42 Calvin Street(2)

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Sagittariuses P.O.V

We had walked into the house. I first noticed how creaky the wood was when I stepped on the first stair. It let out a loud creak, and scared us half to death. "Why are we doing this again?" Taurus asked. "For science." Gemini said walking ahead of me creaking the entire way up the stairs.

Gemini was nice. She had long brown hair and vibrant green eyes that matched her energetic personality. She was short, probably around five feet, so I towered over her. Her voice always had a firm tone, as if she always knew what she wanted and when. It was powerful and I liked that.

Taurus on the other hand was the opposite. She was tall with short black hair and dark onyx eyes that shone brightly depending on her mood. Her voice was sweet and soft, but was loud at the same time. I think that she was much cuter than Gemini, not that I like either of them.

Everyone followed Gemini and gathered at the front door. Gemini looked at each one of us, probably for reassurance. We all nodded at her and her hand slowly approached door. It was like in a cliche horror movie were the main characters were entering the creepy house for some stupid reason. Now that I think about it, why are we entering this old and abandoned house? It was to late to think though, Gemini had opened the door.

We filed in through the door and into what looked like a living room. "This is really weird guys." Libra said, he looked panicky. "Well no duh Sherlock. It's an old abandoned house." Taurus said looking at Libra as if he were a moron. "No, not that. There's no cobwebs, or dust. You know, the normal stuff you'd find in a house like this." Libra said.

Now that he said that, it does look strange without all the dust and webs. It's as if someone had cleaned it all. "Yikes!" Gemini said and we all turned around and saw a hand on her shoulder. "Gemini! I'll help you! HIYAH!" Taurus shouted kicking the person to the ground. The person laid there holding their stomach in the place Taurus kicked then. Did I mention Taurus was in heels?

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Gemini shouted still scared. "I'm, Virgo." The person wheezed. He sounded like a nerd. He just had that cliche nerd sound. He got up and we could see him better. He was really short. He had short blond hair and a childish face. He had small light brown eyes that seemed to glow. I gotta say, he was way cooler looking than me, except his voice doesn't fit his looks.

"Why are you here? We're you going to murder us?" Taurus asked Virgo. "Did you get a weird letter?" The kid asked standing up and dusting off his clothes. "I won't tell you until I know you won't murder us." Taurus said stubbornly. Libra stepped in front of Taurus, she didn't like that. "Yes, yes we did." Libra said. "Alright, follow me upstairs." The boy said and started walking to a staircase. Everyone followed him.

He had led us to a bedroom. We walked in and saw several others there. "Woah, weird." I said sitting down in a chair near the corner of the room. "Alright, that was all the letters received." Virgo said to a man who was towering over us all. "Good, let me start by having everyone introduce themselves." The man said in a booming voice.

He pointed to a kid sitting next to him. "I'm Capricorn Goat. It's nice to meet you." The kid said. He looked scary. He had glasses that made his grey eyes look larger and scarier. He had long messy silver hair that covered his eye when it fell out of place. He looked way to serious for me.

Then a girl sitting next on the bed spoke. "I'm Aries, Aries Ram." She announced. She had a strong and loud voice. She had Amber eyes full of power and long dark scarlet hair. I couldn't tell if she was tall or short since she was sitting. She had crossed her arms as if she were mad.

The next kid spoke. "My name is Pisces Fish!" A girl said from across the room. She had a happy voice and beautiful flowing golden hair that reached her waist. She had mismatching eye colors, which made her even prettier. One eye was bright blue and the other dark green. She was in a small frilly pink dress that reached her knees.

Another boy spoke. "My name is Cancer." He said in a small voice, it had a sweet tone in it thought too. He was short, very short. He had messy black untamed hair. His eyes were a shade of hazel that shined brightly. He clearly was not used to the idea of traveling to weird places with only a day or two's notice, but I wasn't exactly used to that either.

Then the man started speaking again. "We were going to wait until you found each other and your special items to get you here, but it seems like they arrived much earlier than expected." His loud said voice causing the air to shake. "What? I'm sorry but you've lost me." Gemini said sitting down in a chair. "You're a zodiac. There are only twelve people in all of Elequiste that can be called that. You have access to the magic withing the planet that normal people can't use without special items that are hard to find," the man started explaining looking at us four, "All you need is an everyday item that will grant you special access, we still have no clue how it works, it just does." The man said.

