Chapter 44:

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Ashleigh's pov

I still couldn't believe it. I, Ashleigh Sutton would be staying with the famous Holloway family for a whole year! Not only that but I get to lease Beauty, one of the best horses I've ridden in my life. I tried shaking my thoughts away but I couldn't prevent myself from smiling. Venus was finally mine, I had the most amazing friends out, and the perfect lease horse!

"Oh my goodness, Venus chill" I said watching the mare race around in the 'I'm a psychotic horse' way. We had arrived at my grandmas house early this morning and have been letting Venus stretch her legs since. I had been napping and venturing around grandmas house until 8am. Once my alarm went off I got ready to leave straight away. The past few days have been hectic and I couldn't wait to just go for a trail ride again. Even my sleep deprivation wouldn't stop the excitement I felt.

"Venus, come here for goodness sakes" I groan as I'm forced to go further into the field and intercept Venus playing with the other horses. The mare stops and looks at me curiously as I approach. Usually she would come running over to me when I arrive to get her but today she was so distracted by the others. I felt bad taking her back to the trailer but I knew the minute she got to Holloway she would settle in perfectly. As suspected she went on the trailer with no issues and dug right in to the hay left for her. Closing and locking the door, I tell grandma I'm ready. Moments later we're in the car and off on our 4 hour drive to Holloway Stables. Grandmas cute white and grey house shrunk into the distance along with the horses. Hopefully I'm making the right decision.


"Rise and shine sleepy, we're about to arrive" I heard as grandma shook me awake.

"Okay" I murmured opening my eyes slowly before stretching and letting out a yawn.

Glancing around I find we're on the familiar driveway of Holloway Stables. The normal feeling of excitement bubbled inside me like it's been doing for nearly a week. We were here, finally! Grandma finds a spot to park before we go to unload Venus and my stuff. The mare danced around me eagerly taking in the new scene. It earned us a few curious glances from some people I've never seen before. In a way it kind of made me sad that all the grooms I met this summer had to go home. They're what made all the hard work at Holloway bearable. Grandma disappears off to Eve's house to drop off my things.

"Ash!! Your here!" I hear Eve squeal before diving and pulling me into an embrace, good ridden's this girl will knock me over one day.

"And this must be Venus" I here Darla say as she examined my mare.

"She's so pretty, how old is she?" Eve asks letting Venus sniff her hand.

"She turned 10 earlier this year" I explain as we start to walk Venus to a field where she'll stay for the day to unwind.

"It's good your back Ashleigh, Beauty's been fretting ever since you left on Tuesday" Darla sighs while shooing off the new workers that lingered around to see the new horse.

"And just a heads up, we have our regular paid grooms back from their holidays. Keep in mind their duties don't include riding the horses. That's because all of our students who were on holidays are starting to arrive back. So all of our ridden horses have to be available to use in lessons during the week" Darla explains as she opens a gate for me which heads into a field.

"Does that include Florence?" I ask as I take Venus' halter off and watch her go poke around.

"She will be ridden in advanced lessons during the weekdays while your at school, however Mr and Mrs Holloway have made sure she's available to ride any time on the weekends and after school" Darla explains before being distracted by an alarm going off on her phone.

"Well ladies I'll have to let you both go, I've got a lesson to start in a few minutes. See you both later" Darla says bidding her goodbyes.

"We have to go for a ride, I have so much to tell you that I didn't want to say over the phone" Eve deadpans.

"You don't need to tell me twice, once I say goodbye to my grandma I'll go get Beauty" I said.


"You're going on a date with Jake next weekend, stop pretending it's not important!" I yell throwing a pebble at Eve who acts like it's not big deal.

"Well... I guess it is" Eve says faking a yawn.

"I can't wait, you have to look perfect, where are you going?" I start to babble as Hugo's head pops up like he to was interested to hear to answer.

"My lips are sealed, your not going to know until I get back, no one likes a uninvited chaperone friend" Eve jokes.

"Eve! It's not like I'm going to follow you" I said before sighing in exasperation.

"Pfff, shouldn't you be more excited about starting at a new school on Monday? You'll get to meet all the fake people at my school" Eve snickers as her facial expressions turn sour.

"Look on the bright side Evelyn, you have a boyfriend, a super duper cool friend, ME, and look at that horse over there, he's yours as well-" I said motioning at Hugo.

"-the world is at your feet so be happy, and if all else fails we'll can just go live off the grid in Alaska" I joke before we both start laughing.

"Hey! Your not doing to bad for yourself either, remember at the beginning of summer. Who knew that so much would happen?" Eve defends still smiling from my joke earlier.


I eagerly wipe the foggy glass window with my sleeve as the yellow cab pulled down the long winding drive way. I had finally arrived at one of the most prestigious horse stables in Canada, Holloway Equestrian Center. Located in beautiful Alberta, Holloway was the training hub of many famous equestrians and home to Canada's rising star Evelyn Holloway. I sigh almost instantly, I could see why many people envied her, an extravagant home, massive barn, world class trainers and talented horses. It felt surreal, I couldn't believe I was selected as one of the 12 working students to assist at Holloway's barn this summer, could it get any better?

Flashback over

"Yeah I guess I haven't done to bad for myself" I said laughing half heartedly. Much to my surprise the summer did get better. I had new friends, a real bestie, and many amazing horses that I was aloud to ride. One of those horses being Venus, the very mare I watched grow up from being a wobbly legged foal. Now I finally owned her! Then there's Beauty, the most kind hearted and talented gelding I've ever met which I get to lease from the Holloway's. And I couldn't forget Florence, the crazy bundle of fun. It was so incredible, but even with all these things there was still a part of me wanted something more. I always had impossible aspirations. 

"There you go with that look again, what's got you thinking so hard?" Eve asks raising a brow.

"Do you ever wonder what it's like, being a student at EFA?" I ask suddenly thinking back to what Sabrina had said.

"All the time Ash" Evelyn sighs as we both fall silent.

One can only dream.


Authors note;
Hi everyone! We really hope you enjoyed this book. This chapter marks the end of the first TEC book. Both myself (_infinity_06) and Dressage_Queen have had so much fun collaborating. You guys have been so amazing and I hope you continue watching the girls journey in the next book of TEC. Good bye for now!  XD

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