Ch. 17

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Ch. 17

They made it back to camp in a few hours.

Daedalus had come willingly with them. The old inventor had spoke shamefully about how the two girls had snuck unnoticed into his workshop and threatened his life if he didn't give them Ariadne's string. After he had given them the string, the two huntresses had forced him into a chair and bound him in chains. He seemed embarrassed by the fact that he'd been defeated so easily but when they told him that Zoe and Phoebe were millennia old hunters, he seemed to accept that he really had no chance once they broke into his workshop.

No one was surprised by his story but Clarisse couldn't help but ask how it was that he looked like middle aged stepfather despite being like two thousand years old.

Daedalus looked like a cornered animal when they all looked for his answer but eventually relented under Clarisse's withering gaze, explaining how he had figured out millennia ago that he could transfer his mortal soul into an automaton in order to continue his life.

They all had trouble believing that the demigod before them was actually an automaton until Daedalus pulled a panel off the side of his neck, revealing the mechanical gears that made up his body.

Their questions quickly dried up after that, all of them too disturbed by the thought of a mortal soul living inside the body of a machine.

Celyn led them back, the journey surprisingly quick as she navigated the maze like she trekked through it daily.

They arrived back at camp a little before midnight, forced to navigate their way through the woods from Zeus' fist with only the moonlight to guide them. The camp was silent when they finally made it back to the cabin area. Celyn left them for the Artemis Cabin while Grover, Clarisse, Daedalus and Thalia headed for the Big House. They had to wake Chiron up but once he realized who it was and that they had all made it back safely, he happily ushered them all into the living room to hear their story.

Over cups of tea, the three questers recounted everything to the old centaur while Daedalus listened in respectful silence as he sat in a chair in the back of the room. Chiron did not seem surprised about the revelation of how Daedalus managed to survive all these years. He eyed the automaton/demigod briefly but gave him a small smile before gesturing for Thalia to continue her story.

She gave her account of their encounter with Pan. Unlike the revelation about Daedalus, Chiron appeared to age decades in the matter of minutes as he listened to her speak of Pan's imprisonment and declaration of loyalty to Perseus. He tried to hide his worried expression but they could all see how much the story bothered him. Chiron gave a meaningful glance to Grover who just lowered his head, making Chiron's frown deepen. Once Grover finally looked up, an unspoken conversation seemed to happen between them with Grover finally nodding slowly, leaving Chiron looking satisfied.

Thalia and Clarisse both watched Chiron and Grover curiously but neither wanted to ask what they seemed to be debating with their eyes. With their recounting the details of their quest finished, Chiron ushered them off to bed, offering Daedalus a room in the Big House. Despite their protests and attempts to ask questions about Pan, he told the two girls that they needed their rest, the attack on camp could come any day and Thalia and Clarisse would be needed to lead the camp's defenses.

As both girls left the big house, Grover stayed on the porch with Chiron. Through their entire trek back he had been unusually quiet. Their experience in the cave of Pan had clearly rattled the satyr and he seemed to be waiting for them to leave so he could speak to Chiron alone.

Thalia wanted to stay and hear what Chiron and Grover would discuss but knew better than to argue with Chiron once his mind was made up. She ushered Clarisse towards the cabins despite her reluctance to leave without hearing what Chiron had to say about Pan.

Thalia made her way to the empty Zeus cabin and plopped down her pack full of supplies from the quest as soon as she stepped inside. She didn't bother changing out of her grimy clothes and basically collapsed onto her mattress, the fatigue of the journey finally catching up with her.

Within seconds, she was fast asleep.

Thalia turned her head and stared at her twin brother. The look on his face made her nervous. In their centuries of life, she had never seen him with such a serious and somber expression on his face.

"Apollo," she whispered, "Where are we going?"

He didn't reply. Instead, he just continued to lead her into the forest, his hands fidgeting nervously as he walked deeper into the woods.

She continued to follow him, further away from the encampment of her hunters. She had no idea what was wrong but she was too worried about what had Apollo so scared to stop following.

After a few more minutes, they stepped into a small clearing where a modest campfire burned.

A single form stood on the other side of the blaze, his face concealed under the hood of a dark cloak. Thalia stopped, her senses telling her that she was walking into danger.

