Chapter 35:

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Eve's POV:

I smiled as I finished wrapping up Ash's birthday present, then checked my reflection in the mirror. I had curled my hair and pinned back a few strands. With a light coat of makeup that matched the casual black knee-length dress, I'd chosen for the party, of which Ash still had no idea was being held in the indoor arena. Her parents had arrived just about 10 minutes ago and Jewel and Sky had ushered them into the arena before Ash could spot them.

Ash thought Jewel and Sky were taking us out to a nice lunch to celebrate her birthday and I couldn't wait to see her face when we reached the arena. We had worked so hard to get everything nicely decorated, you could barely tell it was an arena anymore. The twins had hired a nice caterer to serve the party, so that it felt, in their own words "More grown-up", which I knew Ash wasn't all for the fancy life like we were, so I had arranged for us to go on an evening trail ride after the party was over. I felt like it was just what we needed to end our time at JOPS and start our new journeys.

The twins at the Olympics

Ash in Oregon with her parents

And me at EFA

That last one scared me more than anything.

I had tried to get Ash to consider taking my scholarship, as my parents wouldn't have to worry about even a dent in their budget if they had to pay to send me to the school, but Ash had been firm in making sure I didn't try to secretly give her my scholarship, and when I had first suggested it, Ash's reaction made me almost felt guilty. I hadn't meant to make it sound like I took pity on her or wanted to make her feel bad that her parents couldn't afford the things my parents could, I just genuinely wanted to have her at EFA with me. 

I didn't know how I would survive in a new school, in a new country, without my best friend at my side...

I didn't want to go back to just being 'That rich girl' who only had friends because her parents were loaded. Ash had been the first person to call me out on my behavior during the summer. She had been the first real friend I made who liked me for me and not because of all my possessions or parents. 

We made each other better riders as well. I pushed her to try new things and she kept my overconfidence in line. 

We were two peas in a pod and when we went our separate ways after today, I knew there were going to be tears.

The buzzing of my phone snapped me back into reality and when I checked who had texted me, a smile crossed my lips.


'Had no doubt you would be the top choice for EFA. Congratulations!'

My heart fluttered as I read his text. Our mutual breakup was still so recent and it still hurt at times, but I was glad we could still be friends and support each other.

He had decided to spend the summer being a groom and exercise rider for Oliver Townend, instead of returning home. I was happy for him, but also sad, because I had hoped we could spend some time together before I left for EFA. But he was following his dreams and I was following mine.

Hopefully our paths would cross again one i could kick his butt at another show.

I laughed quietly to myself and I touched the necklace he had gotten me for Christmas. It had Hugo and Navarres names engraved in the gold chain with diamonds on each name. 

" Hey! "

Shoving my phone into the pocket of my dress, i turned and saw Sky and Jewel standing at the top of the stairs.

" We gotta go if we want to make it to the surprise party before Ash! " Sky smirked. " I think the guest of honor should be the one to be surprised, not us " she teased.

I giggled as I made my way up the stairs towards them. " Keep your heels on! I'm coming! "

As the three of us made our way towards the barn, I couldn't help but still admire the older girls. Even with the pressure of the Olympics nearing, they stayed calm and collected in everything they did. I hoped that one day, I would look as calm and they did before one of the biggest competitions in the world.

The twins had dressed like polar opposites, but each matching their own personality perfectly. Jewel wore a knee length white dress that frayed out at the bottom, with matching white heels and a nice feather pinned in her up-done hair. Her makeup had been done nice and lightly, with lots of sparkly eye shadow to compliment her fair skin and bright eyes.

Sky wore a shorter, skin tight black dress and taller high heels. She also had a feather in her hair, but it was black and pinned to the side of her hair, which she had kept down and curled into nice waves. Her makeup was also darker, making her darker eyes look much bigger, almost doll like.

Seeing the two of them, who had been in my and Ash's position not too long ago, made me hopeful about our future. Maybe one day, younger riders would look up to us like we did to them.

I don't know if I could ever see myself being a coach though.

" Ashley's mother called me and said they were headed back here, they'll be here any minute " Jewel spoke up as we made our way into the barn, our heels clicking on the floor.

Ash's parents had taken her out for breakfast this morning to have some quality family time just with them. But now that i knew they were on their way back, it was time to put part two of our surprise into effect. 

Pulling out my phone, I sent Ash a quick text telling her that Florence had been moving a bit lamely so I had the vet looking at her in the indoor arena. i figured that would get her back even quicker.

As Jewel opened the sliding doors, I was still so impressed with what we had done to the place. the indoor arena had been freshly harrowed and a portable dance floor had been brought in to stop us from getting dirt in our shoes. Twinkling lights hung from one end to the other and various tables were set up for things like food, drinks and gifts. We had though about bringing the horses into the arena to hang out, but eventually decided against it. They had all been working so hard lately that they deserved their rest.

I placed Ashley's gift on the table before joining the twins and their boyfriends over by the drink table. A few grooms had also joined the party, since they had been so helpful to us over the past few months.

" So Eve " Harry spoke up in his British accent. " Are you excited for attending Elliot Falls after the summer? "

I smiled as i poured myself some orange soda and nodded. " if by excited you mean crazy nervous, then yes, very much so "

" Aw you'll be just fine kid " Felix waved me off. " You and Navarre killed the tryouts and you'll be killing it again at EFA with both your horses in work "

Honestly, as much as I loved their support, I just wanted to stop talking about EFA. Talking about it made me both sad and guilty about the whole thing.

" What're your plans this summer? " I quickly changed the subject. " i mean, I know the twins have the Olympics, but what about you two? " I turned to look at the boys.

" I have a crop of up and coming youngsters I'll be taking to competition with Rio. I figured her calm demeanor at shows would teach the younger ones how to act away from home " Felix replied with a small chuckle. " I have this one stallion that's showing so much potential in Puissance, but his personality needs a serious check "

I smiled. After watching Felix teaching during the clinic, I was way more interested in Puissance jumping. Maybe one day I would be able to try it and enter a competition, although, I wouldn't want to go up against Felix and Rio, seeing as they clean up at every show.

" I'll be flying back home for a bit to ride the circuit with England, then I'm letting him have some time off when I come back here to break in some of the 3 year old's here " Harry spoke up, putting his arm around Jewels waist. " With her being so busy training, someone has to make sure those babies learn the ropes " he teased with a playfully smirk as Jewel rolled her eyes, but smiled.

We all continued to talk and laugh together while we waited for Ash to walk in. After a few minutes we heard the jingling of the bell Sky had attached to the top of the door to let us know when someone was coming in.

We all quickly quieted down and gathered in a large group before the door. We took a breath as we spotted Ash's familiar blonde hair, her gaze focused on the ground, until she nearly jumped out of her skin when we all in unison shouted the key word to any secret birthday party.

" Surprise! "

To say she looked fairly shocked would be an understatement

Surprise party mission had officially been accomplished.

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