I was lost. I had no clue why I was here. Wait, why am I here!? This house is creepy! How did I not notice this, or the danger, I mean like danger so maybe that's why? Surely Libra would've stopped me, he hates to do stupid stuff that I like to do. I started to slouch in my chair, I'm so confused.

"I see the attraction charm has worn off." The man said calmly while looking at me sitting in the chair. "Attraction charm?" Libra asked. "Yes, we put a special potion on your letters and had to have a special postman who is resistant to the stuff deliver it to you. We also had a strong spell cast on the house to get you in here, I mean, it's an abandoned house on an abandoned street. No one wants to go in that." The man said with a bit of humor in his voice.

"Now, let me get to the important stuff, questions later," he said stopping Taurus and Gemini from asking questions, "An evil force from a different realm has come back. They want to destroy the world and take it as their own, only the twelve zodiacs can stop the evil force, that's where you come into play. You all need to quickly discover how to summon the magic of the planet at will and other things, like manners," he side glanced at Aries, "All we need to do now is wait for the four remaining zodiacs to arrive." And with that final word there was a pause. No one said anything, we were just trying to comprehend the information and situation. I was not having a normal day, in fact, I might not ever have another normal day again.

I was entering a new and different world. Finally the silence was broken by Taurus. "What the heck! Why did you need us to come here, to this specific spot!?" She yelled at the man. "Because of this." Then he pressed a button that I hadn't noticed on the table. Nothing happened. "Just wait a moment." We continued to wait, then Aries spoke up. "Your doors broke again." She said sourly. "Thank you caption obvious, but it hasn't, last time it did because of a gear failure in the poor design. This time it is impossible to break because of the new gear design, it just takes longer." He said standing up as one of the floorboards started to open revealing a staricase. "Woah, awesome." I said in awe at the floorboards opening.

"Please, follow me." He said getting up and walking down the stairs. We all followed him down the spiraling staricase. "This is just like in a the movies." I heard Libra say. It really was, the main characters, us, all going to discover something really cool or important. My thought was cut off though by someone shoving me down the stairs. I started falling faster and faster. "EEK!" I heard Pisces shriek as I knocked her down and we both started falling down the stairs. Finally we reached the bottom. I couldn't feel my right arm or leg since I had landed on them, and oh boy did it hurt! I was wincing in pain and looked over at Pisces who was in tears holding her left leg. The giant man came running through the entrance we tumbled out from. How did he not get hit by us?

"Pisces, quickly drink this, all of it." He said bending down next to the girl, who looked like an ant next to him. "Sagittarius, are you okay?" He asked, I gave him a quick nod even though my entire body was filled with screaming pain. Then the rest showed up, Aries was laughing. "AAHHHHH!" I saw Gemini scream, but why? I looked back at Pisces and noticed the pool of blood she was sitting in, she had broken her leg. I'm really stupid for not noticing that earlier.

"Aries, you've gotten the tour already. Go to your room." The man said. He looked mad and sounded mad, and it was scary. Aries clearly thought that too, because she quickly scampered off holding in a laugh. What a jerk. "Alright, sorry for that Pisces, Sagittarius. Let's start the tour." The man said. "But, but! The blood, and, and the girl!" Taurus said frantically pointing at the blood and Pisces. "Oh, she'll be fine." He said getting up, and sure enough so did she. "Wow." Was all I could say, not just at Pisces walking, but what I was seeing in this new world I was forcefully being shoved into all at once, and it was amazing.


I am so sorry it took me so long to write this! I have been having a pretty bad day, slash week, slash two weeks. Yeah, not fun. I won't go into details, just a bunch of shit happened all at once and so basically an entire week of plans got screwed up. Not to mention school, oh boy, school. That's an entirely different subject.

Well, I'm in a slightly better mood, mostly because the one thing payed off(I got first chair for viola in a special thing my school does and also all state, which is a pretty big deal, since you have to audition for it.) That's probably the main reason why my mood increased, also go carts. They're awesome.

But, let's talk chapter! How was it? See any foreshadowing, realize anything(other than Aries is a jerk.) I'll update my other book soon, I hope. Maybe even twice, we'll just have to see. Oh well, have a beautiful day or night, too-da-loo!

Sincerely Zodi.

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