Chapter 4

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Ever since the small conversation Gingerbrave had with Lotus, he seemed to be in deep thought, thinking about what'll happen after all cookies return to their original state.

'Why didn't I think of this before? When this battle ends, where will we go? Where will we stay? The harder we try to get to the city of wizards, the less sense it makes. Will the dragons even allow us to stay with them?? So many questions...'

While he was questioning himself, he bumped into someone.


"AH! I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention- Ananas?"

"Oh, hello! You must be the kid that ended in Lotus's island with your friends, aren't you?"

"Yep! Strange, I know."

"Hehe. Good to know that even after what happened there, you're still intact."

"Thank you, Ananas! And I have a question."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"Did you ever expect to see your dragon friends again? In a time like this, it must be hard..."

Ananas didn't say anything after that, from a thoughtful look to a sad one, as if reminiscing. Gingerbrave looked up at them, worried if he made the dragon angry, but what they replied was unexpected.

"In all honesty, small one, I missed them greatly. They were my everything, my family. They still are. The five of us were close to each other, but one event caused us to separate..."

Gingerbrave nodded, feeling touched to see the prideful dragon's vulnerable side.

"I gave them up so I could live on that island, and I didn't mind at first. But as time went on, I realized how alone I felt in my nest FULL of people...!"

Gingerbrave flinched at the raise of tone. 'They said people instead of cookies. Does that mean they felt alone even though others live there?' he thought. But the dragon didn't finish.

"Sometimes, every week, I visit a place only I know. It's a temple of the dragons. There's one sculpture of each one of us. I smile whenever I look at it, but then it gets replaced with deep sadness."

The dragon's voice cracked. Gingerbrave saw the look on their face, the dragon holding tears.

"I missed them, Brave. I truly did." One teardrop fell from their eyes before they wiped it stubbornly.

"I' sorry, Ananas Dragon Cookie. I had no idea that talking about that would hurt you."

Gingerbrave looked down, slightly ashamed, but heard the dragon chuckling softly.

"Don't be, small one. I'm glad you asked. It's about time I told someone how I felt whether young or not." They said, ruffling Gingerbrave's hair, causing him to giggle.

"YO, GUYSSS! ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT?!" They heard Pitaya yell, startling them.

"BE RIGHT THERE!!" Ananas yelled back. "Well, to be continued."

The two ran, catching up with the group in front of them.

Time skip

"Guys, are you sure we should be following Snake Fruit? I'm starting to think this is a trap." Alchemist Cookie murmured.

"I see why, but we have no choice! We have to find the Longan Dragon and try to stop them!" Whispered yelled Gingerbright.

"I'll regret the words as soon as they come out of my mouth, but what the hell? I agree with her." Dark Choco Cookie said.

"If anything goesss wrong, we'll fight them!" Exclaimed Pitaya Dragon.

"Lotus! Is everything okay? You seem out of it since we got here!" Hydrangea Cookie said.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. I have a feeling the snake is planning something more sinister." They replied.

"I see why. I've heard the snake laughing to themselves..." Rambutan Cookie replied.

"Well, whatever it is, we've got each other!" Exclaimed Bellflower Cookie.

"Come on, thiss way..." Said Snake Fruit Cookie.

"Let's hope whatever they're taking us is worth it." Said Dark Cacao.

A few minutes of walking passed, and still no luck.

"Oh, my LORD!! Are we EVER going to see this DRAGON?! At THIS point, I FEEL LIKE WE'RE GOING IN CIRCLES!!!" Yelled out Purple Yam Cookie.

"Purple Yam, please, calm down. Give Snake Fruit Cookie a chance..." Replied Milk Cookie.

"I'm starting to have second thoughts, guys..." Whispered Dino-Sour Cookie to them. "What if they're leading us to a trap?"

"I see why you are getting them. The place we're at right now looks like a dungeon. It's giving me the creeps..." Mala Sauce Cookie answered Dino.

"And that's why we have to keep our senses high." Dark Choco Cookie said, approaching them. "You never know what can happen to you if you're too trusting. Hell, maybe you could end up in a terrible state."

"How do YOU know so much of this?!" Purple Yam Cookie asked immediately.

"I should know because I've been in that situation. Many times. Hehe..." Dark Choco Cookie replied, looking down.

"Hey! The point is that all the chaos is over, and now you're here! With your family and friends!" Exclaimed Milk Cookie, putting a shoulder around Dark Choco.

"You're right. Thanks. Let's keep going."

