Chapter 6:

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Ashleigh's pov

After returning to my cabin last night I had found out, Blair, Kelly, and Nina were also my roommates. They must have sorted us literally into two groups, and let me tell you, it sucked. Blair was kind enough to chat to me, while Nina quietly listened, so you think that would be good, right? Well it was until Kelly decided to butt in start a gossip session on Evelyn Holloway. Like "oh we have so much in common" or "we are so going to be bff's", I was literally cringing. That's the whole reason I had been riding Beauty by myself earlier this morning. If I invited the girls, that meant I would have to invite chatty Kelly. Not that I didn't like her, she's just way over the top for me.

No one was around until just before 6 when I was cooling Beauty down. I also had another run in with Evelyn as I glanced over at her one to many times. It was my fault, she probably thought I was staring at her so she got upset with me. Truth be told I was staring at her horse, Hugo I think his name was, and he was stunning, definitely a competition ready. On the other hand, his rider seemed rather mean, luckily Kelly unknowingly decided to break the tension by rushing over to chat her ear off. I had also been surprised when Tina had approached me earlier and asked if I wanted to ride at 2pm when she had her break. Of course I agreed, but it wasn't something I expected anyone to ask me. She wasn't going to be riding but critiquing my skills, it made me feel a little self conscious but out of all people I prefer it to be her. Blair was also joining us but Nina decided she would be doing ground work with her horse today.

So here I was now, it was almost 7:30am and the first riders would be arriving soon for their lessons. Blair and I were setting up some jumps in the indoor arena while Kelly and Nina finished tacking up one of the horses who were giving them a hard time.

All grooms had a half hour break through out their shifts, no more then 2 grooms can have lunch at once, so they again assigned us times. I was due to go on break at 10:30am so there were still some hours left until then.

"Should we do some jumping this afternoon?" Blair asks excitedly, from what I've heard she had the perfect ride yesterday morning on her horse Sky High otherwise known as Apollo.

"We'll have to see if the jumps are still set up, if we do I'm going to take it easy with Beauty and see how he goes coming back into jumping" I respond to Blair as we make our way back to the barn.

"What do you have to do now?" Blair questions glancing over her sheet with a set of instructions on it.

"I have to go turn out some of the brood mares and foals before going to work with Willow" I recite, the little filly Willow was around 2 years old and is the only foal to a mare called Ella, which I believe Penny is riding. I was excited to meet her but also optimistic in what I can and cannot do. No one wants to get in trouble for ruining a promising eventing prospect at Holloway Stables. At first glance this morning she looked to be super spirited, racing around the pastures giving pig roots. Her flaxen chestnut coat was dirtied from rolling repeatedly throughout the night. Let's not forget that the minute someone looked in her direction with a halter, she ran away giving out a kick and a squeal.

"Good luck with that, she still acts like a new born foal, Nina and I could barely catch her this morning" Blair recalls, amusement clear in her voice.

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence" I state sarcastically.

"Oh your absolutely welcome" Blair laughs as we split up and head our own ways.


It was just before 2pm and I had arrived in the arena to warm up Beauty, as we did so I popped him over some lowered cross rails. Tina was about to go on break and come critique Blair and I, but just to my luck, Kelly and Evelyn had also arranged to ride here as well. The two girls chatted, or should I say Kelly raved on about something while they warmed up their horses.

At the other side of the arena I could notice that Kelly's horse was very tall, easily 18hh. He looked to be very alert and athletic compared to Beauty, who walked in lazy circles until I decided it was time to get back to work. The jumps I had popped him over before were only about 80cm, and I knew through his information booklet that he jumped 1.15m easily. As for today, I already planned I would jump him up to a meter, the other girls can go ahead and jump higher. As for today it won't be about how high I could jump, but getting him responsive going through a bounce and gymnastic grid.

As I turned the corner and aimed for the bounce grid Kelly decides to cut me off recklessly. Beauty wasn't fazed one bit due to his subdued nature but annoyance ran through my veins immediately. I plastered an easy going smile on my face instead of calling her out, circling Beauty back to where we picked up the canter. Did no one even notice that?!

"Can you please be more careful next time, I don't want that horse spooking Don" Kelly calls giving me a look. I grit my teeth together fighting the urge to verbally abuse the girl, some nerve she has. As she pulls Don to a stop and watched Evelyn do flawless 20 metre circles I take my chance to go.

The bounce grid was a bunch of 1 metre cross rails which were brightly coloured. It was designed this way so the horse would have to adjust its stride and focus on where it's feet land. Beauty gets into an energetic canter as he sees the jumps fast approaching, not wavering one bit as he bounces over them like nothing. 

I turn excitedly to see Blair's reaction to his perfect round she was no longer in her spot, instead over by Kelly talking and laughing about something. I frown slightly disappointed, did no one see how well he jumped that?

Just before I looked away to go find Tina, I swore I saw a competitive gleam pass through both Blair and Kelly's eyes as they watched Evelyn. I expected just as much from Blair due to being a super competitive show jumper, but Kelly, not so much.

Didn't she like Evelyn?

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