28| Till Death Do Us Part

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Warning: Highly Explicit Content

" I just don't fuckin' get it," he snarled into her ear, his fierce-looking eyes locked on her timid gaze. "You such a little cock-tease, you know that?"

Melissa stood there, addled, trying to figure out where she'd gone wrong and what she possibly could have done to infuriate him this way.

The louder he raised his voice and paced up and down along the floor, smashing everything in sight, the more she could feel her heart hammering in her chest, in fear of not knowing what David could do to her.

Her suspicions were confirmed when he loomed ominously in her face and stalked towards her. She backed up against the wall, letting out a guttural cry at the feeling of his abdomen crushing into her, as his body collided with hers.

"Do you know what I do to clever little bitches that like to play games with me?" he said to her, trailing his finger along her intricate jawline, as he lifted her chin so that they were looking into each other's eyes. "I cut 'em up into a tiny million pieces."

Fear coursed through her veins, at his words, steeling herself for what he was about to do to her.

"All I came here to do today was be with you, spend time with you. And what do you go and do? Go on about fuckin' Derek, right after teasing me. Why?" he screamed at her. " Why do you fuckin' play these games with me?"

He stomped his foot so loudly the noises began to travel right through the floorboards, reverberating in her ears the harder he kicked the floor beneath him. " Is it because I'm not Derek? I'm not a deranged psychopath like him. Or am I, Melissa, you tell me, hmm?"

Melissa couldn't answer him fast enough, which resulted in kindling Davids's anger even more.

"Answer me, god-damn it... Do you think I'm a psychopath?" He balled his fingers into a fist and drove them into the wall, at her reluctance to answer him. Each time Melissa couldn't give David a timely response or showed resistance in acknowledging him, the more enraged and violent he would become. This went on for several, gruelling minutes.

Melissa shook her head, unable to think straight. " I don't know what the hell you talking about, David. Please just-"

"Because I can show you what a motherfucking psychopath looks like!" his voice yelled out like an explosion, punching the door in a fit of rage until he left a massive hole that was the size of his fist in it. " You like this, baby? Does this turn you on? Does this make you wet for me, hmm?"

He linked her arms firmly in his grip again, pinning her body against the wall. She let out a small helpless squeal, powerless, unable to move, her heart beating frantically in her ears when he then secured her wrists on top of her head, so she couldn't make any movement and ordered her to look him in the eyes. The fear of what he could do to her was bouncing off her in infinite waves, her vulnerability kicking in overdrive.

"Let me go," she said, sounding braver than she looked." Let me go or else."

"Or else, what?" David glanced over his shoulder for a quick second and gave her a smug grin, knowing no one was there, while he splayed his fingers against the back of her head now, just staring at her, his eyes refusing to leave her sight. "From what I can see, sugar there ain't nobody here. It's just you and me with no Derek to save you this time."

Releasing a terrified scream from her lips, David picked her up, bringing her right up to his chest, cradling her in his arms, her feet dangling in mid-air, barely able to touch the floor if she wanted to. He was squeezing her in his, bear-like embrace, her trembling body disintegrating into jelly against his hard, taunt muscles that had been keeping her in a tight restraint.

"Please," she whimpered. "Please let me go."

Dismissing her pitiful request at getting him to relinquish the invasion of her body, he studied her face, gliding his fingers through her hair, revelling in the sweet, sensual smell of her. "Look at me, baby. Look at me and tell me what you see?" he asked her, staring into her eyes as if he were probing her mind for answers.

Even though she didn't want to, she painstakingly compiled and did as she was told. She hated how gorgeous, he was, even more so from up close. The irises of his bedroom brown eyes were dancing under the lighting of the room, swimming with lust for her, appraising her body from head-toe. She hated herself for trusting him.

She hated how fucking stupid she was for not listening to Derek after he tried to convince her all those times David was no good. How could she have been so blind? How could she have allowed herself to fall victim to his manipulative ways and all his lies?

"Do I look like a maniac to you?" he asked her, in a quiet, eerie tone of voice, that left her feeling anxious and on the brink of despair again. "Because the last bitch called me that moments before I gutted her like a pig."

He was doing it again. Making his admission known to her that she would be next if she didn't do what he expected of her and complied with his every demand. Her stomach started to somersault, as the odour of his boozy breath, disrupted her flow of breathing assaulting her, nauseating her.

" I-I don't know what you're talking about, David, please just let me go," she choked." P-Please I'm begging you, you're hurting me!"

Upon saying those words that earned no commiseration from him in return, Melissa released herself from him and began hysterically pounding her fists into Davids's hard, firm chest. She pleaded with him to stop, but he took no notice of her and carried on holding her down.

