Chapter 10:

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Ashleigh's POV

I tried to clear everything over yesterday but it was official, Blair and Kelly hated me. And now I know Evelyn definitely didn't like me, it was only Tuesday. It's like when someone does something wrong they find away to blame other people instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. It's not my fault they got ratted out. I tried to talk to Evelyn, and it went well until she put that rude facade back up, basically telling me to leave. If she believed me, then why would she let someone attack me like the girls had done? I thought Evelyn Holloway was fearless but now I was greatly disappointed, she was spineless, not this great person everyone talked about. And Blair, well I thought she wouldn't be the person to turn on me just like that but she did, so that shows her true colours. She stood up for me only to turn her back when something went wrong. As for Kelly, let's not even go there.

I shake my thoughts as I race Beauty for the old barn, from what could tell it was completely safe. The darkness clouded around me as I entered the barn but I could still see well and so could Beauty. A jump of hay bales approached and Beauty eagerly launched himself over it, up ahead I see a drop. I was confident Beauty was capable. My thoughts were right, his stride didn't hesitate as we flew down the drop, about 2 metres high. I was happy I had put Beauty's boots on, I've always been paranoid doing strenuous activities with horses and no protective gear. I let out a laugh as Beauty tears down the hill back to the girls, that was so fun, this is why I loved orienteering!

"That was awesome" I breathe sending the girls a beaming smile.

"We need to take a photo together" Tina says pulling out her phone waving us in.

I was on the right side of Evelyn and Tina was on her left, while the jump was clearly shown in the back ground. The photo was great, we had beaming smiles on our faces which hadn't been faked. I would have to ask Tina to send me the pictures later. It's as if the facade Evelyn put on had disappeared and she wasn't the snobby or rude person she made out to be. Instead, it was replaced with a fun spontaneous girl who had never judged a person in her life. You can guess which one I prefer.

"Okay the next one says the following"

"Through the paths and the trails of the high mountains, where founders had found a horse to win, how do they remember him?" Tina states, the sentence rhyming.

"A memorial?" I suggest deep in thought.

"Holloway Admiral, he's the first horse of Holloway which got us international recognised, there's a memorial for him on the property" Evelyn says, her tone lighter and more relaxed.

"Okay let's find it" I state pulling out the map. Looking through the key in the map, we find coordinates for the Holloway memorial.


The trip to the Holloway memorial was something not even Kelly and Blair could take from us. The three of us started opening up to one another about our backgrounds. As we reached the open pastures that Admiral use to reside in but had now become a memorial, we snapped a picture and kept going. Everything was perfect until Tina decided to bring up something I never wanted to discuss every again.

"No offence but why are you still BFF's with Blair and Kelly" Tina asks narrowing her eyes slightly, Evelyn had been taken back from that comment.

"Uh what?" She asks frowning.

"Not trying to be rude, but don't play dumb, those girls are using you and bullying Ashleigh while you let them get away with it. Do you want any true friends because they sure as hell aren't" Tina snapped halting Surfer. I cringed as Evelyn pulled Hugo to a stop as well, I turn Beauty around to face them.

"Come on guys, not here and most definitely not now, we have less then 2 hours" I sigh.

"No, it's okay, look Tina I get your angry and I don't blame you, but you don't know what it's like to be that person always left out. I've never had friends until these girls and I'm trying not to do anything to ruin that" Evelyn sighs rubbing her temple as if she had a headache.

"Yeah some friends they are by letting you take the fall, if they really thought of you as that then why weren't they by your side taking the blame with you no matter what? Your going to gain a bad reputation if you surround yourself with such people and bad behaviour. Heck, I'm ashamed at myself for even setting up those jumps" Tina states annoyance clear in her tone.

"Look I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life but you will either learn the easy way, or the hard way when they stab you in the back. Don't go thinking your alone in this, Ash and I got your back, but that'll only happen if you have ours-" Tina continue on her rant passionately and I couldn't agree more with her.

"No more being a bystander, it makes you just as bad as the girls, I've been in both your positions before and the one thing I regret is not saying anything. Please just learn from my mistake, it'll be the decision you won't regret" Tina pleas gathering Surfer's rein and clucking him on. Evelyn still looked slightly shocked and so was I, this time it wasn't at Tina but how Evelyn didn't seem one bit angry.

"She's right, we've got your back if you've got ours" I state backing up Tina. Out of all the girls here, I knew I needed Tina the most, she was the only one I trusted which had my back. So I too would back her up, hopefully Evelyn sees that.

"Really?" Evelyn still looked taken back, unsure if we had been telling the truth or a big fat lie.

"Anytime Evelyn, if you ever want to hang out or talk we'll be here, but that's all up to you and who you want to be" Tina answers, I nod in agreement.

"Eve" she corrects.

"Pardon?" Tina asks.

"My friends call me Eve" Evelyn clarifies giving both Tina and I a sly smile.

"Eve it is" I announce in a posh voice.

After a moment of silence we all burst into laughter, maybe Eve wasn't so bad after all...?

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