That's not Emrys part 14

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A.N.:// Random art ahead (by me :D)


Neither Merlin nor Arthur slept that night. They sat in that hallway, their backs against the forest wall and just breathed in the other's presence.
Eventually, the sun moved higher and higher at the sky and the risk of a random guard walking by got too risky.
So Arthur decided to bring Merlin back to Gaius' chambers.
"Are you sure?"

"Merlin, you should go and sleep for a while. I'll talk to my father about the trial and Iseldir.
I also have to apologize to Leon I think. And...", Arthur paused his newly starting monologue, when he looked into Merlin's tired face.
"You look really tired, Merlin."

Merlin grinned. "You should lose your mind more often, Sire. You're so much kinder when you do."

Arthur chuckled at that, but then shoved Merlin down the corridor.

They didn't pass many people down the hallway. Most servants were still running around, trying to get organized.
In the middle of the chaos, they found George standing over them, sending them each in different directions, as if he were some kind of leader among the servants.
I mean, he was their leader.
They were completely fucked without him. Not gonna lie.

Arthur ignored him and George him, as per usual. Though Arthur did wonder where Leon had gone.
However, something else prodded at his mind. So he turned his head once more. George was facing them, yet he didn't acknowledge their presence. But something glistened in his eyes.
Strange. 'His eye color is strange.', Arthur thought. Like koroits. With tiny green specks in it.
Where had he seen those before?
He shook the question out of his mind and continued with his mission.


Arthur rarely ever noticed just how far away Gaius' chambers were from his own room. Merlin had to cross almost the entire castle, just to wake him. And the castle wasn't exactly small.
The secret chamber was actually closer to Gaius' chamber than Arthur's normal room within the highest tower.
Now, that he walked Merlin home, he was reminded of that fact, but didn't comment on it. Once or twice, his mind tricked him with the directions, but Merlin corrected him every time.
Right. Forbidden corridors. Secret passageways that only those people could know who had been part of Camelot's construction.
Arthur should probably write them down later. Just so that when he got his mind back, he could learn of these highly conventional new routes and rooms and places.

Finally, they reached Gaius chambers. Arthur and Merlin didn't knock as they entered. And of course, they found Gaius still sitting at his table, researching in what seemed like the dozenth book. At least according to the huge pile of books next to his chair.
Arthur didn't know exactly WHAT Gaius was researching. But if it had to do with the magic that corrupted Leon, then he wouldn't find it in these books.
After all, Aeris and Emrys had invented the magic and Sigan liked to keep his secrets, rather than share them.
Quite ironic, if you recall that he used to be their teacher.

"Gaius? Were you up all night?", Merlin suddenly asked and roused Gaius rather unpleasantly from his intense stare at the words below him.

"Merlin!", Gaius sputtered, as if he hadn't heard them enter.
"Sire!", his eyes suddenly widened and he got to his feet.
But Arthur waved him to sit down again.

"I was just...", Gaius muttered. His tired brain seemed to need a moment to remember there was no point in lying at Arthur. He knew of the magic. He was pretty fine with it, too.

"Researching about the magic that keeps Sir Leon alive?", Arthur asked and crossed his arms.
"Gaius, you should sleep, you know that, right?"

Gaius sighed and clapped the book closed. The gem he was reading with, he put right on top of the tomb.
Arthur blinked. Gem?

"Sire, I was trying to find a cure for both Leon's and your own condition! The way things are, one of you is going to loose your mind for good. As court physician, I cannot let this happen."

Arthur sighed. "Yes, of course, Gaius. I just mean, you need to rest.
Just like Merlin does. Come on, Merlin.", Arthur pushed Merlin lightly in the shoulder and the servant nodded comically as he – for once – did as he was told.
It was ironic, how Arthur noticed only now, that he had dragged Merlin all over the castle, while the servant was dressed in only his night robes.

Then again, Arthur was only dressed a bit more appropriately, because he had had the mind to put on a pair of trousers. Arthur shook his head. He wouldn't comment on it now. That would be extremely strange.
"Say, what were you doing with Sir Leon and George earlier, anyway?", he asked instead.
Looked like the two of them were responsible for Merlin's .... attire.
Oh, yeah.... and no one in the hallways seemed bothered by it too. Did this happen often?