"Let's get one straight, Mel, Darling, " he said sternly, grabbing her by her wrist, squeezing his thumbs down into her pulse points, applying pressure, before yanking her into his arms. Feeling her lose her equilibrium for a second, she almost tripped when she stumbled into his needy embrace, while he locked her against the wall, restricting her from any movement, making certain she couldn't even dream of escaping him.

"You hurt me by parading your fuckin' marriage in my face all the time. What the fuck is wrong with you? You so full shit, it makes me wanna-"

Melissa started to panic as soon as his face pressed closer, with this twisted smirk on his face, her body convulsing at the assault of his caresses on her skin again." It makes me want to punish you and show you what I do too little cock-teases that think too highly of themselves.."

In a desperate attempt to save herself, Melissa began to look around the room for any hard inanimate object she could find. Anything she could use against him, that would do enough damage and knock him the hell out. But she had to be quick and she knew she had to strategically plan it out, without fucking this up. It was then that she considered grabbing her phone from her handbag and going to the kitchen, so she could call 9-11.

She swore to herself, that If he tried to cut the call, she would slit his throat, with a kitchen knife, she was bound to pick up in her defence. Before she could even contemplate putting her plan into action, he knocked the phone out of her hands, like a child being denied a candy bar.

She gasped out in horror and backed away from him, watching David pick up her only means of escaping him, and smash it on the hard ceramic tiles. It shattered the screen of the glass, as soon as the device hit the hard floor.

Nostrils, flaring he stood from the table, fists clenched at his sides. He looked back at her, a fire igniting in his terrifying brown eyes, as he grit his teeth and shook his head, making it to known to her, that he was far from impressed with the little stunt she just pulled on him back there.

" Do something stupid like that again, and you'll see what will happen," he growled at her, throwing her against the wall. He yanked her hair and jerked her head so far back, that she was convinced he would rip off the tresses from her skull.

" I don't want to hurt you," he told her, throwing her back down, her head bouncing against the wall, while, grabbing fistfuls of her hair.

" But if you even think about trying to pull a stunt like that again, your phone won't be the only thing that will be laying on that floor smashed in pieces," he warned her, his voice firm and authoritative.

She watched him furiously stub what was left of his cigarette out in the ashtray. Then like the flip of a switch, he brought out what appeared to be a gun from his pocket, pointed it at her and then cocked it. Melissa saw nothing but her life flashing before her eyes.

"Do you know how I often fantasise about you each night?" he announced, his offbeat question raising every hair on her back. She looked at him in complete aghast, along with the gun he wielded in his hand, wondering if it was loaded or not.

"How many times I would imagine you being in my penthouse, and me spreading your legs apart on my big double bed and licking every inch of your body until I would eventually make my way down under and fuck you with my tongue? How I would imagine licking your pussy for hours, getting you real nice and wet for me," he explained, grinning perversely at her, the whole room spinning around her.

"Then while you're lying there limp and depleted with ecstasy, I would climb onto the bed, put my cock deep inside you and fuck you so hard that when I am finished with you neither of us would be able to think straight."

"Why?" her small, timorous voice queried him, not believing the words coming from her mouth. "Why are you doing this to me?" If she was being honest with herself, she wanted to hear what he had to say and what his reasoning behind all this was. She couldn't take it anymore. She needed to know the truth. She was cowering in the corner of the room with fear coursing through her veins, awaiting his response.

After what felt like a lifetime of torturing her with his blatant silence, he nonchalantly leaned against the wall and blinked his eyes at her, folding his arms with superintendency, as he just stood there, fixated on her.

"Why do you think I was always at your parent's house when I knew you were gonna be there?' she heard him say, his voice light and upbeat, maybe even a little condescending now. "Do you think I honestly gave a flying fuck about your family? Your father... All I cared about was getting closer to you. Wanted to make you mine. Wanted to call you my own from the moment I first laid eyes on you. And now that I have you; I ain't ever gonna let you go."

"Why?" she asked, feeling as if she wanted to physically throw up now." Why?" she reiterated the question, trying to suppress her emotions and her uncontrollable need to want to hurl her guts all over him, a small part even wishing she could." My father trusted you, David...I trusted you."

"Oh, come on Melissa, how can you be so fucking stupid? Isn't it obvious?" he said with a sardonic laugh, his eyes dancing up at the ceiling for a little while before he looked at her and then stared brazenly into her eyes." I'm madly in love with you that's fucking why."