Another time skip

"Uh... Snake Fruit? Are you sure this is the place?" Asked Gingerbrave, looking uncertain.

"Of coursse! Don't worry about it. I know exactly where I'm going. Hehehe..." They replied.

The cookies were in a room. It's fancy, it isn't too small, but almost dark. Their only light source was a small light that illuminated a small part of the room.

"Snake Fruit, what is this place?" Asked Caramel Arrow Cookie.

"Oh! Thiss room iss the place you all will sstay for the night! It'ss going to be a long journey, sso sstrap in!" They replied.

"If you say so..." Caramel Arrow Cookie replied, looking uncomfortable.

"Well, this isn't too bad! Look at all the space here! We can call this place ho-"

Gingerbrave got cut off by the loud sound of a door closing behind them. Snake Fruit has locked them in with no way out.


"What the HEY!!!" Yelled out Strawberry Cookie.

"YOU TRICKED US!!!" Yelled Crunchy Chip Cookie.

"LET US OUT, NOW!!!" Yelled Purple Yam Cookie

Everyone was yelling out their frustration at the snake, who was standing looking smug that their plan worked.

"What makes you think you're superior to us just because you work with Longan?!?!" Yelled out Ananas Dragon.

"Well, I never wanted to help you guyss. I planned to distract you guyss sso I could bring you all here. Ssurprisse!!"

"But why?! What even are you planning?!" Mango Cookie exclaimed.

"Well, I plan to overthrow Longan and their era and become more powerful than them."

"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled.

"Yep. It wass nice meeting you all, but our adventuress end here..." They said. They turned around and walked away, leaving everyone in dismay.

"Oh! By the way, don't try breaking the glass. You'll end up hurting yourself. And the room is dragon power proof, so don't try, dragons!"

The three dragons looked dumbfounded after that.

"Toodless!" And the snake slammed the gate to the dungeon closed.

Few minutes later

Everyone was tense. Pitaya kept trying to melt the glass, but to no avail. Lotus was playing their mandolin, but their anxiety made them go off-key. Ananas tried to look intimidating, but their nervousness was getting to them.

"RAGHHH!!!!" Yelled out Pitaya Dragon, breathing fire to try and melt the ice. Nothing happened. "Grrr... Damn the fire-proofed room..." They cursed before sitting in a corner and scowling.

"We should have known, and then none of us would be in this mess..." Dark Cacao Cookie said, trying to comfort his shaken son.

"Even though this prison is so nice, I prefer back home..." Crunchy Chip said while he laid down on his side and looked sad.

"I want to go home to go back to my mentor! I hope he's okay." Muttered Bellflower Cookie.

They all stopped muttering to themselves when they heard someone starting to breathe heavily. They turned to the source of the sound. It was Rambutan Cookie.

"Um... Isss she sssick?" Asked Pitaya Dragon, looking concerned.

"Rambutan Cookie, are you okay...?" Asked Milk Cookie.

"No... I. Am. NOT OKAY!!!" She yelled before grabbing her spear and swinging it savagely to the glass in front.

"Rambutan Cookie, what are you doing?!" Exclaimed Mala Sauce Cookie.

"Getting us out of here!" She replied.

"But didn't you hear what Snake Fruit said?! You'll end up hurting yourself! Maybe someone can come and help us?!" Yelled Gingerbright.

"No one is COMING!! WE'RE ON OUR OWN, AND IF WE STAY HERE AND DO NOTHING, WE'RE GOING TO DIE!!!!!" She yelled while she kept swinging.

"Rambutan...scary when angry..." Said Zombie Cookie.

Rambutan Cookie kept swinging in full rage until she heard something shatter. It was her spear. It had broken.

"My spear..." She said eyes widened.

"Oh, Rambutan Cookie... We tried to warn you." Dark Choco Cookie said, voice filled with sympathy.

"But we thought she would break something, not the spear itself..." Said Crunchy Chip Cookie.

Rambutan Cookie gently placed the broken staff on the floor before going to the nearest corner to steady herself.

"Rambutan...?" A voice said. "Do you need to talk?" 'It was Bellflower Cookie.

"I think. So much has happened. When I was young, I lost my parents. Then my tribe, and when I was about to get them back, they turned to stone. I lost my closest friend too, and it hurts knowing they never cared. And now my spear..." Rambutan Cookie said, eyes welling with tears.

"Oh, Rambutan. When did you get the spear, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I got it on my birthday. My mom gave it to me, telling me it was my turn to lead. But it happened so soon." Tears started to fall from Rambutan Cookies' eyes. "I had to become the leader at the age of 15!"

