Chapter 23:

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My hands are shaking as I finish the set of button braids I had spent almost two hours carefully setting in Hugo's mane.

It was Thursday night, and the show in Calgary was this weekend. It was a much bigger show than the last, with a boatload of more riders and horses competing. Since it would take us a good few hours to travel from Holloway, Darla decided we would leave tomorrow, that way the horses could get used to the show grounds beforehand, hopefully resulting in less horses feeling fresh and spooky.

Hugo lowered his head and sighed. After a bath with his favourite apple scented mane and tail shampoo and conditioner, he was ready to call it a night, and so was I.

I hadn't seen much of Ash or Tina as my parents had me trapped in the house most of the day giving phone interviews about Ken and his horses to multiple magazine reporters.

" I wish you would've picked one of the more seasoned horses Ken offered you... " Mom had complained.

" But we're also glad you just managed to pick a horse " Dad chimed in.

" Your father is right. We're happy you're finally starting to understand that a top rider doesn't just rely on one horse... " Mom added.

Her words, for possibly the first time in a long time, actually broke through and made me think. As much as my mother lacked in her knowledge about actually riding horses, she was right about that. Most of the top riders I followed on social media worked with a group of different horses each day, and usually took 2 to a show, in case their main horse got hurt or sick. It wasn't an uncommon strategy.

For the rest of the day I had those thoughts stuck in my mind. Hugo was my heart horse, but Navarre was a whole bag of mystery that I wasn't able to get out of my mind. I couldn't stop myself from talking about him during the trail ride and swim with Tina and Ash. There was just something about him that clicked with me the moment I saw him.

When I finally managed to sneak away from the house to get Hugo ready, almost everyone had their horses clean, braided and ready to go for tomorrow, except for a few of the boys who seemed to struggle with braiding, which made me giggle.

I let out a breath as I cracked my knuckles. My hands were cramping and my legs shook from standing on my grooming box for so long, but the way Hugo's coat sparkled and the fact that not a hair stuck out from his braids made it all worth it.

I had just finished covering him with his travelling blanket and hoodie so that he couldn't rub out his braids, when my phone buzzed.

I was surprised to see Jakes name pop up and quickly answered. " Hello? "

" Surprised you're still up " He chuckled. " Thought I'd have to leave a message about my surprise... "

" Well you know me, well, technically my parents since they- " I paused. " Wait...What surprise? "

" Since you seem to have chosen your new mount... " His words made me feel slightly guilty.

" I bought Titan off your parents "

I was surprised, but also kinda not. Watching the way the huge stallion and Jake worked together during the flat work and jumping Ken put them through, it was obvious that they were a perfect pair. The stallion was feisty and hot, but Jake controlled him perfectly, clearing each jump as if it were a cross rail.

" And I'll be competing with him in Calgary this weekend... "

" What made you decide that? " Now I was surprised.

" Well, Sully told me that the top riders always bring two horses to every competition and it made me realize, Luna is amazing and she'll always be my number one, but she can't be the only horse I have to make it to the Olympics. At that rate, we'd crash after our first season in the advanced level... "

I bit my lip. First my parents, now Jake was making a good point.

Hugo was a great horse, but using him throughout my whole eventing career would risk him more than I'd like. I'd never forgive myself if we crashed and he got hurt...or worse...

" Luna'll be coming along as backup but Titan and I will dominate the competition " Jake bragged.

I chuckled. " Good luck with that! I'll be the one who comes out on top this time! "

He chuckled along. " Glad we agreed to keep things friendly between us " there was a muffled voice in the background. " Gotta go, moms flipping over riding clothes, see you tomorrow! "

I was smiling as I hung up. Jakes father couldn't care less about his riding, but his mom made up for it but caring a bit too much. However, unlike my parents, Jakes mom tried her best to be supportive from the sidelines, instead of managing his whole equestrian career.

I slumped down in the corner of Hugo's stall, watching as he dozed off.

" ...Do you want a break boy? " I whispered. " ...Would you be mad if I rode Navarre at the show this weekend instead? "

He snorted as he shook his head, sniffing the sawdust piled in the stall.