"They dragged me out of bed to clean up the dungeons. Trust me, you don't want to know.", Merlin muttered, as soon as they reached his room.
Arthur nodded. He wanted to ask more, but Merlin didn't quite seem in the mood to talk about it. So he just waited in front of the door, instead.
Merlin turned around and scanned Arthur's face for a moment. Then he bit his lip.

This was the moment both of them had dreaded. Because now they had to split and pretend none of what had happened that night had ever happened.

Arthur smiled at Merlin and reached out his hand to grace his cheek with it. Then he remembered himself and let his hand sink, before he could do something so outrageous.
"Good night, Merlin.", he said softly and Merlin swallowed. As if fighting the urge to say something. Or do something, perhaps, that would complicate things immensely.
"Good night, Sire.", Merlin croaked out. Then he awkwardly turned and slowly closed the door behind him. But with anticipation, as if he waited for Arthur to stop him.
But Arthur didn't. He just waved and stepped away from the door.
A few seconds later, Arthur turned around and faced a Gaius whose eyebrows were raised with suspicion.

"Merlin told me what happened.", he began and Arthur nodded with understanding.
Considering Gaius had seen their interaction, Arthur could imagine that Gaius was referring to the whole 'I was married to Emrys' situation. In addition to that, Merlin had probably ranted about the kiss from a few hours ago. It certainly didn't seem unlikely.

"You know I cannot let this happen, right?"

Arthur stepped closer to the table and looked over the books Gaius left open for everyone to see. Then he grabbed for the gem with curious wonder.
"What can't happen?". Arthur asked and turned the gem in his hand. It was such a light crystal. Seemingly random, but Arthur could feel the magic radiating from it.
Such old magic. Old love. Even if it was faint, he could recognize it anywhere. His eyes softened into a gentle expression.

"You and Merlin. You know you can't. Merlin is a man, he is a sorcerer. Your father would never allow it. You would be breaking Merlin's heart and I can't have that.
Especially, if it's only temporary.
This boy has risked his life for yours more times than you can count. You have no idea -"

"Gaius, stop.", Arthur said and the physician's mouth clapped shut. "I know all this. But it's more complicated than that. I will do my best to make sure Merlin will be happy, I promise.
We'll sort this out.
Could you tell me, where you got this gem?"

Gaius blinked. Seemingly surprised by the sudden change in topic.
"Don't distract me now, Sire. With all due respect -"

"With all due respect, GAIUS. I'm sick of people trying to dictate something that is so obviously beyond my control!", Arthur stopped him.
"I understand your concern. And I will do my best to make this right. But love isn't something you just.... throw away. Especially not Merlin.
Don't you think ignoring my feelings, regardless of the fact that they might stem from my past life, would be unfair to him?
Especially if he returns those feelings?", Arthur asked. His arms flailed a bit.

Gaius blinked. "Sire -"

"Gaius, you may be able to turn your loved ones away ... for whatever reason you may have. But I can't do that."

That had stunned Gaius into silence. The old man shifted in his stance, uncomfortably. His head lowered as if Arthur had hit a vital part of his soul.

"I'm sorry, Gaius. I really am.", Arthur said painfully. "But this isn't easy for me. And I'm not going to pretend that it is."

Gaius nodded slowly, barely noticeable.

"Now, where did you get this gem?"

Gaius raised another eyebrow. "The 'gem' is my reading glass. I was gifted it, when Uther assumed the throne."

"By who?", Arthur asked, his mind rambling a bit. Now that he thought about it.... when did Uther assume the throne again?
For some reason, no one seemed to talk about it."

"I don't remember.", Gaius said and reached out his hand for Arthur to return the gem.
But Arthur retracted his hand.

"What DO you remember of that time?", Arthur asked curiously. But Gaius shook his head.
Somehow, Arthur got the feeling that there was something missing here.
A giant puzzle piece that was needed to solve their situation.

"Well... only that Uther took the throne."

"Who was king before him?", Arthur finally asked and that had Gaius stop.

"That was....", he paused in the middle of his sentence. "It was... I'm sure I know who it was. But... I don't remember?", Gaius shrugged. "I'm old, Sire. I can't remember everything."

"That was a king, Gaius! You would remember a king! Do you remember Sir Leon? Back then?"

Gaius laughed. "Sir Leon is a young man, Arthur, I wouldn't -"
Gaius froze.

Arthur stared at him. And an idea formed in his head. Of bloody course. There was a reason why no one suspected Sir Leon of magic. Or noticed his immortality or the fact that he didn't age.
Of bloody course. How had he not seen it earlier.
And then the image of two koroit's staring into his soul haunted him. Two people, the same eyes.
Arthur knew what happened.