"Sister," Apollo hissed, stopping a few feet into the clearing, "Come on. You need to speak to him."

"Speak to who?" Thalia asked, her stomach curdling at the way her brother spoke. She could tell he was scared of whoever this was and that made her nervous.

"Daughter," a familiar voice boomed from across the fire. Thalia's eyes went wide and she immediately stepped forward and lowered her head, worried about what had brought her father down to the mortal world to speak to her. In all her years of life, Zeus had never come down from Olympus just to talk to her. Whenever she was in trouble, he simply summoned her to Olympus. The fact that he was here in the forest, hiding his face, made her stomach tie into knots.

"Father," she said respectfully.

Zeus waited until she lifted her head before removing his hood so she could see his face. His electrifying blue eyes bore into her, like they were trying to look into her soul. The expression on his face made her very nervous. She had always been one of his favorites but now he looked at her with such a cold and calculating gaze that she knew she wasn't going to like this conversation.

"Apollo tells me you have something you need to tell me," Zeus said with a dangerous edge to his voice.

Thalia looked up, staring at Apollo in shock. He met her eyes but they only showed shame and sadness. He looked like he wanted to say something but seemed unable to find his voice. He just looked down, unable to keep her gaze any longer.

"I don't understand," she said, trying to keep the fear out of her voice. "What would I need to tell you that I couldn't in front of the council?"

Zeus' face tightened but he seemed to be trying to control his temper.

"I have heard that some of the gods are not pleased with the way I rule. They plan to stage a coup to remove me from my throne as King of Olympus." Zeus said, cutting right to the chase, another sign that he was far angrier than he was letting on.

Thalia stared at her father, her face giving no signs of deceit, "Father," she began but was cut off by Zeus.

"Don't lie to me, child!" Thunder boomed overhead and lightning flashed across the sky. "I know such a plan exists. Now tell me what you know!"

Thalia felt a shiver go down her spine but she kept her father's gaze, slowly shaking her head, "Father, I know nothing of a plan to challenge you." Her tone was quiet but confident, her face trying to show her conviction.

Zeus' face reddened a little before he seemed to calm himself. He glanced at Apollo but the sun god did not meet his father's eyes.

"Apollo tells me differently," Zeus said coldly, "Are you telling me that he is a liar?"

Thalia's eyes turned to Apollo, her expression a combination of disbelief and anger. When Apollo finally looked up, she immediately knew it was true, his guilt plastered all over his face. If she could, Thalia would have run him through right then and there.

But under the withering glare of Zeus, she could do nothing but look at her twin with confusion.

"I don't know what Apollo told you," she said earnestly, "but I'm telling you father, I don't know what you're talking about."

Zeus stared at her for a long moment but she managed to keep her eyes locked with his, not wavering at all. Finally, Zeus looked away, his expression darkening.

"I know you're lying, Artemis," Zeus shook his head. "Apollo has told me everything. I know you're protecting him. He is behind this plot to overthrow me. I pray that Apollo is right and you're not involved. But if you're going to continue to lie to me, then I'll have to assume you're just as guilty as him."

Thalia felt like she'd been stabbed in the gut. She looked at Apollo but this time he refused to meet her eyes, further confirming her father's words.

"Apollo is a fool," she said coldly. "I don't understand why you would believe anything he tells you."

"Daughter," Zeus growled, "I am offering you a chance. A chance to spare yourself punishment. I know what is coming and it will fail. Tell me what you know and I promise you will go unpunished. You can marry Apollo and we will erase Pereus from the histories of Olympus. We will stop this coup and punish the traitors, creating a stronger, more unified Olympus."

Thalia took a step back, her mind reeling a bit, "Marry Apollo?" She asked disbelievingly, "Even if what he told you were true and Perseus was a traitor, which he is not, I would rather cast myself off Olympus than marry Apollo."

Thalia looked at Apollo who still didn't meet her eyes, though the look on his face told her that her words had been like a punch to his gut. He looked embarrassed and crestfallen, like he had actually expected her to think Zeus' scenario was one she would like. This only made her anger grow as her mind immediately went to the idea that Apollo was trying to sell out Perseus so he could marry her in his place. He had always been jealous of Perseus, but she never thought he was capable of this. She silently vowed to skewer her twin as soon as their father was gone.