I smiled as I stood. " ...You know you'll always be my favourite boy...right? " I patted his shoulder.

He turned and nudged my hip before he started to fall back asleep.

I rubbed his neck underneath his hoodie, waiting until he was fast asleep before I slipped out of his stall.

On the way back to the tack room to deposit my grooming box and unused braiding supplies, a nicker forced me to make a detour down the middle aisle, where my parents had all the new horses set in their stalls.

While the other horses snoozed peacefully, a black head with a white star and stripe stuck out and pointed in my direction.

" What're you doing up this late Navarre? " I spoke softly as I reached his stall. It was still breathtaking how beautiful he looked with his unique white legs contrasting with his black body.

He nudged me roughly, before the sound of wind over the roof of the barn caught his attention and he lifted his top lip up.

I laughed. He was flighty and had the attention span of a toddler, but under saddle he was an unopened box of potential.

Our ride that day was amazing, much different from Hugo. I had learned from Ken that Navarre had come from a long line of mixing breeds, so much so that Ken didn't even fully know what he was.

" There may even be some mule crossed in there " He had joked.

Mom had been offended that she had paid so much for a mystery of a horse but I didn't mind. In my opinion it made him more unique.

He trotted around under saddle like an unbroken 3 year old at first, but once I learned which buttons to press with him, he shaped himself in what felt and looked like an Olympic level dressage horse.

The same thing happened over fences. At first, he jumped with way too much force than what was needed and galloped around each jump with his head held high, but after a few more jumps he paced himself, clearing them with just enough room that was needed and had barely broken into a sweat after the ride was done.

Whatever his pedigree was, it had mixes of speed, stamina and form both on the flat and over fences.

It was perfect. Just needed more consistency.

He was much younger than Hugo at just 5 years old, and Ken didn't know much about how they trained him at the barn he bought him from, mainly just buying him for his looks, but he definitely had potential to make it to the top, Ken had been right about that.

Navarre snapped me past to the present as he grabbed my mane comb out of my braiding kit and waved it around as if it were a toy.

" ...You trying to tell me something there buddy? " I teased.

He bobbed his head as I grabbed the comb from his mouth.

'The top riders don't get to the top on just one horse'

My parents and Jakes words echoed in my mind as I stared into Navarre's chocolate brown eyes.

" ...If I want to make it to the top...Hugo is going to need someone to take half of that pressure off of him... " I extended my hand towards Navarre. " You wanna be that someone buddy? "

He bobbed his head again.


" Don't get me wrong, I love showing... " Tina spoke through a yawn as her, Ash and I walked into the barn that morning....very early morning.

" But why do we always have to get up so early for them? " She whined as she made her way to Surfers stall. The palomino gelding was still sleeping in the corner of the stall.

Ash laughed. " Because if we don't then we won't be able to show because we'll have been too late "

Tina sighed. " I hate it when you're right... "

Ash stuck her tongue out playfully as she slid open Beauty's stall door. Unlike Surfer, the black gelding was awake and alert, ears perked up and nostrils flared.

" Which trailer is Beauty going in? I know it's the same as Hugo but there's like 3 parked out there... "

I bit my lip as I slipped in Hugo's stall, hiding my face from Ash to avoid her seeing the guilt I was sure was showing through.

" ...Actually, Beauty is going to be beside Surfer. Hugo's going in with Navarre "

" You're bringing Navarre? " Tina spoke up.

I hesitated to reply. I didn't want to start anything before we had to travel in the same trailer for hours.

" Um...y-ya, I want him to get used to a busy show environment. He's super flighty and unfocused here at the barn so I thought it would help "

" Oh, so like, give him a sensory overload? " Ash teased.

I laughed nervously. " Ya, exactly! "

I felt terrible for lying about my decision to actually ride Navarre in the show, but I would tell them when we arrived at the show grounds.

....Wouldn't I...?

" Alright everyone get these horses loaded in their trailers! We leave in ten! " Darla called from the front of the barn, being met with a chorus of groans and whinnies.

She laughed. " Next stop! Calgary! "

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