Introduction and Rules

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Hello and thank you for reading this applyfic! I hope you enjoy submitting your characters and watching as they help the plot grow!

     First off, I am so sorry for this taking so long to publish. It's been about two weeks, if not more, since I actually got 500 followers (at the time of writing this), and in that time, I've been really busy. So, my apologies again and let's get on with the formal stuff (then the fun stuff ^^)!

     Thank you very much for 500 followers! If you aren't already, remember to follow, vote and comment!

     This is a rough, short summary/blurb of the plot:

     Three dragon whelps, Saffron, Marabou and Xerocole, live very different lives from each other, surrounded by secrets. Marabou resides with her mother, Citrine, in the most distant corners of the South Amburn savannahs. Saffron hides away in the Emeraldo forests, unknown and unseen. And Xerecole lives the life of a wealthy Amburn prince in the Sun Palace, with his own degree of mystery. However, as civil war threatens to break out, they find that their destinies, the destinies  of dragons that they've never heard of before, are heavily intertwined with their own. To save their Guilds, friends and family, they must find the core of these attacks and stop the rebels before its too late. But when they meet, everything changes and the opposing sides have obtained the greatest powers in the lands, it might be too late to save Whyvaria from descending into chaos. Or will it?

     Whyvaria, the island that this is set on, houses seven Guilds of dragons, as well as many native species of animals and plants. The seven Guilds are as follows: the Guild of Ambers, the Guild of Amephysts, the Guild of Diamonds, the Guild of Emeralds, the Guild of Rubies, the Guild of Sapphires and the Guild of Quartz.

     Detailed descriptions of each of the dragon Guilds' abilities and features will be in further parts and also described in my 'Guide to Whyvaria' book. However, here's a summary on their appearances and where they live.

          The Guild of Ambers lives in the desert and savannahs, split into two groups known as the North and South (variant) Amburns. The North variants have paler yellow and sandy gold scales, with dark orange or gold eyes, usually dull or pale shades. The South Amburns have more orange and brown coloured scales, with brighter orange, gold or amber eyes. They have boxy, strong builds with practicality flat heads and long, narrow wings.

          The Guild of Amephysts lives in the semi-tropical forests of central Whyvaria, around and South of the volcano. The dragons from that Guild have medium purple to dark indigo scales. Pure Amephysts have iridescent, semi-transparent patterns of any colour, mainly excluding red and purple. Their eyes appear in anything on the colour wheel from magenta to a reddish-orange. They have stout hadrosaurid-like builds, with wide but short wings.

          The Guild of Diamonds resides in the icy cold snowy mountains and glaciers of the Northern parts of Whyvaria. Their scales range from pure white to pale blue to ghostly silver and the such. Diamonder eyes come in shades of dark grey to navy - the colours of storm clouds and icy water. They have sleek, narrow, wyvern (wings attached to front 'legs') builds, with long, powerful, flexible wings/front legs.

          The Guild of Emeralds have green scales, with yellow-green to green and even teal irises. Dragons from this Guild live in five separate villages, called: the Spruce Village, the Palm Village, the Birch Village, the Willow Village and the Aspen Village. These do not determine wealth or hierarchy, instead, they determine the colour and preferences of the dragons. Emeraldos from the semi-mountainous Spruce Village are a dark, deep green colour. In the Palm Village, dragons are a much brighter, more yellow-green or green-blue colour. The Birch Village is home to the paler but darker Emeraldos, while the nearby Willow Village has brighter yet paler citizens. And lastly, the northernmost, sea-side Aspen Village is home to the deeper to 'normal' coloured Emeraldos. Emeraldo scales also change according to the seasons. They go from their normal scale colour to yellows/oranges in Autumn, grey, browns and whites in Winter, and light greens and browns in Spring. Emeraldos have slim, flexible, long drake builds with no wings.

          The Guild of Rubies are wyverns, like Diamonders. However, they have much longer front legs that are more wing-like than leg-like (bone structure-wise). They have grey scales with crimson or vermilion overscales. They have strong, powerful builds, with the largest wingspan. Unlike other Guilds, they have curved, ram-like horns that are constantly growing in a coil-like fashion. They live in the mountains of North-Central Whyvaria.

          The Guild of Sapphires lives in the coral reefs South of Whyvaria. They have blue or green scales, as well as green to blue (even purple sometimes) eyes. They also commonly have pastel or pale-coloured patterns, to help with blending in with the coral. Sapphires have stout builds with powerful legs and wide wings.

          Finally, the Guild of Quartz lives alone, isolated in the Western mountains. They resemble huge snakes, with the exception of having a pair of short front legs and being covered completely in feathers, with no scales. They come in all colours, but dull pastel shades of them, with medium shades of any colour eyes. They are slim, light and flexible, but strong.

Alrighty! Now, onto the rules! ^^"


1) No copying or plagiarism to do with anything with my books, lore, characters, settings and such. This will all (hopefully) be copyrighted content and you will be left with the threat of an angry mob. Thank you :)

2) You can submit a maximum of three characters. However, they all have to be in different Guilds if you do submit more than one. I will be accepting an unlimited amount of forms for now, but I will close it at some point. If you have already submitted a character (because I privately asked you), please still fill in the form, thanks!

3) No hating, racism, homophobia or any forms of hate. Rudeness will not be tolerated in any form/amount.

4) No swearing, NSFW, major gore or any 16+ content of any sorts. There are children on here. And I don't even know how you would do most of these here- but just don't.

5) Be realistic. As soon as I see any form of a Mary Sue, Gary Stu, OP, flawless or any unrealistic character traits, I will DELETE your comment and ignore your complaints. Each character you submit must have balanced flaws/weaknesses and strengths. To be fair, there will be no luniguer (sort of my versions of animus dragons, but quite different) spots available. Instead, I have already planned three different characters of my own to be luniguers.

6) Password is your favourite Guild from what you've heard about them so far. Please pm me it so I know you didn't just copy it from the comments. At the end of your form, where it will say 'Password:' give the first letter, LETTER, of your username. Cheat the cheat system >:)

7) Respect everyone and their decisions. Don't insult their choice of name, appearance, personality, etc. If it is inaccurate or unacceptable, either point it out nicely or wait for me to do something.

8) Fill out the whole form. Even the bits that you don't know, which you should explicitly point out with a question or such. Stick to my form. If you don't, I'll ignore/delete your comments.

9) Do not hog the top positions. No monarchs (kings or queens) will be accepted, as all those positions are filled with my OC's. Any unqualified forms or unacceptable characters will be ignored. Give other people the chance to get the spots they want to have.

10) Have fun! And follow each and every rule! If any of these are broken or disregarded, measures will be taken, unless you have a reasonable excuse.

Oh, and just something obvious, but as a follower special, you are required to give a follow to enter, unless I personally asked you to join, sorry ^^' I mean- it's a small 'price to pay' to see your own character appear in a (hopefully) to be published novel, isn't it?

Thank you and I sincerely hope you enjoy! <3

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