Chapter 22:

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Ashleigh's pov

They've been at the police station for at least an hour. All I've heard is that Eve, AMPS and Lacey were involved. Otherwise, I had no clue what's going on. As I pace back and forth in the kitchen, I try to think what could have possibly happened. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the neighing of multiple horses. Looking out the window, my assumptions confirmed.

I quickly pick up my jacket and pull on my boots before racing outside. I try to think what was going on but it seems that I'm the clueless one in this situation. From afar, I spot the AMPS group and someone else on a black horse. I squint, trying to see who it was. I rush to meet them, ready to kick Eve for ditching me today. But as I get closer I stop in my place.

It was Lacey... riding... Beauty?

She looked at me in distain while my anger starts to make my blood boil. Beauty wasn't the way I left him the night he was stolen. Not even close. He was skinnier, his coat looks like it hasn't been brushed in weeks, and there was sores starting to appear where the bit was. I'm sure is I could resemble anything right now, it would be a fire breathing dragon.

That snake stole my horse.

"Get. Off" were the first words that came out of my mouth.

Lacey opened her mouth but I cut her off.

"Off. Or I'll push you off and let him trample you" I snarl.

Lacey's face went beet red and she begrudgingly got off. Snatching the reins, I give Beauty a reassuring pat. He shy's away however when Eve inches her horse closer to say something.

"You're alright buddy" I soothe, undoing the girth and gently taking off the saddle.

His ears flatten probably because of the pain. But as soon as it's off, he releases a heavy sigh of relief. My suspicions were confirmed as I spot a saddle sore forming along with girth galls.

My heart sunk, but I continue to undo a certain part of the bridle, allowing the bit to be taken out. Thankfully he wasn't as skinny as I initially thought, but he has lost muscle in his topline.

"Your parents are at the police station" I mutter, sending Lacey an angry glare.

If there's ever been a time that I've wanted to physically hurt someone, it would be now. I'm honestly thinking about hitting her with the bit. But now wasn't the time...

"We know, the police are sending someone out to pick up her" Eve says, also giving Lacey a look.

"What am I suppose to do, you don't expect me to walk do you!?" Lacey protests and whines as I begin walking Beauty to the barn.

She must've fallen and hurt her leg judging by her dramatic limping. Just like Eve said, a police vehicle stops out the front of the house. Thank the heavens that I won't have to see her for much longer.

"Your leg will be broken in a minute if you speak again" I said, sending her a threatening look.

She flinches in surprise and shuts her mouth, knowing I was furious. Beauty starts to nervously pace on the spot, not liking everyone's close proximity. The rest of the AMPS group were on their phones talking to what must've been their parents.

What a mess. It's crazy how one person can cause so much drama. At least Lacey's finally been caught...

As we reach the police vehicle, the AMPS group stopped to give statements while Lacey was read her rights. Everything was so official and overwhelming. The clenching feeling in my stomach had intensified drastically. But my concern for now was Beauty's health and wellbeing. Everything else could wait, family included. Luckily no one was around to experience my emotional out pour. The grooms only worked the mornings on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. That way they were able to visit family.

"You don't know how much I missed you boy" I whisper, tears welling up in my eyes.

As I put Beauty on cross ties, he hesitates but ever so subtly, calms down. His original personality was long gone, hidden behind layers of pain and fear. What ever Lacey had done took a toll on him. Beauty may have once been the calmest horse at Holloway stables, but now I'm not so sure. He refused to walk near the stalls and only remained calm when I was with him.

As I started to go collect some of his brushes, he starts to breath heavily before neighing. I go back and pet him in reassurance before quickly jogging to the tack room. I could hear him starting to fret so I try to quicken the pace, rummaging through his tack spot urgently. However, I come up short and notice a lot of his things have disappeared since last time I looked.

Then it dawned on me.

Not keeping to their word, someone, most likely Darla, had started to clear out Beauty's spot. I didn't notice the tears slide down my face and I frustratingly grab some brushes from Hugo's spot. At least they hadn't dumped his halter yet...

Finally with all the supplies in hand, I rush out of the tack room and almost trip. Outside waiting was Beauty, he had broken off the cross ties and was visibly stressed. He must've thought I was abandoning him... It was only at that point I noticed my tears.

Grabbing the remnants of Beauty's bridle, I swap it out for his halter and hastily sit down on a nearby stool. Taking deep breaths to calm myself became difficult. One gentle nudge from Beauty had me balling. They were tears of joy, but also sadness. My boy was back and I'm never going to let him out of my sight again.

I wasn't leaving Beauty here, not after this fiasco.

We're in this together.

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