His attention wavered after he said that as if were angry for telling her how he felt for he then steered towards the bookshelf and kicked it so hard that it went flying in the doorway.

"Not that you gave a shred of a shit about how I feel because all you ever care about is Derek and what happens to him," he continued to scream in her face, her whole world shattering beneath her feet." You never stopped to think about me and my feelings... You never stopped to think about how I felt watching you on the sidelines for all those years, flaunting your marriage in my face."

Melissa felt her heart sink the more David yelled at her. She didn't know if it was the lust for her talking right now, or if he meant it. Right now, she didn't know what to believe anymore.

She decided to utilise this opportunity of him pacing up and down on the floor like a madman, destroying everything in his reach when she glanced over at the porcelain vase her mother had bought her for Christmas sitting on her sister's mantelpiece like an outdated and unwanted toy. He'd been too infuriated with rage to even notice her eyes straying, looking at it as if were her lifeline; her only hope.

It would have been another attempt at trying to escape him, after the incident with the phone disaster. That and it was an ugly thing, that she'd hated since the day her stepmother had given it to her.

But before she could even give a second thought of yanking the vase off the table and rendering him unconscious, he beat her to it, as If he had some kind of sixth sense, of what she was planning to do with it.

Picking up her stepmother's hideous vase Melissa stood back, just in case he considered striking her in the face with it and watched him toss the vase directly at the television screen.

Within seconds, his attention shifted to her slightly bulging pregnant stomach underneath her buttoned-up dress when he pinned her hard against the wall. That's when she knew there would be hell to pay.

"So that's why you've been ignoring my calls!" he roared, as he clenched his fist and slammed it down on the crystal table for the second time, smashing the whole thing to pieces on impact. She backed up against the wall, at how explosive his temper was.

"You are fuckin' pregnant with Derek's second child," he bellowed, the whole room shaking in terror. "Tell me why was I the last to know? Is that how little I mean to you!"

She looked at him, horror-stricken." N-No please," she begged, wondering why he had only noticed now." I don't want any trouble, please. " She wasn't only fearing for her life now, but she was also fearing for her unborn child too.

"That baby in there should be mine, not his!"

Before she could fight her way past him, he caught up to her in no time and aggressively pinned her against the wall again. He caged his arms around her, so she couldn't move, all the while yanking her hair even harder this time. "And just where do you think you're going!" he hissed at her."I warned you, bitch and now you gonna pay."

His fist connected with her jaw, causing her head to bounce back against the wall, while he cornered her, striking her relentlessly across her face now, temporally blinding her.

"Bitch," he screamed at her face, as his fists just kept pummeling into her, each blow reverberating through her skull. Melissa could see nothing but stars flashing right before her eyes. Every time he hit her, she kept thinking he would aim for her stomach next and try kill the unborn child inside her.

"Lying, fucking whore!" he continued screaming in her ears, every word clenching around her heart, paralysing her to her core. "I thought you were different... I thought you weren't like all the other lying cheating whores out there, but I guess I was wrong."

"Please, David, stop it you are hurting me," she choked out, feeling the pain searing through her, the harder he ripped into her. Her heart plummeted in her throat as he backed away from her and placed his hands over his head, releasing her, but only for a second.

" Now look at what you gone and made me do," he sputtered, his voice low and almost filled with contrition. "I told you that I don't want to fuckin' hurt you, but you never listen. You never learn. Why give Derek everything I have ever wanted? Why fuckin' put a knife in my heart for the second time? Fucking hell, Melissa you breaking my heart to pieces."

He pressed himself right up against her again and kissed her softly on the lips, while he held her face close to his as if he were sorry for what he had just done, but she couldn't whether he was feigning it or not.

" You are killing me, Melissa and you don't fuckin' care," he sobbed, tears almost filling the brim of his eyes. " You should be having my babies...Not his."

"I'm sorry," she muttered, cowering away from him, her jaw still throbbing in pain from where he'd repeatedly struck her across the face so many times." I never meant to hurt you," she sniffled." She couldn't believe she was apologising to him, but she needed to construct a plan, even if it meant deceiving him into thinking she wanted him.

" It's just a lot has happened in my life," she explained trying to sound as if she were warming up to him now. "I came home today and realised Holly and my sister are out there somewhere. I need to go look for my sister. Please, David let me go find them."

The putrid smell, of brandy, and tobacco was strong on his breath, but there was no escaping it. There was no escaping him. He leaned forward, his features softening now.

