Chapter 11:

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Evelyn's POV:

" ...Hey Eve, just calling again. I'm taking Beauty out for a trail ride and was wondering if you wanted to come? I'm really sorry about snapping at you earlier, please call me back? "

I sighed as I hit delete on my phone, shoving it back in my pocket. That message had been over an hour ago. Now the sun was setting and Ash still wasn't back. Florence was in the paddock, but Beauty was gone.

I bit my lip as I walked into the barn. The grooms had all but gone home, only a few remaining to give the last horses in their dinner or put the ones that were done into the paddock.

I hadn't meant to snap at Ash. I had taken my stress out on her and that wasn't fair. She was under just as much stress as I was. Our tryouts for EFA were just a month and a half away and on top of that and school, Ash was still bringing both Beauty and Venus back into work.

Maybe she was right. Maybe I was working too hard...

I needed to spend more time with Hugo and Navarre without the pressure of work. So I decided to saddle up Hugo and go find Ash on the trails, one, to apologize and two, to make sure she was okay...

I passed by Hugo's stall, surprised when I noticed that his bucket still had some food left in it. Hugo was a lot of things, but a picky eater wasn't one of them. He inhaled his food and was often the first horse done at home.

Making my way out to the paddock, I whistled, watching as one by one, horses heads shot up. A familiar black and white blur came galloping to the fenceline and I smiled.

" Hey boy... " I rubbed Navarre's neck as he stuck his head over the fence and nudged me. I giggled. " I'm happy to see you too boy...but I was also looking for haven't seen him have you? "

Navarre bobbed his head and craned his neck to nip at his back, probably trying to chase away a fly as the bugs were starting to come back.

Looking around as I climbed into the paddock, I became more and more worried when I didn't spot Hugo, and no matter how loud I whistled, he didn't come galloping over like he usually did.

After a few minutes of wandering around the paddock, I noticed a lump in the trimmed grass just down the hill at the far side of the paddock.

" Hugo... " I whispered, trying not to think the worst as I turned to Navarre, who had been following me. Gripping his mane, I hoisted myself onto his back and kicked him forward. " Come on boy! "

Navarre snorted as he cantered down the incline, shaking his head. I slowed him to a trot as we got closer and I let out a breath when I noticed the familiar dapple grey shape moving.

I slide from Navarres back and run over to Hugo, sliding on my knees to his side. I didn't care if my new tan breeches got unwashable grass stains on them, Hugo was more important than some stupid pants.

" Hugo? " I ran my hands along his neck. " What's wrong boy? "

He sighed, lifting his head up for a few seconds before laying it back into the grass.

How long had he been laying down like this? It was dangerous for any horse to lay down for too long. Hugo needed to stand up now!

Gripping his halter, I started to stand, trying to pull Hugo with me.

" Come on boy! You gotta stand up! " I could feel myself starting to become more and more hysterical with each passing minute.

" Get up! Hugo! Please! " I felt tears falling down my face as Hugo still refused to move.

" ...Eve? "

I turned swiftly and saw two figures approaching in the growing darkness. Squinting, I took a second to recognize them.

" ...Jewel! Sky! "

They ran the rest of the way to Hugo and me.

" We got home early. We were just coming to check on the horses for the night when we heard screaming " Jewel explained. " What happened? "

I felt my chest heaving and for a second, I thought I was going to throw up, or faint. " I-I-I Don't know! I just found Hugo like this! I don't know what's wrong or how long he's been laying down for! Please help! "

Sky moved to Hugo's side. " Eve, take his halter, Jewel push here with me "

I choked back a sob as I once again took hold of Hugo's halter.

" On three " Sky instructed. " One, two, three! "

On three I used all my weight to pull on Hugo's halter, my boots sliding in the grass.

Sky and Jewel tried to lift Hugos back up, their faces turning red from the effort.

After a few seconds of struggling, Hugo groaned as he rolled to his feet.

" Good boy! " I praised him as I rubbed his face.

But his ears stayed down and his eyes looked glossed over and half-lidded. Looking down at his legs, I noticed his right back leg wasn't touching the ground.