"Thank you, Gaius. This was very informative.", Arthur said, but the court physician seemed utterly lost at the interview.

"Oh and eh... I will take this.", Arthur said and held up the gem. "You should rest."


"I mean it, Gaius. We'll see each other in a few hours."


Gwen had remained the longest at the window where Arthur had fallen into the memory flashback.
At least long enough to worry Morgana, who now walked up from behind her. Lancelot at her side.
"Gwen?", Morgana called out, but Gwen didn't answer.

She was staring out the window.
Leon had asked her, if everything was alright. But how could it be?
The man she loved just had a meltdown remembering his husband-from-another-timeline's-death; the man who practically raised her had forgotten who she was and her best friend (Merlin) was revealed to have magic. Which, as she knew far too well, put him in grave danger.
And regarding Morgana.... now Gwen knew that those nightmares stemmed from Uther's rule. Or - which would be even more terrifying – they were prophesies.

Needless to say, she had told Leon that she needed time to process everything that was happening.
And now she stood here, her mind wandering and wandering and never seeming to be able to settle on a solution. And she felt alone.

Until, of course, Morgana hugged her from the side. Uther's ward must have noticed Gwen's distress and reacted the only way she knew how.
With empathy, physical closeness and a listening ear. Terrible, truly. What kind of people act like good friends. Disgusting.

"Are you okay?", Morgana asked but Gwen only smiled weakly.

"Shouldn't I be asking you this question, milady?", Gwen asked back and tried not to make it too obvious how much comfort Morgana's presence brought her.

"You know how I feel. I finally know what my dreams are about. I'm not alone. I don't have to keep my magic a secret from you or Arthur or anyone I care about -", yes, Morgana was implying that she didn't give a fuck about Uther's opinion, "I've literally never felt better.
I asked how YOU feel."

Gwen bit her lip, but kept looking out the window.
"I'm fine. It's Arthur whose mind is currently in a jumble. You should go after him. He ran in that direction.", Gwen said and pointed in the direction Arthur had disappeared.

"He has Merlin to take care of him.", Morgana rolled her eyes. "Gwen, your feelings are important too! Come on, talk to me...."

Gwen froze in her spot at the mention of Merlin's name. Gwen was well aware of the fact that Merlin hadn't even looked at neither him nor Leon or George, before he ran after Arthur to calm him down. Morgana couldn't possibly know that. And yet she did. Because it was second nature to assume Merlin took care of Arthur. He always did.
He had always been right there, at his side. Magic or no magic.
It only made her even more aware of the fact that she – herself – had yet to move a muscle.

"Who do you think Arthur is closer to. Merlin or me?", Gwen asked suddenly. Not daring to look at Lancelot.

"What kind of question is that? Merlin is his best friend. But Arthur likes you. I've seen it in his eyes. That's entirely different. Why are you even asking that?"
It truly was like knowing a wonder that Morgana hadn't noticed anything of the stuff that had been happening over the past couple of hours. At least.... not much.

Gwen smiled. Then she licked her lips.
"I think you just gave me the answer, Arthur couldn't give to me.", she said and closed her eyes.

"Huh?", Morgana made and shuffled away from her friend.

"What answer?", Lancelot finally asked.

"I think Arthur doesn't realize just how much he relies on Merlin. How much he cares for him. And the other way around is hardly different."

"Seriously Gwen, what are you talking about? You're not jealous of Merlin, are you?", asked Morgana and her face contorted with worry for her friend.

"Arthur went through so much in his previous lifetime-", Gwen began and the two other exchanged confused glances.

"He probably had to go through a lot of hardships just to be with the person he loved."

"Gwen, you sound ridiculous. You can't compare yourself to someone Arthur loved in his last life. That's stupid. Arthur is lucky anyone loves him at all.", Morgana rolled her eyes.

"I'm not sure I'm worth giving up everything he worked so hard for.", Gwen said and leaned against Morgana's grip.

The witch only shook her head with a sigh. She was about to say something, when Gwen continued. "I can't see how Arthur and I could have anything as close as what Merlin and him already have.
And Arthur hasn't even considered it up until now.
We don't have that level of friendship... that... foundation.
I don't want to break his heart. I don't want to break Merlin's heart. They are both my friends and I could never stand between them.

