Chapter 7:

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Evelyn's POV:

A week went by fast at JOPS. By the time Saturday came around, I felt like my limbs were going to fall off. Jewel and Skylar hadn't been wrong when they said they would be working us to our limits. Darla had never worked us this hard before.

School was also becoming more difficult to catch up with. Luckily Ash and I had our more easy classes this semester, so it wasn't all bad.

I made my way down to the barn early in the morning, waving at a few of the grooms that passed by with various horses. I still wasn't used to being waited on hand and foot, and I could tell that the horses weren't either. Hugo was a perfect gentleman, enjoying the times when the grooms took care of him, unlike Navarre, who acted like a toddler in the crossties, unable to stay still. Back at Holloway, I had always been responsible for grooming, feeding and general care of my horses, but here at JOPS the horses each had their own personal groom who took care of their needs outside of being ridden. It still required some getting used to on my part.

" Good morning Miss Holloway " Hugo's groom greeted me. My grey gelding stuck his head out of his stall when I spoke.

" Good morning Hillary! " I smiled. " How's Hugo this morning? "

Hillary rubbed Hugo's muscular neck. " He seems rearing to go, so to speak " we giggled.

" I bet he is, but this time it's Navarre's turn to work this morning, I'll have to come back to Hugo in the afternoon "

Hillary nodded. " I'll put Hugo in the hot walker this morning to make sure he's ready for you this afternoon " she grabbed Hugo's lead line.

I nodded. " Sounds good! " I turned to Hugo. " You be a good boy this morning okay? "

He snorted and bobbed his head as if he was trying to say 'duh'.

I smiled and kissed his nose before making my way to the tack room to grab Navarre's tack.

Since I had started Navarre off tackless at the beginning of the year, he was much more cooperative to work with his tack. Either that or he was finally starting to calm down since he would be turning 6 soon.

Although, I doubt that second thought.

The black and white gelding paced back and forth as I brushed and tacked him up. Once I had his bridle on, I clipped on my helmet and gloves and started walking him towards the indoor arena. The outdoor arena was currently being harrowed and I didn't want to interrupt the stable hands work.

As I approached the arena, I heard the familiar sound of pounding hoofbeats coming from within. As I called out and slide open the door, A black blur sped past us and took the tall vertical show jump in the middle of the arena.

It was Shadow and Jewel!

I tried not to make a sound as Navarre and I entered the arena while the older girl circled the beautiful gelding at the far end of the arena.

I waved when she saw me.

" Hey! " She trotted Shadow over and halted him in front of us. Navarre and Shadow bumped noses, greeting each other.

" Hi! " I smiled at her energetic tone, which was contagious.

" This must be Navarre! " Jewel dismounted and walked over to us, letting Navarre sniff her hand before rubbing his face gently.

Navarre nickered, loving the attention.

Shadow, seeming jealous, bumped Jewel's arm with his nose, making us both laugh.

" Did you want to use the arena? " She asked.

" If it's okay with you? " I replied nervously.

She nodded, smiling as she remounted easily. With Shadow being so tall I had no idea how she was able to mount without any trouble, even with her stirrups shortened to jumping length. I really needed to do some stretching.

I mounted Navarre, with more difficulty than usual, as he pranced in place and tugged at the reins. He was excited to get started.

" Easy... " I calmed him as he tried to take off at a trot before I had my other foot in the stirrup.

Navarre snorted and bobbed his head, chewing at the bit. He walked quickly as we lapped around the huge arena.

" He's excitable " Jewel nearly made me jump as she angled Shadow beside Navarre.

I nodded, struggling to keep Navarre's pace at a walk. My arms were going to be sore today.

" Ya, he is, I'm hoping that'll wear off when he gets older "

" I hope not " I raised a brow, making Jewel giggle. " Think about it! You have to work twice as hard on a lazy horse than an energetic one! I'd chose a hot blood over a cold-blood any day! "

" Shadow doesn't seem that hotblooded " I shut my mouth just as I spoke, feeling my face heat up.

Would she take that as an insult?

Jewel nodded. " That is true, but he has his moments and loves to work " she rubbed the gelding's neck. " So I'll forgive his laziness "

I giggled, glad she didn't take offense to what I had said.

" Hey! I have an idea! " Jewel spoke up. " Why don't you get Navarre warmed up and we can take a few jumps together! " she motioned to the tall vertical course in the middle of the arena.

I felt that same feeling flare up in my stomach. Butterflies, but in a good way! I wanted to jump this course so bad!