Jewel bit her lip as she moved to my side. " Try walking him forward Eve... "

I nodded shakily and clicked Hugo forward as I tugged at his halter. He was reluctant at first but eventually hobbled forward, hopping along on three legs.

" He's not setting that leg down... " Sky shook her head as she pulled out her phone from her pocket. " I'm calling Dr. Candice... "

Jewel nodded, putting her hand on my shoulder. " We need to get Hugo into the barn... "

I nodded, sobbing as I slowly led Hugo back to the barn, praying that whatever this was wasn't anything serious...


I bit my nails nervously as the vet poked and prodded at Hugos lame leg. Hugo laid his ears back and raised his head everytime.

JOPS vet, Dr. Candice, straightened up and looked at me, frowning.

" ...Well, the good news is that it doesn't seem to be a fracture or break "

I sighed with relief.

" The bad news is that it's a pretty serious sprain... "

I felt my breath catch in my throat, making me cough.

Jewel, who had been tacking up Shadow in the crossties, ready to take him out to look for Ash, who still hadn't returned, walked over.

" Where is it located? "

Dr. Candice sighed as rubbed Hugos croup. " It's hard to say at this time, the whole leg below the knee is swollen and hot, but I'm thinking it's either the fetlock or pastern area... " she looked at me. " Did anything happen that you think could've caused this? "

I bit my lip as I looked down. " ...Well, Hugo and I were trying to jump combinations yesterday. We undershot the second oxer and we crashed through it. Hugo and I were both on the ground... " I explained. " But I checked him over as soon as we were back up and he seemed fine. He went out into the paddock without a problem "

Dr. Candice sighed. " Well, it can take 1 to 2 days for a sprain to present itself... "

" So what do we have to do to help Hugo recover? " Sky spoke as she leaned against Hugo's stall door.

" First, the area will need to be iced or hosed down for 20-minute intervals for the first 48 hours. I've given him some painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication to help with the pain and swelling for now. I'll be back tomorrow to take some x-rays just so we can officially rule out a fracture because I am concerned that he is holding the leg up so high... "

I felt my lip crack and bleed as I bit down on it.

" It may take a few days for the heat and swelling to go away, but after that, you can start rotating between heat and cold. After a few more days, you can start massaging as well, but only if Hugo takes well to it. Everything else I think you all know, stall rest and perhaps some therapeutic boots until he starts putting more weight on that leg... "

" And when can I start hand walking or light riding? " I spoke up. I couldn't believe my mind was on the tryout after all this, but it wasn't really under my control. Hugo was supposed to be the horse I was riding for the scouts.

Dr. Candic sighed. " The sprain seems severe. If the x-rays come back clean and the treatment works, I'd say a few weeks to a month before hand walking and another few months before he can get back into work... " she rubbed Hugo's neck. " But that all depends on how well Hugo and the injury take to treatment... "

" So it could be a full year before Hugo's back to normal work? "

She nodded. " I'm afraid so yes, but then again, the strain could be less than severe, in which case only a few months time...but we won't know more until the swelling goes down... "

Jewel sighed as she put her hand on my shoulder. " I'm going to go look for Ash, I won't be long... " she bit her lip. " I'm so sorry Eve... "

I nodded, watching as she led Shadow out the back of the barn.

Sky stepped forward. " Thank you, Dr. Candice, for coming out so late "

I nodded, echoing Skys thanks.

She smiled sadly. " Anytime girls. As I said, I'll be back in the morning to take x-rays... " she gathered up her things and left the barn.

As soon as Hugo was set up in his stall, I turned and kicked my tack trunk in anger. " This is all my fault! " I snapped. " If I wasn't so obsessed with going to the Olympics and getting to the highest level of eventing, this never would have happened! "

Sky grabbed my arm, pulling me back.

" I used to think the same thing "

I raised a brow. " What're you talking about? "

Sky motioned to the trunk I had just kicked. " Sit " she instructed.

I rolled my eyes and did as she asked, watching as she moved to stand in front of me.

" Stay here. I'm going to get Onyx...then we can have a talk... "

I raised a brow as I watched her go. Where was she going with this?

And what was she going to talk to me about?

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