And I.... I feel like Arthur is fighting with himself.
That .... as long as Arthur likes Merlin, he will never be able to feel comfortable around me. He will always feel guilty for liking someone else. For giving up something that made him happy for almost 40 years.
I think he knows that.

I don't think he would feel this troubled if he chooses Merlin. Not over me.

And.... just... I mean – think about it. Why is Arthur the one who gets to choose?
He looks at Merlin like he misses him. He looks at me like he doesn't know how to deal with the fact that I exist. I know it's because he likes us both, but I feel like an option.

The slightly safer option. Because I would be easier as a girlfriend. Because I'm a woman. Because I don't have magic. Because no one would hate Arthur for loving me except some rich ass snobs within the council that can't wrap their minds around the fact that I'm a servant.
And don't tell me Arthur doesn't mean it like that, I know that. But... that's how it feels!

For goodness sake, Arthur went on a forbidden rescue mission to save me! And he took Merlin with him. Because it's natural for him to do so. He never goes anywhere without him! It's so simple for him to chose to have Merlin at his side. He doesn't even think about it.
Even to do nice things for me, he does it with Merlin's help. Like the one time he tried to cook for me and immediately threw the idea out the window to ask Merlin to get food from the royal kitchens.

It's like they don't exist without each other! And -", Gwen stopped herself from ranting. She turned her head to pleadingly look at Morgana, whose eyes were wide in shock.

"Wait a second. Can we go back to the part were Arthur is in love with Merlin?", Morgana asked, eyes wide.

Gwen smiled painfully. And Lancelot too, looked like these were news to him.
So Gwen sighed.
"How about I tell you guys later. I think I have to go think a bit. And sleep. Sleep would be great.", Gwen muttered.

"Why, yes of course.", Morgana said, once more with lots of confusion.

"Gwen -", Lancelot began, but Gwen shook her head. "I'm sorry, Lancelot. I just need to think. Really.", Gwen said and finally pushed passed the two of them.
There was something else she wanted to say. But didn't. Because it was something she had to go through herself. 'Why didn't I run after him?', she asked herself.
But she knew the answer. Arthur and her just weren't that close. And perhaps, Gwen wasn't ready for the level of love and trust that a relationship with a prince would require.
Or perhaps... she just didn't love Arthur as much as she thought she did.

Morgana and Lancelot shot each other confused glances, then they both shrugged. But they accompanied Gwen back to her house anyway.
Gwen may not say it. But she was relieved to have them both care for her at this moment in time.
When she felt the one who was loosing themselves was actually her.


"There is one thing, I don't understand. If the child couldn't grow up... then how is he the servant.... George was his name?", Beeltheas asked. Unable to contain his curiosity.

"Ah that.", Iseldir smiled a little.

"The child's mother, her name was Rosalin, married another king named Ashkanar. If you know the legends, he is the one who hid the last dragon egg."

"Seriously?", Beeltheas muttered, but sighed.

"Yes. Well, they took the baby with them. To take care of him in Ashkanar's castle.
And well, how do I explain this, without everything getting confusing?
One day, Cornelius Sigan attacked Camelot. He killed the brother of the king of Camelot and modified him in much the same way that the child had been modified.
He too, became immortal."

Beeltheas nodded slowly. "That is the wraith I faced."

"Yes. Sir Lionel was poisoned by Sigan. Or rather, his immortal shell was poisoned. With only one thought left within his mind. To kill Sigan's enemies.
All the other memories he had at that time, were sealed behind a wall of crystals that to this day, has never been broken.
But Sigan eventually had to realize that his magic was limited. Because to keep the man immortal, he had to feed him with memories."

"I see.", said Beeltheas. "Well, that explains why they were all acting so weird."

Iseldir nodded.
"Of course, Rosalin and Ashkanar found out about the war that left Camelot in shambles and Sigan as king.
And because Rosalin was friends with king Aeris, who was killed by his own brother's hand as well as his husband, her and Ashkanar lead an attack on Camelot.
To get Sigan off the throne.
But they too, had to face Sir Lionel."

Beeltheas nodded. "And then?"

"Well. Their plan was good. And Rosalin herself killed Lionel, as she realized what had happened to him. And she decided a life as a slave, was not worth living. She killed him with the intention of saving him.", Iseldir made a pause.
"When Lionel survived, or rather, revived. She killed him again. Until she couldn't anymore. Her magic was known to be one of the strongest at that time. But it wasn't enough to defeat this magic.
In the end, when Rosalin killed Lionel for the dozenth time.... it became evident what the price for his unnatural life was.
He forgot who Sigan was."