"Please, David! I need to find my sister April something has happened and-"

"Hush now, baby, girl," he said in a soothing, calm voice, bringing his face closer, his intoxicated, breath radiating on her, sickening her. " I guess I am just gonna have to put a baby in there real soon. "

She pulled her face in disgust, feeling his hands brushing along her stomach, assuring her that he meant every word. He grabbed her trembling hand, forcing her to touch his firm chest.

"You feel that sugar?" he asked, keeping her hand steady.

" This is what you do to me every time I see your beautiful face enter the room... I can't count how many times I used to drive past your window each night, wanting to rip Derek's throat out because I wanted what he had so bad I could taste it."

He ogled her body up and down, with lust filling his eyes, and said," how many times I would wank myself off just thinking of those tits."

She never saw it coming when he ripped off the buttons of her dress, exposing her breasts and murmured, while he licked his lips. "Mmm, so beautiful. I wanna suck 'em."

He was pinching and turning her nipples hard through her ripped dress, hurting her. It was then that the thought of him raping her started to enter her mind.

"No, please," she started to scream, feeling his hands groping her all over her body, making their way down towards her panties. "Please don't do this to me. I am begging you."

"You have a beautiful body, Melissa," he whispered, brushing a hand along, her cheek but she pushed it away on cue. " And you have no idea what you do to mine."

"Please, " she sobbed, her voice hoarse and her throat arid from how much she'd been crying." Please don't do this to me. I will give you anything you want. Just don't do this to me."

"Oh, sugar," he said kneading his fingers through her hair." Don't you know, there ain't nothing I want more than anything in this world, but you."

She fought the impulse to knee him hard in the groin and flee for her life, but it was as if he had instinctively read her mind.

Grabbing her hand again, he placed it against his chest and began to squeeze her wrist, causing her to scream, as she felt a stabbing pain radiate throughout her entire body.

Before she knew what hit her, David slammed his body into hers, forcing her to swallow a scream when he cupped her breast in his hand and took all of it into his mouth as if he had been permitted to, while he squeezed and tugged at the other one with his unoccupied hand.

After he did that for several minutes, he switched to her other breast and repeated what he had just done all over again, driving her further into a state of despair as he went to work, pressing both his thumb and his index finger on them, squeezing and pulling, hurting her.

Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, she felt him slide one of his hands down between her legs and grab the scalloped edge of her panties. He dragged them across with his fingers, until he ripped them right off, granting his admission to her with ease.

He gave her a mischievous grin, as he just stared at her down there, his fingers making their way to her opening, at a swift and steady pace, her head starting to spin when she knew what she was in for.

Releasing a loud inaudible gasp, she backed up hard against the wall, feeling him slip two of his fingers inside her and with one single thrust, he began to pump in and out of her with hard, rapid, jerking movements.

"Please," she pleaded in soft quivering cries, not wanting to succumb to his manipulations in trying to please her. " Let me go... Stop this." She could feel the tears streaming down her cheeks when he wasted no time and shifted to her other breast, while he probed her with his fingers down there like a man with no self-control.

"Stop this... Please." She started to jerk her head from side to side in a frantic effort to release herself from his grip, even though she knew it was hopeless. No matter how much she fought back or begged for him to stop, he just carried on, ignoring every cry, every whimper, never caring about her feelings other than his own.

She felt this chill creep into the room and stab at her skin, when he leaned forward, his hot breath sending shivers up her spine, giving her a look, that told her, she was all his for the taking.

"Mmm, I think you can do better than that," he said with a teasing smirk, his hands inspecting every inch of her skin, her curves and then her breasts again. "You know you want this as badly as I do...So stop fighting it and let me blow your mind."

She could feel his erection digging in her hip, the more he sucked on her breasts and pried his fingers greedily inside her, trying to reach her G-spot, as if his life depended on it.

"Come for me, sugar," he moaned in short, heavy breaths. " I want you to come for me so bad."

Squeezing her eyes shut she compartmentalized her growing anxiety when she went back to the first time she was intimate with Derek.

The first time, he brought her to orgasm by doing exactly what David was doing to her now. She wasn't sure why but it somehow managed to make the hopelessness of the situation she had no control over, feel less traumatising for her.

After what had felt like a lifetime of him doing this to her, Melissa's skin started to tingle the faster he picked up momentum. That's when she could feel her knees beginning to quake as the juices started flowing out of her and down her leg. She knew it was coming.

She could feel it building up inside her, all at once. This undeniable wave of guilt-ridden pleasure, screaming to come out of her, the more he went deeper, harder, violating her with his hand.

The closer she was to climaxing the faster her heart started pounding in her chest, her breathing becoming erratic, each time another new intense wave began to circulate inside her.

