Chapter 4:

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Ashleigh's pov

"Now, ladies and gents. For those who don't know me, I'm Darla Margaret, one of the head coaches here at Holloway" as Darla started to speak I glanced around timidly.

I counted 7 other girls and 4 boys who sat around me listening intently as Darla explained the main rules. On arrival to the indoor arena sky box I instantly spotted Evelyn Holloway and her parents sitting at the front behind Darla. But what took me by surprise was Evelyn's outfit, a brand new long sleeved Holloway polo, black breeches and gold tall boots. 

Yes, I just said gold tall boots, how on earth do you even get that? And not to mention the hair style she had, she really dressed for the occasion. And here I was with my hair in a high pony tail, sporting a maroon polo, navy breeches, and some muddy paddock boots. I was no where close to being in an outfit as fancy as hers, that's for sure. I zoned back into listening to Darla as she finished speaking about the rules which I already knew off by heart.

"Now as you all would've been told earlier this morning, there are papers and booklets you need to go over once you arrive back at your cabins concerning duties and horses. But for now I would like to discuss rosters, lessons and showing" Darla continued, pausing at the end leaving a dead silence in the arena.

"I'm aware that most you haven't met your assigned horse or fellow peers yet but there will be time for that at the end of the meeting" I almost grimaced, I'm the worst at introductions.

"To start off, everyone here will be split into two groups, 6 of you will be on the morning shift from 6am to 1pm and the rest of you will be on the afternoon shift, 1pm to 8pm" everyone waited in suspense as she pulled out the paper list.

"For group 1, the morning shifts, we have Adam, Ashleigh, Blair, Kelly, Luke and Nina-"

"That leaves Noah, Penny, Rachelle, Tina, Tyler and Zara in group 2 for the afternoon shifts"

"The tasks you need to complete within that time will be explained on one of your sheets back in your cabins. As for lessons, all of you will have your group lessons on Tuesday's and Thursday's, group 1 will be at 5pm and group 2 at 10am. Private lesson times will also be listed in your sheets back at your cabins. Does anyone have questions regarding what I've just said?" Darla glances around at all of us however no one says a word.

"As for competition opportunities, most of you have horses which are used for lessons and showing by other riders, however if you do wish to compete, every second weekend you will have that opportunity to do so"

"For those who's horses aren't used for lessons or are still in training, I suggest you take more time out of your day to make sure they're properly exercised and not being left in their stalls or pastures" Darla warns glancing at some of us, myself included.

"But enough chit chat, I'm sure you all want to go mingle with one another or meet the horses so I'll end on this note, have fun but remember you're in a workplace therefore act in a professional manner"

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask myself or one of the other coaches, we'll be happy to assist, thank you all, your free to go" Darla ends with a bright smile.

Everyone starts to introducing themselves to one another, some whispering and glancing warily at Evelyn who awkwardly stood in the corner as her parents spoke to Darla. She was clearly the center of attention and I could've sworn I heard someone call her 'stuck up'. I decide to quickly say hi to everyone before briefly making my way to the exit, Evelyn seemed to have had the same idea as me as we almost run into each other.

"I'm so sorry" I begin to apologize for my stupidity.

"No it as my fault, I wasn't paying attention" Evelyn cuts in giving me a sheepish look.

We both stand there and look away awkwardly, what were we suppose to do?

"Well it was nice to meet you, I would stick around longer but I have to go change and head to practice" Evelyn states, pushing her shoulders back and putting a confident look on her face.

"Nice meeting you too" I mutter under my breath as she disappears once again through the sky box doors. I was about to leave when a bubbly girl rushes over to me introducing herself as Tina, not giving me any chances to make my retreat.


Ah silence, it was much later in the afternoon now so I had decided to put Beauty on a pair of cross ties and groom him. No one was around except for the odd occasion when a rider would pass by heading in or out of their lesson. Beauty showed no interest in the people passing by, instead he was happy enough to rest or try and turn to look at me. After brushing him for some time his coat gleamed and felt like baby fur, the geldings interest in what I was doing continued to grow. Out of the spur of the moment feeling, I decided I wanted to take him for a ride while we had this privacy, this way I don't have people scrutinizing the way I ride. Within 5 minutes he was tacked up and I have my helmet which I took out of my assigned locker in the tack room.

Leading him into the indoor arena, Beauty stood dead still at the mounting block, allowing me to get into his 16.2hh frame without any complications. True to Darla's words, Beauty worked quietly with me as I started to get use to his bigger striding, no pig rooting or spooking, just the rare grace he expressed through his smooth gait. I was in already love.

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