Freaking Empaths

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Dick and I stood faced the accusing looks of his old teammates. "I have no idea what you're talking about, I just went to the wrong room by accident. Then suddenly a bunch of alarms were going off."

"Dude, there's no way you could've wandered in here. Robin locked it before he left" Beast Boy crossed his arms.

"Not even my systems could override the code" Cyborg agreed. "You'd have to be Robin to open it"

"That's why his emotions are so familiar, it's because I've felt them before" the empath in the room glowered at us.

"Why did you hide it from us?" Starfire implored. "And who is this stranger? Was it all lies?"

"Star" Nightwing's voice was tired, too tired, as he sighed. "I needed some time. Go off on my own for a while. After everything that happened, can you blame me?"

"What happened man? We looked everywhere for you." Cyborg's human eye begged Dick to tell him.

Dick was quiet for a moment, even glancing at me as a resigned look crossed his features. "I'm sorry that you all wasted your time. If the Zeta tube hadn't glitched, I wouldn't have returned to Jump. You all need to move on, find a new teammate."

I slipped my hand in his.

"Is it because of her?" Starfire whispered.

"No," Dick responded in kind, squeezing my hand. "She's my friend"

"Robin, you left because of your obsession with Slade, yes? He's gone now. You can come home" Starfire had tears in her eyes.

Dick hung his head. "I can't Star, not ever. My time as a Titan is over."

"Is this because you're still hung up on what Slade did? Man he's gone, we haven't seen him in years." Cyborg argued. "He's not a problem anymore"

Before Dick could get a word in, Beast Boy spoke up, his arms crossed "Speaking of Slade, don't you guys find it at all weird that he was so obsessed with Robin, like dude was constantly trying to bait Robin into challenging him and stuff."

"It's because he was a challenge. If Slade could get the great boy wonder as his apprentice, then he could do it to anyone." I responded, Dick's head snapped toward mine. His brow furrowed behind his mask and I could practically see the gears beginning to turn in his mind.

"How do you know that?" Beast Boy's tone was accusing.

Licking my lips, I tried to think of a response. I had to be very careful with my next few words if I didn't want them to figure anything out. "I was under Slade's thumb before he knew Robin existed. I was the informant for all his enemies' weaknesses and identities"

"Slade wanted her to figure out not only my identity but all of yours as well" Dick nodded along.

"And I was successful, but by then I'd figured out who Slade truly was and escaped. Nightwing found me and we ran together"

"Can we back up to the part where you just found out our identities?!" Cyborg's stance changed, more alarmed than the neutral one he'd been holding.

"I retain all the information I come into contact with, so little hints most people subconsciously drop eventually add up. It only took me six months to work it out. Nightwing's was the last and hardest" I explained carefully.

"It's why she's called the Keeper, get it because she keeps all the important information" Dick grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

The Titans collectively groaned at the bad joke. Except Raven, she was watching me closely, a small tilt to her head. "Couldn't someone just torture the information out of you?"

Shifting on my feet uncomfortably, I subtly moved slightly behind Dick before tapping my temple with my free hand. "I've got Slade's information up here too. What do you think a ruthless mercenary would do to protect that kind of knowledge"

Cyborg was the first to figure it out and he  looked like he might be sick as the implications dawned on him, Starfire's eyes widened, her hand going over her mouth. Even Beast Boy looked somber. Raven was still watching me, her own eyes calculating.

Looking back, I still berate myself for not figuring it out sooner. That Slade was abusive and sinister. Not only did he torture me to really drive home the lesson of secrecy, but he openly manipulated and gaslit me.

I could feel Dick's gaze on me, almost as if he sensed what I was thinking. He squeezed my hand, shaking his head in such a small gesture that I would've missed it if I hadn't been paying attention.

"Half truths will get you nowhere" Raven's head titled, her eyes narrowed. "Your last statement was true, but everything else, it was either a lie or half truth"

"What are you talking about?" I feigned confusion.

Freaking empaths.

"I'd explain but I have a feeling you already know. What is it that you're hiding from us"

"Raven, it's not something that affects you" Dick said sternly, his voice full of warning. "Leave it be. I was with you guys for a long time and you never knew my identity, I'm sure you can handle a similar situation"

I lightly touched the mask Dick had put on me earlier.

"Yeah and look where that got us!" Beast Boy threw his hands up. "We had no way to find you when you disappeared. We had no one to contact! We thought you were dead."

"She's just some girl. We are family" Raven crossed her arms. "Or was that just nonsense you spat when you used to be one of us"

"There are things that you guys don't need to know" Dick pointed toward the ground defensively with his free hand. "She's one of them. The information we've given is more than enough. Mind you, we could have just hidden and stayed away, but we chose to come back and talk to you. As soon as I fix that zeta tube, we're gone, I want to make that very clear"

Starfire looked on the verge of tears again. "So you're choosing her friend Robin?" She gestured to the titans. "Over us, over me?"

Dick straightened, his chin held high. "I am. We'll leave shortly"

Understanding the silent cue, I pulled him out of the room, and I couldn't help but feel responsible for tearing him away from the people he once called family.

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