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"What the hell, Yoongi? Don't apply pressure on her veins," a tall handsome man shoved the shorter man's hand away angrily who shot an intimidating glare in return. It had been a century that an earthling managed to enter their realm, making Yoongi agitated and concerned. He was discombobulated about the performance of their protective charms.

"Brother Jin, that's not the case. I don't have an intention to hurt the girl. I am just checking if she possesses any dark magic," the younger explained and Jin heaved out a sigh, bending on his knees to check on the pale girl. Tracing his fingers on the girl's skin, he closed his eyes to detect the last thing she touched.

"The last thing she touched was the Coupling Flower. She has teleported safely," Jin revealed and Yoongi took her wrist in his hold again. He was about to press the pulsating vein again, flame sparkles flew in the air in front of him, distracting him for a moment.

"Brother Jin told that it would hurt her. Moreover, Minerva and Sister Galen are almost there. They will take care," Jimin stated in a stern voice and Yoongi stood in his position, crossing arms against his chest. Jin gave an assuring nod to Jimin and continued to check if there were any exterior wounds.

"There they are," Jimin smiled on noticing the chariot halting a few meters away from their spot. Galen quickly paced her steps to reach out to the unconscious girl, making Yoongi take a step back. Minerva glanced at Jimin for a second and trailed behind Galen.

"She is in her blooming days," Minerva smiled, rubbing the girl's wrists while Jin and Jimin shot daggers towards Yoongi for trying to use a strong mojo, a powerful charm on the earthling when she was extremely delicate. Galen picked tiny glittery glass bottles from her pochette which turned into huge ones as soon as they touched the ground.

"You should never stress a girl in her blooming days of the month, unconscious or not, Brother Yoongi. Namjoon would be upset if he knows that you have tried to use a mojo on her," Galen mouthed while treating the internal wounds caused by the agitated man and the journey she did from the Earth to their realm.

"I am glad that she made it to the realm without getting hurt or losing her breath," Minerva mouthed as she caressed the stone necklace hanging on the girl's neck. Jimin smiled, watching his wife getting fascinated by yet another piece of jewelry. It's a rare trait of angels to get attracted to inanimate things but then, it wasn't any misdeed to be worried for.

"How did she manage to make it though? It's very hard for an earthling to reach this place unless we invite them," Jimin asked and Jin smiled widely, his eyes fixated on the unconscious girl.

"The one who seeks the Coupling Flower with a selfless intention and with a kind heart can always make it. Earthlings find it a miracle to cross the paths with the flower because it's their greed and selfishness that consumes them in the middle of the path," Jin explained and Jimin nodded, understanding every word while Yoongi was still skeptical about her sudden appearance in the Dark Times.

Galen finally did the last step of pouring the potion into the girl's mouth as Minerva poked her fingers into the cheeks of the girl to keep her mouth open. Galen finished the treatment and closed the potion containers. The containers turned back into their tiny forms as she started to place them in her pochette.

"She is getting her consciousness," Minerva's face beamed in delight as she observed the girl wiggling and letting out tiny mumbles.

"Sana," the girl whispered in the slightest voice and Galen looked at Minerva and then at the men who looked just as bewildered as them. The girl fluttered her eyes open slightly and quickly closed them as the light blazed at her directly. Minerva placed her palm above her face, shadowing the daylight and the girl slowly opened her eyes.

"There you are, finally awake," Minerva chirped and helped the girl to get seated on the grassy ground. She was found on the top of the highest rock in the realm and Yoongi sensed her presence before anyone else. He brought her to the ground and Jimin and Jin, who were accompanying Yoongi started checking on her. Jimin transferred the message to his wife, Minerva who rushed to the place with Galen, one of the best-known healers in the realm.

"Who are you?.... Where?.... Where am I?" the girl asked in a faint voice as she leaned on Minerva for support.

"You are in a realm far from Earth. Even if I explain everything now, you will not understand. You are weak and you need to rest," Galen spoke while the girl's eyes darted towards the men who were gazing at her.

"Realm? Far from earth? Did I get trapped inside something similar to a wormhole?" She asked and everyone blinked their eyes, perplexed about the term she used.

"Do you think you can fit inside a wormhole? Even my tiny wife can't fit inside a wormhole, how can you get trapped inside it?" Jin asked in total puzzlement. The girl was about to explain what a wormhole is but stopped when Jin started dancing like a weird man out of blue.

