Secret Friendship PT.1

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Everything was dark.

Lloyd woke up in a jolt. He saw he's back in his tent and groans silently and lied down on his sleeping bag.

After that misunderstanding with Jay,they already know everything and why...

Lloyd wanted to take a walk but he's bothered by that dream or memory last night.


Lloyd woke up on his bed in his patient room. He realized he's back again and cried silently. He didn't want this...

After all of that,torturing and experimenting with his evil 'friends' and the others.

He wanted to die. 

He sat on a couch and looked outside the window and sighed as he felt like crying again since Ninjago City is nothing but an evil city ruled by HIM.

Lloyd went back to his bed and slept because the doctors got him experimented and he can dream anything or he can be a dream demon.

Lloyd opened his eyes and saw he's sitting on a meadow. The sky was clear and everywhere was grass and flowers and there's a tree nearby.

Lloyd summoned a rock and stepped on it and the rock grew taller that it's like a waterfall.

Lloyd felt the cool breeze,it was like the days he would go and open the window of his room and feel the air.

He woke up again and looked at the window and sighed.

He just wanted life to go back the way it is.

He walked to the door but he realized he's a experiment..

A very dangerous one.

He can feel Morro's presence smirking behind him.

He just walked away from the door and opened his closet and wore a black long sleeved shirt and wore a white shirt with short sleeved shirt,covering it.

He took black shorts from his drawer and wore shoes.

He slowly walked to the door and turned the knob.

And the door opened.

Sorry it's short..
I and my family have been through a lot lately like me and my friends and my neighborhood almost got murdered by a crazy man from another neighborhood.

Like..I also got almost killed because we were playing volleyball outside and suddenly my cousin,Monet113 screamed that there's a man behind me,holding a knife and he put a handkerchief on my mouth and my neighbor saved me by fighting him off and I ran away with my friends and cousins and everybody ran to their homes.

We were panicking in our houses. It was not only one I heard after the incident. It was a group..well the one who tried to kill me already died but the others didn't.

Me and Monet113 were crying because we were scared to death when we were hiding in my aunt's closet upstairs.

Then hours later...Monet decided to get out of the closet and left me and she came back and said the coast's clear.

My best friend got murdered and my first playmate I had in my life had cuts all over him.

Ok that's the story why.

I'm sorry guys...I'm not able to update until tomorrow or friday.

Not until me and my neighborhood are allowed to go outside.

My life is now basically like Lloyd's.

I'm just here in my house,hiding in my room with my group of friends..who are messing with my computer XD.

So yeah..this is a LIVE UPDATE.

Like right now yeah..

I almost forgot my promise that I will update last May 24.

So sorry bout that.

I just hate making promises..because last time I made one.

It did'nt end well..that's why I stopped now because I made a promise and because of that..all of us almost got killed on the day I made a promise.

Which was May 24.

In loving memory of my best friend, Lee.

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