Beeltheas stared at Iseldir. Eyes widening slowly. He sat up, his interest suddenly picked.

"Sigan made a flaw in his magic. He ingrained in the crystals, that Leon had to serve his master and kill his enemies. Not, to serve Sigan specifically. So when Lionel forgot about Sigan, he lost his reason to fight, because he now had no master anymore."

"I've always said, sorcerers are being too cryptic about everything. I knew it would be someone's downfall one day.", Beeltheas muttered and Iseldir almost laughed at that before he continued.

"Ashkanar and Rosalin did the only thing they thought made sense, then. They rewrote who Lionel's master was.
And placed Ashkanar in that position.
With Sigan as Ashkanar's enemy, Lionel had a new target to kill.
And so he did."

Iseldir paused again, to let the new information sink in. Beeltheas stared at him.
"You mean... they too.... used the wraith?"

"It was their only option. He was immortal and stronger than anything you could ever imagine. Well.. actually. You've seen his magic. You know how powerful he is in this condition. But he was undefeatable. It was smarter to have him on their side instead of facing him as an enemy.
In the end, he became some kind of legend. They called him the phoenix of Camelot. The man who rose from the ashes of his enemies."

Beeltheas nodded in thought. He waved at Iseldir to continue, because it was clear that the story was far from over.

"They tried to heal him. But It didn't work. Lionel was dead set on killing enemies. He had no other reason to live. He had no personality to live his own life.
And so he was ordered to stroll the halls of Camelot mindlessly.
And Camelot was sealed shut by king Ashkanar and his wife. They were too scared to kill Lionel again, in fear of him loosing his new master again and being manipulated to kill either of them like they killed Sigan."

"And what happened to their baby?", asked Beeltheas. Now a little invested in the story.

"It's not that easy to explain. Because Ashkanar and Rosalin stayed in Camelot as well. They lived as a small family, as well as they could.
No enemy would try to come to Camelot, out of fear of the phoenix that lived within the castle.

It took them a while to trust Lionel enough to have him help take care of the baby. But they figured out that the wraith couldn't hurt the child. For the simple reason that their magic was of similar nature. Too similar for the phoenix to make a distinction between the baby and himself."

"And this is why they call him the eye of the phoenix, is that right?"

Iseldir nodded at the stupid question. "But the story isn't over yet."

"It's not?"

"Of course not. It was only a few decades ago that a young man heard of the tales of the phoenix of Camelot. He did not trust the rumors, but knew of the powerful castle that ruled over the land. And he wanted it for himself. Yet, he wasn't a stupid man. He may not trust the rumors, but he didn't dismiss them either."

"You mean ...."

"Uther Pendragon. Yes.", Iseldir agreed.

"What did he do?", Beeltheas nudged at him verbally.

"Uther Pendragon invaded the castle, obviously. But not without a plan."

"Which plan?"

"To steal the eye of the phoenix. Stupid as he was, he obviously thought it was some kind of crystal. Which... isn't completely wrong. But that's difficult to explain.
So he stole all their gems. In order to protect the real eye, two of the king's most trusted advisors left the castle and ran far, far away.
One of them was Sir Lionel's master at the time. Her name... was Elli."

"Ehm... who?", asked Beeltheas. But Iseldir only smiled. "Her name is not important. What is, is that she and her sister Delilah left Camelot to hide the eye."

Beeltheas nodded.

"They got captured by slave traders. And since Elli was Sir Lionel's master, the phoenix had to come and protect them. But he got killed in the process and failed to save her in time.
Leaving him, once again, without purpose.
And that's where George became important."

"Go on. Don't make it so dramatic.", Beeltheas urged him to go on.

"Sir Lionel had no character and no purpose and no memories.
The baby, however, had memories, had character and knowledge worth hundreds of years. And he gave that up. All of it. He didn't become Sir Lionel's new master.
He managed to cleanse the toxic magic Sigan had used on him. The crystals that once protected the baby, mixed with Sir Lionel's and created a layer of memories that gave Sir Lionel a new personality.
He became his own master. He became Sir Leon."

Beeltheas stared at Iseldir. "You know, you say all that... but wouldn't people remember this? The phoenix, the magic. How Uther took the throne? I've literally never heard of this story in my entire life. People would know."