"How can you call me tiny when I am absent? And being tiny is always beneficial," a childish voice was heard out of nowhere and the girl turned completely clueless, unable to find the source of the chirpy voice. The others giggled while Jin kept dodging in the air.

"Can the air speak?" She mumbled to herself and Minerva shook her head in negation on hearing the girl.

"I will not talk to you anymore," she heard the voice in the air again, and after a few rigorous arm movements, Jin stood still with a frown plastered on his face.

"Then why are you sitting on my shoulder, get off," Jin whined and the girl looked closely at his shoulder. She gasped on finding a tiny figure sitting on Jin's shoulder with her legs crossed and wings fluttering.

"Fine, the air carries me better than my husband," the girl squeaked and started flying in the air, pixie dust shedding from her wings, sparkling in reflection to the sunlight. The girl's eyes popped out of sockets seeing something so unreal and her mouth was wide agape, observing the tiny fairy.

"She is a size-shifting fairy," Minerva told the girl and the girl still couldn't close her mouth in shock.

"By the way? What is your name?" Minerva asked, garnering attention from all kinds of species in the place.

"Name?" the girl asked, still in a daze with the recent happenings.

"Yes, your name. Like the word everyone uses to call you," Galen explained, touching her forehead, worried if she lost her memory with the impact of the adventurous journey. But then, she couldn't sense any sign of amnesia.

"Hana," the girl blurted and Minerva's lips curved, forming an endearing smile.

"Aww! It's a sweet name," the tiny figure cooed as she transformed into the normal size and Hana held Minerva's arm in shock. She pinched herself to check if she was in a dream and winced in pain, causing everyone to get anxious at her sudden yelp.

"I can't believe my eyes," Hana muttered and held her head as the throbbing pain started to develop beneath her temples. She had seen too many supernatural and mysterious events in the past few minutes and was unable to digest the mystical happenings.

"You need to rest first. You will slowly understand everything," Minerva caressed Hana's hair and Yoongi's face stiffened.

"I thought we will be sending her back to Earth. Don't tell me you are going to let her stay," he gritted his teeth and Minerva just smiled. The size-shifting fairy fluttered her wings in excitement and Jin's face twinkled on seeing his wife in good spirits.

"Malva, stop fluttering your wings too much. We don't have the power to be stable with the pixie dust," Minerva chided and Malva stuck out her tongue, flapping her wings vigorously. Galen glanced at her and blinked her eyes, making Malva stop her act to annoy Minerva.

"It's not safe for her to get back to Earth, Brother Yoongi. She might not return to Earth in one-piece and I solemnly condemn any kind of teleportation techniques to be implemented on her," Galen mouthed in a monotonous tone and Yoongi pursued his lips, complying to her hesitantly.

"Yes! She will be staying. I can take her to my favorite places," Malva chirped and Minerva shook her head in disbelief.

"Where will she stay? In the Palace?" Yoongi asked and Jin nodded along with Jimin.

"Do you think The Highness would allow her to? He doesn't even know that she managed to enter the realm," he stated and Jimin sighed. Hana was just listening to the conversation and felt like being trapped in a magical book. She didn't want to believe her senses, not even a bit. She is a climatologist after all and regarding the events that happened in front of her as true would be far from her instinct.

"If he does, do you think he cares? He is more concerned about Alcohol and Cheer Liquids. He wouldn't even give a thought about it. And if he denies it, she will reside in the Pheonix quarters. My say is the final there," Jimin declared and Jin nodded with a smile. Hana stayed in the same position, still in a state of stupefaction.

"Shall we head to the Palace then? She needs a good meal with lots of juices. Get the chariot ready," Galen yelled and few men started to prepare the chariot. Minerva and Malva helped Hana to stand properly and Yoongi cleared the stones from the path, pressing his fist on the ground. Hana almost blacked out on seeing the stones flying in the mid-air by themselves.

"What is this place?" Hana asked, finally walking out of the haze and gathering courage. Smiling widely to her question, Jin opened his arms wide as the trees and flowers released a fresh nature sent. The grass beneath Hana turned moist with a few drops and she felt ticklish as they made tiny movements. The birds chirped loudly, flying high in the clear blue sky and a daisy crawled beneath her legs out of nowhere, scaring away the clueless earthling.

Plucking out the daisy, Jin handed the flower to Hana who looked petrified with the strange things happening around her.

"Welcome to the world of Utopia"


A/N: I was totally off the mood writing this part last night and sorry for this crappy chapter. Well! Searching the gifs took time., partly adding the reason for the delay

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