilight smiled slightly from the offer.

Twilight: Well if I'm not studying, then I guess so.

Y/n: Great then, Anyway here's the library.

You three just arrived at the Golden Oak library. Twilight and spike were the first to enter.

Twilight: Alright then, now That we're at the library, Where's the light?

As Twilight said that, The lights come on And a bunch of Were around them surprising them with a party.

Ponies: Surprise!

Twilight and spike were dumbfounded by the surprise party, you however couldn't help but smile, you knew there was only one pony responseable fo

Pinkie: Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you! Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh huh huh?

Twilight: Very surprised. Libraries are supposed to be quiet

Pinkie: Well, that's silly! What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh, bo-ring! Y'see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all "hello" and I was all [deep gasp], remember? Y'see I've never saw you before and if I've never saw you before that means you're new, 'cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Ponyville!

Twilight Sparkle: (groan)

[To Be continued]

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