Gaslight, Girlboss, Gatekeep

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As soon as we were away from the ring, I rounded on Jason. "What are you doing? I had that guy. We were so close!"

Instead of saying anything, he reached up, carefully taking my earpiece as well as his own out of our ears, turning them off and pocketing them. "This isn't something anyone else needs to hear."

I crossed my arms. "Alright?"

"You flinched."

That took me aback. "What?"

"You said the reason you don't flinch around us is because we didn't do anything to warrant it. It's a safety thing right?"

"You pulled me out of a sting because I flinched?" I took a step back. "Jason I've been on hundreds of missions where I was uncomfortable. This would've just been one more and we would've gotten the bad guy."

"Eren you don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Not with me." Jason was looking at me differently. Like he didn't hate me.

I didn't know how to react. He was trying to help me. He took me out because he knew I was uncomfortable.

That's never happened to me on a mission before.

What was I meant to do?


Maybe it was my tone of voice or expression, but his lips pressed into a thin line. "Right." He took a couple of steps away. "I'll see you back at the manor." He gave me back my earpiece and ran before I could even get a word in.

Even if I'd had the time, what would I have said?

Tucking my earpiece back in, I turned it on. "Hey Tim, Jason just took off. What are we going to do about the mission?"

There was a heavy sigh, one that didn't come from Tim. "We'll let Mason go for now." Bruce. "He'll slip up and when he does, I'll get him."

"I can finish this."

"Eren, you don't have to-" Tim started.

"Can you?"

"Yes, I'm not entirely incompetent. You'd actually be surprised how well my acting has improved." Slade was good at his job at least. "Let me finish this for you. It's better than sitting around, waiting for Barry to leave Metropolis."

Plus I needed the distraction from Jason. The slime ball inside was as good as any.

"Fine. I can pull you out as a man named Matches Malone if you get too uncomfortable."

"Noted but unnecessary. Have you notified GCPD yet?"

"They're en route. All we need is for them to see Mason's face and they'll storm the place." Tim offered helpfully. "We think he's got his entire operation running in the basement."

"Cool cool cool." I shivered in Gotham's chill air. This dress did not provide the needed coverage.

Damian tutted over the coms. "Drake has you watching that infernal television program."

"Don't disrespect Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Demon Spawn." Tim chided.

"Boys. I'm going back in." I jumped in before Damian could spit a reply. The ring was noisy, conversations broken up by the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

Two men were in the ring, matching each other blow for blow. They were evenly matched, I couldn't help but wince in sympathy when I saw one bodily slam the other into the mats below.

"You came back." Mason held his hands out, a grin on his face. "Not carting that boyfriend of yours anymore I see."

"Wayne matter only I guess." I wrapped my arms around myself. "Though I do get lonely when he goes off like that."

Mason moved to my side, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and I had to hide my shudder. I did not like this man at all, his body language was screaming how unsafe he truly was. "Don't worry sweetums, I'll take good care of you."

Meekly, I sent a glance around the room. "Do you think we could sneak out of here? I'd rather not be where Jason thinks I am." There was a little truth to that.

"Of course. We'll go back to my apartment. Maybe have a little fun." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I forced myself to lay a hand on his chest, fighting against the utter repulsion I felt while doing it. "You'll take care of me, won't you?"

"Oh I'll do more than take care of you." Mason steered me toward the door.

"GCPD is still two minutes away. Stall." Tim relayed.

"Wait. Could we get a drink first, to loosen up the nerves. This is a dangerous game we're playing after all." I intentionally worked a sultry tone into my words, biting my lip.

Mason grinned, making my gut twist. "You read my mind. I'm not afraid of Wayne though, if that's what you're worried about." Alright, steer him away from the idea of drinking. I didn't trust him to not drug me.

"One minute."

"If you really aren't afraid of my boyfriend, you wouldn't mind taking a picture of us kissing?" I pulled my phone out of my pocket, waving it around lightly. "He'll be pissed."

"Living life on the edge, right baby?"

I laughed, opening the camera capability, it didn't detect any light. Luck appeared to be on my side tonight. "Ugh, stupid phone. Can we go outside, I could've sworn I saw a street light that would give us perfect lighting." Mason hesitated and I sweetened the deal by getting close to him, barely grazing my lips against his.

Just a case.

"Whatever you want." Perfect. Idiot was putty in my hands.

I grabbed his tie, letting my fingers glide along the material until I reached the end before finally letting it go and walking toward the exit. I could make out him stumbling to catch up.

Red and blue lights flashed as cops told us to put our hands in the air. As much as I disliked working with any form of law enforcement outside the Bats and Superman, I couldn't help the relief that they'd come before I had to kiss Mason.

He tried to run, but I stuck my heel out just in time for him to trip over it. He tumbled to the ground as a man with gray hair and a mustache approached, his gun drawn.

"Who are you?" He demanded.

"Love to stay and chat, but I'd rather go wash off the feeling of creep this guy gave me." I gestured to Mason. "Since you don't have anything to hold me and there's only a warrant for this guy and about half this ring, I think you have bigger fish to fry."

"You remind me of someone." James Gordon narrowed his eyes at me.

I shrugged. "Guess I have one of those faces." I wasn't overly concerned he'd recognize me. "So am I free to go?"

"Have you two met?" Tim asked over the coms.

"Fine. Let me get a statement first." He turned as two uniformed officers took Mason away and I used it as an opportunity to slip into a nearby alleyway.

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