"Father," she almost yelled, "Apollo is trying to play you for a fool. He is trying to remove Perseus, thinking I would marry him if he was gone." She turned to Apollo, "But if it came down to it, I would rather fade into the abyss of Chaos than spend eternity married to him."

She thought this would help to sway her father but Zeus' face only became angrier, "Apollo only told me the truth after I threatened to cast Leto in Tartarus! The idea of marrying you off to Apollo was my idea! Perhaps you need a similar incentive to the one I gave him."

Zeus waved his hand and one of her hunters stood about twenty feet to their left. The huntress, Althaia, looked around confused until her eyes landed her her mistress. Thalia made to step forward when Zeus raised his arm, his master bolt appearing in his hand.

Without warning, he launched the bolt, striking Althaia in the back and disintegrating her body into cinders.

Thalia cried out, running to the pile of dust that were the remains of her hunter as tears streamed down her eyes. She tried to collect the remains of her huntress but the granules just slid through her fingers like they were nothing but sand from a beach.

Zeus glared at her and waved his hand again, another huntress appearing twenty feet to their right. Thalia cried out, "Iantha!"

Zeus already had his bolt in hand, firing it into the huntress and turning her into a shower of dust just as he did Althaia

Thalia waled loudly, the pain of losing her loyal hunters shattering her heart into pieces. She had rescued these girls and promised them safety from the cruelty of men. And now, it was because of her that they were suffering at the hands of a cruel man.

Zeus did not relent, he waved his hand again and another huntress appeared right in front of him. Thalia let out a primal scream of panic, "Leda! Run!" The huntress followed her mistresses orders and took off in a sprint but before she made it ten feet, she was struck with a monstrous bolt of lightning, turning her to ashes as quickly as her sisters.

"STOP!" Thalia pleaded. "Please! Just stop!"

Zeus waved his hand yet again and another huntress appeared right in front of Thalia. Before she could react, Zeus flung another bolt, turning the young girl into dust. Thalia fell to her knees, sobbing loudly with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Are you ready to tell me the truth or should I go through the rest of your hunters?"

Thalia controlled her sobs and looked up at her father, the remorseless expression on his face told her that he would go through every single one of her hunters if he didn't hear what he wanted.

"Okay! Okay!" She whimpered, "Just please, stop."

"Tell me, daughter," Zeus said sounding quite pleased with himself, "Other than you husband, who is behind this treason?"

Thalia hesitated, realizing she would be selling out the love of her life. Zeus noticed her reluctance and waved his hand, another huntress, Phile, who had just joined her hunt, barely eleven years old, appeared in front of him. He prepared to launch his bolt when Thalia threw herself in front of the girl.

"Poseidon, Hera, Hermes!" She cried desperately, "That's all I know. I swear father! Please, don't hurt her!"

Zeus eyed her for a minute then flicked his wrist, the huntress vanishing from her spot.

"Finally," Zeus growled, "the truth comes out. Very well, daughter. I will deal with these traitors."

"Wait," Thalia said desperately, "Please father, be merciful. He loves you, he was led astray by the other gods!"

Zeus seemed to consider this before his face hardened.

"We shall see. I will offer the traitors a chance to repent and pledge their loyalty to me. His punishment will be up to him."

Zeus seemed content as he sent a withering glare at his daughter, his face conveying the sincerity of his words, "If you ever hide anything from me, whether it is to protect Perseus or not, I will strike every hunter you have down. Then I will find your mother and cast her into the deepest depths of Tartarus. Do you understand me, child?"

Thalia's face went pale before slowly nodding, knowing their was no bluff in his threat.

"And that's not all," Zeus said darkly, "You will swear, on the lives of your hunters, that should Perseus ever come close to dethroning me, you will stop him. I will have your loyalty child. I've allowed you to roam the mortal world with your hunters out of love but if I can't trust you..." He didn't finish the threat, letting her fill in the blanks.

Thalia looked at her father in disbelief, "Father..." She shook her head, "I can't...

Zeus' nostrils flared and he raised his hand, "Perhaps you need more incentive then."

"No!" She said desperately, "I swear to you, I will do it! If it comes to it, I will stop him if I have to! Please, just don't hurt my girls."

