Chapter 26:

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Ashleigh's pov

"Good boy" I whisper.

Beauty snorts as he eyes the crowd of spectators suspiciously. Eve had returned from her test earlier and looked pleased. I took that as an 'I did well' look and felt proud for my friend. If I didn't get this scholarship, I would be making sure it goes to Eve. She deserves it after all the hard work she's put into Navarre and Hugo.

I trot Beauty around on the bit, going past the spectators and making sure he's focusing on me. He was more reactive today but I would use that as an advantage. If I keep my cues light like I've been doing lately, I may be able to pick up a few extra points. As I being him to a halt, I give him a big pat.

We were as ready as we could be.

"Ashleigh Sutton"

I take a deep breath, pushing any nervousness away.

We've got this.

Turning Beauty to the entrance of the arena, I continue my deep breaths.

As the arena comes into site, I walk Beauty around the outside once before picking up a working trot.

We enter at A and continue our working trot down the center line, not halting. At C, we track right and I make sure Beauty is putting as much enthusiasm into this as possible. If I keep his mind busy, the crowd of strangers shouldn't bother him.

When we reach B, we do a 15 meter circle before continuing our working trot to A. There was a spring in Beauty's step, and I realised that he actually might be enjoying this. I keep my thoughts in check and turn Beauty back down the center like. At D, we leg yield to the left and I apply just the right amount of pressure. The leg yield finishes half way between E and H before we keep up the working trot.

From M to K, we once again change rein, Beauty happily going into the bit. One of his ears was facing backwards, displaying that all his focus is on me. As soon as we reach A, we go into a medium walk. I prepare for the following task, a free walk on the long rein.

At F, I loosen my grip on the reins and Beauty's head stretches out. I was hoping that as we passed the spectators that his head wouldn't fly up, and it didn't. He hesistates, his ear flickering between me and the crowd. Thankfully, he must've known how important today was and continued at a relaxed walk.

I sigh in relief and pick back up our medium walk at M before starting another working trot at C. At E, we begin another 15 meter circle before continuing at a working trot. Once we hit A again, we turn down the center like and leg yield to the right. This time we finish our leg yield between B and M. When we hit C, our working trot turns into a working canter.

Beauty switches straight into it the second I ask, maintaining his flowing pace. I smile, proud at how smooth his transition was. After completing a 20 meter circle, we continue our working canter and change rein at F. On X, we change leg and continue to canter to H.

We were almost done and I knew I had to watch Beauty. I didn't want him to take any missteps or lower his pace. So far, so good.

At B, we circle right and complete a 20 meter circle. Beauty remains rounded and his shoulder doesn't fall in or out. The circle was probably one of my best. As we keep up the working canter, we one again change rein, this time at K. On X, I have Beauty change leg before proceeding to M.

From M to A, we remain in a canter. Turning down the center line once more, we change into a working trot at X before halting at G. I breathe a sigh of relief and salute.

"Good boy Beauty!" I praise happily.

He hasn't placed a foot wrong during the test, only getting a little distracted in the free walk which was to be expected. Finally, our hard work had really paid off. When we leave the arena, some of the younger J.O.P.S students swarm in to pat Beauty. I grimace, not wanting them to get in his face.

Beauty tenses and stands dead still as the people fuss over him, asking me multiple questions.

"How old is he?"

"What breed?"

"What level do you compete in?"

Overwhelmed, I just smile and ask Beauty to walk through the people. If someone gets their foot stood on, it won't be our fault. Annoyingly, I begin to get followed. It wouldn't bother me if Beauty was more calmer, but today definitely wasn't the day.

His ears flicker with uncertainty as he eyes everyone.

I give him a pat and almost jump with joy when I spot the twins. When I send them a pleading look, they both nod in understanding. The questions kept coming until Jewel clears her throat.

"What did I say about crowding around horses" Jewel scolds.

Some of the students jump, while others glanced down sheepishly.

"Go on then" Sky says, shooing them away.

As soon as the kids disappear, I dismount Beauty and give him a big hug. "What a good boy!"

The twins give him a pat before stepping away. "Both you and Eve did really well, we're impressed"

I beam back at them. "Thanks, you don't know how much I appreciate that"

Beauty's head lowers and he sighs.

"Someone's done for the day" Jewel jokes.

We all laugh. "Well, I better cool him down and make sure everything is ready for tomorrow"

"You better be back here to watch the clinic though, or I'll hunt you down and-" Sky begins.

I put my hands up. "Okay, okay. Point made. I'll be back to watch the clinic. Relax"

We bid our farewells before going in our own separate directions.

After I put Beauty on the cross ties and untack him, I take a moment to self reflect.

Here I was at J.O.P.S, trialling for a scholarship on an incredibly talented horse. Just, wow. If I told myself this would be the case at the beginning of last summer, I would've laugh. Now look where I am, and the people I'm surrounded with. This opportunity could really further my career.

But I had to decide, what did I want my career to be?

I thought I'd decided, but I was still uncertain...

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