18 | A Distorted Reality

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Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
William Shakespeare.

Derek recoiled back in horror, watching the detective, helplessly collapse to the floor. He glanced around the room, his eyes anxiously searching to see where that deplorable woman was; waiting with anticipation to see when she was going to strike her reign of terror on him next.

Suddenly, he heard a group of people in the hallway, outside, followed by a loud clamour of voices shouting vociferously at each other and it sounded as if they coming straight for this room.

Derek caught a glimpse of Mr Clarence lying on the floor; a pool of blood surrounding him, with almost every bone in his body broken and knew how bad this was going to look for him right now.

All he could do was remain fixed in his chair, awaiting his inevitable and
Impending doom, like a homicidal maniac anxiously awaiting his own execution on death row.

Derek leapt back in the chair, where he had remained for what felt like an eternity and watched the group of officers storm into the room, all armed with tasers and guns.

Before Derek could find the words to recite, from his own mouth, it was already too late, he was promptly shoved to the cold, hard floor, in a matter of seconds.

He noticed his handcuffs had been removed and were no longer cuffed to his wrists, it was as if she somehow removed them in the midst of all this, to frame him once again.

That bitch... He thought to himself furiously.

He imagined her watching all of this cloaked beneath the darkness, enjoying every minute of this, like the sick, sadistic, evil bitch she was.

Derek tried to stand up, but that had been his mistake, he was immediately thrown back down on the floor, and was brutally, attacked and beaten, by this swarm of angry police officers.

Derek screamed and pleaded for them to hear him out, but his arms were immediately forced behind his back and his desperate pleas went unnoticed.

He flinched and squeezed his eyes, shut while they forcefully slapped the handcuffs back on him, wishing to God that this was nothing more than a nightmare, but when he felt that immense ripple of pain shoot through his lifeless body, he knew this was no dream.

Derek felt, himself leaving this place; his body had gone numb and he felt depleted and paralysed, he began to wonder if being dead would have been a far more rewardable option then enduring this prolonged suffering any longer.

When he awoke he was now placed in a cold dark room with not even a window to spare him from this insidious torture, that was placed before his eyes, if hell ever existed he could say he had surely witnessed it first hand after finding himself here.

All that he had to keep him company was a stiff cold bed and a table, beside the wall.

The male nurse informed him that he was remanded to this psychiatric hospital, while he awaited his trial hearing.

Now partially more coherent, Derek called the male nurse back and demanded to let him use the phone.

"I'm sorry, Sir but you are not allowed any calls right now, please remain calm or I will be forced to sedate you until the doctor comes." The male nurse impatiently informed him.

"Please..." Derek pleaded with him.

"Please, let me speak to my wife, if you have any fucking heart, let me speak to my wife..."

"Sir, please remain calm and sit down." the nurse anxiously warned him.

Derek attempted to get off the bed and hurl past this nurse, but before he could make it to the door, he was thrown on the bed, and forcefully pinned down against his will.

"I need back up! The man screamed.

"Hurry, we got a wild one here!" Let me go! Derek shrilled at him." I didn't do this, do you hear me?! You people have it all wrong! I didn't do it! Please, you have to believe me!"

He flung off the bed and pushed the male nurse over, he was determined to get out of here; he refused to stay here another minute more.

If these sons of bitches wouldn't hear me out then fine fuck them, I will show them just how fucking crazy they think I am, Derek thought to himself angrily.

He'd just found himself at the door, before his hands could find the handle, he was pushed over by three male nurses and the masses of security guards, that soon followed behind them.

They aggressively steered him to the bed and forcefully strapped his arms down.

"You sons of bitches let me go! Derek roared at them. I didn't do it! It's her! she's the one doing all, this, please you have to believe me!"

He felt that syringe, dig into him, and he knew it was going to be a while before he saw that moulded ceiling and lonely bed again. He caught a quick glimpse of that evil bitch grinning at him, before closing his eyes for the final time.

When Derek awoke, he was instructed to get up, and was told he had a visitor waiting for him downstairs.

Derek was lead downstairs, and for a brief moment he had hoped this person was Melissa, He felt his heart sink at just the very thought of seeing her again, he imagined holding her in his arms, telling her how much he loved her and that he was going crazy without her and Holly by his side and that this was all just a terrible misunderstanding.