Zeus' expression turned smug as he lowered his hand, "Wise choice, daughter. Cross me and I won't just kill your hunters, I will cast them into the depths of Tartarus itself."

Thalia gulped as she thought about what she had just done. Before she could flash away, Zeus spoke again.

"To the throne room, now!" He ordered. "I have already summoned the rest of the council."

Before she could protest, she felt her body dissolve as Zeus waved his hand towards both her and Apollo.

Thalia's vision darkened and the next thing she knew, she found herself sitting down, looking at the assembled gods around her.

Eight of the thrones were occupied while the other four Olympians stood in front of Zeus' throne, listening to him berate them for their arrogance in challenging his rule.

She sat in her silver throne, her face a mask of concentration as she had a mental argument with her husband.

'Do as father says, please Percy. You don't understand...' She said with telepathically but was cut off by Perseus.

'Stop worrying, my love,' he said back confidently. 'I know what I'm doing." He cut off their telepathic connection and she was forced to turn her attention to her father.

Thalia bit her lip as Zeus spoke, "You are all guilty of conspiring to commit treason. But as I am a merciful king, I offer you all a chance to repent. Kneel before me and pledge your loyalty and I will be merciful."

Perseus began to smirk at his words before he watched in shock as Hera, Hermes and Poseidon all knelt at the foot of his father's throne. Zeus smiled until his eyes landed on Perseus, giving him and expectant look.

Zeus continued to look at him expectantly but the God of Night stood tall, glaring back at his father defiantly.

"No," Perseus said quietly at first before gathering his courage. "No! Not anymore, father." He said loudly.

"No?" Zeus growled, "You would continue to challenge me, boy?"

Perseus set his jaw and stared up at his father confidently, "No, I will not bow to you, father. You are a terrible king. You use your power to dominate others, to rape mortals and nature spirits as you please. That is not what the a king does. No longer will I sit idly and watch you use your position for your own personal gain."

Thalia was practically screaming into his mind, pleading for him to stop and just submit so he could come home with her. He glanced back, his expression pained but also determined.

"If you will not kneel, then you will die, child." Zeus spat, his master bolt appearing in his hand as he slowly rose from his throne.

Perseus spread his arms, his obsidian black armor appearing on his body and his sword materializing in his right hand.

"If I am the only one with the courage to do it, then so be it." Perseus announced loudly, sending scathing glances at the three Olympians knelt beside him. "I Perseus, son of Zeus and Leto, formally challenge my father for the right to rule the gods."

Zeus almost fell back into his throne, blindsided by the official challenge to his right to rule in front of the entire council. He felt a small shiver run through his spine as he knew he had no choice but to accept an open challenge to his rule in front of the entire council.

The nervousness was quickly replaced by a surge of anger at the betrayal by his own child. A bolt of lightning struck the King of the Gods, causing a blinding flash. When the light disappeared, Zeus stood in front of his throne dressed in full battle armor, his master bolt gripped tightly in his hand as he glared daggers at his son.

"So be it," he seethed, "you think you can stand against me? Come forth and find your death boy!"

Zeus glanced around at his fellow Olympians, trying to gauge their reaction to the events unfolding before them. This was a mistake as Perseus was in front of him instantly, bringing his sword down in a deadly arc aimed for his neck. Zeus barely managed to raise his bolt to block the blow but was sent flying backwards into his throne with a thunderous kick from Perseus.

Zeus launched himself out of his throne and threw bolt after bolt of lightning at Perseus but his son simply vanished into shadow and reappeared to his left, his blade arcing towards his head. Zeus managed to duck and charged at him, tackling Perseus into the middle of the throne room. They both rolled away, rising to their feet with their weapons raised. Zeus swallowed hard as he realized he was in the fight of his immortal life and he had no choice but to face the battle alone, the ancients laws forbidding any interference for a direct challenge to the king's throne.

Thalia watched in pure horror as her father and husband battled in front of the entire council of gods. She felt her vision darken and fell back into her throne as she lost her battle with unconsciousness.

Her eyes snapped open and she looked down to find Perseus and Zeus, both badly injured but continuing to fight with a ferocity that only immortals were capable of. Despite not recalling the events leading up to this moment, she knew this battle had raged for close to seven days. They had battled their way off Olympus and had been spreading death and devastation throughout the mortal world as their fight had rolled through half of Greece.