Bellflower Cookie was feeling intense sorrow for the older cookie in front of her. She wanted to hug her but stopped so Rambutan Cookie could continue.

"I knew being a leader would be a hassle, but why does the world like to see me suffer?!" Yelled Rambutan Cookie, sobbing at this point.

That was it for Bellflower Cookie. She pulled Rambutan Cookie closer to her to give her a tight hug. Rambutan was shocked before wrapping her arms around her and sobbing on her shoulder.

"Shh... It's going to be okay. I'm here." She cooed to the sobbing cookie.

Then everyone joined in on the hug, one by one. The dragons did too. Hell, even Purple Yam Cookie joined in on the hug.

"We are deeply sorry for your ordeal, Rambutan Cookie. But, if you don't mind me asking, who was your friend?" Lotus Dragon asked her.

"...Lychee." She replied.

"What? But that dragon isss a trickster! Why were you friendsss with them?" Asked Pitaya Dragon.

"They tricked me. They pretended to be someone I was fond of, Mangosteen Cookie."

"Oh..." Pitaya Dragon replied, shock getting to them.

"As soon as they revealed themself, it wasn't the same..."

"We hope that Lychee Dragon Cookie realizes their mistakes and come to you. But for now, you have us!" Exclaimed Mango Cookie.

"Heh. You're right." Rambutan Cookie replied, putting her hand on his head.

"Uh, guys? Who is that?" Alchemist Cookie asked suddenly.

They looked out of the glass and saw the gate to the dungeon open, with a hooded figure standing in the middle.

They jumped down from the high area and approached them. It was fully dark, so they didn't see who it was. The only thing visible were two glowing golden-yellow pupils looking toward them.

Rambutan Cookie approached the glass, eye-locking with the mysterious figure. After looking into each other's eyes for a few seconds, the figure stepped to the side. They were typing something on the keypad next to the cell, and it opened.

"Oh, wow! Maybe I was right!" Exclaimed Gingerbright.

"All of you, follow me! I know the way out!" Exclaimed the figure.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you so much, sir!!!" Exclaimed Gingerbrave.

"It's nothing. I'm happy to help. Now come on, little one!" They replied.

"I'm going! I'm going!!!"

Everyone followed the mysterious figure, although some were cautious around them.

"We got here faster than where the snake took us! If you don't mind me asking, how come you know more about this place than Longan Dragon's followers?" Dino-Sour Cookie asked the figure.

"...I like to explore, especially new areas." They replied.


"Excuse me? Sorry if this sounds rude, but where do we go after this?" Asked Dark Cacao Cookie.

"Don't worry. I found an island with a cottage big enough for all of us." The figure replied.

"An island with a cottage? I've lived and traveled these islands for years! How come I've never seen it?" Mango Cookie asked.

"... new things get created, that's why." They said, starting to get uncomfortable. Mango let out a hum of acknowledgment.

"Guys! Can we please calm down on the questions? We're making the only person who helped us uncomfortable." Said Rambutan Cookie while signaling the figure.

"Thank you, ma'am." The figure said, sounding grateful. "Now, about the dragons, I know they can fly to the island, but what do we do with the cookies?"

"We can try to carry them. It'll take time, but it will work." Said Ananas Dragon.

"Great idea! Let's do it." The figure replied.

The three dragons went back and forth, helping the cookies arrive on the island. Gingerbrave was the last one to get there.

"And this is our shelter." The figure said.

"The color scheme reminds me SO MUCH of a specific dragon..." Said Rambutan Cookie.

"Are you sure you discovered this island by yourself and not the result of dragon magic?" Lotus Dragon asked.

"Quite sure, thanks." They replied.


Everyone entered the building. It looked old on the outside but nice on the inside.

"Wow... I wasn't expecting this." Dino-Sour Cookie mumbled to his jellysaur, which squeaked in return.

"Pretty nice, right?" Asked the figure.

"I guess..." Mumbled Purple Yam Cookie

"Thank you so much for saving us from that cell and taking us to shelter! We'll always remember that!" Exclaimed Gingerbrave.

"It's not an issue. As I said earlier, I'm happy to help." Replied the figure.

"Also, I hope you don't mind me asking, but who... are you?"

The figure froze at the question. They were going to reply with a classified, but once they saw Gingerbrave's face full of wonder, they sighed.

They removed the hood on their head, revealing themselves to be the Longan Dragon. 

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