"No, they wouldn't.", Iseldir insisted. "The baby gave up everything. His name. His past. His future. His own personality. And ... his immortality. Everything that made him him.
And not only that. He gained the memories people had of him and reformed them into memories they had of Leon.
He made Leon a knight of Camelot. And himself completely disappear from the minds of the world.

This is why it is so important that Leon does not loose himself. Because if he does, the wraith is all that remains.
And he will be used to kill again."

Beeltheas stared at Iseldir, who calmly regarded him with kind eyes.
"Tell me one thing, Iseldir. If this is true. If everyone forgot about him. If no one remembers this story. How do YOU know this?"

Iseldir grinned. "That, my friend. Is my secret to keep."


Leon was busy roaming the castle. Arthur's face just wouldn't leave his mind. The fear, the hatred the prince had directed at him... it was a lot.

Perhaps even too much. It was this moment that Leon really realized that his mind was broken. He had no valid memories. He didn't remember killing anyone.
He barely remembered anything that was longer ago than Sigan's death. And even that was merely a blur.
He had always assumed his age was responsible for that. For the fact that everything was so messed up and jumbled in his head.
Now he knew better.

And so he walked by the statues within the entrance hall. And he stared at the man who was riding a horse, as if he were leading it into battle. Leon had never bothered looking at the inscriptions beneath their feet.
He never deemed it important. But now he knew, he should remember this man.
"Ashkanar.", he read, almost mindlessly. Then he walked over to a similar statue on the other side. The woman on this horse wore a crown. Strange how he had never paid her any attention either.
"Rosalin.", the inscription said.

Leon shook his head. Just how little did he know?

He walked down a hallway. And for the first time in ever, he walked by the hallways that were supposed to be forgotten. That Uther demanded no one would enter.
And he came by walls full of paintings. He knew the doors in this corridor would have been locked. But the paintings were worth the sightseeing.

One showed the picture of a phoenix, rising high over the heads of a king and queen.
Someone had painted this picture. The question was... who?
There was a little signature beneath the painting. But it was hardly readable.

There were other paintings. Portraits, more often than anything else. This one was of a man Leon did not recognize. Only the eyes seemed familiar.
Underneath the painting was a name engraved in the wood of the frame.

Leon looked up again. So that's what Emrys looked like.

"I didn't know she remembered him so well.", a voice startled Leon out of his mind.
He turned around immediately and faced Arthur Pendragon himself. He gazed at the picture as if in awe at the details of the painting.

"Sire...", Leon said and moved away from the painting to let Arthur through.

"No need to be polite, Leon. None of us is supposed to be here.", Arthur said and shook his head.

Leon nodded, but then flinched. "About earlier...", Leon began, but Arthur stopped him.

"I'm sorry.", he said and made Leon pause.
"I was deep in my own head. I had a memory of you killing Emrys. And .... well. I know now that was not what happened.
It was Sigan who made you do it. You're not that person anymore."

Leon nodded. "I don't even remember it."

Arthur smiled painfully. "Say, Leon. I have a question."

Leon looked up. His expression alone urged Arthur to continue.

"Say... how did you meet George?"

Leon stared at him. "Why, erm... He was brought to me when he was about... five? A couple of druids had brought him to the city. Iseldir.... you know... the druid leader from the dungeons, asked me to take care of him. So I did.", Leon shrugged. "Why, is that important?"

"Kind of.", Arthur shrugged. "Either way. I think I found a way to end your memory loss situation.", he moved on from the subject.

Leon blinked. "What? How?"
Arthur smiled. "It's simple, actually. Leon, I assume that you've been given a whole new layer for memories. Much like I have. The difference is that I was reborn to get it. You weren't. And it's human made, so it doesn't work the way it should.
Well... it's a bit complicated to explain it all. So I must ask you to trust me."

Leon nodded slowly. "Okay? Then... how could you help me?"

"Actually. I wouldn't be helping you, Leon. I would be helping my brother. Lionel."

Leon stared at him. "You mean..."

Arthur nodded. "My idea is, that you need to give up Leon. We have to retract the crystals that make you you, to reveal the Sir Lionel that's underneath.
You would lose your self. You would lose your immortality. And your memories. But you would be someone new. Someone who didn't have to give up on his memories anymore.
You could live a normal life."

Sir Leon looked down. "You mean... like... I would die."

"Kind of. Yes.", Arthur admitted.

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