But his hope had soon been shattered and his brief moment of happiness had now been replaced with a hateful fury burning up inside him again as soon as he turned the corner, he caught sight of David sitting in front of the table with his arms rested casually, over the table with that same arrogant look of inferiority he always wore on his face.

You have got to be kidding me...Derek thought clenching his teeth with rage.

Derek glanced over at the gun protruding out of the security officers holster and envisioned himself removing his gun off him and blowing Davids brains out with it, for even showing his face here, and this time it would be no accident.

Derek approached the table, watching his arrogant smirk grow even wider.

"What the hell do you want David?" Derek asked, collapsing into the chair.

"To come and revel in my misery?" he proceeded to argue. I know you must be over the moon to know I am here..."

David formed a faint smirk on his lips, and Derek wished to God he could have removed that pretentious smirk off his face, but he was surrounded by security and knew very well, he had to be careful how he behaved around them.

"Not at all." David insisted, placing his briefcase lightly down on the table.

"Quite to the contrary, my friend I'm here to help you."

Derek scoffed silently under his breath wondering what this bastard's true intentions were, he knew very well he was up to something, he just couldn't quite decipher what it was as yet...

"Cut the crap what do you want?"Derek loudly demanded, his voice now escalating into a booming thunder of rage.

"The only thing you have ever cared about is taking Melissa away from me, and let's not forget how you were the first one to root for me being fired, so why the hell would you be willing to help me now?"

Derek fumed at him, his eyes now burning directly into Davids.

David ran his hands through his lightly coloured brown, highlighted blonde hair and gave a little chuckle, much to Derek's annoyance and growing disdain.

"Not at all Derek, your wife is an amazing woman, I have always respected your marriage, you of all people should know that," he explained.

He took in a deep breath, before slowly opening his briefcase.

"I can make this all go away, but you just have to have trust in me, I have friends in very high places here, that can get you out of this mess you are in." He confidently informed Derek.

Derek had an incredibly strong feeling, that an ultimatum was coming next, there was no other logical explanation for David being here for any other reason, other than seeing what was in it for him.

David remained silent for a brief while before finally clearing his throat and speaking again.

"I don't know to tell you this Derek, but Mel wanted me to tell you that she wants a divorce, the divorce papers will be finalized, on Monday morning. She also informed me to tell you that she's going to be fighting for custody, I'm really so sorry Derek..."

There was a long unsettling silence between them, Derek felt as if he were being suffocated at this moment and could no longer breathe.

"No..."Derek choked.

No!" you're lying..."

I don't believe you!" He cried his head began to spin, it felt as if the walls were beginning to close in on him.

He was in that much rage he wanted to kill him, for all Derek knew this could have been her pretending to be David again, to mess with his head even further and drive him even closer to the brink of insanity.

Suddenly, something snapped inside of Derek, he didn't know if it was the overwhelming feelings of hurt, confusion and frustration, that had driven him to this point, but he wanted nothing more then to make David feel all the suffering and pain he was feeling inside of him right now.

The incredible yearning to smash this son of a bitches face it was so strong, he could no longer restrain himself, he leapt up off the chair and swung a violent punch at David.

David collapsed off his chair, the sudden impact of him being struck forced him off his chair and Derek watched him do a whirl spin and collapse to the ground.

David, sat up clutching at his jaw, and their eyes met for the final time.

"Stay away from my wife and daughter!" Derek venomously seethed at him.

The security grabbed Derek and proceeded to manhandle him out of the room, leaving David still sitting on the floor, wondering what just happened.

Derek was taken back to his room where he was sedated once again, he refused to believe any of Davids outrageous lies, he vowed to escape this place tonight and prove his innocence, he remembered the surveillance camera at the police station and knew it was the only tangible bit of evidence that could prove he was not the one doing this, he needed to put an end to this evil entity that had consumed and plagued his life, he would stop at nothing until he had his family back...


Total word count:1881

If you liked this chapter of The evil beneath us, please don't forget to vote and share your comments or thoughts here! Your feedback is always appreciated:) chapter 15 will be up as soon as possible it's going to get very interesting, so stay tuned.X

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