An Old Battle

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Kai's POV

This day is becoming weird...what was the light all about? And why isn't Jay telling me anything that happened back in that alley?

I decided to go to my room and lay down until I heard a thud coming from Lloyd's room. I went to his room and I knocked on his door. "Lloyd? What's going on in there?" I asked. "Oh! My computer chair fell down! I-I'm fine..!" Lloyd answered back.
"May I come in?" I asked once again and he opened the door.
"What's up,Kai?" He greeted. "Oh nothing...I was just worried about you.." I said as I scratched my head. " do know well that I'm always fine.." He smiled at me. And he closed the door on my face.

That smile almost looked like......a fake smile.

Alex's POV

"Bro? What's wrong?" I asked as I watched Jay and he looked like he seen a ghost..
"Nothing Alex...I'm fine..." He said as he went out of the room.
I raised an eyebrow...
Something's definitely wrong..

Jay's POV

Why did I saw Lloyd's evil double? This doesn't make any sense!
We saw them getting pulled into a portal and went back into their alternate reality...And Lloyd's evil double is nice to us and he helped us defeat Kai's evil double and our evil doubles.

This is getting me confused and I heard a table move in Sensei's room. So I decided to check it out and I went into Sensei's room.

Sensei isn't here because he's with Misako somewhere else. I saw a scroll on his desk and I opened it.

It's an old story or battle?

Between fire and wind?


"What are you doing here?" A familiar voice asked behind me.

I was surprised to see Lloyd at the doorway. He was crossing his arms and he was giving me a....glare?

"O-Oh..! I-I was just...uh..." I was at loss of words and I didn't know what to say but for some reason..Lloyd is still glaring at me as if he's getting impatient. Wow..I never seen this side of Lloyd.

I sighed. "I heard a sound coming from this room so I decided to check it out.." I answered. His glare faded and instead a happy expression appeared on his face.

"Oh ok! Sorry Jay! I thought someone was trying to rob this place cause I also heard a noise." Lloyd said as he giggled.

"Uh huh..hehehehe...yeah..sure.." I laughed,nervously.

I walked out of the room and left him alone...

That's chapter 2!
Thank you for reading and also introducing a new character: Alex or Jayline Walker!

Stay tuned for chapter 3!

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