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Sneaking into the mountain had been as easy as leaving and I was still back before Dick. So my mission had been successful, even if I did have a confrontation with my father. My hands shook violently from the encounter, even when my fingers were pure white from holding the backpack straps tightly.

The dead silence of the mountain was eerie, the only real sounds were my footsteps, quiet as they were.

I made my way to my room, dropping the backpack off on my bed where I began to unpack, setting the various items I'd taken from my apartment around the room to give it a more personal touch and to make it seem less like the bare rooms Slade had in his compounds.

"You seem to be settling in"

Startled, I spun around to see the Batman standing in my doorway, his arms folded across his chest. "Hello" I greeted, setting my stuffed bunny on my bed. "I have to say, I thought you'd be taller." Sarcasm, an easy defense to cover up my panic.

"Nightwing said you were an informant" it wasn't a question, more of a statement.

I shrugged, putting on a show of calm. "I don't share a whole lot, it's what I know that has me under his protection."

"And what's that?" He was acting too. Curiosity was his facade.

Sighing, I sat on the bed. "Can't tell you that information"

Batman's eyes narrowed. "Why not?" His voice was impossibly soft. He probably thought his more gravely tone wouldn't work as well.

"Because it wouldn't be any fun" I grinned "I think the real question is when the team is getting back. It's been hours"

"You seem more concerned than the odd informant"

"Just curious" I took the backpack off my bed, throwing it into an empty corner lazily, adjusting the sunglasses on my face. "Why does everyone take issue with Mine and Nightwing's professional relationship? Maybe that's just how we do it"

"It wouldn't be out of his character to do that" He supposed.

I was about to give a snarky reply when the alarms in the cave went off, red lights flashing as they echoed the blaring noise.

"Stay here" Batman ordered, stepping away, he allowed the heavy metal door to shut.

Panic swelled in my chest as I rushed toward the exit. Only for the fear to turn to confusion as it slid open on its own.

Was this a trick? Shouldn't it be locked to ensure I obeyed?

Carefully I crept into the hallway, the alarms and lights shutting off entirely. As I neared the open living room in the cave, I could hear the chatter of the teen heroes along with a flurry of movement.

Just as I entered, Nightwing was wheeled past on a gurney. Instinctively I moved toward him, silently following Batman and Black Canary as they rushed toward where I assume they could give Dick medical attention.

"Hey." Someone caught me around the waist, stopping me from entering the swinging doors that Dick had disappeared behind. "Calm down"

"No" I fought against them, desperately trying to make sure Dick was safe. It was like I had tunnel vision.

I had to make sure he was safe.

"Let me go!" I cried, barely registering the alarm bells going off in my head.

Kid Flash appeared in front of me, gently taking my wrists, even though his attention was on the person holding me. "Let her go SB, I got her"

Superboy seemed reluctant to let me down, but he followed his friend's order.

Wally now looked at me. "He's gonna be okay, we just need to be out of the doctors' way while they patch him up." He assured. "Can you come sit on the couch with me?"

I hesitated, glancing at the door. Why did I have to wait out here? I could help. I've stitched him up more times than I could count.

"C'mon" Wally pulled me toward the couches where the rest of the team was sitting. It was only then that I really noticed them. Wally was walking with a distinctive limp, favoring his left side while Artemis had a split lip and a nasty bruise blooming on the exposed skin between her cropped top and her pants.

Aqualad looked like he just walked through a desert while Megan had this far away haunted expression on her face. Even Superboy was cradling his right arm.

"What happened?" I sat on the couch arm, allowing the remaining seats to be filled by the injured team.

"Mercenary" Artemis replied angrily although it wasn't directed at me, more at the one who attacked them. "He came out of nowhere! Beat the crap out of all of us. Said it was supposed to send a message"

"The League will be forced to retaliate." Kaldur pointed out solemnly. "He's too strong an enemy to be left alone"

Dread pooled in my stomach. "What did he look like?"

Megan gave me a curious glance. "We couldn't see his face because of his mask."

"It was black and orange," Conner added, still looking as if he'd like to hit a wall.

I felt the blood drain from my face, it wasn't a message for the league. It was a message for me. It's why Dick was the one who was hurt the most. The apartment today was my one and only chance to come peacefully and since I refused, he went after the only person I actually cared about.

How did he get to wherever their mission was so quickly? Surely he didn't have the means to teleport?

What if that was the real reason why he'd been so subdued? His true lesson wasn't at the apartment.

"Do you know him?" Artemis asked with a raised brow as she cradled her ribs, drawing me out of my thoughts.

Nervously licking my lips, I took an uneasy breath before answering. "I've come across him, yeah. He wants the information I have up here" I tapped my temple.

That seemed to put the archer and speedster on edge. It made sense, they were the only ones out of the five with lives outside the hero business.

"Did you tell him anything?" Wally sat on the couch next to me, faking a calm attitude.

"Nothing" I shook my head.

The red headed boy leaned back, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

The blonde however was not convinced. "How do we know that? We're supposed to be a covert team, how did he know where our mission was?"

I looked around the room before settling back on Artemis. "You guys aren't exactly discreet when you go on a mission. The entire villain community knows that you're a team. A select few even know some of your identities, although I'm sure that the ones who do, have already told the various heroes they're usually up against"

"That's news to me!" Artemis stood up in outrage, although she immediately regretted it as she settled back on the couch cushions.

"Not me." Wally shrugged. "A couple of the rogues know my ID" he paused, his attention turning to me. "Wait how did you know that?"

"I wouldn't be very good at my job if I didn't" I replied simply, my eyes finding their way toward where Dick was. Absent-mindedness was loosening my lips further than I wanted. I just couldn't bring myself to care.

What was taking so long?

Surely Slade wouldn't have killed him.


As far as I knew, he still wanted to move forward with his apprentice scheme. All he needed was me to tell him the Titans' weaknesses. If he was going to hurt anyone, it should be me. I'm the one with the information.

Black Canary exited the doors, looking both shaken and solemn. Soon enough the rest of the team noticed her approach and quieted down. "Nightwing is going to live." She assured, answering the unasked question on everyone's mind. "But he's going to be in recovery for a few weeks and will be taking a break from his duties as a hero." Canary paused. "That being said, there is a credible threat to your safety and as of now, the team is benched-" she was cut off by the cries of outrage from the teenagers.

"We have to get this guy back. He hurt our teammate!" Wally yelled from his seat, his healing moving slower than it usually would.

Father must have done something to it.

The elder hero gave them all a sharp look before continuing. "As I was saying, you're benched for now. The League doesn't take stuff like this lightly. This guy will be caught but not by the five of you. Do I make myself clear?"

Some grumbled their reply while others remained in stoic silence.

Black Canary moved to walk away but I caught her by the arm. "Can I see him?"

She studied me for a moment before giving a small nod and leading me toward my injured friend.

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