Even though she never wanted to give David the satisfaction of bringing her to orgasm, she knew she wouldn't be able to stop it. She hadn't had a man touch her like this in so long. It was only a matter of time before her body would have inevitably surrendered to the pleasure he was giving her.

All it took was him sliding his fingers deeper inside her once more, while he twisted and turned at her nipple and with a loud ecstatic groan from her lips, she ended up unwillingly relieving herself on his fingers.

He gave her a sly smirk before releasing her from his grip, the weight of his body easing off her simultaneously.

Just when she thought this nightmare would never end, he stepped away from her the second she reached an orgasm, his eyes snapping back to reality when he realised it was over as quickly as it began.

She cringed trying to mask her obvious disgust when he impudently took the hand that he'd just used to violate her body with, and shoved both fingers into his mouth. Licking the taste of her off his lips, he grinned back at her with a look of achievement etched on his face, that made her sick to her stomach.

" Derek never deserved you, you know that right?" he said, as he caressed her with the back of his hand over her tear-stained cheeks, catching the tears as they fell.

" All I wanted to do was to make you feel good, baby girl," he said huskily
into her ear, trailing his finger down there for the second time. "Don't hate me for wanting to please you because Derek no longer can."

She instinctively flinched and backed away as soon as he did that, not wanting to relive that nightmare all over again. But he didn't seem all that inclined to slide his fingers inside her like before. Instead, he just nibbled fiercely on the bottom lobe of her ear for a little while, before shifting, lightly sinking his perfect white teeth into the nape of her neck.

It was as if he were trying to be affectionate towards her, but she jerked her head away from him in revulsion, refusing to look at him. She hated him and just wanted him to leave her alone. He disgusted her.

Without leaving herself open for him to do that to her again, Melissa covered her exposed breasts, after she started crying inconsolably and begged for David to stop doing this to her, but he still paid no heed to her pleas for him to let her go.

"Listen to me, Melissa because I am only gonna tell you this once, you hear?" He held her close to him, reinforcing the firm grip he had on her again, as a painful reminder that he wasn't done with her yet.

" I got a whole future planned out for us, but you need to work with me; not against me. Because I swear to God, baby girl, once we're together, you will forget Derek and wonder why you never chose to make it work with me in the first place."

He described how happy they would be together as if he were planning out the rest of their lives like he was reading a script of a movie to Melissa and expected her to fall in line with every outrageous demand he threw at her. He started to hold her close to him now, raking his fingers through her hair, his features softening, trying to console her.

"I know I may have told a lot of women this in my life and never meant it but with you, I can honestly say that I mean it when I say that I love you," he whispered in her ear. " I love you so much. No one gets me like you do, baby girl. We belong together. I knew it from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I knew I just had to have you."

He met her gaze with a look that said, you are mine, so start getting used to it now.

She started to cry even harder, pushing him away until she realised her efforts of trying to escape him were fruitless and gave up when she cried into the collar of his shirt, wishing she could die rather than spend the rest of her life with him.

"The next child you have is gonna be with me and I want it to be a little girl, you hear me?" he assured her, trying to lean in and kiss her, almost as if he were trying to drop the Patrick Bateman act again, but she pushed him away from her feeling nothing but contempt and disgust for him.

She could never love him, the way she loved Derek no matter what he said or did. Why was this happening? she thought, her pitiful cries beginning to turn into pitiful murmurs when she cried herself sick into his shirt, hating him for what he did to her, but hating herself more for allowing it. Can't he see how much pain he is causing me?

"I have always wanted a little girl, that would be as beautiful as her mama." Her heart stopped beating after he said that. He was digging in his pocket, searching for something until he stopped once he retrieved it.

" I have been giving this a lot of thought," he said, clearing his throat as he clenched tightly to whatever he was holding in his hands behind him.

He looked up at her, sweeping his blonde hair from his eyes, as the light bounced on his features. For once he looked almost normal to her." I want to spend the rest of my life with you and the kids, sugar. What do you say?"

He relinquished his hold on her, as soon as he got down on one knee and bestowed her with a small box that was beautifully wrapped in blue and gold silk paper. For a startling moment, she thought he was going to propose to her when she realised it was an engagement ring that he was holding in his hands.

It had been a magnificent ring - three times more expensive and bigger than the one Derek had given her. It was set in white gold with a brilliantly sparkling diamond rock in the centre of it.

He looked at her, holding up the box with a glint in his eyes that represented someone who had lost all sense of reality, and said," Will you do me the honour of becoming my queen, Darling?"

Total word count: 4467k

What will Melissa's answer be? Stay tuned to find out!


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