Batman sucks at convincing people

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Two years later

I stood at attention just beyond Slade's chair, he was conducting business and I was more of a 'seen not heard' type of apprentice. Seems he'd had enough back talk when Dick had been in my place.

"I'm sorry, we've made other arrangements" Slade's business partner was on the other side of the screen, his hands folded in front of him calmly. "Our contract has come to an end and I found a much cheaper and frankly better mercenary."

"Would this partner happen to be Charlie Gray?" Deathstroke steepled his fingers, leaning back and presenting the picture of calm.

I felt it a point of pride every time something caught Slade unaware. This was the fifth contract Charlie Gray had stolen from him this month. They have direct competition with Slade and they seemed to have some sort of vendetta against him.

"I couldn't confirm or deny that even if I wanted to." The client frowned, turning just in time for blood to spatter the camera, the screen going blank. Apparently Charlie Gray had killed this man too. They were doing it with all their clients, at least the ones who'd previously worked with my employer. Slade only knew about it because I'd found a paper trail.

Slade got up, stomping off his throne and chucking his coffee cup against the wall in the process. "Find out who this Charlie Gray person is, and bring them to me."

That was satisfying.

"Yes sir" I nodded, heading toward my room to find my laptop. As soon as I was out of view, I pulled my mask off, wiping the sweat from my face.

How did he wear it all the time? It was like carrying a sauna around on my head. I did a few quick searches on my computer, employing the hacking method that Dick once taught me.

"Finally track him down?" Hallucination Dick appeared on the bed beside me.

He'd come to me the night real Dick had been killed and he hadn't gone away, kinder than before. Maybe I really was losing my mind.

"Yes and if you'd be quiet for five seconds, I could already be on my way." Seeing and talking to Dick was one thing, but not ever feeling one of his hugs? That was the worst part of seeing a hallucination.

I missed him.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I willed the painful memories away, Now wasn't the time for grief. I had a plan and a job to do.

Wintergreen was the next target on my list.

He was just one of many I'd been secretly taking down and everything was almost ready. I slipped off my bed, restocking my weapons. With Slade's focus on Charlie Gray, he wouldn't see me coming until it was too late.

He was going to pay for what he'd done to Dick, and I was going to make sure he did.

I set the mask back on my face, trying to ignore the stifling feeling it gave, though I suppose that was the purpose, to smother any ideas of identity I might have.

As I was walking toward the exit, the hair on the back of my neck stood on end, suddenly I was in a fight with Slade, dodging his blows as I tried to clear the pain from my head.

I wasn't strong enough to go head to head with him, I knew that and I wasn't stupid. I just needed to employ a technique that Dick had always used. Evade and strike. If I could manage a knife to his knee then the fight would be over and I could go complete my latest task.

"I have a lead" I dodged a fist. "Supposedly they're in Coast City." Then a kick.

"Good, follow this up and you might just get a meal tonight." He thought that was an incentive. I didn't eat very much now anyway.

"Yes sir" I saw an opportunity and I took it, though my blade ended up in his arm instead of his knee. At least the fight was done.

"Do not disappoint me, Apprentice" Slade warned. I sent him a curt nod, waiting until he left before I could finally relax. It wasn't until I'd gotten far enough from the compound that I pulled out my phone, calling Maxwell, the Alfred to my Batman.

"Is it done?"

"Almost, just a few minor adjustments."

"Good, I only have one person standing between me and taking Slade Wilson down. Have they tracked Wintergreen yet?"

My team had been running a second scan, on the off chance my own was wrong.

"They have, looks like he's settling in for the night, would you like me to have them move in?"

"No" I looked out into the skyline, a giant bat themed insignia burning through the clouds. "I have something I need to take care of first."

Gotham's air was stuffy and full of smog. Slade didn't like coming to this base but it'd been next on the rotation and he figured he had enough control over me.

I grappled toward the police building, landing softly on its roof. Commissioner Gordon faced the city, smoking a cigarette. "That was fast" he turned, eyes widening in surprise at the sight of me.

"Hello Commissioner. I need to speak with Batman."

"Not a place to meet your heroes kid, go home." He paused. "How did you even get up here?"

"Listen, I'd go to his cave but I can't. This is just the easiest way to talk to him." I rolled my eyes, patience dwindling for the man, it was more frustrating that he thought I was just some fan.

"Gordon" Batman appeared, not making a sound as he landed. The commissioner jumped.

"You're going to give me a heart attack one day" he chided, though began giving his report. "Scarecrow is on the streets" he sent a weary side glance toward me. "We think he's pushing out his fear toxins in the form of drugs." Batman nodded, making no move to leave, Gordon signed. "Fine talk to the kid. Just don't recruit her, we have enough child heroes running around"

James Gordon exited the rooftop.

"Why are you here?"

"Nice to see you too Bats" I rolled my eyes. "Thought you'd like to know that my plan is almost complete and I'm going forward with it."

"He deserves the right to a fair trial" Batman argued.

"That monster doesn't deserve anything but a deep, dark hole for the rest of his miserable life." I snapped. "He stole him from me, murdered him right in front of my eyes and you know what? I'm the only reason you even had a body to bury"

Bruce flinched, though he tried to hide it. "What happened to you?"

"You know damn well what" I shot back. "I won't rest until that man is either trapped or dead, either way he's going to Hell blind."

"Don't do this" Batman was letting his Bruce get the better of him, trying to reason with me. Which I just found kind of hypocritical, sure Batman's whole schtick was that he was vengeance.

That's all I wanted.


"I came here as a courtesy. I don't need your help" I rolled my eyes.

"You're still hurting from what happened.."

"No Bats, I was crushed by grief for months. Then I began to plan. The only true weakness he has is his only good eye and I will take that one pleasure he has away from him. For the first time in a long time, I have clarity."

"Just know that the offer is still on the table, even if you decide to continue" He responded gently. It reminded me of what Dick always insisted Bruce had in him.

The kind of man that adopted an orphan when his parents fell.

Dick died thinking that man was gone.

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