Chapter Four

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   I kinda sorta laughed out loud when I received that text from Rowan. And it looks like she sent it to the entire school too. " Umm, what?" I laughed nervously.

   " All the teachers have disappeared?" Serena asked. Her face was horrified.

   " But why?" Chloe asked at the same time as Conner.

   " How are we supposed to know?!" Serena panicked. " Why are teachers gone anyways?"

   " That's what we asked you!"

   " Oh this is bad, this is really really bad," I muttered.

   " Maybe whoever is controlling these exercises wants to get rid of anything that gets in the way of exercises," Dean suggested.

   " Let's just go."

   " Great, let's leave, I'm sure something can fix this." Serena immediately left the room. The rest of us looked at each other then followed her.

   We headed back to the cafeteria, and found just about everyone else there too, unsure what to do.

    " Hey! Rowan, you sent that text right? How do you know they're gone?" someone shouted angrily.

    " They're nowhere! Not even in the teachers' lounge!" She shouted back.

    " Well, what do we do now?" someone else shouted.

    " Go home!" another person said.

   Rowan looked at me. " Eh, couldn't hurt," I said.  

     " Good point."

     Rowan and I started leaving the cafeteria, and soon, everyone else did too. We said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways. I was living with Gran at the time, and so off to the Thirty-third Segment I go.

     When I arrive, I greet Gran and eat a snack. There really isn't much to do right now, so everybody's waiting on the scientists to clear the air. They've come up with a way to attach wings to someone so they can fly, but you can't wear an oxygen mask while doing it.

    I was hoping for something interesting to happen. And something did.

A/N So a filler chapter with another cliffhanger. Not as big as the last one though. :)

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