I looked down and frowned at Navarre. " ...I-I've never jumped Navarre that high before "

" Well then you'll ride Shadow "

I froze, nearly tugging the reins. Did she really say what I think she just said?

I could ride her horse? A soon to be Olympic star?

I needed someone to pinch me now!

Calming my nerves, I smiled at Jewel and nodded. " I would be honored! "

Warming up Navarre couldn't take any longer!

Once I was confident that my gelding was ready to start some jumping, Jewel and I met in the center of the arena and dismounted, swapping reins and walking to our temporary mounts.

I let Shadow sniff me as I gently rubbed his neck and adjusted my stirrups. I could see Jewel doing the same out of the corner of my eye.

I was praying Navarre would be on his best behavior.

Shadows daunting over 17 hand figure made mounting no easy task. I struggled for a good few minutes just getting my leg up into the left stirrup, but the gelding stood perfectly still and calm the entire time. By the time I was in the saddle and doing some final adjustments to my stirrups, Jewel had Navarre walking around the arena, looking like a completely different horse.

Navarre walked calmly, but with purpose and held his head low, an indication that he was using his back correctly. Jewels posture was flawless as she rode him through beautiful trot transition.

The girl was amazing!

Shadows stride took some getting used to. He had a ground covering pace, even at a walk, that reminded me so much of Hickstead when I used to watch him on tv years ago.

I couldn't wait to jump his son!

" Want to take that smaller jump there? " Jewel pointed to a 3 foot vertical at the far end of the arena as she cantered Navarre around.

I nodded, circling Shadow before the jump and adjusting to his canter. Once I felt comfortable, I aimed him at the jump and leaned forward in my two point.

Shadow practically stepped over the jump, ears perked forward.

I smiled as I rubbed his neck, bringing him to a trot and then a walk, turning back to watch Jewel and Navarre.

Navarre tugged at the reins when he was aimed at the jump, but Jewel expertly half halted before moving into a two point. Navarre leaped over the jump with more scope than he needed.

Jewel slowed him and halted beside Shadow and me.

" Too low? "

We both giggled, knowing our horses were ready to go higher, and so were we.

" How about that meter forty vertical? " Jewel asked.

I nodded. " I say, meter forty, meter fifty and end with that meter sixty vertical "

" Someones feeling gutsy today " Jewel smiled. " Are you sure about this? "

I nodded, feeling the same confident feeling that I had during our first cross country lesson. All I wanted to do was jump, and I wanted to jump high!

" I feel like I can do anything when I'm riding Shadow! " I beamed.

I saw Jewel's eyes light up. " I love it when Shadow feels that way! It's the exact same way I feel when I ride him! " she nodded that the first meter forty jump.

I nodded and cantered Shadow around the arena for two laps before pointing him at the jump. I had been jumping Hugo meter twenty height jumps for the past week, but I wanted us to go higher.

If I could jump Shadow over these tall jumps and not fall off, I knew I would be ready to take Hugo over them.

Shadow took the 4.5-foot jump with ease and I rounded him back towards the meter fifty, 4.9-foot jump. I gripped his mane for extra support, giving him a bit more rein to have his head. Shadow powered over the jump, but to me, it felt like he was as light as a feather.

We approached the final jump, a meter sixty in height or 5 foot 2. This was the height of show jumps at the Grand Prix level, the top, the best, the place I wanted to be.

I felt myself gasp as Shadow rocked back on his haunches before soaring over the jump. I felt the same feeling of flying that I had before and a smile crossed my face when we landed. I knew it only lasted a few seconds, but to me it felt like minutes, hours, years.

I never wanted this feeling to fade.

As I let Shadow canter away from the jump, I heard Jewel clapping as we raced past her and Navarre.

" That was awesome! " She smiled. " You're a natural! "

I felt myself blush. " It wasn't that great, Shadow did the heavy lifting, I just held on "

Jewel laughed. " I felt the same way when I started jumping at the higher levels. It'll come, trust me, instinct will take over when you need it to "

I smiled as we high fived.

" Wanna take those two jumps with me? "

" Like, together? "

Jewel nodded and I smiled as I nodded.

As we circled away from each other, I saw Ash standing in the doorway, watching us.

I waved at her as Jewel and I lined Navarre and Shadow beside each other. I was taking the jump on the left while she took the one on the right. In unison Shadow and Navarre took off and launched over the jumps. Shadow definitely had better form than Navarre, but Navarre was trying, and I was proud of him for that.

When the geldings landed, we circled away from each other, laughing together.

I looked back at the arena door, about to ask if Ash had just seen how brave Navarre had been taking the higher level jump.

But Ash was gone, and the arena door was shut...

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