Suddenly, Thalia felt a presence in her mind, one that made her blood curdle.

'Remember your oath, daughter," she heard Zeus say in her head, 'stop this now and I will be still be merciful to Perseus.'

Thalia closed her eyes, unwilling to acknowledge his words.

'If you don't,' Zeus continued, 'then win or lose, I will destroy every single hunter you have. Don't be a fool Artemis. You have a chance to save both Perseus and your hunters. If you don't then they will all die.'

Thalia opened her eyes and saw that Perseus had Zeus staggering back, his master bolt nowhere in sight. Perseus kicked Zeus' legs out from under him, leaving the King of the Gods sprawled on his back. Perseus was standing over him, his sword raised, prepared to finish Zeus off once and for all.

Thalia knew that even if Zeus was struck down, he would not die. At best, he would go to Tartarus where he would reform in a few decades. Then he would rise, and despite the loss of his position as King of the Gods, she wouldn't be able to protect her hunters from a powerful god like Zeus.

Without thinking, she vanished in a flash of silver, appearing in front of Perseus. The decisive blow he was about to deliver frozen at the sight of his wife standing in front of him.

"Percy," she cried, "Please, you don't understand. If you do this, then..." She was cut off as she was suddenly knocked aside. Zeus launched himself up from his prone position and jammed his master bolt into the unprotected lower stomach of Perseus.

Perseus was blasted backwards, his sword flying out of his hand as he lay on his back with golden ichor pouring from the wound in his abdomen. Zeus stood over him with his bolt in hand.

"This is you're end, son." He said the word son with so much hatred that it sounded like a curse.

Thalia jumped to her father's side, "You said you'd be merciful!" She cried, trying to put herself between her father and Perseus.

Zeus' ice cold look made Thalia shiver but he did stop his attack, "Yes," he said darkly, "I did say that, didn't I? I supposed since you kept your word to help me defeat him, then I should honor my promise."

Perseus' face looked up at her with pure shock. She could see the utter heartbreak in his eyes and it made her let out a loud sob before she could form words.

"You..." Perseus just stared uncomprehendingly at her, "You... You betrayed me? No... Not you Artemis," he whispered disbelievingly, "You're the moon to my night... You would never..."

Before Thalia could speak, Zeus brushed her aside as she could do nothing but sob. He reached down and picked the injured god up, holding him up in front of him by his breastplate.

"You are a fool, Perseus." He said with an evil satisfaction before pulling him in closer and speaking quietly. "And as you spend eternity rotting, I want you to remember the fact that it was your precious Artemis who betrayed you for me. You are nothing, boy. I am King of Olympus and even she chose me over you!"

Thalia tried to speak but before she could the earth split apart.

"Enjoy Tartarus, my son." Zeus grinned as he hurled Perseus into the chasm, casting the God of Night straight down into the depths of Tartarus.

Thalia let out a feral scream as her vision darkened and she fell to her knees, screaming uncontrollably as she watched the crevice close up and the love of her life disappeared into the abyss.

Thalia woke screaming, her face wet with tears as she slowly came back to reality. She panted in her bed, her body covered in sweat and shaking uncontrollably while she tried to calm herself down after what she'd just witnessed.

Slowly, her mind tried to comprehend what she'd seem in her dream and her mind went back to the prophecy and she felt her heart darken, unable to get the image of Zeus cruelly manipulating Artemis to help him defeat Perseus.

Her mind recalled the moment in the Labyrinth when Janus gave her the two doors and said the choice was hers. He had said they both led to camp and she slowly began to realize what the god had been asking her. She'd gone through the one that felt right but now she was wondering which one she had chosen.

A.N: Alright, so there it is. Now that we've got that out in the open, things will start moving along. The battle will come of Camp Half-Blood soon and then we'll be heading for the climax of the story. Also, I change the prophecy in chapter 13 a little... Thoughts? I know this was probably a little predictable but it makes the most sense to me so that's what I wrote.

Also: I'll get to my other stories when I'm done with this one and the Labors of Perseus story. Don't bother asking on this fic for me to update Forged Destinies. It's coming but not yet. This is the story I'm into writing right now. If you don't like this story then I'm sorry but tough shit. Sorry but then also, not really... lol

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