chapter 1

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There was a man currently walking through the woods near the city. He saw something rather odd around here, something he was looking for. You see, he was on a hunt for a demon but not any demon but the queen of them all. And he knows that she's in this city somewhere. This city is just crawling with such creatures, it makes him sick. Sure thanks to his unique appearance others may say he's like them, he doesn't think it's that unique, just white hair, a green cats eye and a red swirly, it will be something he'll get rid of in the future.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he notices a small tint of pink on the ground, its strand of hair. Picking it up he examines it, then takes out a blurred picture of the queen. It's the same color, sure there are others with the same pink hair, but if it is hers then he can finally start this experiment. All he needs is a subject, someone who is naïve, easy to lure, and easy to gain control of. He'll have a certain creation investigate with a camera hidden on it. Just simple around a area in the city,

Weeks later with Hex

Hex is currently practicing basketball alone, Carol is busy at the moment, he couldn't find Whitty near, and Sunday, well they're not very active normally. Not like he minds, he's used to playing alone. But Hex can't deny that he feels like he's being watched... It's been happening for the past few days now. He takes a look around his surroundings, nothing seems out of the ordinary.

Perhaps he's being paranoid, Hex is not normally easily unease, at least not for nothing. Is there something wrong with his coding? Maybe he should get it checked out.

He looked up at the sky, it seems that the sun is going down giving the sky an orangish color. Maybe he should get going now, grabbing his ball and taking the way to his home. It's a bit sad that he hasn't seen Whitty today, maybe Hex should check one more time. After all, what harm can that do?

Going to the alley close by, when he made it he was met with a cat. Rubbing itself against Hex's leg. He smiled and bent down to pet it, the cat moved away, went in the alley then began meowing. Confused, Hex followed, does want to show him something?

Little does he know a car parked in front of the alley. A man got out and slowly walked towards Hex. The cat keeping him distracted purred slightly. Hex was enjoying his time as he petted it. Until his vision was covered by a sack, he yelped as he grip the bag. The man that was doing this was trying a certain button while trying to the struggling robot still enough.

Eventually he found the button that he was looking for to shut Hex down. Looking at the now goopy melting cat as it tilted its head replied.

"Good Job on your assignment. Your reward will be given once we get him to the lab."


When Hex woke again he tried to get only to find out that he's strapped down on an operating table. He began to struggle to get out but it was useless, deciding to look around the area only to see a bunch of cords plugged into him. If he wasn't terrified before he is now. Then there was a slight chuckle nearby.

"Stop squirming, won't be getting out anytime soon."

Hex immediately looked where the voice came from, it was a man in the corner of the room wearing sunglasses.

"Then can you untie me! I don't know why I'm here in the first place!" Hex yelled

"No, You're here to be a vessel for our new weapon, now keep quiet." the man said going to a computer

What...? What does he mean by vessel, a new weapon?! This causes Hex to squirm even more. He's not going through something like that again!  

But alas the man on the computer began to transfer the data to the bot. There was one file of the data on the computer but it seemed pretty important.

Suddenly Hex's body immediately starts burning like he going to burn away his circuits. It made him scream in pain causing a bunch of electricity shootout of him making an outage. Then he starts to feel something growing behind him. It was black wing with cyan on the inside, parts of his body started to be covered in black and a long plug for the tail had grown. Thanks to his wings, it broke him from his restraints.

When given the chance he flew out through the door. The man screamed for his men to 'get him' but they all failed thanks to the darkness and Hex managed to escape.


By the time Hex had gotten back to the city it was already midnight. He quickly flew in an alleyway to keep hidden. Unnoticed to him, Whitty was there as well.  

"Hex? What are you doing here so late?... what happened to you?"

"long story short, I've been kidnapped and turned into this."

Before Whitty could even answer a bullet had been shot between them. They turned to see who shot it, it was a man that looked like a cloud. "This is finally the end of the line for you Whitmore." the man replied.

Out of fear Whitty took a step back, Hex immediately stepped in front of him spreading his wings to shield him. "back off." He threatened.

Shock, the man took a step back before pointing his gun at Hex, "Then I'll take you down first"

But before he could shoot, Hex flew at him and smacked his tail before he grabbed Whitty by his shoulders and flew away.


Updyke sighed, He that bot looked similar to a deity that an old friend had been working on. Now that thing is now causing problems, he'll have to get on the phone with him later.


Hex flew as far away as he could until he landed into the woods with Whitty.

"What just happened?! What happened to you?! Do you know how much you threaten your life?!" Whitty shouted worriedly.

"Well he was going to kill you! I had to do something! And this? Some sort of experiment that got kidnapped for."

Whitty sighed, great now Hex is being hunted as well. And a part of him feels like it is his fault... Hex seemed to catch on to what he was thinking.

"Hey, how about we get some sleep, it'll help us think clearly!"

"Yea let's do that."

And this was 1097 words long for this rewrite! if you read this before then you'll know this was a lot different then before. added same things and took out somethings that I'll add later in chapters. Is this gonna be the same for later Chapters? most likely no but can't be for sure. I hope you enjoy this rewrite! 

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